Manan : Love for Eternity

By 145bookreader

682K 53.5K 3.1K

The story revols around three friends. Manik, nandini and Aditya. Nandini and Aditya are siblings.Due to cert... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
Chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
Chapter 65
chapter 65 (repeated)
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70
chapter 71
chapter 72
chapter 72 (repeated)
chapter 73
chapter 74
chapter 75
chapter 76
chapter 77
chapter 78
chapter 78 (repeated)
chapter 79
chapter 80
chapter 81
chapter 82
chapter 83
chapter 84
chapter 85
chapter 86
chapter 88
chapter 89
chapter 90
chapter 91
chapter 92
chapter 93
chapter 94
chapter 95
Chapter 96
chapter 97
chapter 98
chapter 99
chapter 100
chapter 101
chapter 102
chapter 103
chapter 104

Chapter 87

4.6K 448 41
By 145bookreader

Murthy mansion

It has been a long time since the residents of murthy mansion have seen a peaceful morning. Well today seems to be there lucky day. Now that the ghosts of the past were out in the open,and no one had anything to hide, the atmosphere was cheerful. The breakfast table conversations had flowed without any awkward pauses or guilty silences.

Nandini was happy since this morning felt like it was all working out now. She had been repeating this line, to her friends, to adi and to manik. But in truth she was actually making herself believe that.

Walking out of the door to go for college, she sees manik standing by his car talking to adi. Adi upon seeing her leves to give them some privacy. Adi and preeti sit in their own car and leave.

M : good morning princess

N : morning Manik.

M : I am here to pick you up. I am giving you a ride to college

N : I have my own car ,in case you didn't notice. And if you didn't notice should you not have offered this ride to me before

M : princess, I am giving you a ride because I want to even when I know you are perfectly capable of going yourself. So don't try to outsmart me

N : why do you want to give me a ride. We are not dating and generally that happens between couples. See adi and preeti

Nandini had said this in teasing manner but the topic of there break up brought a sad smile on Manik's face.

M : well I am hoping to change that

Saying this Manik open the car door for nandini and she too sits without any more words. She was happy to see Manik taking a step to making their relation better. But nandini would not be called a spoiled princess if she didn't make it hard on him

Space academy

Manik's car enters the gate and nandini get down makes a view worth watching. The student body starts gossiping immediately and various outrageous reasons are thrown. Their friends are however happy to see this change, manik and nandini's break up had been the start after which everything went spiraling, their getting together brought hope that everything was now going to be alright .

Manik had a bright smile on his face, since nandini was beside him, who herself even though trying to hide it couldn't remove the grin off her face. Being next to manik made nandini feel protected, loved. She had been taking the role of a warrior princess the past month and a half, but now she could go back to being the cheerful and happy go lucky princess she was.

Nanidni and manik walked together into the college and then parted for there respective classes. Manik's first album launch was scheduled next week and he certainly needed to practice with Fab 5 , while nandini went for her regular class.

She entered and sat by her seat, when Maddy came and sat beside her.

Md : doing the same mistake again nandini

N : Maddy. I seem to be learning the hard way

Maddy's eyes narrowed, he knew nandini wasn't talking about Manik but rather him. Nandini had always had an inking of his motives, but selfishly enough she looked past them when she needed a distraction. She had used him, even though Maddy had no problem being a rebound.

Nanidni did not want to be that person who cast aside people just because they don't benefit anymore. So she still was trying to not break their friendship, if it could be called friendship.

N : Maddy listen, you and I we can continue being acquaintances as long as you don't interfere in my decisions. That means no bad mouthing my friends. and no words against my relation with Manik. He is important to be that losing you would not even make me bat an eyelash

Maddy purses his lips ,he was smart even if that was in a evil way. He knew going against Manik right now was not going to be in his favour. He needed to be near nandini to make her fall for him. Something he had been now trying for a while. So Maddy nodded. He was going to accept this, at least in front of her.

Nandini sighed last few days had been full of drama and now she wanted peace. But this was her life, drama never left so easily.

Over that she was missing Manik, he could make her forget everything. The teasing banters made her mood light and just being near him made her mind calm. She was waiting to see him

The day dragged on and even lunch today had been without manik. He was busy with practice and so Fab 5 were not in the cafeteria. Nandini was now standing by the parking lot and most of the cars were gone. Adi had tried to convince her to leave but she was adamant on seeing manik.

Nandini was looking past the college gates, at the moving traffic. Not concentrating on anything specific and just see life pass by.

Manik saw nandini standing and his heart warmed on seeing her waiting for him. Although he felt a little guilty about making her wait. He went towards her and hugged her tightly, his hands going around her waist.

Nandini was surprised for a second but Manik's arms around her made her feel blissful. She too hugged him back tighter and for a few moments they stood like that in each others arms.

N : I missed you

Nandini had not really been so vocal about her feelings before, perhaps because she had been shy or because she knew that Manik knew. But now, after losing him once every word spoken held more meaning to her. And she wanted him to hear what she was feeling.

Manik smiles and pecks her forehead lightly

M : I am sorry for making you wait

N : I would wait as long as I know you are coming to me

M : where else would I go. I can't be without you, my heart stops beating

Nandini chuckles lightly, and standing on her tiptoes meets his lips with hers. Manik was shocked, with so much that had happened between them, he thought they were going to take a while to come back at this stage of relationship. He was also afraid if nandini wanted a relationship with him again. But he was certainly going to try his level best to make her agree.

But now nandini was kissing him, he pulled her closer in his arms and kisses her back. The kiss was a kiss of moving on, a kiss that showed that their relationship was bigger than their problems.
A kiss of warmth. Manik felt like he was back home

Breaking the kiss, nandini bit her lip shyly. Manik hugged her once again and they were euphoric.

Then sitting in their car they left back home. All the while their hands never left each other. They clung to each other like this was their life line.

They had not talked about what happened, they needed to but right now being together felt more important. But how long do you stall a conversation like this. Well Manik and nandini don't seem have a problem doing that.

That's all for today

The comments have decreased drastically, and that has been a huge disappointment to me.

A few words about the chapter would be nice.

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Precap : Manan and their ignorance

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