Styles INC [edited]

By tHeOfFiCiAlWhOrE

193K 3.3K 561

"Bu-but you are my boss."I stutter out. "I know and you are my assistant. But I don't give a fuck anymore. Y... More

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Thank you

t h i r t e e n

4.6K 80 13
By tHeOfFiCiAlWhOrE

Harry's POV (October 13)

She looks at me for a minute looking very shocked.

Harry you fucked up. You are such a mess up. Why would you ask her that she obviously isn't that into you. She probably hates you now.

"Of course." She stops my bad thoughts and looks up at me smiling so brightly. I smile down and at her in shock.

"Wait, really?"I question a little loudly.

"Yes really." She says rolling her eyes at my question playfully.

"Wait so I'm really your boyfriend and you are really my girlfriend!" I jump off the bed and stand in front of her.

"That's how it works Harry." She giggles. I lean in and kiss her passionately but slowly. She kisses back but I pull away after a little bit.

"Well then what do you say. Let's go to bed girlfriend." I say emphasizing the word girlfriend.

"Alright boyfriend." She says mocking me.

"Say it again." She looks at me confused.

"What?" She looks at me confused with her eyebrows lifted a little and her head tilted slightly. She looks adorable.

"Say boyfriend again, I love the way it sounds." I say smiling at her. I have never had an actual girlfriend. Sure I dated in school, but do those really count?

"Boyfriend, boyfriend, boyfriend. Harry styles is my boyfriend." And at the last two words she leans in for another slow short kiss. I pull away and we get under the covers.

"Rose, do you, want to, um cuddle?" I question nervously twiddling my fingers while I stare at the ceiling. I curse myself inwardly at my awkwardness and turn to look at her hesitantly.

"I would love to Harry." That's all I need to turn over and wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her close to me. I kiss the top of her head as she nuzzles her head in the pillow.

We go to bed shortly after and I get the nets night sleep I have had in a long time.

Roses POV (October 14)

When I awake I let out a tiny gasp. I thought last night was a dream. But holy crap, it was real.

I take time to figure out me and Harry's sleeping position. His head is under my chin on my chest, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist, our legs intertwined together. I feel small little puffs of air coming from his mouth on my chest, little snores escaping from him making me smile at the cute sight. I notice him shifting a little bit after about five minutes of me just laying here, letting it all sink in. Slowly but surely he wakes up. He looks up at me and smiles brightly.

"Good morning, love." He says with his raspy morning voice that I could get used to. He starts to rub his eyes, trying to get rid of the sleep and my heart flutters.

"Good morning."I reply back.

"May I give you a kiss?" He asks, neither of us caring about morning breath.

"Of course." I smile and he leans in. He kisses me softly then it turns a little heated, I end up straddling him. His tongue swipes my bottom lip asking for entrance and when I deny he pinches my butt. I squeal and he takes that as an opening and puts his tongue in my mouth. We kiss for a little bit longer before I pull back.

"Mhmm, I could get used to that." He hums out, his eyes closed and a smile on his lips.

"I bet you could," I smile and sweetly peck his lips one more time. "Can I make you breakfast?" I ask.

He opens his eyes. His smile widening. "Of course you can baby." My heart soars at the nickname. He smirks at my reaction. I get off of his bed and make my way to the kitchen. Almost getting lost.

His room is upstairs, along with three other bedrooms, each with an en suite, and a normal bathroom as well without a shower. Downstairs he has the kitchen and media room obviously. But he also has a large living room, an office, and another bedroom. The theme of the house is black and white furniture and white walls, white, with a hint of gold, marble counter tops.

Once I make it to the kitchen I pull out the things I need for French toast, eggs, and bacon. Once I start to make the French toast Harry makes his way downstairs, shirtless with just his grey sweatpants on that hang low on his hips, his boxer band peeking out. I could melt then and there, I swear the temperature increases ten degrees when he walks in. His tattoos are all on display and I know notice the butterfly and swallows he has.

He smirks at my obvious frazzled state. I snap my head down and focus back on the French toast making sure it doesn't burn. I then feel a pair of tattooed arms snaking around my waist, and some soft lips gently kissing my neck.

"What are you making baby?" He questions.

"Some French toast, eggs, and bacon. Is that ok?" I ask a little nervous he won't like it.

"That is more than ok, it's perfect. I love French toast." He says smiling at me. I turn my head and look up at him while he pecks my lips. When I finish cooking we both slide into a bar stool at the counter and dig in.

"Holy shit Rose, this tastes amazing." He groans out. I giggle and say thank you. We talk a little bit while eating. But he is mainly stuffing his face.

"So what is the plan for today?" He questions.

"I'm not sure. Did you have anything in mind?"

"No. But we could go to this nice little park and go for a stroll. It's a pretty nice day out and we won't have many of these days left. But I will have to work a little bit at around four. Today is the day we finalize the merging." He replies.

"What exactly does that mean?" I ask a little lost.

"Well basically our companies will combine into a single larger company. The combination of our five companies involves a transfer of ownership. All our companies surrender their stock and issue new stock as a new company. And we will each own twenty percent. And won't change our company names. It doesn't really affect my business that much since mine is the strongest. But by doing this we will being bring in a lot more profit and I will have way less work." He explains. I nod my head every so often nodding.

"How did you get so smart?" I ask while laughing. He just chuckles.

"College. I really bunkered down because I wanted to be someone. I never wanted to stay in Homles Chapel. I always wanted to support my parents. And I have always wanted to have nice things, not to show them off but just to feel proud that I can buy them. I have always wanted to make money so I could donate some to charity as well. My dad had already made the company I own now pretty successful when I growing up, and then he passed and gave it to me. When I took over it really took off." He tells me, I grin and nod at him. Going back to finish my breakfast as we talk about his business more.

When we are done we make our way back upstairs to get dressed. I just slip on my jeans again and leave Harry's shirt on. I like wearing it,it's soft and it smells like him so that's a plus. He comes out wearing a stripped shirt, some black jeans and Chelsea boots.

He is mid brushing his teeth and he holds up a packaged toothbrush signaling I can use it. I quickly walk over and start to brush my teeth. While doing so he keeps bumping his hip into me and so I keep bumping mine into his. We keep doing that and laughing until we are done.

We make our way downstairs and go to the garage. Harry grabs some random keys. I walk in and am in awe of what I see. From what I can see he has a Ferrari California, a Porsche 911, a Sport Classic, a Jaguar E-Type Roadster, Classic Mercedes Benz, Range Rover Sport, Audi R8 Coupe, Ford Capri 1970. The lights to his white Mercedes flash and I happily slide in. My dad always loved cars when I was growing up, so I know a lot about them.

This car is so beautiful holy shit

"I know right. She's my baby, well my second baby, you are my first now."Harry says making me realize I said that out loud but also blush at what he said.

He pulls out of the garage and we make our way to my apartment. His hand resting on my thigh when we get halfway there. When he puts his hand on my thigh I look up and smile at him. I hum the tune in the radio which is "Anna (go to him)" by The Beatles. We soon reach the apartment and we make the walk through the lobby, in the elevator, and down the hall. I type in the code and we make our way in. I call out Danny's name and get no answer. As I walk in my room I notice a note on my door. It reads.

At Alissa's will be at hers for the rest of the weekend. -Danny

I laugh and shake my head, taking down the note. I walk in, Harry following. He goes to sit on my bed while I go in my closet. Grabbing random items of clothing. I ask Harry if he would mind if I showered and he said he wouldn't. So I quickly showed him how to work the TV and then I kiss him on the cheek quickly before hustling to the bathroom. I hop in once it's warm and do my normal routine. Once I'm done I throw on a white Rolling Stones shirt with some black jeans with rips in the knees. Harry is asleep on the bed snoring lightly. I laugh and go to gently tap him on the shoulder. His beautiful green eyes open to meet mine and he smiles.

"Is this our thing? Falling asleep?" I question while he laughs tiredly.

"I guess it is. You know what we should do, we should go get ice cream." He says with a random burst of energy, but his voice is still dangerously low and raspy from waking up. I laugh at him and nod.

"I am always down for ice cream so you won't hear me complaining." He laughs and stands up, giving me a sweet slow kiss.

"Alright princess, lets go get some ice cream." He takes my hand and leads us out. I quickly slip on some checkered Vans on the way out to finish off my outfit.


Edited August 14, 2019

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