Troubled Soul (manxman) *Comp...

By tampamanatee

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**Please read the entire Sex Ed series before you read this!** *Seriously, this book won't make sense if you... More

One: Cameron/ Hugo
Two: Cleo
Three: Perry
Four: Noah
Five: Hugo/ Cameron
Six: Gabriel/ Reno
Seven: Perry
Eight: Wes
Nine: Perry/ Aaron
Ten: Noah
Eleven: Cameron
Twelve: Pete
Thirteen: Aaron
Fourteen: Hugo
Fifteen: Cleo
Sixteen: Perry/ Aaron
Seventeen: Wes
Bonus: Andy
Eighteen: Perry/ Cameron
Nineteen: Perry/ Cameron


934 68 79
By tampamanatee


~~ One year later ~~

Nervously glancing at the clock, I bit my bottom lip while standing up. Luckily my online college classes were all completed, one thing I didn't have to worry about at the moment. As I walked out into the parking lot I continued to bite my bottom lip while getting into my car. The entire car ride my fingers were shaking so badly, my car kept drifting around. Forcing myself to calm down, I quickly pulled into the school and parked. My mind was so lost in thought that I didn't hear anyone approaching the car. I instantly jumped when the door opened, making me look over to see Allen getting into the backseat as Aly got into the front.

"Hey guys," I said with a smile. They smiled back at me as they buckled their seatbelts.

"Hey," Allen said while running a hand through his messy hair.

"Hi," Aly quietly said.

Making sure not to hit any students walking by, I pulled out of the parking lot and merged into traffic. "You okay Dad?" Aly suddenly asked, his eyes focused on my shaking hands.

"Of course, must've had too much coffee today."

"Are you worried about the hearing?" My eyes glanced towards Allen in the backseat, and noticed he was staring at me with a concerned face. "Because I'm not. This isn't the first time we've had to go to court."

My hands started shaking again as I focused on the traffic around me. "I know that, but this is a different kind of hearing." When I stopped at a red light I glanced between both of them to ask, "You guys are sure you're okay with this?"

"Why wouldn't we be?" Aly asked.

"Typically this takes much longer, but Wes really pulled some strings for us. I just want to really make sure you guys are okay with this."

They were both silent for a few moments, sharing a look. "If we weren't going to end up with you and Aaron, we'd just go back into the system," Aly said.

"He's right. Neither of us have any biological family left, you're all we have. I mean just the fact that you accepted us both so willingly is crazy. I've had so many families turn their noses up at me that I thought I'd never get another chance." Allen was then placing his arms on the center console as I started to drive again. "You've always been okay with having two teenagers all the time. Well, plus Javier. He hangs around all the time."

"Not all the time," Aly said with a frown.

"Pretty much. And when he's over he's either drawing, baking with Juliet or sleeping. And while he's doing all of that you're completely undressing him with your eyes."

Aly gasped before he lightly slapped Allen on the back of the head, making Allen snicker. "I do not!"

"Whatever I mean even if you do, it's cool. But dude just admit it already. Everyone can see it."

"Shut up Allen."

"Come on guys," I said as they quieted down. "While it may seem strange for many people to accept two teenagers so willingly, it's not for us. It's only been a year since we've become your foster parents. It really has felt like you've been with us for so much longer. Legally I thought this would've taken much longer, but it's actually happening pretty fast."

I was then pulling into the courthouse, taking a deep breath as I parked. "Too fast?" Aly whispered.

Turning towards them, I looked between their faces and simply smiled. I placed my hands onto both of their cheeks and rubbed my thumb over their skin. "Of course not."

"Both of us have been clean for a solid year, and that's all thanks to you guys as well," Allen said. "Plus you're one of the first people that have never tried to hurt me in any way." When tears suddenly made their way into my eyes he quickly said, "Oh crap. I didn't mean to make you sad, sorry."

I simply laughed before kissing both of them on the forehead. "It'll always make me sad that people have hurt both of you."

"But we know it'll never happen again," Aly said with a smile.

When a car parked next to us I looked over and smiled while seeing Aaron get out. The boys got out and quickly started to talk to him as I made my way over to him slowly. He looked up at me and smiled, extending an arm out to me.

"Ready guys?"

They nodded as we walked into the courthouse and met up with Wes, who escorted us down the hallway. We then ended up in a small room where the rest of our family was waiting. Once we sat down there was silence before a judge was walking into the court room. He smiled at us for a moment before glancing down at his papers.

"So let me see here, this is about Mr. Aaron Hunter and Mr. Perry Hunter requesting to adopt Mr. Alastair Kingsman and Mr. Allen Birch. Is that correct?"

"Yes," we all answered as the judge nodded. He seemed extra giddy as he looked between Aly and Allen.

"Now I do have to ask both of you young gentlemen if you agree to this adoption."

"We do," they said at the same time.

The judge nodded and pulled out two slips of paper. "I've known you two for a long time, and I can say it's a pleasure to see you going to such a loving household." Aly and Allen smiled as they looked between each other. "Well then," the judge said as he signed the papers. "Let's not delay this any longer shall we? I do hereby pronounce, by the state of New Mexico, that Alastair and Allen are now officially a Hunter."

A loud woop made me turn around to see Juliet trying to contain her excitement. I smiled while turning back to the judge to see him chuckling. "Congratulations to everyone."

Multiple sets of arms were then wrapping around me, as our family was now complete. We got many pictures taken with the judge before the rest of our family came up to us. Javier instantly hugged Aly, who rolled his eyes when Allen wiggled his eyebrows at him.

As I looked up at my husband I simply smiled as he smiled back. I felt tears in my eyes as I hugged everyone again, Shawn's loud voice cheering as he hugged us all. That turned into a gigantic group hug with even the judge, which was the most perfect thing I've ever experienced.


  My palms started to nervously sweat as I kept looking around the set. "Hey," I looked up to see Hugo giving me an encouraging smile. "You're going to do great okay?" I nodded while kissing Huck on the cheek. I then also kissed our other son Jack on the cheek, who was super sleepy in Hugo's arms.

"Mr. Yeager?" I turned around to see a guy in a headset and holding a clipboard walking closer to me. "We're ready for you."

Hugo gave me a quick kiss before I followed the guy out onto set. I bit my lip as cheers welcomed me as I walked onto the set of Good Morning America. I sat down into a chair as one of the hosts was sitting across from me. She smiled at me as I sat down, instantly noticing my book in her hand as well as multiple copies on the table next to us.

"Don't worry Cameron, everything will be fine." I simply nodded before swallowing my fear and watching as we were coming back from commercial break. "Topping the New York Times best seller list in only a few days is the news our next guest woke up to. He is the author of Unbreakable, a story based off of true events in his life. Please welcome, Cameron Yeager." The crowed suddenly loudly clapped as a smile spread across my face. The host was smiling warmly at me as she said, "Thank you so much for joining us Cameron."

"Thank you for having me."

"Was hearing the news about topping the New York Times best seller a shock?"

I laughed while instantly nodding. "Yes, absolutely. It was something I never really thought would happen with Unbreakable, but when I found out I just cried. It was truly an incredible moment, I'm pretty sure I didn't sleep for an entire week."

Lily, the host, smiled as she held the book up as its shiny blue cover sparkled under the lights. "So understandable, especially because how much of a phenomenon this book became. You really attracted pretty much every single person with this book, and what makes it interesting is the fact that it's based off of true events?"

"Yes, that's true. I have an absolutely amazing group of friends that started when I was a senior in high school. Once I moved on to college I met more incredible people, people who have been my rock all these years. But this book is really close to me because it deals with a lot of mental health issues. And that is still such a taboo subject in this country, which shouldn't. The book follows around a group of friends who deal with situations like depression, drugs, suicidal thoughts and self hatred. And one of the friends in this group has an eating disorder, which is something I personally struggled with."

"Really. How was it going through that, especially in your later twenties?"

"Different, it made me feel like I was worthless honestly. Mental illness attacks you and it knows how to keep you down. Luckily I had an amazing support system, and my number one supporter was and is my husband Hugo. I talked to different psychiatrists before I was able to get ahold on what had been holding me down for so long. And talking to someone shouldn't be such an issue in this country; everyone should know it is okay to ask for help."

Lily smiled before grabbing onto my hand. "Let me tell you, the more I learn about you the more inspired I am by you. I'm also inspired by all your friends, who you based this book off of. Thank you so much for coming here," she gave my hand a squeeze as she smiled at me again.

"Thank you for having me."

She then looked at the camera while holding the book up. "And if you haven't already bought the hottest book in the country, make sure you go pick up Unbreakable by Cameron Yeager. I've read it myself and I must say, it made me tear up and hug all my friends a little tighter. It is a wonderful read, one that people will be reading for years to come. We'll be right back."

When they went to a commercial break I gave her a hug before running off the set. I took Jack into my arms as Hugo wrapped his free arm around me and kissed me. "God you're amazing."

As I started to respond I heard someone quietly walking up behind me. I turned to see a worker had walked over with my book in her arms. "Sorry to interrupt but do you mind if I have your autograph?"

Hugo smiled at me as he took Jack back into his arms as I signed her book, and took a picture with her. The feeling that there were people out there who actually liked what I wrote, was incredible. The fact that we got flown out to New York was insane too. That feeling intensified when people keep coming up to me and telling me how the book really opened their mind to mental illness, or how it helped them. When someone wanted me to sign their book, I opened up to the dedication and stopped for a second.

This book is dedicated to all those who feel broken, but keep going. You are truly unbreakable. And to my loving husband Hugo, who always puts my pieces back together.

My eyes looked over at him dancing around with our children. He met my eyes and smiled, butterflies instantly forming into my eyes. I absolutely loved this life, and couldn't wait to see what was next.


 Laughter was heard behind me as I flipped the burgers that were currently on the grill. I looked up to see everyone having fun as the summer sun beat down at us all. Perry was playing corn hole with Aly and Allen, a very pregnant Cleo cheering them on. When Cleo had found out she was pregnant she had been scared, especially when she found out she was having triplet girls. Sebastian had been so excited he practically went into shock. Even now when he talks about the upcoming birth of Daisy Violet and Rose, he tears up and talks about how excited he is. Speaking of him, I looked over to see him keeping a close eye on Cleo, not wanting her to strain herself.

Gabriel and Reno were sitting next to Andy, who only had eyes on Penelope and Amelia. Penelope had moved to New Mexico when her and Andy started to get more serious. He was a father to little Amelia, who he absolutely adored. They had actually gotten engaged and were set to be married in the winter. Gabriel was a perfect babysitter for Amelia, Reno also a great babysitter. Even though they weren't able to adopt any children because Reno didn't feel comfortable, they were comfortable babysitting.

"Hey Hugo." I jumped when I heard Wes' deep voice walk up to me. He smiled down at me as he put his sunglasses on top of his head.

"Hi Mr. Yeager."

He simply smiled as he put a hand onto my shoulder. "Hugo, you've been apart of this family for a long time. I think it's time you called me Wes."

I simply laughed while checking on the burgers. "That'll take some time to get used to." As I flipped the burgers I rubbed the back of my neck while saying, "Happy Father's Day by the way."

"Thank you Hugo, you as well. You're the best dad to those little boys." My eyes traveled over to my sons, which were laughing as Cameron and Noah took them through a sprinkler. "You're such a good husband to Cameron as well."

"I really appreciate that. Sometimes I'm still worried that you didn't want me taking Cameron's last name."

This time he turned towards me with a puzzled expression. "What are you talking about?"

"I wanted to take Yeager because I didn't want to be a Stevens anymore, mainly because of my dad. I didn't want to ever be associated with that last name again."

"Why would I be mad about you taking it?"

This time I looked puzzled. "I didn't want you to be upset that someone like me took your name."

He gave me a flat look while raising an eyebrow. "Someone like you? You mean someone like you who saved my son's life on multiple occasions, and brought two beautiful boys into my life? Hugo, that's so far from the truth. You are always going to be my son and there's no one else I'd rather carry on the Yeager name. I love you Hugo, and I always will."

He then leaned forward and gave me a giant hug. I could feel tears in my eyes as I gripped onto him. "You've just already treated me like a son, something my own dad never did. I didn't want to let you down."

"You're not going to let me down, ever. You are my son Hugo; I will always stand by you. Your dad didn't deserve to have such a terrific son like you. But your sons do deserve to have a great dad like you."

I hugged him tighter before pulling back to smile up at him. "Thank you Mr. Yeager, I love you too."


"Sorry, Wes."

He laughed while giving my back a gentle pat. I then looked over at a laughing Cameron before asking, "Hey Cam!" Those brown eyes looked up at me, a laughing Jack in his arms. "Want cheese on your burger?"

"Two slices!"

Wes smiled next to me, giving me a knowing look before going over to the sprinkler to join in on the fun. As I added cheese to the burgers, I smiled around the yard as a gentle breeze blew the water from the sprinkler over towards me. The view of my family all around was amazing, especially when my mom and sister showed up. Having my entire family around was simply amazing, and all because of a Sex Ed class. Who would've thought that class would've led to the happiest I've ever been, and that is something I will forever be grateful for.

A/N: And just like that, the Sex Ed series is completely over. Words can't describe how I feel right now, I've been with these characters for almost five years. This doesn't even feel real, honestly it doesn't. My very first ever chapter with these characters was with Hugo, so it was only fitting that the series ended with him. Thank you for everyone who has stuck by this series throughout the years, who have always waited for updates and loved these characters as much as I do. These characters gave me life in a way, they were there when no one else was and I really found my love of writing. I will never ever forget these characters, and thank you again to anyone that has ever read the Sex Ed series. Now that their story is completely out there, it makes me happy that more people can connect with them. I will always love everything about this entire series, and my heart is as full now as it was when people first started reading Sex Ed. Now, I'm off to cry (happy tears of course! and maybe a little sad). Thank you for bringing these characters to life with me.  

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