Troubled Soul (manxman) *Comp...

By tampamanatee

13.2K 1.1K 274

**Please read the entire Sex Ed series before you read this!** *Seriously, this book won't make sense if you... More

One: Cameron/ Hugo
Two: Cleo
Three: Perry
Four: Noah
Five: Hugo/ Cameron
Six: Gabriel/ Reno
Seven: Perry
Eight: Wes
Nine: Perry/ Aaron
Ten: Noah
Eleven: Cameron
Twelve: Pete
Thirteen: Aaron
Fourteen: Hugo
Fifteen: Cleo
Sixteen: Perry/ Aaron
Seventeen: Wes
Bonus: Andy
Nineteen: Perry/ Cameron

Eighteen: Perry/ Cameron

631 53 35
By tampamanatee

A/N: OMG the time has finally come. The wedding!! There will probably only be one chapter left after this before the epilogue.


The way the park lit up at night was absolutely spectacular. It was so peaceful at night that it was hard not to keep looking around everywhere. My eyes then caught a glimpse of Cinderella's castle and I started to cry. There was once a time in my life when I really thought something like this would never happen to me. Here I was, about to marry the love of my life, at Disney world. Wes had pulled major strings and worked his lawyer magic to make both Aaron and myself the new foster parents of Aly and Allen. Usually that would take so much longer, and I'm really not sure how he did it. But whatever he did, I was eternally grateful to him.

"Perry?" I quickly turned around to see Aly and Allen in the doorway of the sliding glass doors. They both had Mickey Mouse ears on, which made me smile. "Are you okay?"

Instead of responding I simply nodded while closing my eyes. I felt two sets of arms then wrap around me before I opened my eyes back up. "I'm good, I promise." Quickly wiping my tears away I put on a smile while asking, "Have you guys enjoyed Disney so far?"

"You bet," Allen said while pointing off somewhere in the distance. "This one ride we started to go on was delayed because some guy puked in it! Can you imagine how awesome that would've been to see?"

"That would've been disgusting," Aly said while rolling his eyes. "I'm glad I didn't see it."

"I think I ate too much though," Allen said as he placed a hand onto his stomach. "It's so hard to turn down food, especially when hot girls are offering you some."

Aly rolled his eyes again as he poked Allen in the stomach. "She didn't offer it to you for free; you had to buy those snacks."

"Still, it was worth it because she talked to me."

I couldn't help but laugh as I hugged them tighter. They were suddenly pulling me back into the room, Aly standing by me as Allen grabbed a small bag from the bed. "This is from Aaron. He said it's a pre wedding gift."

As I took the small bag from them, I pulled out loads of tissue paper to see a Pascal pin. "Actually he got one for all us of," Aly said as he took one out of his pocket. "We're all going to wear them tomorrow. And the cool thing is that only the four of us will have one."

"There's also this letter," Allen said as he pulled a green envelope out of the bag. "Oh and tissues, he said you'd probably want those."

I thanked them while sitting down onto the bed as a knock was heard from our adjoining room. I watched as Shawn then poked his head inside, the laughter of his children behind him. "I got that gaming console set up. Want to play?"

"No way," Allen said as he started running over. "I am going to destroy everyone!"

"Will you be okay by yourself for awhile?" Aly asked as he looked over at Shawn.

"Of course, don't let Allen have all the fun."

He smiled before running into the next room, Shawn welcoming him with open arms. When I thought he was going to join them, I watched my brother walk over and sit next to me on the bed. His arm wrapped around me, my head ending up onto his shoulder. "You doing okay?"

"Yeah," I said while gripping onto Aaron's letter. "I just can't believe this day is finally here."

"Yeah," he said while holding me closer. "I can't believe my little brother is getting married tomorrow. I hope you know how lucky Aaron is to have you, you've turned into such an amazing person Perry."

I then looked up to roll my eyes at him. "You're just saying that because we're brothers."

"Am not," he said while playfully shoving me with his shoulder. "I've watched you mature and blossom into someone so incredible. I don't think I've seen the smile vanish from those boys' faces all day," he said while nodding towards our open door. "And man the way they look at you and Aaron is crazy. Plus the way you two look at them is amazing, it's like you guys were all meant to find each other. And I know you were meant to find Aaron, I wouldn't want anyone else to be with you." He then leaned over and gave me a hug as I silently cried into his shoulder. We sat in a comfortable silence as laughter was heard from the other room. "Want to join us? Nothing like playing video games for your last night as a single man," he said while wiggling his eyebrows.

I couldn't help but laugh before saying, "I'll catch up with you guys in a little bit. I think I just need a minute alone."

"Of course, take all the time you need. I'll try to save you some snacks, but no promises. Those boys eat literally everything, it's crazy."

I laughed again as Shawn stood up. "I know, they're eating us out of our home."

As he started to walk away, he stopped and turned around. "I love you Perry."

"I love you too Shawn."

He smiled before walking into the room and shutting the door behind him. My eyes traveled back down to the envelope in my hands, my name written on the front in Aaron's handwriting. When I opened it I felt more tears form into my eyes, and I hadn't even opened it yet. The front of the card had the scene from Tangled with all the lanterns, one of my favorite parts. My fingers ran over the lanterns before I slowly opened it and watched as a picture fell out.

The picture had been taken right after Wes was able to help make us Aly and Allen's foster parents. We were all smiling and laughing in the courtroom, our arms wrapped around each other. I studied the picture for a long time before turning my attention to the note.

My dearest Perry,

Can you believe that our wedding is tomorrow? Seems like only yesterday I was first laying eyes on you, and not being able to breathe from your beauty. Every single day I wake up and see you next to me, and it always feels like a dream. I dreamt about meeting someone like you for so long, I thought it would never happen. But then you stumbled into my life and completely changed me for the better. You brought laughter and love back into my life, something that had been absent for so long. You are the reason I wake up with a smile, and go to bed with a smile. I can only imagine what you will look like tomorrow, surrounded by all the lanterns. I'm so excited I probably won't sleep tonight. I'm sure Andy will keep telling me to calm down from all the pacing I will be doing. I am just so excited to finally marry you. I have loved you the moment I met you, and I will love you all the days I have. I will proudly wear my Pascal pin and watch for you anxiously to arrive at the altar tomorrow. I can't even imagine what you're going to look like with Aly and Allen around you, our little family. I'm sorry I ever doubted what you were doing before; having them in our lives will always be the most perfect decision ever. I simply cannot wait to see you tomorrow and I cannot wait to marry you. I love you forever with everything I have. You will always be my delicate flower.


Tears were pouring down my cheeks as I held the letter close to my heart. How was I supposed to get through tomorrow? I knew I'd just be crying the entire time. But if everyone I love was there, I knew it was going to be okay.

I wiped the tears off of my cheeks before walking into the next room. I sat in between my nieces and nephews, as well as my sons. My heart was so full of love I hope it didn't explode. Tomorrow was going to be purely magical.


My hands nervously shook as I paced around the small room. "It's almost time!" Francine's voice suddenly boomed throughout the space. Aaron is making his way to the altar. Aly and Allen are you ready?"

"You got it."


Francine was then turning towards me with an excited smile. "Are you ready Perry?"

"I'm just worried I'm going to trip and land on my face."

"Well, good thing Aly and I will be by your side the entire way." Allen then stood next to me, looping his arm through mine. His Pascal pin was shining on his suit as Aly looped his arm through my other arm. "We'll catch you if you fall."

I could feel more tears rush down my cheeks as I smiled at both of them. "It's show time boys!" Francine said as we turned towards the door of the room.

I watched as they opened, revealing the beautiful lanterns shining in the twilight. Rapunzel's castle was lit up in the background as I suddenly heard music start. "I always knew I was a lost princess," I whispered as Aly and Allen chuckled.

A/N: Have this play while Perry walks down the aisle!

We then walked out of the room and into the courtyard, the music playing all around us. We walked towards the area where everyone was sitting. I instantly noticed Aaron at the front of the altar, his smile shining at me. Andy was standing next to him, Shawn on the opposite side. All of my family was sitting under the lanterns, a smile forming onto my face. We walked down the aisle before coming to a stop at the end.

As the boys let go of me, I gave them each a separate hug and kissed their cheeks. I then watched as Aaron hugged both of them before they stood by Shawn and Andy. When I looked up at Aaron I couldn't contain my smile as I hugged him. He instantly hugged me back, the music still softly playing behind us. As I looked up at him I noticed the Pascal pin pinned to his suit jacket.

As the music softly drifted off I grabbed his hand as we stood in front of Juliet, who had wanted to officiate. She gave us both hugs before grabbing her book, which had the sun symbol on the front.

"Good evening everyone, and please be seated." Had people been standing up? I honestly didn't even realize. "We are here to celebrate the relationship and love of Aaron, and Perry. Marriage is so much more than walking up to an altar and saying I do. Marriage is about loving each other no matter what, through thick and thin. It's telling the other person that no matter what, you're not going anywhere and the commitment you made to each other is that much stronger."

"In marriage, it's remembering that the little things mean so much. Whispering an I love you as you walk by, making a pot of coffee, or simple watching Tangled for the millionth time." I chuckled as Aaron gave my hand a squeeze. "Marriage is also about finding the right partner, the person who you want to wake up next to each and every morning, and fall asleep to every night. That right partnership has led us here, to Aaron and Perry. There may have been struggles along the way, but it only improved your love and made you realize just how strong your bond was. You two have written your own vows, which you will now share."

I turned towards Aaron to see him already looking down at me. "Crap I forget, who goes first?" I whispered as he laughed.

"You can go first love."

I simply nodded while grabbing both of his hands in mine and looking up into his eyes. "Before I start with the lovey dovey words I so will say, I'd just like to say thank you. Not only for this amazing wedding venue, because who wouldn't want to get married here, but for your unconditional love and support. You always had my back throughout everything; even during the times I tried to push you away. Thank god you never listened to me because we both know I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you. You took me out of such a dark place, a place no one should ever be in. You've always been there for me, and you've never stopped loving me. You even loved me during that dark time, and never gave up. There really aren't the rights words to describe just how much I love you. You're the person I always hoped I would end up with, but never thought it would be possible. Sometimes you still seem like a dream to me, how can someone so incredible like you really exist?" He was then wiping away tears that were rolling down my cheeks. "You mean so much to me and I love you with literally everything I am. Thank you for watching Tangled with me so many times, and for always making me Kung Pao chicken when I'm sad. I will never stop loving you. I will never stop waking up happy, always excited to take on the day with you. You are truly my Flynn Rider and you always make me feel like royalty. I love you."

I watched as he took a tissue out of his pocket, gently wiping off my cheeks as his own eyes were watery. He then leaned down and kissed my forehead, smiling down at me before he stood back up and grabbed my hands again. "Seriously, how am I supposed to follow that?" I laughed while giving his hands a squeeze. "I don't even know where to start Perry, because I can never find the right words to truly express how much you mean to me. You came into my life at a time when I wasn't happy, I wasn't even smiling. You never gave up on me, and I will always be grateful to you for that. You made me see just how happy I could truly be, something I really never thought I'd be. You are my entire life and that will never ever change. You are an incredible man, a man that has changed not only my life but so many. You've helped teenagers and young adults see the true potential in life, something that most people can't do. And I look at you every single day and just think man, how did I get so lucky? You're there to cheer me on when I'm having a bad day; you're there to hold my hand while visiting my dad and Liza. I know they're looking down at us right now, I know they helped lead me to you. I will be happy for the rest of my life, because you'll be by my side. And not only you, but the two amazing boys you've helped bring into our lives." He then looked between Aly and Allen, who smiled back at him. "We will always be here for two, and we will always love you." He then looked back down at me, resting his forehead onto mine again. "I love you so fucking much Perry."

"I can't believe you cursed in front of your mom," I whispered as he simply laughed.

"It's okay," Juliet whispered back. "He gets a free pass for your wedding." She then wiped her eyes as she went back to reading from her book.

"Aaron and Perry will now exchange rings to symbolize their commitment to each other."

I watched as Andy was tapping Aaron on the shoulder before slipping my ring into his hand. Shawn was also then giving me Aaron's ring. "Aaron, please take Perry's hand and repeat after me." I watched as he held onto my left finger, his eyes boring into mine. "I give you this ring, as a symbol of our love."

"I give you this ring, as a symbol of our love."

"For today, tomorrow and all the days to come."

"For today, tomorrow and all the days to come."

"Wear it as a sign of what we have promised on this day."

"Wear it as a sign of what we have promised on this day."

"And know that my love is present,"

"And know that my love is present,"

"Even when I am not."

"Even when I am not."

I watched as he slid the ring onto my finger, the diamonds sparkling as my finger trembled. I was then repeating the exact same thing, tightly holding onto his hand. "Even when I am not," I said while sliding his ring onto his finger. Damn did it look nice on him.

"Now that I have fully worn out my waterproof mascara, let's get on to the fun stuff." I laughed while Juliet wiped her eyes. "You two have expressed your love through your vows and through your rings. Now Aaron, do you take Perry to be your husband, to live together in the unity of marriage? Do you promise to love him, to comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health and to be faithful to him, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"Perry, do you take Aaron to be your husband, to live together in the unity of marriage? Do you promise to love him, to comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health and to be faithful to him, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"By the power vested in me and the wonderful sunshine state of Florida, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss!" I watched as Aaron put his hands on either side of face before connecting our lips. My arms instantly wrapped around his neck as he deepened the kiss. When we were pulling back I heard Juliet shout, "It it my great honor and wonderful privilege to introduce to you for the very first time, Mr. Aaron and Perry Hunter."

The music picked up again as I hugged him, before motioning for Aly and Allen to come closer. We all hugged before we linked arms and walked back down the aisle. I could see all the smiling faces of our friends and family cheering us on as we walked by. I really didn't think my heart could get any bigger than in this moment.


I smiled while watching Perry and Aaron dance around the dance floor, Perry's laugh echoing throughout the entire courtyard. Aaron had shed his jacket off so his Pascal tattoo could be seen. Once they finished dancing everyone cheered and whistled as the music picked back up. Everyone then flooded out onto the dance floor, Huck giggling in my arms. I jumped when a hand was suddenly on my back, making me look over to see Hugo smiling down at me.

"Want to join me for a moment?"

"Of course."

I thought he was going to walk towards everyone dancing, but he walked over to the edge of the courtyard. I looked up at all the lanterns around us, the castle glowing behind us. "I actually have something for you," he said while digging into his pocket. I gasped when I saw a wedding band completely surrounded by diamonds. He frowned when he saw me suddenly crying really hard. "Are you okay Cam?"

"It's just..." I then grabbed a similar looking wedding band out of my pocket and held it up. "I actually have one too."

Hugo looked shocked before he started laughing and then sprinkling kisses over my face. "I can't believe this. Great minds think alike huh?"

I laughed as Huck started tugging on some of my curls, my eyes locked onto Hugo's. "I just wanted to apologize for how crazy life has been recently. You don't get enough credit and I really wanted you to know how much I love and respect you."

He smiled as he took my left hand and ran his finger over my current ring. "Please don't apologize Cameron, I wouldn't change anything about my life. I love you more than anything, and I swear I am never going anywhere." I watched as he slowly started to slide the band down my finger. "I, Hugo, promise to always love and care for you for all the days of my life."

He then kissed my finger before he took Huck out of my arms as I slid the band onto his finger. "I, Cameron, promise to always love and care for you for all the days of my life."

I kissed his finger, his palm, and his wrist before smiling up at him. As he leaned down to kiss me, he suddenly looked up before taking a few steps back. I watched as he grabbed a heavy duty pair of headphones before placing them onto Huck. Right as I was about to ask what he was doing, I looked up to see fireworks above Rapunzel's castle.

"This place really is magical," I said as he laughed and leaned down to kiss me. He deepened the kiss while pulling me closer as the fireworks continued to light up the night sky. As I pulled back I saw everyone now outside all enjoying the fireworks together. Looking back up at Hugo, I smiled again before pulling him closer and kissing him. It had been a long time since we've done anything physical, but I think I was finally ready to take that step. I then pulled back to look at Perry and Aaron, Aly and Allen around them in a hug. Man, what a magical place.

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