By emi_army_97

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He leaves gentle, seductive kisses on my forehead, cheek, jaw. I can barely breathe. "What are you doing?" I... More

Chapter 1- i'll go home with you
Chapter 2- call to the office
Chapter 3- tutoring??
Chapter 4- your house or mine?
Chapter 5- stop stealing my fries you hoe
Chapter 6- intriguing
Chapter 7- go on a date with me?
Chapter 8- unusual casuality
Chapter 9- night of the party
Chapter 10- a kiss
Chapter 11- legs, boobs, & the mall
Chapter 13- we're gonna expose you
Chapter 14- Sana
Chapter 15- detention??
Chapter 16- don't go
Chapter 17- halloween party
Chapter 18- hug
Chapter 19- kiss cam
Chpater 20- thanksgiving drunk dinner
Chapter 21- his marking
Chapter 22- permanently
Chapter 23- storm
Chapter 24- who took off my clothes??
Chapter 25- a confession
Chapter 26- i missed you
Chapter 27- inevitable
Chapter 28- was this a date?
Chapter 29- christmas trip
Chapter 30- confession pt.2
Chapter 31- make her mine
Chapter 32- lockscreen
Chapter 33- new years
Chapter 34- birth control
Chapter 35- cold and fake
Chapter 36- Valentine's Day fuck up
Chapter 37- happy for you
Chapter 38- it's an emergency
Chapter 39- viagra
Chpater 40- her dominance
Chapter 41- no shame
Chapter 42- petty bitches
Chapter 43- damsel in distress
Chapter 44- beach walk
Chapter 45- ass smack
Chapter 46- carnival
Chapter 47- three words
Chapter 48- ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฆ๐˜น๐˜ค๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜จ๐˜ฆ
Chapter 49- "followed by something very bad"
Chapter 50- pitiful honesty
Chapter 51- i need your help
Chapter 52- the sneaky switch
Chapter 54- lala land
Chapter 55- tell me a story
Chapter 56- acceptance letters
Chapter 57- stuck
Final Chapter- speechless

Chapter 53- spend the night

57 4 0
By emi_army_97


           "You have more than me!!" Ji-won whines, tugging further on the blanket I have enveloped over me. I snatch it back as she continues to groan.

           "I'm cold!" I retort, wrapping my shoulders tightly in the fluffy throw blanket. She tries pulling it toward her again.

            "It's my room!"

          "You're eating my popcorn!"

          "You're the one who offered to bring some anyway."

           "Just because you were complaining how it wouldn't be a real movie night without some."

           "Bitch share the blanket!" She fuses, and I laugh at her persistence while shaking my head. To easily solve our problem, I simply scoot closer and scoop her around my arm, pulling her toward me and draping the blanket I've been hogging over her bare legs. She finally grins lightly, taking some popcorn from our bowl and eating it as she snuggles up closer to me, her feet touching mine.

            "Do we really have to watch this?" She asks for the millionth time. I chose a horror movie specifically for the occasion, so there's no way I'll go back on it.

            "You'll like it, don't worry." I lie, smirking as I press play on the remote. I'm currently cozy and content- curled up in her fluffy bed, no light besides the one being emitted from the Tv screen, door closed, popcorn, and my girl.

          "Pissing myself next to you isn't how I want to remember our first movie night." She says, and I can already feel goosebumps on her arms. I laugh and she squirms as I tickle her stomach.

           "If you do I'm breaking up with you." I say with a cheeky grin. She gasps and hits my chest, and I laugh as she struggles to look toward the screen.

           "It's just the beginning credits, calm down." I say, flicking her arm. To my satisfaction, she cuddles up closer to me, putting her whole leg over mine and holding my other arm like a stuffed animal. Movie perfectly chosen.

           "Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit..." She continuously mumbles to herself, the simple eery music and dark intro already freaking her out.

           "I mean if you really want, we can just let that play in the background and do other stuff..." I say teasingly, leaning halfway over her and bringing my face close to hers. She giggles as she tries to push me backward, and I persist in leaving small kisses along her cheek.

             Just then, as if the devil decided to tell on us just for his cruel entertainment, the door swings open without a knock, meaning her father decided to come and interrupt us. We separate from each other at the speed of light with a jump, screaming from the shock and nervousness, spilling our popcorn all over the covers in the process. Mr. Song stares us down with an intensity unlike I've ever seen. I think my heart really stops, but I cover it up with an extremely awkward chuckle that just makes his scowl worse.

             "You walked in on the scariest part, Mr. Song, haha..." I say, bringing my hand to the back of my neck. He glances to the Tv and sees the credits still rolling. Well shit.

          "The creepy music intensified Dad, and then you just popped in and scared the life out of us!" Ji-won adds with an enthusiastically fake giggle. "Thanks for that."

           "Didn't your tutoring end hours ago?" He asks, ignoring our excuses.

            "Well, we're not really tutoring right now... just, you know, hanging out. Watching a movie and stuff." She says, her nervousness radiating off her like strong perfume.

             "And stuff?"

           "Just watching a movie Dad!" Ji-won is quick to exclaim, face heating up. There's a moment of very awkward silence, and I'm reminded how my fear of him has intensified greatly in the past 2 weeks. Ever since Ji-won and I made up, we've been hanging out a lot more, doing less tutoring and more hanging out. We go a lot of places together, like the mall and the park and to fast food joints and my house, we've been back to Namjan Park once too. Simple things, but I love every second. For once, there's really no hiding or confusion or mixed feelings. It's just us together.

The main problem is just her nosy parents. Of course, they just refuse to believe that we're just close friends, even after spending so much time together in the past year. They still can't get used to another boy being around besides Hoseok.

She still talks to him a lot, every day for hours. They still hang out a ton at school, they still go over to each others' houses, they even went out to eat at Halmeoni's once.

If I'm honest, it bothers me a little. I don't think it's completely normal for someone to hang out with another guy practically the same amount as her boyfriend. I'm thankful though, since she has cut out a lot of their time for me. She's been flexible, but I can't help but get an uncomfortable feeling in my gut every time I see them together.

          After one final, dismissive grunt, Ji-won's father walks out of the room, leaving the door open a crack. We wait till we hear him walking down the stairs to groan in sync.

           "Literally he's crazy." She says, shaking her head.

          "Just abandon your family and let my mom adopt you." I suggest.

          She laughs sarcastically. "You're disgusting. And I still love them, ass head, they're just annoying." Not as bad as mine. I wish my mother was like her's. Dad, even. Anything other than the excuse of a family I live with.

           "Does your dad glare at Hoseok like that?" I ask, ignoring my thoughts and cocking my head to the side. She elbows me and I drop it.

          The movie finally really begins, and I quickly get up from the bed to sneakily shut the door all the way. Ji-won glances at me suspiciously. "It bothers me." I say, and she looks away with a little grin, shaking her head.

          Now with the fear of her dad popping in again, we don't cuddle together as much. I still let her clutch my arm though, and that's all the comfort I need.



          "Oh my god it wasn't that bad! Why are you crying?" Jungkook asks in shock while laughing hysterically.

           "I-it's not funny you asshole!" I sniffle, wiping my wet eyes with my sleeve.

           "I'm sorry, you're right, it was super scary and you have all the right to be this dramatic." He says between giggles, pulling me down towards him. I flop down in his lap and sniffle as he pats my hair and cheek. "There there, the monsters aren't real."

         I glare up at him. "You sound way too sarcastic."

       "I'm not!" He laughs. "It was seriously scary."

        "I should scream right now and tell my dad you molested me." I say stubbornly, getting more comfortable in his lap. His eyes widen.

        "He'd ship me off to North Korea, you lying bitch!"

         I smirk. "Perfect. Then you can go cry out of fear too."

           "You'd miss me so much that you'd move there too." He says, leaning downward toward my face.

            "You're never picking the movie again." I say, ignoring him and lightly flicking his face. He gets me back with a poke in the stomach, making me flinch so hard that we head butt.

            We laugh like idiots while rubbing our foreheads, play fighting a little. My heart flutters like crazy, a sweet feeling that I'm entirely used to by now.

           When we settle down, he reaches for his phone on the side table. When he glances at it, he furrows his eyebrows and groans. "Shit, it's late."

            "It's also Friday." I chuckle. "What, you passed you're bedtime?"

           "No," he replies, narrowing his eyes at me. "I just don't think your parents are happy with me for staying here till 11:30."

          I sigh and flop down on my bed. "Yeah, I guess you should go home."

           "Lemme call my mom to make sure she's not asleep, or she'll be scared shitless when she wakes up to the front door opening." He briefly explains, smirking a little while glancing to me. "She's a little like you." I roll my eyes playfully, kicking his arm lightly.

            He calls her and the phone rings for a long time. He's about to hang up, assuming she's asleep, before finally she answers and suddenly there's noise on the other end.

         "GOD DAMN IT JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!" His mom yells, so loud I can hear without speakerphone on. I can practically see Jungkook's heart sink, and he clutches the phone more tightly.

          "Mom?" He asks, voice hesitantly low.

         "I'm so sick and tired of all this! No, stop, I don't want to hear another word-" it's apparent now that his mom is yelling at someone else the house, probably Jungkook's father. I just barely hear muffles of what his sharp replies are, but I can't make out his sentences.

           "Don't fucking touch me! You bastard, you don't know the first thing about being a father or a husband, I-"

           "Mom." Jungkook says, louder, firmer.

          "Yes, Jungkook, sorry, your monstrous father was screaming so much I couldn't hear you." She snaps, obviously trying to send a message to Mr. Jeon rather than her son.

            "Don't go poisoning his mind, you manipulative whore!" I hear his dad this time, his yells growing louder and closer.



           "MOM!" Jungkook yells, making me flinch. "What the hell is going on?"

           "You're the one who wasn't strong enough, you couldn't set an example for any of our children, you gave up on your own family! Just look at all the damn bottles in this house!"

             His parents continue arguing and ignore the call going on. Goosebumps cover my whole body, and my heart picks up pace. I knew his parents were going through a rough patch, but I hadn't expected it to be so extreme.

            How can Jungkook act so okay during all of this? How can he still smile at me when there's so much behind his eyes?

             Jungkook looks more angry than worried at this point, and he harshly hangs up and throws his phone onto the side table, not bothering to try to get their attention again.

             There's a few tense moments of silence. He stares off at the wall, eyes burning with a bitter mix of rage and frustration, and yet the room feels cold.

"How long has that been going on?" I ask softly.

"A little while. Not long enough to be used to yet."

"How is it when they're not arguing?"


That word hangs in the air for some very long moments.

            "Do you want to stay over?" I ask, blurting the words before I could process them.

          He blinks, temporarily putting the fire out. "What?"

            "You should stay. As in sleep here. As in not go back home till tomorrow." I explain, sitting up.

            His face is blank for a moment before his entire expression becomes confused. "You're not serious, right?"

            I blink.

           "You're serious?"

           I nod.

            We stare for some long seconds as we both ponder the slight realistic possibility of this idea. He cracks a very faint grin.

            "You're asking."

           "You're coming with me."

           "It was your crazy idea."

          "I'm doing you a favor."

He sighs and shakes his head. "You want me to walk out there with you, look your 6 foot father in the eye, and ask if I can spend the night here?"

"Exactly." I smile.



Thank everything holy that Ji-won's mother is so sweet and understanding. We would've never been able to appeal to her father, who scowled at me the entire conversation, alone.

Ji-won and I had nervously popped the question, and he instantly spit out a harsh no. Her mom talked a bit of sympathy into him, and she even put an arm around me to show her support as she persuaded her husband. At least I know she'd approve of me if she knew we were dating...

"He won't be any trouble, what's the problem?" Mrs. Song had asked bitingly, glaring at her husband.

There was a long few seconds of silence as he thought over the situation, looking me dead in the eyes. I had to avert my gaze.

"He sleeps downstairs." He said firmly, nodding in a decisive way. Ji-won's mouth had fallen open, drawing her father's mistrustful gaze toward her. "Is there any reason he'd need to sleep in your room?"

She was about to blurt out a retort, but thought better of it and shut her mouth. "No."

"Then that's that."

So here I am now, washing my face in the bathroom. Water droplets roll down my cheeks as I stare at her father's pajamas, which I'm supposed to wear to sleep. I'd rather put on her mom's clothes, these just feel cursed. I get goosebumps as I pull the sweatpants and sweater on. It feels like even the clothes are watching my every move.

I take a breath as I look in the mirror, noting that I'd prefer Ji-won not to see me in these clothes, given that I look like a hobo grandpa. There's no reason to be so intimidated by him, it's just your girlfriend's dad. What could go wrong?

I open the bathroom door, but just as I step out I head a booming, low voice to my right.


I gasp hugely and flinch about a foot away from her father, who's leaning against the wall. He keeps a straight expression as my eyes are wide and my breathing quickens. "S-sir, I mean, Mr. Song, hello." I blurt quickly, standing up straighter.

"Why did you get so startled?"

"I just wasn't expecting you." I say, voice getting quieter.

"You seem suspiciously nervous."

"I'm not suspicious, sir."

"Are you sure?"

"No- I-I mean Yes sir."

"Take a breath, young man."

I slowly inhale and exhale an awkwardly embarrassed chuckle.


"Yes sir?"

"It's not the military, Jesus." He mutters with an amused tone.

"Mr. Song." I correct myself, trying to sound as normal and non-suspicious as possible.

"I have a question for you, Jungkook." He says, staring me right in the eye once again. "A simple one." Something tells me it won't be as simple to answer.

"Ask away." I say, plastering a possibly too-fake smile.

"I do not appreciate nor tolerate liars,
so I suggest you answer truthfully as well."

I gulp and nod. I wouldn't even have enough mental stability to properly lie to this man.

He puts a hand on my shoulder and stares me down, sending uncomfortable shivers down my back, and those moments of silence might be the scariest of my life. They don't compare to what comes after, though.

"Are you in a relationship with my daughter?"

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