Dead Eye

By shachiseth

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What happens when you wake up some day and find out that there is no resemblance to yourself in your own head... More

Chapter 1 Beginning Or Semicolon
Chapter 2 Clues Or Puzzles
Chapter 3 Mistaken Identity
Chapter 4 Puzzles And Troubles
Chapter 5 Gratitude And Attack
Chapter 6 Merry Christmas
Chapter 8 Shocks n Surprises
Chapter 9 Messing Present
Chapter 10 To Believe Or Not To Believe
Chapter 11 First Mission
Chapter 12 Skeptical Decisions
Chapter 13 Big Bad Day
Chapter 14 Jealousy And Spying
Chapter 15 Betrayal?
Chapter 16 Fight For Freedom
Chapter 17 Fast N Furious or Speed
Chapter 18 Help From Friends?
Chapter 19 Funeral
Chapter 20 Alive And Breathing
Chapter 21 Wrong Side Of Bed
Chapter 22 Who Are You?
Chapter 23 Open Up
Chapter 24 Shelter Home
Chapter 25 Troubled Memories
Chapter 26 Plan To Avenge
Chapter 27 Being Played!
Chapter 28 Fighting Rink
Chapter 29 Eiffel Tower Attack
Chapter 30 Different Person
Chapter 31 Friends With Benefits
Chapter 32 I Am Married
Chapter 33 Evidences in Bag
Chapter 34 Badass Cynthia!
Chapter 35 Tattoo And Its Mystery
Chapter 36 Peru Again!
Chapter 37 Dead or Alive?
Chapter 38 Get Set For Some Ass kicking
Chapter 39 The Big Attack
Chapter 40 Terrorist Attack
Chapter 41 Messenger Of Death
Chapter 42
Untitled Part 43 Not THE END

Chapter 7 Dream Or Memory Relapse

41 7 5
By shachiseth

Chapter 7

Dream Or Memory Relapse

John was mentally trying to solve the puzzle of faces he saw in album of the memory stick trying to find out what that jumble of pictures wanted to say.

It was highly confidential and he did not understand a bit other than the name of the personalities.

Few of them being dead which meant it was nothing to do with their lives.

Was it referring to some kind of museum where all their wax statues were kept?

He made a note of checking Madam Treaussaau's museum all over the world and find out which one has statue of all the personalities.

'John I will be going to see my father. Be back in couple of hours" Danny had shouted to him when he left in hurry.

John had suddenly felt a feeling of urgency to make his visit to the hospital and later get gifts for Danny and Kathie whom he had to later join for their Christmas party.

"I'll cook my best croissants for the evening " Kathie had offered.

Danny wanted to deny. He knew Kathie couldn't keep her self from accidents and thought it wasn't a great idea. But John did not want to offend the sweet girl and said, "Yes, I'd love that"

"If you die of gastritis, I warned you earlier" Danny commented.

"Sorry" John apologized "he's being a ass.."

'Don't worry" Kathie waved it off "I know how he is. Just be there in the evening."

John nodded while kathie left but not before knocking herself from the soft leather couch of the living room.

Both the boys pressed the mouth to stop the giggles that were erupting out of their mouths, not to be sounding rude

John smiled at the happy moments his new life had blessed him with.

He had something else to think about other than his old life and his lost memory.

This Deadeye situation of his had become tiresome but now he had Danny and Kathie to look forward to in the evening.


John reached the hospital but there was no one there.

He had nobody to contact.

He decided to take a tour and meet the doctors and nurses.

He kind of missed them. He also realized that he never happened to thank them for the care they had taken of him properly.

He walked through the corridors but no one noticed him.

He was wary of being seen but he couldn't help himself.

He greeted almost everybody and stood outside Cynthia's room.

He remembered Cynthia had a disliking towards meeting others. He even thought that she was discharged.

He did not know whether he was glad or sad on seeing her there.

"Merry Christmas Cynthia" he wished and to his surprise she stood up immediately "where were you?" she asked angrily. "It is like I am baby sitting you."

"Excuse me?" John was confused.

"I don't know why they feel that you can crack the code" she picked an envelope from her drawer "it would have been so much better if you would have actually lost your memory"

"And what makes you think I haven't?" John couldn't help but ask.

"Oh come on" she dismissed him "you do this all the time. Fool the antagonists and then bam! You neutralize the threat taking all the credit" she said icily

"Why are you so cold towards me?" he asked "and you are not suicidal?"

"Suicidal?" she chuckled "me?" hey mister its not only you who can play. Two can play at a time."

"So you were here to.." John thought he now understood why she was here...

"To baby sit you" she said flatly 'I was here often to check whether you'd waken from your comma. And then when the drama you did about not remembering a shit." She nodded her head "you indeed are something."

"Was that a compliment?" John couldn't help but ask which she chose to ignore as she handed the envelope.

"Do you know what happened in Peru?" he asked as he opened the envelope to see another pendrive.

"More clues?" He murmured to himself.

"You mean Peru. My first posting with you?" she said distastefully "where you were an actor?"

"Good you remember." He encouraged her to speak further.

"How wouldn't I? I had been fawning over you since I joined the agency but darn! I was wrong" she said

"What did I do?" John wrinkled his brows.

"There was this lead that there was supposed to be terrorist attack and we all were supposed to be working as a team and all you did was instead of waiting for them to attack, you attacked them before creating havoc n panic in the entire resort where civilians were also staying.

"You don't have to worry about my dad. He might be rich" John was now bending on his knees, his face clear of any wrinkles, his eyes sparkling with health and determination, his hair that were usually wavy now curled up like a joyride to the amount that no comb can side into them.

"It is me who has fallen for a waitress, its me who cannot keep my eyes off you. I cannot think of my life without you on my bed when I wake up in the morning. Marry me Stella. Marry me please"

Flair who was staring at him with star studded eyes blushing profusely just as she was told said "yes" and like a proficient actor just a drop of tear slipped her eye.

"Cut" the director shouted and as if his tail was on fire John took a beeline for the vanity van.

"Where is he gone now?" the gay director who was all this time drooling over John and waiting till he got him alone with him shouted but by this time John was gone.

He lit the cigarette and instead of taking the puff he discarded it in the basin and ran toward the guys dressed in black the ones he'd been chasing since a fortnight.

They matched his description all were young, one with loose shirt and loose pants like a vagabond, the other one had chewing gum in his mouth, one of them sported a religious white cap on his head, fourth one was exceptionally small but his stance said he had more conviction than anyone else n the group.

He followed them. They were staying a floor below his room.

He'd enunciated that they'd take the room besides him since it was compact at the far end corner of the resort, internet connections were good and away from the eyes of the staff.

He had already placed a microphone in the room but to his dismay.

He immediately ran to his room, pulled a microphone from the bag, few wires and the other equipment. He's been doing this for almost three years. He knows it well.

He looked around making sure that the coast was clear and jumped from the window

"What was that sound?" one of the guys from the room below asked.

"What do you think?" other one replied "people are here on a holiday, they do nasty stuff."

"Nasty stuff?" one of the, asked again "hey ssh.. We have a kid with us" other one mocked.

"Hey I no kid I have f##ked more girls than you guys might imagine."

"Whoa when did you begin?" the conversation went till each of them started sharing their sex life. Someone had $ex once with a girl with homogenous tits, other one had a nightmare once because the girl had invited another girl for a threesome. "The girls did not get the end of it. They had it multiple times and wanted more. Man! I was exhausted." The guy boasted

"Oh guys have no clues how worst my experience was."

"Enough boys. Focus" another voice shouted from besides John and he was startled, he even dropped one of his tool on the floor.

The guy from the bathroom immediately reached the window and slid the glass pane to look at the source.

In a spur of moment John managed to sneak besides a pillar, out of view.

Once the glass of the window was brought back in place he went back to work fixing the microphone as close as he could inside the room.

Thankfully the guys did not notice.

John was in for an adventure because the lizard moving around the resort did not like him intruding.

It jumped on John making him loose his balance and fell off the window on the bushes.

"What are you doing here?' a younger and badass looking Cynthia shouted at him

"ssh.." he hushed her blocking her mouth with her hands "I swear I am not doing anything that could hurt your honor and in a swift motion he lifted her shirt.

He gaped at the wonderful sight in front of him and swallowed his spit.

"What are you" Cynthia attacked him but quickly he pulled her into a back embrace, her nude back against him

"Just go with me" he begged.

The window opened with a creaking sound and John started pushing forward and back ward making noises. "Come baby come. Go along" he whispered in her ears.

Realizing they had audiences Cynthia too went along making noises as they were desperate individuals having $ex in the backyard of the resort.

The audiences waited for a while till the two fake orgasmed and quickly left.

Once they were sure they had gone, both of them quickly pulled on their shirts.

Cindy was shocked to realize that John was shirtless; of course she could feel the heat but did not notice him stripping and thought that she was caught up in the moment.

Could anyone blame her? This agent was HOT in capital. Even if she did not like the job of agency she would have joined it only if he was her peer or boss.

"We should do this often" John commented in her ears.

"What?" Cynthia shouted angrily. She went with the flow, she liked him but she was no whore to take his hint and be always available..

John simply gesticulated her to look upwards, the curtain was moving which meant that the boys were eavesdropping.

She nodded

"You were wonderful Dear" she praised seductively.

"I know" John winked flirtatiously earning big stamp of Cynthia's heel on his toe making him limp with pain.

"Bitch" he slowly murmured to himself.

He spent hours together listening to the guys talk.

Everything was working perfectly.

The guys would reach the venue of the space station where the president was supposed to visit and his crew would catch them red handed. John and his crew has to be very careful or the president and his family would die

John would tackle the bearded head, Cynthia will take care of the young lad and the short heighted one, his other officer Douglas would tackle others.

They would be assembling the explosive in the hotel they were staying.

They were retiring for the night

"John they are off to sleep." Douglas called "you too should rest. We have a big day tomorrow and then you also have your fiancé to propose" he wriggled his brows suggestively.

"Don't even remind me of it." John made a disgruntled face "it terrifies me to even go and stand her in front of those lights and the director I feel like pulling his artificial hair out of his scalp. Add more emotions, more gest. You should have the feel that might she say yes you'd get to sleep with her" John mimicked his director.

"You wouldn't might the sleeping with her part though" Douglas remarked, "we all are aware of your reputation.
"I am on duty" John said curtly and went back to the speaker, which was silent by now. The folks in the room below had already greeted night's farewell to each other.

An hour into listening of snores John too was about to snooze when the ringer of the phone went off.

"What" John heard one of them shouting " let us sleep You F##ker. We are ready and set. We'll do it perfectly." He paused like listening to the other end of the call. John was clueless.

"We'll have to change our plans. Oh shit!" the guy on the phone shouted shocked "w.. we r ready for a sh s..ure short success to.. tomorrow"

".. I I think we have un..unwanted listeners. "Someone likes to hear me sing" another one said mockingly and started singing some song the language was unknown to John. But in an instant the voice from the headphones was muted and he couldn't hear a word.

He knew they were caught and they had cut off the wire.

John couldn't risk waiting for tomorrow.

He quickly dressed himself as the hotel staff, filled the tray with bottles and glasses and waited on their door, his hand in a ready position to knock incase he was caught spying

He stuck his ears to the room and realized everyone was wide-awake.

"We have to do it now?" one of them asked "how?"

"They located where the president is staying" one of them answered "we can get them there"

"But our plan was doing just perfect" one of them argued.

"No it wasn't" the head who'd stammer in rare circumstances John had noticed when he was anxious "o..our converstion had been re..corded. We have to it now. We cannot take our cchhh..ances." he whispered "Sssshhhh.."

"John heard footsteps approaching toward the door and he started knocking immediately

"Your order sir" John extended the tray but instead he was pulled inside and trashed...

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