Styles INC [edited]

By tHeOfFiCiAlWhOrE

193K 3.3K 561

"Bu-but you are my boss."I stutter out. "I know and you are my assistant. But I don't give a fuck anymore. Y... More

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Thank you

e i g h t e e n

3.7K 66 5
By tHeOfFiCiAlWhOrE

Harry's POV (November 2)

I smash my lips against hers and I quickly swipe my tongue across her bottom lip asking for permission. She gives me it and my tongue dances with hers. I stand up and hook my legs under her thighs carrying her. She quickly puts her legs around my waist and I get us into my room from the media room. I set her down on the bed and start kissing down her jaw going behind her ear near her jaw to the spot that makes her go crazy. I start sucking and biting a little bit and she moans almost making me moan at the sound of it.

I start kissing down her neck while she tugs at the hem of my shirt, I lift it over my head making her suck in a breath at the sight of my newly exposed skin and me smirk. She tugs at her shirt and pulls it over her head. My jaw drops looking at her lace bra and her full breasts. She blushes and looks down, I grab her chin and give a reassuring kiss. I start kissing down her stomach but she stops me.

"I-I uh was gonna do something for you." She blushes and I smirk.

"You don't have to. But,have you ever?" I question and she shakes her head making me smile. "Come here baby." She straddles my lap and I lean in to kiss her.

"Just do whatever feels natural." She nods and connects our lips. We kiss passionately, tongues dancing together, and lust in the air. She slowly trailed her lips from my mouth to the hinge of my jaw sucking lightly, she worked her way down kissing and sucking harshly before running her tongue over the spot to smooth the small ache that formed from blood coming to the surface. I let out a moan when she sucked on a certain spot making her suck harder, she then palmed me through my pants making me groan.

She fumbled with the button on my jeans then she finally got them unbuttoned, she struggled getting them off. Once done she leaned up and connected our lips again, palming me through my boxers teasingly, still straddling me. I was holding my self up with my hands while her hand slowly crept its way in my boxers and she grabbed my length a little bit harsh.

"Not to hard baby."

"Sorry." I connected our lips again and she grabbed me again, this time softly. She moved her hand up and down flicking her wrist a little bit. She rubbed her thumb over my tip and I moaned, she repeated the action once more before stroking up and down slowly. I moaned and told her to speed up so she did and I groaned loudly.

"Fucking hell, Rose." I pant as she continues her action. Her silky hand stroking me is the most pleasuring feeling I have felt in so long.  A few more strokes and I was coming undone, she kept going till I rode out my high and slowly removed her hand from my boxers going to the bathroom to wash up while I panted for a second, then got up and changed my boxers quickly. Having sticky boxers doesn't feel so good.

"Did I do ok?" She questions a few moments later, cheeks red, lips swollen, and a nervous glint in her eyes.

"You did amazing baby. I don't think anyone has ever made me cum so fast from there hand. Sure you haven't done that before?" She rolls her eyes and laughs lightly.

"Yeah right, that was probably the worst." I lean over shaking my head and then I kissed her reassuringly.

" I need a shower."

"Can I take one with you?" She looks at me and rolls her eyes making me pout. She walks in the bathroom and I hear the shower shortly after. I walk in my closet and grab some black sweatpants. I walk out when I hear the shower shut off a few minutes later. She comes out wearing my shirt and no pants making me scan her up and down shamelessly. I saunter over to her and pick her up making a little squeal come out of her mouth and her legs wrap around my waist.

"How did I get so lucky with you?" She giggles and kisses me sweetly on the lips.

"More like how did I get so lucky with you?" I chuckle and walk us over to the bed. She gets under the covers and I do the same. I turn on my side so that way I'm facing her back. I grab her waist and pulling her into me. I kiss her shoulder and she lets out a content sigh. We talk for a little bit about tomorrows schedule and we both drift off shortly after.

(November 3)

"Baby," I kiss her left shoulder. "Love," I kiss her right shoulder. "Honey," I kiss her nose and she starts to stir. "Angel." I kiss her lips a little bit expecting no reaction but she kisses back. Our lips mold together and I smile into the kiss.

"Good morning handsome." She sits up a little bit, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. While she does so I grab her bagel and tea off of the bedside table handing them to her. She quickly takes them and hums in appreciation when she takes a bite of the cinnamon bagel.

"We gotta go to work soon, but good news, its Friday." I smile at her while she continues to continue eating her bagel.

"Give me five minutes," she gives me a sweet short kiss and gets up. "Thank you for the bagel and tea by the way." She continues walking to the bathroom but what she doesn't know is that her shirt has somehow tucked it's way in her underwear, her black lace underwear is now on display. I groan and she stops and turns her head.

"Are you ok?" She has concern in those beautiful brown eyes. I bite my lip and nod.

"Baby, your shirt is tucked into your underwear." She squeals as a blush comes to her cheeks and fixes her shirt, running into the bathroom making me chuckle.

After thirty minutes we are both ready. I'm in a plain black suit with a white undershirt. And she is wearing a yellow blouse, a black pencil skirt, along with some flats. Her hair is straightened and she just has mascara and lip gloss on.

"You look absolutely beautiful." I tell her when we walk out of the elevator. She blushes and looks down, I chuckle and we stop outside her office.

"I will see you at the eleven o'clock meeting and then we can have lunch or something after, is that alright?" She nods and replies with a 'perfect' and then kisses my lips.

I walk into my office and start to prepare from my eleven o'clock meeting. It is just a check up meeting with all the heads of departments in our company to make sure everything is running smoothly. We will run over the stats, revenue, how the stock market is going, discuss how our merge effected my business, and more.

At ten thirty a distraught Rose comes into my office with tears streaming down her face, I immediately stand up and wrap my arms around her waist pulling her in for a hug.

"Baby, whats wrong?" She just sniffles in reply and shoves something in my hand. I look down and see a photo of me and her on our first date at the park, her face is scribbled out with a huge x and the word die is written underneath in red. I drop the photo and hug her tighter when her cries get louder.

"Why would they do this Harry? I didn't do anything to them?" I kiss her head and grab her chin so she is looking at me.

"I don't know, Rose. But I do know you are safe with me, I promise you that. I will do everything to protect you. We will get to the bottom of this. Just don't worry or much. Is this the first one you have gotten?" She nods and I squeeze her tighter again. I have no idea who would do this to my angel.

She looks up at me and wipes her eyes getting rid of the mascara that has run down her cheeks. I kiss her forehead and she puts her head back on my chest. I sway us back and forth gently as my hand runs up and down her spine until her sniffling has calmed down.

"I'm probably over reacting, but this really scares me, Harry." She looks into my eyes with her frightened ones.

"I understand, but don't let this get to you. It will all be alright, I promise." She kisses my chest and steps back.

"Come on darling, lets get you a cuppa and then go to this meeting." She nods and walks towards the door of my office while I follow.

We go in her office and go to her tea station. I bought her a Keurig not to long ago and sometimes I think she likes it more than me. I pop in her favorite tea and put her favorite mug under the dispenser, I then walk to her desk gathering the files I will need for the meeting. She sits in a chair and wipes under her eyes while I walk over getting her cup. She then opens a file and we start prepping for the meeting.

I know she is just trying to keep her mind busy from that photo, and she is trying to be strong and not let the photo bother her. She is also trying to avoid that she cried in front of me, if there is one thing I have learned about her is that she hates any time she shows 'weakness' around anyone. She told me it has been that way since him. I don't blame her for reacting the way she did, nobody would be ok if they got that. I wish she would know that crying isn't weak, it's just human. Nothing wrong with being human.

After twenty five minutes of preparing and me asking her if she is ok, we go to the conference room. Everyone rises when I enter and I shake their hands while Rose goes and sits in an empty chair at the head of the table. After I'm done greeting I slide in next to her.

***(A/N, I will put those when there is a time jump from now on)

We have been in this meeting for an hour. I am bored out of my mind, I understand I'm the boss but meetings are the worst.

My hand is resting on Roses thigh and I rub my thumb back and forth while I'm talking to some of my top men and women. Slowly I creep my hand up her thigh making her suck in a breath. She swats my hand away and I put my hand back on her thigh. About five minutes later I creep my hand back up her thigh, waiting for her to swat my hand away, but she never does. My hand makes it's way to her lace underwear, my fingers tracing around it. She is breathing a little heavily and I discreetly move my fingers over her still covered entrance. I look over and smirk at her before my finger slips in. She coughs making a couple people turn around and snap there heads towards us.

"Are you alright Miss.Fisher?" My advisor, Mr.Clark, asks.

"I'm fine, I apologize please continue." She stutters out making me smirk while I continue my movements. My finger goes in and out while my thumb reaches up and rubs her bundle of nerves. She bits her lip and grabs my right thigh, squeezing it tightly. Her nails dig into my pant suit and I almost hiss. I add in another finger making her gasp in pleasure. It's a good thing no one is paying attention and the lights are off or else we would be fucked. I continue my actions and she lets out a barely audible whine. I can tell she's close by her eyes and the way her grip is getting tighter so I lean in towards her ear.

"Let go baby." And about thirty seconds later she does. She is biting her lip so harshly blood is drawn and her eyes are trying not to roll back. She leans into my shoulder and bites down on it discreetly and lets out a few noises. One of them a little louder than the other causing her to snap her head up and pretend like nothing happened. When she was done I take my fingers out and slowly pull them to my lips keeping my eyes forward. I look over to her for a second and continue.

The meeting is soon over and I dismiss it before everyone leaves. Rose doesn't even stand up till everyone is gone and once she does she marches over to me.

"Harry, my underwear is ruined now you knob! What am I supposed to do?" I smirk at her making her roll her eyes.

"Who says you need underwear love?" I whisper into her ear huskily. She steps away and with a confident smile on her lips she pulls up her skirt a little bit and starts to pull down her underwear, revealing a white lace thong. She slides it off while keeping eye contact and puts them in my pocket.

"Don't think I won't get you back." She whispers in my ear and kisses my jaw a little before patting my shoulder and walking out. I stand there baffled by her sudden confidence but slowly gather all the files and walk out going back to my office.

The rest of the day goes by quickly and after work she goes back to her place while I stay at the office for a little longer. At around nine thirty I get an alert on my phone saying someone has entered the building. I'm not too concerned it is probably just my security guard. I have only told one person the password and that is my security guard, Paul. I trust that man with my life,he is like a second father to me.

At ten I finally leave after securing a meeting with a potential client in New York on the thirteenth of October. When I step out of my office I hear a crunch under my foot. I look under and see a framed photo of my Rose from tonight with you're mine not hers in red under it.

I know it is from tonight because she is wearing a matching silk pajama shorts and tank top set that she sent me a picture of earlier claiming it as her favorite. The photo is zoomed in on her face and there is a red x on it again. I quickly run out of my building and rush to Rose and Danny's. Once there I type in the code to their apartment and run to her room. I reach her room and see her asleep soundly on her bed. She stirs and opens her eyes tiredly.

"Harry? What are you doing here?" I don't answer and instead walk over and wrap my arms around her kissing her hair and taking in her scent.

"I just wanted to make sure you were ok after today, I'm sorry for waking you." She shakes her head and tells me it's fine. After thirty minutes of holding her and her mumbling things to me trying to stay awake, she goes back to bed. I stand and shut her curtains looking around the room and making sure there isn't any hidden cameras. Once I have checked three times I finally leave.

I get home at around twelve and try going to bed. I toss and turn all night having hard time sleeping without Rose by my side, and every time I close my eyes I have a nightmare of her getting in a terrible accident and me being able to do nothing about it. At about two am I get out of bed and go to my office trying to do work, after signing a couple documents and looking over contracts I start to get sleepy. I don't know what time I go to sleep but at some point I eventually do.

"Rose!" I call out. She comes from inside a closet and smiles at me.

"Harry, I was just about to wake you." She smiles at me and leans down to kiss my lips. I smile when she pulls away and go to ask her a question but suddenly we are in a car. She isn't smiling at me anymore with that loving look in her eyes. She looks very angry. She turns in her seat getting ready to yell at me but before she could two bright lights blind out vision from the left where she is sitting.

"HARRY!" She calls out to me while I try and grab her from the car coming at us at high speed. But before I could even try to turn the wheel we are hit and I soon hear her cries for help. And I go to get her and see her bloody body with cuts all over and a gash in her leg.


I sit up with sweat on my forehead and a single tear running down my cheek. I look over to my right expecting Rose to be there but I realize she didn't stay tonight. I look to my nightstand and notice it is five am. I get up and wipe the tear of my cheek and take a shower deciding to get ready for the day.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I am not the most happy with it. But I am still figuring out how I want this to go down. This story will jump around a little bit. I don't want it to be boring and talk ab the same thing every single chapter ya know? Anyways
Till next time

Edited August 17, 2019

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