Kimi no Koe

By Tacchan0506

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Standing motionless on the windy street, when I looked back the sun had already fallen I was looking alone at... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 5

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By Tacchan0506

Chapter 5

Sho's POV-:

A person needs someone to stay by their side. A friend, a family member, it may be anyone but we always needs someone by our side. For me, the four members were not just members; they are my family and my best friends. I can't live without them and they can't live without me as well. We are like childhood friends who know each other since junior high school. We've been through a lot together.

And then, there's Sakura, who was with me since we were elementary school kids. She has done a lot of things for me. I was not able to attend school often due to our Johnny's junior activities. She used to write notes for me so I could study whenever I get time. She used to teach me whenever I had some problem. She was the one who listened to my even stupidest lyrics. She was the one who stayed by my side even in my hardest times like in junior high school where I was so confused what to do and what to not. I even ended up getting irritated at her many times but she quietly listened to me.

After Arashi's debut, the distance between us grew. We didn't even meet after high school. I had told her about me enrolling in Keio University as Principal recommended. But I didn't know what she wanted to do in future and what she had decided. As a best friend, I should know everything about her and she knew almost everything about me. She could read my moods so easily. As I got busy in my activities, I didn't get time to search for her or try to contact her, though every night I used to talk to her photo.

Meeting her again I felt very happy. How can I put it in words? I don't know. She changed a lot. She has become much matured, young woman. She was childish fighting with me a lot of times. She was not much popular like me but everyone thought good of her. One or two of my friends really liked her back in high school. One time I heard one of them confessing her. I was super angry at him. I don't know why. Was I being an overprotective best friend? When I asked her about it, she said she don't have time stuff like boyfriends and all. At that time I felt calm. We used to go to school together and came back home together. We were not next door neighbors. Her house was a lane before my house.

I often used to go to her house but she used to come to my house almost every day. My mom and she had become like best friends. Whenever I and my mom used to fight, she always used to take mom's side saying whatever she is doing is for your sake. And I hated her doing this being my best friend. My younger sister Mai and younger brother Shu always used to get along with her. We used to do barbeque together with her family in our farm house. Those memories are so fresh that it feels like it was just a week before. Natsukashii~!

Sakura's POV-:

The day I met Sho again felt like dream. My heart was beating fast just hearing his voice. All these years, I thought we won't be able to meet again. Still, I kept on listening to his songs, watching his dramas and TV shows. I even tried for concert tickets but unluckily I was not able to go. We're best friends since elementary school. Being so popular, Sho never left me alone. We were always together. While going to school, during lunch breaks, while coming back home, in school festivals, going to eat something outside. We got along very well. Besides, we used to fight a lot as well. He used to irritate me by teasing me. He used to fight with his mom a lot and I always used to take Obasan's side. And he used to hate me for that. He used to say that being his best friend I should always take his side. Sho's parents were strict regarding Sho's studies and school stuff. So, I always used to make notes for him when he was absent in school. He never thanked me though instead used to tease me for my handwriting. I was an average girl. I was not very good at studies and also not good in looks. Sho once told me that one or two of his friends liked me. I was surprised. One of them also confessed me but I refused him. Sho heard it and he was very angry at him. He was not talking to that boy. It was so hard to calm him down. He asked me the reason why I refused to date that boy; I told him that I don't have time for such stuff.

But since junior high school, I always loved Sho. I loved how serious he was regarding his future. He said he wanted to become a responsible man who can support his family in any hard time. He also had hard times deciding what to choose because whatever he will choose will not be an easy path. He used to feel frustrated sometimes after he joined Johnny's. He used to come at my home and talk to me about everything he feels. But at the end, he used to be the one who found solution to every problem. I was not of any help. I just used to listen to everything he says.

We had lot of fun together. His sister Mai-chan and brother Shu-chan were so fond of me. Yoko Obasan and Ojisan used to invite me and my family for barbeques at their farm house. We were not as rich as they were but our family never had any financial problems. Otousan is Director at IT Company and Okaasan was a professor of English at a high school just like Yoko Obasan. So they used to get along so well. Ojisan and Otousan also got along well and used to discuss about finance and other things about Japan. We used to invite their family for dinner sometimes. Our families also got along together like us. I never had a younger brother or sister so Mai-chan and Shu-chan were so precious to me.

I wonder how they are. They must have grown up. I wonder if Obasan and Ojisan are well. I looked in my room which was full of our family photos, my and Sho's photos, my photos with Mai-chan and Shu-chan, Sho and Arashi's posters. I smiled. Suddenly, my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID which was an unknown number.

"Moshi Moshi?" I picked up the call.

"Yo Sakura!" the voice of the person made me recognize that this is my best friend's number.

"Sho!?" I was surprised that he called.

"Doushita? (What happened?) Are you shocked that I called you?" he could read my voice.

"Hai. I was really surprised."I never thought that he will call and on the top at night.

"Eh? Can't I call you?"

"Sonna koto nai yo! (That's not it.)" I tried to sound casual. After all these years I don't know how to behave with him now that he is Nippon's (Japan's) Idol.

"Oye, don't ever think that I have changed because I have become famous or something."

Crap! He could even read my thoughts. But it made me happy knowing that after all these years our relation hasn't changed.

"I don't think like that." I tried to lie, because I really thought like that.

"Ah sou! (Oh, that's so!) You haven't changed at all." he said.

"Haa~that time you said that I have changed a lot. Now you are saying that I haven't changed at all." he really pisses me off.

"Honto dayo! (It's true!) I said you have changed because your physical appearance is changed. But by heart you are the same childish, irritating Takemoto Sakura!" he laughed.

"Warau na~(Don't laugh) I HAVE changed." I said emphasizing the have word.

"I don't think so. You are the Sakura whom I like teasing so much." he is still laughing.

"Ah! Mukatsuku~~~ (You're really annoying)" now it irritated me a lot. We are talking after so many years and all he does is annoying me and he is still laughing.

"Mou ii! (It's enough.) Can't you talk to me calmly?"

"Gomen! (I'm sorry!)" His voice can change so surprisingly. One second he is teasing me and the other second he apologizes. "Demo tanoshikatta(But, it was fun), fighting with you again." Now he sounded honest.

"I also had fun fighting with you again. But you should ask me how I had been. Let it be. Ojisan and Yoko Obasan genki? Mai-chan and Shu-chan? How are they? They may have grown up ne?" I started asking him about others.

"Oi Oi, ask me about myself first."

"Eh? Why should I? You seem to be all fine."

"You are terrible Sakura."

"Who's terrible? Sho is being terrible, teasing me and irritating me."

"Sou? (Is that so?) "

Our blabbering continued for a few minutes and then we both started laughing.

"Sakura, let's meet somewhere."

"Hmm. Let's meet and talk." I wanted to see him again. I wanted to go somewhere out with like we used to go.

"Let's meet tomorrow!" He exclaimed.

"Eh? Tomorrow?"

"Muri? (Is it not possible?)" He asked.

"I can meet you tomorrow but are you free?" Of course he is the one who is busy not me.

"I will take out time for meeting you." I could feel how desperate he was to meet me.


"I will come to pick you up at 7pm in the evening. Mail me your address."

"Okay." I said.

Wait, Sho is coming to pick me. EH!

"No. Sho, tell me where to come. I will come there." I didn't want him to see my messy place.

"Why? I want to see where you live."

"It's just a normal place Sho. Besides, my landlords don't like boys coming over at girls' places." That was a good lie.

"They are so weird. Okay, I will message you the address. Ah and send me Ai's contact. I want to talk to her."

"Okay. Jaa ne! Oyasumi!" I smiled wishing him good night.

"Jaa, oyasumi!" he wished me back and we cut the call.

I was so happy talking to him on phone like usual. I felt like an idiot who is crazily happy. Thank god Sho is not coming over my place. How could I show him my place which is full of his posters and our photos? I can't hide them from him. I took all the magazines of Sho and Arashi and kept it under my table. Let's sleep now. Thinking about tomorrow, I fell asleep soon.

Sho's POV-

I smiled as I cut the call.

"Someone's so happy." It was Aiba-san.

"Chotto, were you eavesdropping our conversation?"

"No, I just came and saw you smiling." Aiba-san came and sat next to me on my bed.

"Go sleep. Don't disturb me."

"Eh! I just came to congratulate you." He started making weird faces.

"And for what may I ask?"

"For getting Sakura-chan back. Sho-chan, Omedetou!!!" He literally hugged me.

"Oye! Get off me!" somehow I made him far from me.

"So, are you meeting her tomorrow?" he asked. I just nodded in reply.

"I see. Jaa, Oyasumi!" he wished and went towards the door.

"Eh, are you going already?" I wished he could stay. I feel like talking a lot to him. I don't know why.

"Hai. Tomorrow I have to go for shooting."

"Ah, I see. Oyasumi." I wished him and he went in his room.

I tried to fall asleep but was not able to. Sakura's thoughts were coming in my mind. After a while, I fell asleep thinking about her.

Next Day-:

As usual, I and Aiba-san got up early and went for the walk. He went for the shoot. Today, I wanted to take a holiday so I stayed at home. I and Nii-san (I call Riida Nii-san) were the only ones at home. Suddenly, the bell rang. I went to open the door. As I opened the door, a very bright face greeted me.

"Ohayou Sho-chan!"

"Ah! Neesan! Ohayou!" Satomi-san is really a bright woman. Nii-san is very lucky to marry her. "Douzo (Please come in)"

I let her in.

"Satoshi wa? (Where's Satoshi?)" she asked looking around and not finding Riida.

"He is taking bath. Why don't you wait in his room?" I teased. She just smiled in return and went in Nii-san's room.

Riida's POV-

I just came out of the bathroom taking a bath. Today, I am Satomi are going for shopping. I was drying my hair and there was just a towel surrounding my waist. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. I thought it must be Sho-chan 'cause everyone else has gone out.

I went to open the door.

"AHHHHH!!!" I shouted too loudly and covered my naked body with the towel which I was using to dry my hair. "Satomi! Why didn't you say that it was you? I thought it was Sho-kun. I would have covered myself with some clothes."

"So what? I just saw your chest and nothing else. Besides, we are getting married."

"That doesn't matter. Go in the hall. I will get dressed." I told her to wait in the hall. "And, stop being a hentai (pervert)."

"Haa~ I didn't do anything like a hentai." She got mad at me and went outside.

I sighed. Now I have to do something to change her mood.

I got dressed and went out.

"Let's go Satomi." I called her.

She just kept quiet and went out.

"Nii-san, you need to work hard today." Sho-kun teased me.

"Urusai na~ (Shut up!)" I yelled at him and went out. "Ittekimasu~ (I'm going out)"

"Itterashaii~ (Be careful)" Sho-kun greeted me as I left.

In the evening-:

Sakura's POV-

I was thinking what to wear. Sho had messaged me an address of a restaurant. What kind of restaurant it may be? A fancy one? A royal one? What should I wear? There were 3-4 dresses lying on my bed. Its 6.30pm already. I need to leave soon or I will be late. Sho doesn't like coming late. I thought hard and picked up the red dress. I will go with this one. I kept the others back in the wardrobe and suddenly the bell rang. It must the landlord or landlady. Ironic, isn't it. I'm staying in a rented house when I have my own family here in Tokyo and enough money to buy another house or a flat. The bell rang once again.

"Hai~" I responded and went to open the door.

I opened the door and there was a young man wearing a goggle and cap and a mask.

"Hai?" I asked.

"Yo Sakura!" he removed the mask and I was hell shocked.

"SHO! What the hell you are doing here? Who gave you my address? I told you not to come." I was yelling at him.

"Ochitsuke yo Sakura (Calm down Sakura)! First let me in." I came forward near me.

"NO! I can't let you in." I was still holding the door hard to not to let him in.

"Eh!? Nande (Why)? Are you hiding your boyfriend here?" he tried to peep in.

"No, and for your kind information Sakurai Sho-san, I DON'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND."

"So, let me in."

"IIYE (NO)!"

He used his force on the door. And I with all my force kept on holding the door. But of course he being a man, managed to go inside.

"Wait Sho!"

But it was late, he had already gone inside. He looked around and of course all of his posters and our photos caught his attention. I was feeling too much embarrassed.

"Sakura, all these years you were supporting me and Arashi?" he turned around and looked towards me. "These posters, these DVD's and Arashi goodies. Ne, Sakura?"

"Isn't it obvious?" I spoke in a small voice. "Shinyuu dakara (Because it is my best friend)!"

"Arigatou Sakura." He came near me and hugged me.

"Sho!" my heart started beating faster again. Why he makes me feel this? I hate it but then I also love it. I love how he makes my heart beats fast and the butterflies in my stomach fly. Moreover, I love how I love him. I can feel his warmth as he hugs me. I can smell him and it makes me nostalgic. It makes me feel never to leave his hug. It makes me desperate for him.

"I feel so lucky Sakura." He said as we were still in hug. "All these years, I was not able to be by your side, but you stayed by my side. You supported me even though I was not able to."

"It's not true Sho. You were always by my side, through Arashi's songs. Your songs have always supported me and have given me strength." I said. Somehow, tears started flowing out of my eyes.

"I'm sorry Sakura. I promise you that I will never leave your side." He hugged me tighter.

"Arigatou Sho." I felt happy as well as sad. What kind of feelings are they? I am happy that he is there by my side and I am sad that we are just best friends. We can't be anything more than that. He would never know my feelings until I tell him and I don't have courage to tell him because telling him my feelings will just ruin everything.

We broke out of the hug.

"So, shall we go?" he smiled.

I nodded as I wiped my tears.

"Wait here, I will get ready in 5 minutes." I asked him to wait and went inside.

Sho's POV-

Sakura went inside to get ready. I looked around at all of our photos she had framed. I remembered a lot of our memories. I kneeled down near the table to take a look at the frames kept on it. I saw some kind of magazines hidden under the table. I took it out. They were my photo magazines of almost every year. She was really trying her hard to support me. There were a lot of Arashi goodies like uchiwas of every member but mostly mine. I smiled. I felt so lucky to have her as a best friend as well as a good fan.

"Sho, let's go." She came out and I looked at her. She was looking so dazzling in the red one piece.

"AH! Don't just go on touching my things without my permission." She took out her magazines out of my hands.

"Sorry! But it is so cute seeing you as a typical fangirl."

"Urusai!" she frowned. "Hurry up, let's go!"

I nodded and we went out. She locked the door and we went near my car.

"Ah, I forgot my phone. I will just come."

She went inside to bring her phone. I was sitting in car as she came back. I was looking at her beauty. Is it just me or she has really became this beautiful. I could not help but look at her. Is she the same Sakura I used to know? Smile couldn't just leave from my lips.

"What's wrong? Why are you smiling looking at me?" she asked and I realized that I must be looking like a fool smiling constantly.

"Nothing! Hurry up, seat in the car." I asked her to seat. She opened the back seat door.

"Oye, seat in the front." I told her.

"Eh? Why? I will be fine at the back."

"Baka (idiot), I don't want to look like you driver." She frowned and closed the back door. She sat next to me in the passenger seat.

"Let's go Driver-san!" she is teasing me now.

"Hai hai, Ojousama (Princess)!" I smiled at her as she blushed as I called her Ojousama. I have to admit that she looks cute when she blushes.

I started driving. I have decided to take her to a fancy restaurant where we all usually go. The owner had made special arrangements for us. They know us very well. And also, there will be no paparazzi. We reached there after a few minutes. I parked the car and we went inside. The waiter showed us our table which I had reserved.

"How is the restaurant?" I asked her.

"It's really amazing. Thank you Sho!" she doesn't need to thank me for that.

"Okay, you don't need to thank for that baka."

"Stop calling me baka, you baka!" she tried well to keep her voice low but her voice is naturally big so the other people looked at us.

"You are embarrassing me Sakura. Keep your voice low." I looked at other people and apologized to them.

"You started it first. It's not my fault." She frowned again.

"Fine, I'm sorry!" so I had to apologize here as well.

The waiter came to ask us for our orders. I and Sakura always liked the same kind of food so we didn't take much time to order what we want.

"How is everyone else, Ojisan, Yoko Obasan, Mai-chan, Shu-kun?" she asked.

"They are all great." She still cares for them.

"I want to meet them all." She made a puppy face.

"Don't make such face. Besides, you meeting my mom would be troublesome for me."

"Ha~?" somehow I love when she get mad at me.

"Just kidding. We'll go meet them when I get 2-3 days off." I also want them to meet Sakura again. Mai and Shu will be so happy and especially my Mom.

We kept talking about our life until now. She told how she wanted to become a fashion designer. We had much fun today. After our dinner, I went to send her home.

Sakura's POV-

We had too much fun today. I don't have words. I am so happy. I feel like dancing and singing.

"Sho~ Arigatou~!" I shouted taking Sho's photo in my hand.

I played some songs on my music player and lay down on my bed. Today was the best day. I smiled as I closed my eyes, remembering the memories.  






Finally, it's done. This is a really long chapter. I wanted to update it on Sho's birthday but I was not able to complete it. And then, the hiatus announcement. I was not able to do anything. I will try to post next one soon.

Take care!

Jaa Ne!


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