The Man

By themanbeckylynch

38.2K 624 27

Where does twelve years get ya? More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Chapter 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38

Ch. 15

788 18 0
By themanbeckylynch

When they got home it was past eight in the morning. His hand had been set and thankfully there was no need for any surgery. Becky slowly sunk down in the bed basically dragging Lachlan with her.

"So I have to tell you. I got a call and they want me on Raw." He nodded as his lips met her neck. "Are you going to be alright to fly?" He nodded as he laughed.

"I'm fine Becs. Just don't do anything stupid." She nodded as her nose nuzzled into his hair. "Love you." Her lips brushed his ear gently.

"Love you more." As his arms wrapped around her she felt him adjust slightly before he scooted up slightly his bandaged hand slipping beneath her head before his bicep became her pillow. "Better?" He nodded as his nose buried into her flowing hair.

"What time do we leave?" He asked quietly.

"Two." He nodded before setting an alarm for two hours. They would leave Ireland and arrive three hours before Raw began.

Once they were at the arena Becky easily slipped through backstage security not realizing Lachlan wasn't behind her. She wanted to know where she stood in the schedule because she still needed to get ready. As he was stopped by security he tried to call her but she simply didn't hear him. It was nearly ten minutes later before he felt an arm wrap around his back.

"What did she forget about you?" He laughed at Rondas words before he finally was able to get past security. "Is she actually alright though?" He nodded.

"She simply sprained it. She's fine. Probably getting cleared as we speak." She simply laughed and shook her head before they entered Ronda and Becky's shared locker room.

"I think you forgot something?" Becky turned bright red at the blondes words. When Lachlan started to laugh her cheeks matched her hair.

"I didn't even... I'm.." He simply laughed her off as he moved to lean against the wall the girls now getting their makeup and hair done. He watched as other wrestlers and crew entered the room. He was simply observing everything that was happening. It seemed like it was in slow motion how everything was going down.

Once Becky's arm wrapped around his waist he was snapped back to reality.

"Did you get cleared?" She nodded as her lips met Lachlan's cheek. She could tell how tired he was physically and mentally. He had basically fallen asleep leaning against the wall.

"Come on, let's go get some food." He nodded before rubbing his eyes presumably to remove the sleep from them. Slowly but surely they were joined by more and more of the girls. He didn't eat as he was doing his best just to keep his eyes open.

"What were you two up to last night?" Natalya asked with a smirk as she pointed towards Lachlan.

"We were flying. He can't fall asleep on planes." Becky said with a laugh. They all heard her hit his shoe before he jumped his eyes shooting open causing all of them to laugh. He turned slightly red as she squeezed his hand.

"So where were you then?" Sarah Logan asked from across the table.

"We went back to Ireland." She simply replied.

"And what did he do to his hand?" Ronda questioned before Lachlan joked back.

"What you mean this?" He had a cast from just under his elbow all the way to the tip of his middle finger. It encompassed every finger except for his thumb. "Irish bar fights are always fun ones." As every girl at the table eyed him up and down they could see Becky get tense. Ronda pulled her aside as the others joked around with Lachlan.

"What really happened Bexs?" The blonde asked once they were in the confines of their locker room.

"I guess I should start from the beginning then." She stopped as Bayley slipped into the room. Only to continue once the brunette was seated with them. "I've known Fergal since I started wrestling. Started off at his gym in Ireland and throughout the entire time there he basically harassed me, always tried to get with me, the works. It stopped when I finally started bringing Lachlan around but it all started up when I was signed and started traveling. It's gotten worse and worse since then basically leading to him trying to force himself on me. He broke one of my ribs trying to keep me in a bathroom stall with him." The two girls were intently listening to the words of one of their best friends.

"When we were back in Ireland I thought nothing of it when he invited the both of us out to a bar. In fact I thought he would leave me alone because of Lachlan. Instead he tried it while I was getting drinks. Needless to say Lachlan broke Fergal's wrist and he broke Lachy's hand." The two girls were in shock before Becky was pulled into a tight group hug. They had never realized how 'Finn Bálor' was affecting her everyday.

"My god I'm so sorry I didn't realize it Bexs." Bayley said honestly. She had seen Fergal hitting on her multiple times but never thought anything of it because she had no idea of Lachlan.

"Don't be. It's not your fault. Anyway I don't think he'll even lay a hand on me again." Both girls laughed.

"Trust us between the three of us we've got you." Becky raised an eyebrow at Ronda's words. Bayley answered for the blonde.

"You really think Lachlan will let anything happen again?"

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