Supernatural One Shots

By softlymasculine

698K 8.1K 2.9K

Supernatural X Reader One Shots☆☆☆ - Female x Female - Male x Male - Ships - x Reader ~~~ (I don't own all of... More

Supernatural x Reader
Sam & Dean x Vamp! Reader
Hey Dean here
Sam & Dean x Reader
Dean x Suicidal! Reader
Castiel x Dying! Reader
Sam x Reader
Castiel x Reader
Dean x Reader
Lucifer x Reader {Part 1}
Lucifer x Reader {Part 2}
Crowley x Reader
Lucifer x Reader {Part 3}
Lucifer x Reader {Final}
Jack Kline x Reader
Archangel Gabriel x Reader
Jack Kline x Reader
SMUT! Dean x Reader
Sam x Reader
SMUT! Jack Kline x Reader
Charlie Bradbury x Reader
Castiel x Reader
Dean x Witch! Reader
SMUT! Castiel x Reader
SMUT! Sam x Reader
SMUT!Meg x Reader x SMUT!Castiel
Dean x Daughter! Reader
Jack Kline x Reader
Father! Castiel x Nephilim! Reader
Claire Novak x Reader
Dean x Cutting! Reader
Dean x Male! Reader
Castiel x Reader
SMUT! Sam x Reader
Jack Kline x Reader
Dean x Reader
Sam x Male!Reader
Charlie x Reader
Human! Castiel x Male! Reader
NSFW! Crowley x Reader
Jack Kline x Reader
Sam x Birthday! Reader
Sam x Guardian Angel! Reader
Jealous! Jack x Reader
Dean x Dying! Reader
Castiel x Demon! Reader pt. 1
Castiel x Demon! Reader pt. 2
Castiel x Demon! Reader FINAL
Jack Kline x Reader SOUL
SMUT! Dean x Male! Werewolf! Reader
Dean x Birthday! Reader

Lucifer x Male! Reader

5.6K 139 19
By softlymasculine

I bit my lip in frustration and pulled as hard as I could on the shackles that trapped me in my chair, desperately trying to escape my bonds. I froze when I heard the door open and close, and glared at my foster parents. I felt tears prick my eyes as I thought of all the times they had beat me, called my useless and kicked me out the house. Ever since I was born, all I could remember was pain and betrayal from my foster parents, my real parents giving me up soon after I was born, with no reason as to why. My foster parents had never loved me (as they so often told me), and I had purely been fostered for some witchcraft experiments. I had never been locked up like this however, and I knew that I would never forgive them for this; whatever was happening, I knew it was bad, and I knew it was big. Whatever it was, I was sure that I would do my best to be no part of their crazy plan.

"Stop fidgeting!" My foster mother snapped, sending me a glare. I glared back, before turning my attention to the table where both my parents were laying numerous objects out for a spell. I frowned, wondering what they were trying to do.

"Now, this may hurt ____, but you'll be thanking us later." My foster father said, bringing up a syringe and placing it against my neck. "Now, you are about to undergo vast changes, both physically and mentally, but don't worry; your mother and I will be with you every step of the way."

"No you won't." I snarled, glaring up at him. "You never have been, and never will be."

"We'll see." The male said, before piercing my neck with the syringe and forcing the substance inside my body. At first I felt nothing, and I saw my foster mother frown.

"Has it not worked?" She asked, and my foster father scrutinised me.

"Wait a minute dear..." As soon as those words left his mouth, a burning sensation filled my body, and as the seconds passed it quickly got more intense. I let out a shout of pain as a blinding white light filled my vision and surrounded me, pressing against my body. I let out one last cry before the light was replaced by darkness, and I quickly passed out.

"It worked!" I heard muffled voices pushing through the silence, and I moaned, blinking my eyes open. As my eyes adjusted to the light I knew that I had changed in some way, and there was a strange weight to my back which I had never felt before. I looked up to my foster parents who were looking at me in awe, and when I looked behind me my eyes widened. On my back were four large wings which were black, and shone a harsh white light. I felt my heart begin to race, and I jumped up, breaking out of my chains with superhuman strength. I felt my fear begin to take over me, as I had no idea what was going on around me. All my senses seemed heightened, and I knocked over the table in the small basement as I swung myself around as I tried to get used to standing up and walking around; I felt weird, like I was trapped in a suit or something.

"What have you done?" I eventually turned on my foster parents, who were looking at me with wonder in their eyes.

"We did it..." My foster mother said, turning to look her husband in the eyes.

"I know..."

"What have you done?" I asked more firmly, but they still refused to answer me, causing my frustrations to grow. They spoke softly between each other, and I suddenly lost it.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!? ANSWER ME!" I shouted, a blast of air sending my foster parents flying the wall. They looked at me stunned, but soon recovered, putting on charming smiles for me.

"What do you think we have done? We have turned you into an angel!" My foster father said, walking up to me and placing a hand on one of my wings. I flinched away from him, and he frowned.

"Don't be like that son..."

"I AM NOT YOUR SON!" I shouted, and with a flick of my hand sent him flying into a wall. "I will never be your son." I said, tears coming to my eyes. I looked over to see my foster mother starting to recover, a hint of fear in her gaze.

"Now ____, we have given you a gift- you should be grateful."

"Grateful? For torturing me for years? For using me in experiments? For being the worst foster parents ever? For changing my whole soul and body just because you wanted a powerful being on your side?" I asked, and my foster mother nodded. I scoffed and with one last look stormed out of the room and out of the house. I quickly teleported away from the city, and into the nearby forest (how I knew to teleport I had no idea) where I could get away and try to figure out what to do next. I sat down by the trunk of a large tree and curled in on myself, curling my wings around me. I felt tears fall out my eyes, and I began to sob. Everything had happened so suddenly, and I couldn't believe what my foster parents had done to me; I mean, I thought it was impossible to create an angel... And to think of all the things that could have gone wrong, and that they used me without a thought to my wellbeing... I knew they hated me, but to know they would just throw me away tore me apart.

"I guess I just have to carry on... I mean, being an angel is kind of cool." I said out loud, trying to stay positive. "I could become the best hunter ever, and save countless lives!" I lit up at the thought and smiled to myself.

"Ok, before I become a hunter, I need to get used to being an angel..." I murmured, before walking off to find a clearing so that I could see what I could do.

*A Few Years Later*

I smiled as I sat down on my bed, flicking my hand to watch the TV. I had just managed to kill a large group of demons that were terrorizing a small town near where I lived, and I had killed them all as well as saved some of their meat-suits. It was a job well-done as far as I was concerned, and I was really enjoying my new life as an angel/hunter. I had full control of my grace now, and had built a large home for myself and also made a name for myself in the hunting community. I had learned all about the Winchester brothers, and because of my new abilities had managed to track down my real parent's records, and found out that I was actually an older cousin to Sam and Dean. The idea had thrilled me at first, however when I watched them hunt I realised they had no idea I had existed and that I would likely be in danger if they knew what I was, so kept to myself and well away from the Winchesters. The only problem with my new life was that it could get very lonely at times, and I felt a part of me was missing, a very important part. I had no idea what it was, but I knew I could not rest until I found it. Just as I was about to settle down for the rest of the night there was a knocking on my door, and I frowned, not expecting any visitors. I cautiously made my way to the door, and telepathically saw that it was Sam and Dean calling. I bit my lip, but decided to answer the door and just act natural.

"Hello." I said, opening the door. "Can I help you?"

"Are you ____?" Dean asked, and I nodded, before I was slammed back against a wall by Sam, his large body pressing against my own. I looked into his determined eyes, and smiled.

"Easy cousin." I said, and Sam frowned. I gave him a smile before sending him flying backwards, pinning him against the wall. I then gave him a smirk before Dean came up to me, a knife in his hand. I gave him a quick smirk before knocking him out by punching him in the face and smashing him against the wall.

"DEAN!" Sam cried, and I just turned to the younger Winchester.

"Don't worry, I shall not kill him." I said, before picking Dean's body up.

"What are you going to do to him?" Sam asked, and I sat Dean on a chair, and with a click of my fingers both him and Sam were tied up in my living room.

"I am not going to do anything, so long as you tell me that you were doing outside my door at this time in the night and then attacking me for no reason." I replied, moving to stand in front of the younger Winchester. He sent me a glare and refused to talk, so I just shrugged. "Fine then. Get comfy, because you aren't going anywhere. And I wouldn't try to call your angel friend of yours, this place is hidden from angelic radar, so he wouldn't be able to find you." Sam sent me a glare and with that I left them on their own, waiting for Dean to become conscious again.

Later that night I went to check on the boys and saw that they were both awake. Dean was the first to see me, and when he did he tried to force his way out of the ropes around him, but failing miserably.

"What the hell are you?" Dean asked, eyes sharp as he looked me over.

"I'm a human-turned-angel." I answered, and both the Winchesters frowned.

"A what?" Sam asked, and I sighed, telling them about my childhood and what had happened.

"That's why I am such a good hunter." I said, and Dean's eyes suddenly snapped up to meet mine.

"Wait, you're birth parents were (mother's name) and (father's name)?" He asked, and I nodded. "But that would make you..."

"Your cousin." I said softly, Sam and Dean both processing the information.

"You're lying." Dean finally decided, before calling out to his angel.

"Cas, get your ass here right now! We're in a situation!" I raised my eyebrows and chuckled.

"Your boyfriend can't get to us, Dean. He's an angel, and this place is hidden from my kind."

"But not an archangel though." Another male voice said from behind me, and I whipped around to see a tall, blonde male behind with the brightest blue eyes I had ever seen. My breath left my body; he was gorgeous!

"Lucifer?" Sam asked, and Lucifer moved his gaze to the two boys behind me.

"Hello boys. Castiel said you needed some help, so here I am."

"Can you get us out of here please?" Sam asked, and Lucifer nodded, clicking his fingers which caused the Winchesters to disappear. His gaze then turned to me, intently watching me as I held his gaze.

"Now you are something I have never seen before." He said, walking closer to me. His voice was dangerously low, and as he cupped my face in his hands, I felt him searching my mind through my memories and feelings.

"A human turned angel huh?" He asked, and I nodded. "And a handsome one at that..." I blushed at his words and finally looked down. I could tell the air around us was electric, and that Lucifer was trying to make me relax so that he could give the first punch. Unfortunately for him and his pride, I was more powerful than he realised, and before he knew what was happening. I jolted out of his hold and sent him flying backwards, through a wall and onto my kitchen table.

"So that's how you want to play..." Lucifer muttered, before teleporting to right in front of me and grabbing me by the throat, throwing me onto the floor and straddling my lap so I couldn't get back up. I grunted as I tried to push him off me, but no amount of my grace could get the archangel off me. In the end I stopped struggling, and Lucifer leaned down over me, our lips almost touching. His eyes were sharp and he chuckled, a smirk on his handsome features.

"You don't have enough power to beat me. You're just an angel, and was a hairless ape before that; you are nothing compared to me." Suddenly I was lifted up before being smashed against a wall and I let out a cry of pain.

"Stop... Please..." I begged, all my energy spent. Lucifer's jaw locked however, and my eyes widened in horror as he pulled out his archangel blade. I looked into his eyes, and silently begged for him to spare me. Lucifer took no notice of my plead and lunged forward with the knife, before he jolted to a stop a few millimetres from my skin. He seemed to scrutinize me before his eyes widened in realisation and he dropped his blade.

"____?" He called softly, and I looked up into his gaze which had now softened. He lifted me up and stood me on my feet, where I held onto him for support. "Easy there..." He murmured softly, placing a kiss to my forehead.

"Why the change of heart?" I groaned, and Lucifer smiled softly at me. I felt him press gently against the middle of my shoulder blades and I let out a gasp, before my wings manifested themselves. Lucifer went to touch one, but out of fear I tucked them quickly behind my back, trying to move away from him. I knew they were the most sensitive part of my body, and did not want Lucifer getting his hands on them. Lucifer tilted my gaze to meet his, and as he did so I felt a warm feeling filling my body, and when I looked down all my wounds had healed, and I could stand on my own. I shifted away from him, unsure as to what was happening.

"Why?" I asked, and Lucifer smiled, taking a seat on my sofa (which was still intact, even after the fighting).

"Take a seat and I'll tell you." He said, a light coming into his eyes. I hesitantly took a seat, but made sure I was as far away from him as I possibly could be. He seemed pained at this, but I didn't budge, watching him expectantly. "Well, me and you are soulmates."

"Get lost." I snapped, and Lucifer looked at me in shock. "I'd never be your soulmate."

"It's not a choice." Lucifer said, and I scoffed.

"You expect me to believe a word you say?" I asked, holding Lucifer's gaze.

"No. But search my mind, and you will see I'm not lying." The archangel tested, and I did indeed search his mind, finding nothing but the truth. "You see? I am not lying."

"Whatever. I've had a long day, and I'm not in the mood for this soulmate crap. Show yourself out." I said, standing up off the sofa. Just as I passed Lucifer he grabbed my hand and stood up, spinning me around so that I was now facing him. Just as I was about to snap at him, he lunged forward and his lips planted themselves on mine, his arms holding me in place so I couldn't pull away. At first I felt anger, but once I realised I couldn't escape I gave in and kissed back, and my grace seemed to be set on fire everywhere I touched Lucifer. I had never felt anything like this before, and so I moved in closer, closing my eyes and resting my hands on Lucifer's chest. We fit together perfectly, and as the kiss intensified I felt my wings begin to quiver, and I pushed Lucifer back until he was up against the wall. As soon as Lucifer hit the wall I then came back to my senses and jolted away, looking at the archangel with uncertainty.

"Wow..." Lucifer breathed, looking at me in awe. "Wow..."

"What was that?" I asked, confused as to why one second I would be wanting to kill him and then the next wanting to love him.

"Still so naïve..." Lucifer murmured, and he moved forward to cup my face and bring our foreheads together. I let him, knowing that he wouldn't hurt me. "What you just felt was your grace trying to reach up and connect with mine, as it knows that it was made for my grace, and vica versa."

"Too much has gone on." I said weakly, and Lucifer smiled softly, kissing my forehead.

"You're scared, and you're lonely. You've been betrayed by your family, and have had no friends, yet your soul is still the most beautiful soul I have ever seen." Lucifer murmured, kissing my cheek. "I know how you feel, as I have been betrayed my father and siblings, and I too have never been close to anyone. I know how hard it will be for you to trust me, and how hard it will be before you accept me and love me, but all I ask is that you try. I have been waiting since birth to find my soulmate, and now that I have found you I am not going to leave you."

"You'll hurt me..." I whispered, and Lucifer shook his head.

"I will not harm you mentally or physically, I promise. Just give me a chance." I looked into Lucifer's pleading blue eyes, and knew that I could not deny him anymore.

"One chance." I said, and Lucifer's face lit up. He picked me up and spun me around, before wrapping his arms around me tightly. I hugged him back, a feeling of love and protection washing over me.

"Thank you." Lucifer murmured, and I could feel how excited and happy he was.

"Don't thank me, I haven't done anything." I replied, before Lucifer clicked his fingers and I found us lying in my bed. "I know I said I'd give you a chance, but I really don't want to do anything until I know you, I mean you're practically a stranger." Lucifer smiled and kissed my cheek, cuddling up to me. He nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck and placed his arms on my chest, looking up at me through loving blue eyes.

"I'll wait." He said, and for the first time I smiled at him, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Goodnight Lucifer."

"G'night ____."

*A Few Weeks Later*

"I love you." Lucifer said, taking my hand in his as we walked through the country lanes surrounding my house. I smiled at him but said nothing in return, as I was still too scared to say the three words back. Over the past few weeks Lucifer had been living and hunting with me, assisting me in any way I could. He seemed desperate to please me, and every time we came back from a hunt he would thoroughly check me over even though I could heal myself. Even though we had gotten off to a rough and confusing start, things had smoothed out and I actually really enjoyed his company, as we would joke and tease each other, fight over the TV remote and (under Lucifer's request) snuggle under my duvet when watching TV. Not a day went by without Lucifer telling me how perfect I was, and how he was so glad he had found me, and I soon found myself falling for him. We would often take walks in the night (quite like the one we are on now), as we both enjoyed the fresh air and scenery.

"Hello? Anyone there?" Lucifer asked, and I was shaken out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, I was thinking too hard." I said, and Lucifer chuckled.

"You do that an awful lot." He replied, before tugging on my hand and brining me to a halt. "Is there something on your mind?" I smiled at his concern and wrapped my arms around his waist, deciding now was as good as any to tell him. I knew that even though I was scared I did love Lucifer, and decided to tell him the words he had been waiting for.

"I was just thinking about how much I love you." I answered, and Lucifer's breath hitched. "I was just thinking about all the little things we do, like fight over the TV and who is going to be the teddy bear for the night, and just how perfect you are."

"Do you mean that?" He asked, and I nodded, nuzzling his nose against my own.

"Of course I do." Lucifer's face lit up and he threw himself at me, peppering little kisses all over my face.

"I love you, I love you, I love you..." Lucifer repeated the words over and over again, and I laughed, glad to get the words out in the open.

"I love you to Luci." I whispered, pulling his lips to meet mine. Lucifer responded instantly, and whilst my hands tangled themselves in his short blonde locks he pulled our bodies closer, my grace once more setting my body on fire. My body fit with Lucifer's perfectly, and in that moment I knew that this was where I belonged, and that I may have finally found someone who would stand by my side through everything, and who I would also stand by.

-----F O L L O W-----

-----C O M M E N T-----

-----V O T E-----

-----R E Q U E S T-----

-----E N J O Y-----

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