Forgive Me (Sequel)

By RafiellaDeLaGhetto

308K 18.7K 4.7K

Almost a decade later and A'mia appears to be living her best life, she has the perfect job and a family that... More

•Author's Note/Copyright•
•Chapter One•
•Chapter Two•
•Chapter Three•
•Chapter Four•
•Chapter Five•
•Chapter Six•
•Chapter Seven•
•Chapter Eight•
•Chapter Nine•
•Chapter Ten•
•Chapter Eleven•
•Chapter Twelve•
•Chapter Thirteen•
•Chapter Fourteen•
•Chapter Fifteen•
•Chapter Sixteen•
•Chapter Seventeen•
•Chapter Eighteen•
•Chapter Nineteen•
•Chapter Twenty•
•Chapter Twenty One•
•Chapter Twenty Two•
•Chapter Twenty Three•
•Chapter Twenty Four•
•Chapter Twenty Five•
•Chapter Twenty Six•
•Chapter Twenty Seven•
•Chapter Twenty Eight•
•Chapter Twenty Nine•
•Chapter Thirty•
•Chapter Thirty One•
•Chapter Thirty Two•
•Author's Note•
•Chapter Thirty Three•
•Chapter Thirty Four•
•Chapter Thirty Five•
•Chapter Thirty Six•
•Chapter Thirty Seven•
Talk to Me
•Chapter Thirty Eight•
•Chapter Thirty Nine•
•Chapter Forty•
•Chapter Forty One•
•Chapter Forty Two•
•Chapter Forty Three•
•Chapter Forty Four•
•Chapter Forty Five•
•Chapter Forty Six•
•Chapter Forty Seven•
•Chapter Forty Eight•
•Chapter Forty Nine•
•Chapter Fifty•
•Chapter Fifty One•
•Chapter Fifty Two•
•Chapter Fifty Three•
•Chapter Fifty Four•
•Chapter Fifty Five•
•Chapter Fifty Six•
•Chapter Fifty Seven•
•Chapter Fifty Eight•
•Chapter Fifty Nine•
•Chapter Sixty•
•Chapter Sixty One•
•Chapter Sixty Two•
•Chapter Sixty Three•
•Chapter Sixty Four•
•Chapter Sixty Five•
•Chapter Sixty Six•
•Chapter Sixty Seven•
•Chapter Sixty Eight•
•New Story Alert•


5.6K 256 114
By RafiellaDeLaGhetto

3 years later...

"DADDY!" Faintly, I heard the pitter-patter of Zéryah's toddler feet coming towards the bedroom where I currently was, trying to get dressed. Ain't no alone time in this house with them kids, I thought as I counted down in my head anticipating Ryah's arrival.

"DADDY!" She rushed into the room as soon as I reached one. Perfect timing. A waterfall was rushing down her cheeks as she screamed at the top of her lungs with her head thrown back dramatically. Her shoulders heaved and she coughed in between her cries. It was a wonder she wasn't hoarse yet.

"Yes baby girl?" I scooped her up and wrapped my arms around her for a hug. She laid her head on my shoulder as I rubbed her back soothingly.

"Princess calm down. What's wrong?" I questioned once her wails devolved into whimpers. I dried her cheeks with the back of my hand.

"I went potty and then I come back and Zaza ate my animal cookies." She pouted and folded her arms across her chest as I sat us down on the bed.

"Is that so?" She quickly nodded yes.

"Why'd he eat your cookies?"

"Cuz, Zaza greedy!" She huffed, and I wanted to erupt in laughter. Her eyebrows knitted together showing just how serious she was so I refrained from laughing.

"Go get him for me okay?" Her face lit up, she probably assumed he was about to get in trouble. She dashed out the room, yelling. "ZAHIR! DADDY IS CALLING YOU!" I chuckled and I shook my head before using the little time I had alone to throw on a shirt and slip my feet into my kicks. Just as I was done tying my laces I took up to find Zéryah practically hauling Zahir in my direction, Londyn wasn't too far behind them. My poor son looked mortified. Once they entered the room Zahir remained planted by the dresser. It appeared as though his feet were glued to the floor. No matter how hard Ryah hauled, pushed or coaxed him he wouldn't move. The entire scene was hilarious to be honest but I kept a straight face to provide Ryah with the justification she needed.

"Come 'ere." I motioned to Zahir. Reluctantly he came over to me, his head hung low and his eyes developed a fascination with the carpeted floor.

"You ate your sister's cookies?" Hesitantly he shook his head no, but I glimpsed the cookie crumbs at the corners of his mouth.

"You sure about that?"

"Daddy, he not telling the truth! He eat my cookies, ask Londyn." Zéryah interjected. I looked over to Londyn. Her face screamed don't involve in ya'll lil three year old drama.

"Chill out Ryah. What I told you about cutting across someone else when they're speaking?" She didn't have to vocalize her apology, her little chocolate face said it all.

"Zahir you sure you didn't eat her cookies?" His shoulders began heaving and a steady trickle of tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Yes...daddy. I ate her cookies."


"Because I wanted cookies too. I didn't eat all." Ryah is such a diva, I thought to myself as I heard the latter part of Zahir's statement. I could've sworn he ate the entire bag the way Zéryah was carrying on. Her diva attitude was partially my fault. It was no secret that I spoiled her. I love all of my kids but my daughters definitely had me wrapped around their pinky fingers.

"Ryah you gotta do better at sharing okay? Zahir next time ask her first before taking her stuff okay?" They both nodded their understanding.

"Now hug and say you're sorry." They obeyed and ended up leaving the room hand in hand, agreeing to go watch cartooms together. I just shook my head.

"Daddy you got some crazy kids." Londyn stayed back to hang out with me. I also needed to comb her hair, or at least attempt to do so since Mia was busy feeding our prince, or more so he was feeding himself. Our one year old prince, A'lakai Khalid Lamarr Carter, still insisted on being breastfed although Mia was trying her best to wean him. Shortly after returning home from our honeymoon in Fiji we found out that she was pregnant which came as no suprise to me, something in the south pacific country's atmosphere was definitely our aphrodisiac. We'd frolic and explore during the day then come home and make love through the night.

Before my mind was able to drift and settle into the blissful consummation of my marriage, I sat flat on the floor and called Londyn over to sit between my legs so I could tame her wild mane. It took me nearly twenty minutes just to get her hair detangled. Once I overcame that hurdle, the rest was fairly simple. I gave her three ponytails, two in the front and one in the back. They were accessorized with yellow ribbons to match her shirt.

"So how did I do pookie?" I questioned as I got up and lifted her so she could look in the mirror.

"You did good daddy, but you forgot to do my baby hairs." Playfully I smacked my forehead causing her to giggle.

"You right." I got the toothbrush and some edge control, sleeking her baby hairs the way I usually see Mia doing it.

"Is that better?"

"Much better. Thank you!" She gave me a hug and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"You're welcome." I spoke pretty much to her back since she dashed out the room. Undoubtedly to join the twins downstairs in watching television.

Now alone, with my hand tucked behind my head I sank into our king sized bed. I allowed myself to reflect briefly on my life. I had come a mighty long way, I knew my parents would've been proud of me if they were still alive. They were probably smiling down on me at this very moment. I successfully self employed thanks to Bachir's generosity. Being his protege, he gifted me one of his art galleries, I had a small photography studio set up in one of the back rooms. I started an after school art program for kids, which I taught at sometimes. I had a wife and five kids who loved me. Life couldn't get any better than this for me.

"What are you smiling about?" Mia's voice invaded my thoughts. She waltzed into the room with A'lakai close on her heels.

"Just thinking about how blessed I am." I sat and wrapped my arms around her waist once she got near to me. Our foreheads connected and our lips followed suit, that is, until A'lakai came over and forced himself in the middle of us. We both smothered him between us with kisses to both sides of his cheeks causing him to giggle. Much like the twins and Londyn, he inherited my looks and complexion. At this point, Mia was just grateful that Ameer remained caramel like her.

"You ready to go love?" Ameer started showing interest in running track about two years ago after participating in a charity run. We were on our to one of his competitive meets today.

Pulling into the parking area of the Lamonté Smith Athletic stadium we were instantly greeted by the buzzing spectators and the roaring chants of the various athletic teams. Luckily majority of the crowd had already made their way inside leaving an almost nonexistent line on the outside. The kids were already getting antsy, the sweltering heat did nothing to appease the situation. I remembered my days of running track. Days when the earth became a sauna were just as bad as when high wind speed hampered our progress.

Once inside the stadium the twins and Londyn took off running, heading to warm up area before Lance and I could get a firm hold on them.

"MEER!" They all greeted on unison once the spotted Ameer. A huge smiled overpowered his face.

"Hey babies!" He jogged over to the fence where they were, stuck his hand through giving them each a high five. I couldn't help but whip out my phone and photograph the moment. They were all growing up so fast and I refused to miss even the slightest detail. I remembered having to multitask, nursing Ameer while trying to stay on top of my assignments. Now he was going on fourteen and towered over me at 5'11.

"Wassup lil man? You ready to clock some decent times today?" Lance and I finally caught up to the twins. He stuck his hand through the fence and gave Ameer a dap.

"I'm cool pops. You know I stay ready."

"That's what I like to hear man." Just like his father did in yesteryears, Ameer specialized in middle distance races. Lance's face would always light up qhen giving him tips about improving his racing tactics and times.

"I gotta go finish warming up. I'ma catch ya'll later."

"Bye Meer!" The kids sang. He flashed us a final smile before getting back to business.

We retreated to the spectator area to locate a seat that provided the best view of the track. I snuggled close to Lance once we found a seat to our liking and the kids sat on either side of us. I looped my arm with his as he smiled at me and planted a kiss on my forehead. Momentarily the sunlight seemed to have shifted and casted its beam directly on my 10k white gold wedding band. Somedays it still felt so surreal, two years ago I finally said I do to my bestfriend.

We managed to keep our flame ablaze and waxed stronger as the days went by. I remember when he proposed at the twins' first birthday party. I recalled the party coming to an end, and I announced over the microphone sister that everyone was welcomed to leave, however no one budged. I had been so perplexed as to why the weren't leaving I overlooked the fact that Lance was down on one knee and he wasn't alone, Ameer was right beside him kneeling as well. Both of their mesmerizing orbs pleaded with me as Lance professed his love for me and ask me to be his wife. Ofcourse, I was a bawling mess but this time I didn't hesitate to say yes.

We got hitched the following summer, a small traditional wedding with close friends and family present. Our wedding was riddled with emotions. Lance cried when my father walked me up the aisle, I in turn was an emotional wreck once we exchanged vows. It felt like we were falling in love all over again and I couldn't be happier.

"GO MEER GO! GO MEER GO!" The kids chanted once the meet go on its way. The eight hundred meters was currently being ran, Ameer was in second place going into the second lap. He had a sudden surged the energy the final three hundred and fifty, and accelerated, trying his hardest to close the gap between him and the leader. However, the leader also had a little extra left in the tank and accelerated as well, leaving Ameer to settle for settle for second.

For the rest of the afternoon the meet progressed nicely. Ameer ended up redeeming himself in the four hundred meetings, clocking a personal best. After the meet was over, we journeyed to my father's house to drop the kids off. It had been a minute since Lance and I got some alone time. We planned on having a date night but by the time we got home we both agreed that we were tired and ended up falling asleep. The life of parents, I thought, which was why we weren't keen on having anymore kids after A'lakai. Five was more than enough.

The following morning I woke up to an empty bed side and vibrating walls. The loud music emanating from downstairs was the source of the house's quaking. It sounded like I was in the middle of a popular night club and the DJ was unaware how to use his volume buttons. I hopped out of bed, brushed my teeth and journeyed to kitchen to discover why Lance thought it best to host an early morning party. I laughed as I watched him sing along to Miguel's Adorn. He sang into his makeshift mic, which happened to be a broomstick and had a whole choreography going. I snuck up behind him, damn near scaring the black off of him.

"Yo, babe don't be doing shit like that man." He lowered the volume and clutched his naked chest.

"I'm sorry baby." I said between laughs. Wrapping my arms around his torso, I tiptoed and kissed his lips repeatedly once he ceased clutching his racing heart.

"It's all good." He smiled against my lips.

"What's the plan for this morning?"

"Well, for now you gon help me finish this concert I got going on." He grabbed his phone, quickly dismissing Miguel, and welcomed Sean Paul and Beyonce. The beat of Baby Boy soon seeped through the speakers and I leapt for joy on the inside, that song was a classic in my opinion. Sensuously, I slithered closer to him, eliminating any space that was between us. His hands planted themselves at my waist and my arms snaked around his neck. Both of our lower halfs developed a smooth, steady sensuous motion as we grooved to the song's rhythm.

"Baby boy you stay on my mind, fulfill my fantasies." I started singing Beyonce's lyrics.

"Come on girl tell me how you feel." He responded.

"I think about you all the time, I see you in my dreams." I continued.

"You done know the love is real."

As the song progressed, we abandoned singing to each other. Lance's wandering hands located my derriere, rubbing and squeezing both cheeks while my delicate lips roamed his neck. Apparently his phone was set on repeat, the song had played at least three times when my unclad backside made contact with the granite counter. I soon drowned out Beyonce's voice I became the featured dish on the breakfast menu.

One more baby couldn't hurt, I thought as a mischievous look overtook Lance's handsome features.


Welcome to the bestest month ever guys, and the best day of this month.

Happy birthday to meeee *hits high note*chokes badly cuz I cant sing*🤣🤣 Anyways

My loves it has been a pleasure taking you guys on this lil writing journey with me. Like I mentioned before I'm forever grateful for the support. I lowkey got teary-eyed realizing that book is truly over😪 I'll truly miss writing about my boy Lance, and Mia😭😭🤧.

Once again, THANK YOU!!

PS: Peep the new cover my good sis OeuvreofMani set me up with!🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️

Jah blessings is wished to you all,


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