Anna Black, The Girl Who Live...

Door xxLumosMagicxx

542K 21.1K 13.9K

Harry Potter and Anna Black were used to a normal and boring life on Privet Drive until they each get a lette... Meer

~Important Note to the Reader~ (please read!)
1: Best Friends
Character profile
2: The Super Sneaky Sleepover
3: The Letter
4: Happee Birthdae Harry
6: Platform 9 3/4
7: The Sorting
8: Magic Classes
9: The Remembrall
10: The New Seeker and Chaser
11: A New Home
12: Wizard's Duel
13: Troll in the Dungeons
14: The Sink
15: Life or Death
16: Revival
17: Happy To Be Back
18: The First Quidditch Match
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

5: Diagon Alley

27.3K 863 1.1K
Door xxLumosMagicxx


Anna, Harry, and Hagrid were walking through Diagon Alley. The kids were mesmerized by everything they saw. From enchanted chomping books to animals of all sorts, the streets and stores were filled with magic. And all of it was hidden behind a tall brick wall.

Despite the oddity of it all, they felt at home.

They hadn't gone to buy anything yet, having just arrived. A realization hit the kids.

"Erm, Hagrid," Harry started sheepishly, "how are we supposed to get our school stuff? We haven't any money."

"We'll draw money from yer accounts, that's why we're headin' to Gringotts," the giant explained, but realized the kids didn't know what Gringotts was. "It's the wizardin' bank up ahead. One of the safes' places in the whole magical world, I reckon."

The group headed up the street to the tall, white, lopsided marble building. It had big golden letters spelling out the name.

When inside, the children's eyes widened. It was a large high-ceilinged, long room with a glossy floor and desks lining the walls. Behind them sat small creatures with large ears, small teeth, and beady black eyes that coldly watched them. Instinctively, Anna grabbed Harry's arm. She wasn't sure why, but she always felt safe with him.

"Goblins, not the friendlies' creatures. Try not to get on their bad side," muttered Hagrid before they approached the main desk.

The goblin behind it sneered, asking, "Do Miss Black and Mr. Potter have their keys?"

"Yes, they sure do." Hagrid pulled out a large ring of keys from his moleskin coat and searched to find two rusty ones. He also pulled out a slip of paper and handed it to the creature. "This is from Dumbledore abou' the you-know-what in vault you-know-which." When the goblin lazily raised a nonexistent eyebrow at Hagrid, who was too over-the-top with mysteriousness, he said, "For the love's in Vault 713."

"Oh, okay. Follow me," ordered the goblin. He led the trio to a small black mine cart. It was set on black rails in a cave tunnel. They got in, Harry sitting next to Anna in the back and Hagrid riding shotgun with the goblin.

"I suggest you hold on tight." And with that, they were off. The cart shot forward.

"WOOHOO! THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!" screamed Anna, putting her hands up and giggling. Harry just laughed at his hyper friend.

Finally, the cart came to a stop and they got out, slightly disoriented when stepping onto the stone ground. "Here we are, vaults 686 and 687," stated the goblin. Hagrid raised an eyebrow.

"Wait I thought his vault was 711?" the giant questioned, not wanting to say Sirius' name in the children's presence in fear of raising questions.

"Ah, a mysterious one you are, Rubeus. But you are correct, it is. You see, the Blacks and Potters wanted to set their children's vaults up side by side in case something was to...happen," the goblin explained coldly. Hagrid gave a curt nod and turned to the confused children.

"Go in yer vaults and fill these," he handed them each a big brown money pouch, "with coins. I suggest puttin' galleons - the gold ones - in. They're the highest in value. Anna, yers is the one on the left, and Harry, the right."

The two gave each other a look before diverging off into their separate vaults. When Anna entered hers, her jaw dropped.

Big piles of gold, silver, and bronze coins took up a considerable amount of the large room. There had to be at least a million. In the middle of the room stood a small wooden table with a single box and letter. She slowly walked over to it and picked up the folded paper, her hands shaking. She flattened it and saw the hurried scribbling of words. It read,

Dear Anna,
If you are reading this, I am probably long gone. I'm so sorry I couldn't get to know or raise you. What happened was very unfortunate, but I just want you to know that I love you so much with my whole heart and soul. I hope you are taken care of, I chose the best godparents possible.
There's only one thing you need to know, and you CANNOT forget it. Don't believe what anyone else tells you, listen to me...
Love you so much,

P.S. The thing in the box was mine. Your father gave it to me and it's absolutely beautiful. It's not much, but I want you to have it.

Anna's eyes welled with tears. The letter and whatever was in the box were the only things that she had left of her mother. She'd never seen nor owned pictures or other mementos. Her uncle had forbidden it, saying it was bad to dwell on the past.

The thing was, she was very confused what her mother meant by 'he is innocent'. Who was 'he'? Why had she underlined it five times and put it in caps? Why was it so important?

She decided to ponder it later, remembering the box that set before her. Opening it, she gasped. Inside was a heart-shaped necklace. It was no normal piece of jewelry, and it contained a glowing blue stone in the middle. It gave off an enchanting light blue mystical glow.

Anna carefully put the beautiful necklace on and her heart fluttered a bit. She instantly felt closer to her mother and started crying softly, wondering why she had to be murdered. Her mother seemed like a kind person...why did she have to die?

And what was the deal with her father?

After composing herself and putting coins and the letter into her bag, she wiped away her tears and left the vault. Harry and Hagrid were already waiting outside, and she suddenly wondered how long she'd been in the vault.

"Are we ready t'go?" the giant asked. Anna merely nodded and followed the goblin down the walkway, stopping at a vault marked '713'. When Hagrid and the goblin went inside, Harry turned to Anna.

"Are you okay?" She just gave a curt nod. "Are you sure?"

"I'm fine! Just drop it." the girl said coldly and he muttered an apology. She instantly felt bad. Anna had a tendency to take her anger out on others, and she knew it was best to just stay quiet. So that's what she did, and the two waited in awkward silence for a bit.

Harry glanced at her and something gleaming caught his eye: the necklace. "Where'd you get that?"

"In the was my mother's."

"It's really suits you," he said nonchalantly with a smile. Before Anna could respond, Hagrid and Griphook came out of the vault. The kids noticed him slip a wrapped object in this pocket. It looked like the shape of a rock. They would've asked about it, but one stern look from Hagrid made them decide against it.


Even after leaving the vault, Anna's mood was still a bit gloomy. As much as she tried to hide it, Harry noticed. He had always been able to spot a lie a mile away with her, just as she could do with him. Regardless, he knew that she would tell him within time, and there was no point in prying.

As he silently tried figuring it out, Hagrid's booming voice snapped him out of his thoughts, "I 'ave to go get somethin'. Will you two be okay by yerselves?"

"Yes," the two said in unison.

"I sugges' you get yer wands firs'. They're the most important." And with that bit of advice, the giant left.

The duo weaved through the crowds trying to find the wand shop. They had no clue what it was called or what it looked like, so this made the process much more difficult. To make matters worse, the alley of a town was bustling with witches and wizards of all ages and sizes, none of which were helpful.

Suddenly, Anna squealed, "Oh, I've found it! Follow me!" and grabbed Harry's hand, pulling him through the crowds. He could feel his face heat up and was grateful the girl was too busy bounding ahead to notice.

They made their way down the street and stopped in front of a very tall storefront. It was dark green, had two protruding windows - in which sat a single, beautiful wand on a purple pillow - and the name 'Ollivander's' shone in worn gold paint. The children looked at each other before slowly entering. Nobody appeared to be there. "Hello?" Harry called out. No answer.

The shop was narrow and dark, radiating an eerie feel. There was a desk with a spindly chair. Behind it, endless shelves were stacked with endless wands. Many were in boxes, dusty or new, green, red, or grey. Overall, the shop was very messy, yet looked empty in a way.

"Hmm...maybe he's out to lunch? We-"

"Harry Potter and Anna Black...yes, I've been expecting you," a soft voice said. A man came out from behind the shelves and up to the desk. He was ancient-looking with wild white hair, a sallow complexion, and moon-like, cloudy eyes. He gave a kind smile. "Miss Black, please step forward. Merlin, how you look like your mother...yet you have your father's eyes."

"H-how do you know my parents?"

"I know every wand and every person I have sold a wand to. Now, come here, please." The girl's eyes widened a bit as she cautiously made her way towards the counter, leaving Harry standing awkwardly behind her. He frowned a bit when she let go of his hand. "Which is your wand hand, Miss Black? Your dominant one?"

"Um...I'm actually ambidextrous," she said with an awkward chuckle.

"Hmm...interesting. Choose either." At this, Anna held out her left hand and the man gave a smile. "Yes, interesting indeed. You are different."

"Erm, thanks?"

"Here," said the man, holding out a plain brown wand. "Try this. It is vine and twelve and a half inches with a unicorn core. Well, give it a wave."

Anna took a deep breath before giving the flick of the wrist. A flowerpot on a shelf above Ollivander tipped over, spilling dirt onto his head of stark white hair. The children held back giggles as he grimaced, snatching the wand from her. "Let's try a few others, shall we?"

Five wands later and Anna still hadn't found the one. Random things kept happening and the wandmaker was confused. His kind, mystical demeanour had changed agitatedly sour.

"Okay, this could be the one..." he trailed off, thrusting a wand into the girl's hands. She found it a bit ugly and uncomfortable to hold. "Holly. Eleven inches. Phoenix tail feather."

Anna lazily waved it and the store caught fire. Wands, shelves, walls and all became engulfed in flames. Ollivander didn't look fazed while Harry freaked out and Anna mildly did the same. With one look from the man, she knew what to do. She gave a rough movement with the wand and water from an unknown source splashed onto the fire. The room was dark yet again.

"I-I'm so sorry!" she cried.

The man absentmindedly quirked an eyebrow, deep in thought. "Hmm...that could work...but it just doesn't look right... Phoenix tail feather...oh, I know that one's special, but how..." He suddenly gasped. "No...but...she can't be-"

"Um, sir?" Anna coughed awkwardly. His eyes snapped to hers.

A crazy look overcame him as he asked, "Black! When was your birthday?"

"November 1st, 1979. Why?"

"What time exactly?!"

"I-I don't know-"

"It makes sense!" yelled the man, slamming a fist on the desk. His tone edged on insanity. "Oh, how could I be so dense? The oddest number: 9. The first of November. Most likely born at midnight. A Black. Oh dear...I hope I'm wrong..."

Ollivander walked off, muttering, 'Elder' over and over again. Harry gave Anna look and said, "So, magic must make people go crazy..."

"Then I guess we'll go crazy together," she said, looking at him and grinning, her grey eyes glittering. He didn't have time to respond as Ollivander returned.

The man had run from the back, his eyes wide as he frantically opened the box. His grip was shaky and his breathing was unsteady. He was crazy.

"T-this...I think..." he trailed off, shaking his head. He handed her a wand. "Elder, 12 1/2 inches, phoenix tail feather."

She thought it was darkly beautiful.

It was a long, thin, jet-black wand with intricate detail on the bottom half. It had two rings, little vine-like things wrapping around, then became thinner and more crooked, then was straight rest of the way. *aha, i suck at description* She noticed two carvings, but didn't recognize the symbols. One showed, 'Σκούρο και ελαφρύ' and the other, 'Αυτό που αποκλίνει'.

The wand felt perfect in her hand and she gave a grin. "It feels...right."

"I was afraid so," the man sighed. "Time to see if my assumptions are correct...give it two half-circle waves and say 'avis'."

Anna did so. With a loud crack, a dozen birds flew out of her wand. Six were doves and the other six were crows. The crows squawked loudly, trying to attack the doves. With a gentle coo from the doves, the crows fled to the back of the room.

The look on Ollivander's face was indescribable. "Wow...impressive indeed. This really symbolizes something, and that, for a matter of fact, is your wand."

"What does it symbolize? And what are these carvings?" asked the girl incredulously, pointing to the symbols.

"'Αυτόν που αποκλίνει' is Greek and pronounced 'Aftón pou apoklínei', and 'Σκούρο και ελαφρύ' is 'Skoteinó kai elafrý'."
Google translate can be lovely sometimes ;)

"But...I don't speak-"

"Mr. Potter, step forward," the man cut her off. Anna narrowed her eyes, irritated that she wasn't getting answers. Harry came beside her and looked at the man with wide emerald eyes. "Your wand is Holly and 11 inches with a phoenix tail feather core. I know for a fact that it will work for you."

"Isn't that the one Anna tried earlier? The one you said could work for her?"

"Indeed it is, Harry. Hmm...I guess I could tell you a bit more about your wands," the man said with a sad smile. The two listened intently. "The cores to your wands...they are very unique indeed. They are all plucked from the same bird and share one other owner...the man who gave you those scars." Anna's hand immediately touched the lightning scar on her neck while Harry did the same with his forehead. They stood there, dumbfounded, before Ollivander chirped, "That'll be seven galleons each."

"Mr. Ollivander?" asked Anna shyly as she pulled some coins out of her bag. The man hummed. "Um...why were you muttering 'elder'? And why did you freak out after I told you my-"

"Dear...I shouldn't be the one to tell you right now. All that you need to know is that you are one powerful witch indeed, and power is a tricky thing. It can be good and bad. Elder is the wood of wands that belong to only the most powerful of witches and wizards...I have only four, all of which were to members of your family...but you're...different..." He turned to Harry. "Mr. Potter...may I ask something of you?"

"Of course."

"You must keep Miss Black on the right path...promise me you will do so. You two are destined companions and you must stay that way. You need each other. I need you to promise you will always stay together because if you diverge paths, one will stray onto the path of evil." warned Ollivander.

"We promise," the two said in unison. The man smiled and gave a nod. "Thank you...I'm sure we will meet again. Oh, turn around, I think you have a visitor."

They did so and saw Hagrid standing with two cages, a large grin plastered on his large face. He motioned for them to go to him and they did so, bidding one last goodbye to the mysterious man.

"Happy birthday Harry! And Anna...well, happy very belated birthday!" he exclaimed, handing them the cages. Harry's contained a snowy owl while Anna's contained a very cute Siamese kitten.

"Thank you so much!" they exclaimed, hugging the giant.

"So, what are yeh gonna name 'em?"

A bit of wind blew the tuft of feathers upon the owl's head, somewhat resembling a wig. Harry laughed as he thought of a name. "Hedwig."
*I forgot how he actually came up with that name so I made up something dumb*

Anna looked at the cat trying to think. She was never good at coming up with names, but she was better at naming things after other things. As she stared at the pet, it looked up at her with big blue eyes and mewed. Those blue eyes...they reminded her of someone...she got it. "Leah...for my mother."

"I was thinkin' teh same thing. Yeh know, she really was a good woman, same with yer's, Harry," Hagrid said, sniffling a bit as he shared a sad smile with the children. "Now, let's get the rest of yer stuff."


In which some inline comments and old sections are preserved.

Anna's POV

^*this part used to be attatched to the necklace pic*, and lmao, it's funny that everyone just starts fangirling/boying over jewlery

When we got inside, we saw these little creatures.. They freaked me out with there black eyes that seemed to be watching us. I grabbed Harry's arm, I always do that when I get scared or worried, I don't know why.

^because you like him, ya lil dummy. listen to the readers!

I opened the box and saw a beautiful heart-shaped necklace with a magical, glowing blue stone.

(The picture of it's to the right if you're reading it online, it's on the top of the first page if you're reading this in the app)

^do people even read on the computer anymore? i hope not because it messes up the formatting online

"It's really pretty, just like-" he cut himself off. Was he going to say "just like you" ? No, I doubted it, we were just friends, but sometimes I wished we were more.

^lmao chill, y'all are 11

"Ah, you look very much like your mother when she came for her wand, but you have your fathers eyes. Can you please hold out your wand arm, or the arm that you write with?"


"This should be the one. Vine, 12 1/2 inches, pheonix tail feather." I gave it a wave, afraid I would set the store on fire again, but when I held it in my hand, I felt this overwhelming warmth and happiness in my body, I knew this was the one.

(Type in "wwohp vine wand" in Google images, it should be the first pic. Sorry, I could only attach one pic)

^lmao, peep my legit wand and past attempt of making Anna a glorified version of me

"I'll name mine Hedwig," said Harry. I wasn't really sure yet. Then a name popped into my head.

"I'll name mine Leah, after my mother," I said and I tried to keep the tears from coming. I don't know why, but that was just the first name that came to mind. I saw Hagrid's eyes start to tear up and he said, "Ok, let's go get the rest of your supplies."

^wtf this is so random, like who thinks of the name "Hedwig" off the top of their head? and this will probably be the only time that harry's random and anna isn't lbs.


Hello readers, I know, not the best chapter. But it will be good once they are at Hogwarts. I have so much planned *grins evilly*. I'm starting to think that I shouldn't put Ginny in the story because it won't work out right. Also, I hate Ginny so much. So, I'm sorry if I don't add her in to all of you Ginny fans out there, but I'm only doing it because it might not work. Ok, on a different topic, guess what this story has over 100 reads in only a week! IM SO HAPPY! So I want to thank ALL OF YOU FOR READING! Remember to comment if you have any ideas, questions, or constructive criticism, I would really appreciate it!

^WTF WHY SO MUCH GINNY HATE, PAST ME?! and heh, 100 reads, i remember those days. actually...i'm back to those days in my more recent books ahaha kill me
Note to anyone writing on wattpad: don't take year-long hiatus, you'll lose everything you hold dear

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