unknown // thenextstep

By briarszulfikar

3.4K 81 49

Richelle hasn't been featured that much this time round. When she does get the feature she wanted, someone is... More

unknown // 2 - Grand Trio
unknown // 3 - Leader
unknown // 4 - 'I Know You Wanna'
unknown // 5 - One Shot
unknown // 6 - Outings
unknown // 7 - Pain
unknown // 8 - Winter Storm
unknown // 9 - Used
unknown // 10 - Time's Up.
unknown // 11 - Trouble.
unknown 12 // Not A Sorry

unknown // 1 - Crazy Much

560 9 1
By briarszulfikar

noah pov

I waited patiently for Summer. We were going to start on the duet we had been given. It was lyrical, perfect for her style of dance which made her the best partner for this dance. Flawless technique, emotion shown and she embraces the storyline of dances in a way I haven't really seen much of before. Crazy.

"No Summer yet?"

"Richelle, relax. She's probably just caught up."

"If you say so. Want me to fill in?"

"Not now-"

I looked over by the door and saw her. There was the brunette I had been waiting for. Only 5 minutes behind, not that bad of timing. "Bye Richelle?" She said, indicating for her to leave. Richelle flicked her hair and left the room out the green door. I'm just glad we aren't already in a dramatic moment because I really don't have the time for it right now. "So, I got told I was doing the duet?" Nodding, I smiled at her. Although she is thinking she is unworthy, Summer is the top lyrical dancer for the part.. plus we have some tight chemistry.

"Summer, I needed to have you on this dance. Don't think anything less." I said reassuringly, placing my hands on her arms. A small smile appeared on her face and we started on the choreography. We both incorporated ideas that suited our strengths. She did a front aerial, fouettes combo whilst I did some turns during her solo part of the dance. It had to be graceful and have great flow all the way throughout. That's what she's all about.

Going over it, the connection really started to show. It's like.. the trust was just there. I'm surprised Thalia even let me pick my partner. Although, she knows I only choose the best dancers to join me on dances I'm given to organize. Can't afford to let her second guess that. Every lift, jump and just general partnership in the dance was what made it so special.

At the end, we raise our arms and intertwined our hands before bringing them back down whilst still holding one another's hand. We turn as we sit down, back to back and lean against each other. The storyline is two enemies learning to trust each other. Towards the other half of the dance, we start to do things together instead of pulling away. It just seems natural.. to them of course.

Having done it full out for Emily and Thalia, I hope they see the effort we put into it and the connection is as visual as it is physical.

They both walked over to us, clapping. "I had no doubts this would be one beautiful duet! My two star dancers putting it all out on the floor. The competition has big shoes to fill." I didn't expect anything like that from her, it's nice to know she sees what I see in this duet. "I agree guys! it's refreshing to see two dancers who haven't had a dance by themselves pull off all the checks of a successful duet!" Thalia said, an expression of happiness on her face. Summer and I thanked the two studio heads before they went back to the office.

"I told you it was worth it."

"Yep. I just didn't expect to finally get a dance with you."

"Haha, well now you got it! Wanna go get some shakes?"

She low-key laughed and ran ahead of me. I quickly put my shoes on and ran after her, laughing. "WAIT UP SUMMER!" I called, eager to catch up to her.


piper pov

I was walking up the stairs, to studio a when Summer ran past me, Noah chasing after her. They were both laughing and obviously racing. That's flirting.

Getting my phone out of my bag as I placed it in my cubby, I texted the Kingston, telling him they were messing around again. He just replied with 'soah! i ship it ahahahah' like wow. This year, it has to be our season to win. Regionals may have not been my best performance but I'm determined to do my actual best this time round. I know Finn likes me and I just don't want a relationship. Happily would watch him date anyone else in the studio. Not too much of a concern for me.

Noah isn't usually the type to be so goofy with someone like that. Guess Summer just brings out that side of him that we never usually see. He pretty much told Richelle to go away earlier which doesn't exactly show an image of wanting her around in that moment. Well, Emily does love her star dancers so what more can we complain about? We all know how to be top dancers but they just seem to tick all Emily's boxes for star dancers. That's fine with me though. Back row dancing is my thing.

All of a sudden, Thalia walked out of the office in a hurry? Was she looking for someone...? I better go find out.

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