CHIM - Life in the limelight...

By GeordieDoll

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This is a continuation of my last story 'life in the limelight' that i suggest you read before reading this... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 26

631 20 7
By GeordieDoll

It is the morning of the release of Cheryl's new single "Mama's hand" and Cheryl woke up at the crack of dawn. The song has been available to stream since 6am and Cheryl woke me up to tell me that it is successfully on spotify and she has already been receiving loads of tweets from happy fans who all seem to love the song. We scrolled through twitter together for a bit before i fell back asleep but the voices from our bedroom have just woken me up because the girls are in here getting ready for school with Cheryl and they seem just as excited as she is as she shows them their new outfits for the video shoot tomorrow. I open one eye and see Paisley jumping up and down with excitement. She loves getting new clothes, especially new dresses so she is over the moon with her brand new outfit and can not wait to put it on. "Can i put it on now and wear it for school?"

Cheryl peals Alaina's pyjama top over her head and then does the same to Paisley "Not today, baby. We need to keep it clean for the shoot tomorrow, don't we? You can try it on tonight after your bath if you would like though?"

"Do i have to have a bath tonight?"

"Yes you do, you stinky little monster!" Cheryl laughs and now pulls Paisley's polo shirt over her head and Paisley pushes her arms out through the holes. Once it is on she lifts up her arm and sniffs herself.

"I don't smell but Laney does. I think her nappy needs changed"

"Again?" Cheryl exclaims. "That'll be the second time this morning!"

"Laney's a poo machine!" Paisley laughs at her own joke and Cheryl swing Alaina around while singing Love Machine but changing the words to make it more fitting to this situation. Paisley is loving it and i hide my face in the duvet so they don't see me grinning along with them. Once her lovely but hilarious song is over and the girls are dressed for the day she shoos them out of the room.

"Go on downstairs and find Hailie and Nana Joan and ask her to change Alaina's nappy for us" Cheryl asks them cheekily and Paisley skips downstairs with her little sister following slowly behind her.

Unable to pretend to be asleep much longer i start to laugh, i cant help myself and as soon as Cheryl hears me chuckling she jumps onto the bed. "Did you really just palm Alaina and her shitty nappy off on your mother?" I continue to giggle and she does too. She is terrible at times, i can't believe her.

"Me mam won't mind. How long have you been awake?"

"Not long. I must've fallen back asleep after you woke us up screaming. I'm shattered" I yawn and Cheryl rolls on top of me with a smile on her face. She looks down at me and squeezes my cheeks together as she kisses me three times in a row. I enjoy these few minutes with her before we have to get back to reality and start school runs, interviews and grocery shops. When i run my nails up the back of her thighs she grinds into me then laughs at my reaction.

"After the dream i have just had i wouldn't do that if i was you"

"Hm, what kind of dream was it?" She teases.

"The kind that always leaves me worked up beyond belief" I whisper into her ear and she turns her face into me to kiss my neck.

"We'll have to do something about that"

"As much as i'd love to, i can't. I need to get up and have a quick shower otherwise i'll never get the girls to school on time"

"Me mam's taking them for us, i forgot to tell you. Hailie can't wait to get the bus. She's been singing the 'wheels on the bus' all morning' bless her" I shake my head but Cheryl puts her finger against my lips before i can protest. "Don't argue with us. You're going to get yourself up and once I've made sure the kids and me mam are alright i'm going to jump in the shower with you and then you're coming to work with me" I laugh but she doesn't join in with me. She just leans forward and runs her thumb along my lower lip. "I'm being serious. Come to me interviews with us"

"You really want me to come with you?"

"Yeah and we'll take Laney with us. You can both keep us company, we'll make a day of it"

"You sure we wont just be a distraction?" 

"I can't promise that you wont be a distraction to us... you know how i can never keep me eyes off you. I'm going to quickly go downstairs and check everything is alright now and when i come back up i expect you wanting for us in that shower" She pecks me once more and rolls off from on top of me and off the bed. I lean over to slap her behind before she can walk away and it makes her chuckle with her lip between her teeth and a smirk on her face. 

"Hurry up will you?" 

"I'm going, i'm going!" She giggles and winks at me before disappearing out of the bedroom. As soon as she is gone i am rolling out of bed too to go straight to the shower. If Cheryl wants a show that is exactly what she is going to get.

Unfortunately by the time Cheryl came back upstairs i was already showered but i hadn't yet managed to get dressed. She is in our bedroom with me now and has made my towel fall from my body and onto our carpet. I am pleased to see that her nightshirt is already discarded of so she presses herself against me and moves my hair away from my ear.

"Sorry i took so long" She whispers into my ear and then kisses underneath it. Wanting nothing more than my lips on hers i turn around in her arms and kiss her. It's a soft kiss on her open mouth and her eyes are already closed when i let my tongue slide between her lips. Even now after all of these years i find myself getting lost in her kisses. I forget that the rest of the world exists, all i know is this moment right now and i never want her to pull away from me but she does and i am left disappointed but only for a minute because once she has pulled away from me she is letting her hand wander down to cup my breast.

"Do you want us to stop?"

"Don't you dare stop" I whisper and her teeth are on my neck, they are probably leaving a mark but i don't care. It will be nothing that i can't cover with makeup and even if i can't, i don't care. I am moaning now but they're little moans, frustrated moans, letting Cheryl know how much i want her but she does not stop her assault on my neck and in the back of my mind now i am thinking about how we should be quick because her mam is just downstairs and she is probably waiting for us to give her a hand but i don't say anything, I can't say anything. I just lean my head back so it is resting against our bedroom wall and i push myself further into Cheryl's warm body.

"God, you're perfect" She now murmurs brushing her thumbs over my nipples and my lip is between my teeth. Her touch makes me feel like i am going to explode, nobody has ever been able to make me feel the way Cheryl does and i doubt that they ever will. She pulls me into her again and lifts up her knee so i can grind myself against it. "Look at us" She tells me but with what is happening between her knee and the place i need her the most it is near impossible so her hand slides up my body until it is at my neck and she squeezes so gently that i can barely feel it but i know that Cheryl loves seeing me like this, normally it is the other way around so i let her have her fun. "Look at us, baby"

I finally do as i am told but i can not control the smirk that creeps onto my face at the look of pure lust that is clear in Cheryl's eyes. It's true that she has lost weight but her body is still perfect. Her long, dark hair is falling over her breasts and onto her stomach that is toned and tanned, it is everything i want for my own body but i know that i will never be able to achieve anything like this. I can't help myself, I push her backwards so the back of her legs connect with the bed and she falls backwards onto the mattress. "Not fair" She breathes propping herself up onto one elbow and holding her hand out to me. "I want to please you"

"Who said you arent going to?"

"Get over here then"

I take her hand and she pulls me ontop of  her so i bend down and kiss her again. My legs straddle her waist and her hands are on the back of my thighs like mine were on hers earlier. I love how she can't keep her hands off me and i know that if Garry wasn't in the other room and the rest of our family downstairs i wouldn't be as quiet as i am now especially not when she grinds her hips up against my own. She is panting and the sound of her beneath me is driving me crazy so i go through with my plan and shift up her body until i am in the position i want. Cheryl is clocking on now and she looks surprised but in the most amazing way because we haven't done it like this for a long time and i know for a fact that she enjoys it just as much as i do, i can see it in her eyes. 

"Are you alright down here?" I ask looking down at her dark eyes that are looking up at me through her incredibly long lashes. I don't get a reply other than the smile that tells me all i need to know and she hooks her arms around my thighs, pulling me down onto her face. As soon as her tongue touches me i am moaning and holding onto the headboard of the bed.

This is nothing new to Cheryl, she knows exactly how to make me feel good. We have done this many times before but like the way she held her hand around my throat before i pushed her onto our bed the roles are usually reversed and it is normally her that is grinding against my face and begging me to give her what she needs. She definitely gives me everything i need because in just minutes i am climbing off her and laying by her side with my chest rising and falling. My body is glistening with sweat and i wish i had waited for my shower now because once Joan leaves i am going to jump back into it and have another quick one. 

"I love you" Cheryl whispers to me as she moves closer to cuddle into me. She lays her head on my chest so she can hear my heart beat. Her eyes close and mine do too. I think we would both be falling asleep if Joan wasn't shouting our names from the bottom of the staircase. We ignore her for a second but when her voice gets louder and the sound of her irritation is as clear as day we decide that it is best for us to both go down but that is after i have pulled my dressing gown on, Cheryl has thrown her oversized t shirt over her head and we have both freshened ourselves up a bit. 

"Kimberley! Cheryl! I need to leave now!" Joan is still shouting even as Cheryl and i make our way down the stairs giggling between us and not being able to keep our hands off each other like we are naughty teenagers all loved up for the first time. Joan has Hailie and Paisley stood by the front door with their coats on and their bags thrown over her own shoulder. "I've been calling of you both for ages, i don't want to miss the bus but i couldn't leave Laney down here on her own. I though you were supposed to be getting ready? What the hell have you been doing?... actually that's a stupid question so don't answer it" She waves her hand and Cheryl giggles into the crook of my neck as she stands behind me with her arms around my waist.

"Don't worry, mam. I won't. I wouldn't want to put images in your head, would i Kimba?"

Joan mumbles to herself at her daughter's filth and we say goodbye to the girls who can't wait to get out of the door. Alaina puts her arms up to me so i lift her onto my hip and she waves at her sister and cousin. "bye nanny" She says to Joan and cranes her neck for a goodbye kiss which Joan happily gives her.

"I don't mind taking her with us you know. I'm going to pop into town once the girls are dropped off so i can easily take her"

"No, it's alright. Thanks, mam" Cheryl smiles at her mum who loves nothing more than doting on her granddaughters. "I thought i'd take her to me interviews today, Kim's coming too"

"Laney is going to work with you?" Paisley pipes up with envy and she frowns at her little sister sat happily on my side. "You never take me to work, that's not fair!"

"Don't be jealous, you" Cheryl laughs pulling her towards her for one last cuddle before she goes off to school. "You need to go to school. Lilly will be upset if you arent there to play bunny rabbit spies with her and Laney will be really bored because all i have is stupid, boring interviews all day and besides, i took you to the studio with us in LA, remember? You can come with us another day"

"Fine but only if we go to the studio again and i can sing into that funny, round microphone like you do" 

"It's a deal, baby gal!" 

Mama's hand is doing as well as i thought it would do. I have to say that it is doing even better than expected. Everyone loves it, the meaning of it and the different side to Cheryl she is allowing them all to see. Cheryl's first interview was for capital FM and now she is at the recording for the Jonathan Ross show. After Jonathan has finished interviewing her she will be performing the song and not only will it be her first time performing it but this will be her first performance in years. Even though it is just in front of a studio audience it is still nerve wrecking for Cheryl and i know she is nervous even though she is trying not to show it.

"Can i offer you another drink?" A man in a white shirt asks Cheryl as she is sat a chair in front of a huge mirror in the dressing room she has been assigned to. Alaina loves this chair as it is one of those swivel ones. She is clinging onto Cheryl as she spins around like Paisley would do if she was here right now. I can't take Cheryl anywhere and i always joke that she is just as bad as the kids but i love it. Her hair and makeup is done so now we are just playing the waiting game and she may as well do what she can to keep herself and Alaina amused.

"I shouldn't really be drinking but i suppose one won't hurt, will it?"

"What do you mean one? You're onto your third glass" I laugh as she takes the offered glass of champagne and i politely decline the offer of another drink. Cheryl laughs too and pushes my arm.

"Counting are you?"

"I'm saying nothing" I pretend to lock my lips shut and Alaina tries to take a drink from Cheryl's glass so she puts it on the dressing table in front of her.

I finally met Lucy today and she is just as lovely as Cheryl made her out to be. She reminds me a lot of Lilly with her blonde hair, smiley face and bubbly personality. I have noticed that she is on top of everything that is happening, she is very good at her job and she loves Alaina. Alaina though has not been too friendly today. All she wants is Cheryl. She won't even let me hold her so i am praying that she won't act up when Cheryl has to leave her for her interview. I will die of embarrassment if she creates a scene in front of all these eyes watching us.

When someone taps Cheryl's shoulder she turns around to see the famous Jonathan Ross himself stood grinning at her. Cheryl stands up and shakes his hand while saying hello but he opts for a quick, awkward hug which i can tell by Cheryl's face she is relieved to get out of.

"Did you just walk into my dressing room, Mr Ross?" Cheryl asks with a raised eyebrow and jokiness in her tone.

"Your lovely manager let me in, she told me you were decent, i swear" He says all in good nature.

"So how have you been? I haven't saw you in how long?... about 2 years?"

"Something like that, it's a sin. I've been good, thank you for asking. I would ask you the same thing but i read the newspaper" he tries to joke but it leaves an awkward atmosphere in the room so Cheryl quickly changes the subject and turns to me.

"You remember me girlfriend Kimberley, don't you?"

"I don't think we have met actually. I am sure i would remember a lovely... face like that"

"It's nice to meet you" I say awkwardly and shake his hand, ignoring his wandering eyes. i thank God that he did not feel the need to hug me but he goes to shake Alaina's hand too but she pushes his hand away and turns around to cling onto Cheryl. 

"Its remarkable isn't it, Cheryl.. she looks just like you"

"We get that a lot don't we, Kimba?"

"Yeah, i think it's that little dimple right there" I poke Alaina's deep dimple that she has in just one of her cheeks and she giggles adorably. Everyone has always told us that Alaina is the image of Cheryl. They aren't stupid. Of course they know that Alaina could not have inherited any of Cheryl's genes but she does have a look of Cheryl about her and Cheryl loves whenever someone brings it up.

After partaking in more born-idle and forced small talk I breathe a sigh of relief when Jonathan finally leaves the dressing room. There is something about him that i did not like but i can't put my finger on it. When he is out of sight Cheryl sits back in the chair and she must be reading my mind because without saying anything out loud she starts to laug. "So do you still have the hots for Mr Jonathan Ross?" She sniggers with a cheeky glint in her eye. I quickly hush her hoping that nobody heard what she said in her overly loud voice. She is a wind up merchant at times and she knows it.

"I never fancied Jonathan Ross" I hiss quietly.

"Remember that time you were pissed at me mam's birthday party and you said you'd-"

"Cheryl!" I stop her from carrying on and she erupts into laughter which brings tears to her eyes  so she dabs underneath them with a tissue but she has started laughing now and nothing she does can make her stop. Even i am laughing along with Alaina who has no idea what is so funny but is amused anyhow.

"If you ruin your makeup i'll kill you!" Her makeup artist threatens from across the room and points a perfectly manicured finger in Cheryl's direction. "I don't know what's the matter with you today, i've never seen you laugh so much. I'm not fixing your makeup for the third time!"

"It's because the love of me life is here and I've never been happier" Cheryl grins and pulls my lips to hers. It makes me laugh when i hear her makeup artist complain about our PDA but Cheryl flips her middle finger up at her all in good nature and tells her to "fuck off"


Cheryl dodged the difficult questions Jonathan shot at her well, smiled through his sleazy compliments and killed her performance. I started off watching in the audience with Alaina but when she started calling for her mammy and kicking up a fuss when she didn't come to get her i quickly ran backstage with her. All she wanted was her mam but she really needed was a nap. It was quite late when she went to bed last night and she woke up early so by 10am she was already as tired as a dog so after fighting her sleep for what felt like an age she finally gave in and fell asleep in her pushchair and i  left her in the dressing room with Lucy so i could watch Cheryl give her first ever performance of Mama's hand and she was incredible. We both had tear filled eyes by the end of it and now she is walking with a bounce in her step over to me.

I hug her when she reaches me and i give her a peck on the cheek. "You were amazing, babe. I'm so proud of you"

"You liked it then? i was so nervous, i'm still shaking. Look at us" She says holding out her shaking hands and i take them in mine and give them a light squeeze while she looks around the hall we are stood in. "I heard Laney shouting for us, where is she? is she alright?"

"She is in your dressing room with Lucy. She is fast asleep, she was having a kick off so i just put her in her pushchair and pushed her back and forth until she fell asleep. She has been in a rotten mood"

"Bless her" Cheryl smiles warmly and holds my hand to lead me down the hallways to her dressing room. "Do you fancy going out for some lunch? Me next interview isn't for another couple of hours so that is plenty of time for us to grab something to eat at that nice pub down the road"

"Won't you get recognised though?"

She shrugs her shoulders. "I don't care if i do. I doubt it will be very busy at this time, it is 12:15 on a Friday afternoon, most people will be at work wont they? Come and have a bit of dinner with us, it's my treat"

"Well since you have twisted my arm!"


Watching an old woman fuss over Alaina who is in a much better mood since waking up from her nap Cheryl smiles at me from across the table. Nobody has bothered us so far. Most of the people occupying the tables in this nice little pub are old couples and they have paid more attention to Alaina then they have Cheryl which we are happy about. It is rare that we can ever have lunch in peace outside the safety of our own house so i am marvelling this time.

"She was nice, wasn't she?" Cheryl says once the woman has walked away to join who i assume is her husband waiting for her by the door. Cheryl puts down her knife and fork and gives them both a little wave as they leave the pub arm in arm. "I hope we're like that when we're their age. The woman reminded me of our Dot"

"That old woman whose house you used to hide in when you were bunking off school? The woman who gave you alcohol and cigarettes when you were 14?" I laugh and Cheryl's dimples deepen as she talks about an old woman from her estate that she was fond of when she was younger. I have heard all kinds of stories about that woman and each and every story Cheryl tells me about her is hilarious. I wish i had gotten to meet her, it seems like she was a right character and i bet she would have gotten on terrifically with Paisley.

"Eee, i loved that woman, you know. She was like me nana she was. What do you fancy for pudding?"

"I'm still not used to that word"

"What? Pudding?" Cheryl lowers the menu she has just been studying in her hands and peers over the top while scrunching her nose up at me.

"The proper word is 'desert'. A pudding is a cake-"

"Not where i'm from it's not" Cheryl says abruptly. "You're always takin' the mick out of how i speak-"

"No i am not!" I plead my innocence and turn to Alaina. It is nice spending time with just her and Cheryl. I make a mental note to do the same with Paisley soon because i know that she will love having us both to herself just as much as Alaina does right now. She is having the time of her life being fussed over and loved on by the two of us. The last time we came out for lunch as a family it had been a disaster from start to finish and i will never forget the embarrassment i felt as everyone stared over at our table. Joan and Gary were bickering the whole time, Alaina threw every last bit of spaghetti from her plate all over the nice restaurant and Paisley had a meltdown and claimed that i was trying to poison her because i told her to eat a bit of broccoli. She screamed bloody murder and without even finishing our meals Cheryl and i paid the bill and made a quick escape before things could escalate further and upset the other diners even more than they already were. This pub is peaceful today, it is near empty and i am enjoying myself immensely, i wish we could stay here all day.

When we have finally decided on what 'puddings' we want Cheryl orders them and thanks the young woman behind the bar for getting Alaina some pictures to colour in and some crayons. It is keeping her amused beyond belief and Cheryl is sat praising her messy coloured scribbles.

"Peppa!" Alaina says pointing to the drawing she has done on the paper and Cheryl claps her hands which makes Alaina clap along with her. She loves being praised and Cheryl praises her for the littlest things, it amuses me to no end. Just this morning Cheryl cheered and clapped for her because she wiped her nose on a tissue opposed to the sleeve of her new jacket and Alaina was as proud as punch as she gave her a high five.

"Clever girl! Are you me little artist?" Cheryl's nose touches Alaina's and the smile she is giving our youngest child makes me smile too. How anyone could ever question their bond is beyond me. Our conversation turns to Alaina and her birthday party that is happening next week. "I know it is just going to be a little party but Laney will love it. Did you order the cake?" Cheryl asks.

I chuckle while looking at her and nod my head. "Of course i ordered the bloody cake. That cake is all you have banged on about for weeks. My life wouldn't be worth living if i hadn't"

"You're right. It wouldn't be" Cheryl laughs with me and leans back into the chair to look at our daughter who is now tucking into a bowl of strawberry ice cream. "Can you believe she is going to be 2?"

"I can't, actually. The years have flown by it scares me. Before we know it she is going to be just as cheeky as Paisley and the pair of them will be as thick as thieves giving us all kinds of grief"

"I'm not ready for that at all" Cheryl laughs and tickles Alaina's chin. When Cheryl's phone rings i decide that i will go to the toilet now before we leave. Before i leave the table i kiss the top of her head and she answers the phone with a smile on her face.

When i am walking back from the bathroom i can see Cheryl across the empty pub and it looks like she has turned the phone call into a facetime. As soon as i stepped out of the bathroom i could hear her loud laugh followed by a one that i recognise immediately. I don't need to hear the bajan accent that follows it to know that Cheryl is on facetime to the one and only Rihanna but i wonder why she has called her, if she is in LA it must only be about 5am.

"It's Rih?" I mouth and Cheryl nods her head as i sit back down at the table. I'm not sure if she is nodding at me or the voice coming from the phone but she seems happy to be talking to her. Cheryl and Rihanna have developed quite the friendship over the years but don't get to see each other much as RIhanna lives in the US and is not over here that often. Rihanna was understandably upset when Cheryl dropped out of touring with her but she understood why and supported Cheryl as much as she could throughout the bad spell a couple of years ago. They have always kept in contact and i am fond of the bajan singer too, she has proven that no matter what, she has Cheryl's best interests at heart.

"Where is that hot girlfriend of yours?" I hear Rihanna ask and i can't help but laugh. Her sense of humour has always tickled me. She has a personality to die for.

"She's with us now, hold on" Cheryl reaches for me and pulls me into view.

"Hi, Rih!" i lean forward onto the table towards the phone and her thick accent is music to my ears after not hearing it for the longest of times, i absolutely love it.

"Kimberley, I've missed you! Where the fuck have you been hiding?"

"Now, wouldn't That be telling?" I joke and she smiles with a cheeky wink. Rihanna is sat in what looks like an expensive hotel room in a white robe and thick smoke hangs heavy in the air behind her which does not surprise me. There is voices in the background that i have heard before. I recognise the voice of Melissa, Rihanna's best friend and Jen's voice too. "So how is things? I tried the makeup you sent Cheryl and i'm obsessed, i keep stealing it from you. Don't i, babe?" I nudge Cheryl and she nods her head.

"You know i was going to send you some too but i was in the dark about what was happening between the two of you. I didn't know if you were on good terms or hated the sight of each other but i'll get Jen to send you some over. Everything else is good though. I'm as stressed as a muthfucka over my new line with Puma though. Now i understand why some designers chose cocaine over food for breakfast"

"You're not doing that, are you?" Cheryl raises an eyebrow suspiciously and Rihanna laughs.

"No. I just like a blunt, that's all"

"Did someone mention a blunt?" A voice in the background yells and Rihanna turns around. Her long dark hair flows around her and she shouts back at the voice in the distance.

"Bring me a lighter and you'll see"

I got to know Rihanna well enough over the years to know that if there is anything that she loves in this world then it is a fresh blunt. She smokes a lot and that is not a secret to anybody. When someone hands her the lighter she thanks them gratefully and her best friend Melissa moves in front of the camera and ducks down into the screen. When she sees Cheryl and i grinning at her, her eyes widen.

"Look who it is! It's Robyn's favourite lesbians" She jokes which makes Cheryl and i laugh. Her and Rihanna are like two peas in a pod.

"You look well, Mel"

"You do too. Hopefully i get to see you both soon. Get this hoe to fly you out or something"

"Bitch can you move out of the way?" Rihanna's thick bajan accent comes out when she playfully shoves her best friend out of sight. "If she's not trying to steal my weed she's trying to steal my friends, I'm sick off it!"

"And i'm sick of you complaining like a bitch all of the time but i live with it"

Cheryl and i watch in amusement as they both throw comical insults at each other. Rihanna does the same with Cheryl too but she is more ruthless with poor Melissa but then again Melissa hits back even harder which makes Rihanna retaliate and so it goes on. It is never ending so it is no wonder that Jen is shouting at them to shut up because they have gave her a headache. I am sure that if i was stuck between the two of them i would have a headache too. 

Changing the subject once Melissa has shut up Rihanna asks after the girls like she does every time she and Cheryl talk. "How are my two favourite girls doing? i bet they don't remember me, it has been too long!" She is still sitting with a lit blunt between her heavily tattooed fingers and she takes a pull of it while listening to Cheryl speak. Her own voice is raspy now and she keeps coughing into her hand.

"The girls are good and Paisley still remembers you. She was just asking after you the other day, actually. I'll get her to facetime you when you're free"

"You better make sure you call me when she is in a good mood because i know all about her and her meltdowns" She chuckles and it is right, she does. Paisley once had a huge meltdown at an event we were all at once and Rih was the only person who was able to calm her down which as you can imagine made great news. "And how is princess Alaina? The last time i saw her she was tiny!"

"She's huge now! Its her birthday next week, as you know. Two she'll be, can you believe it? She's with us now.. give us a second" When Cheryl lifts Alaina from the highchair and onto her lap Rihanna looks like her heart is melting at the sight of her. She is holding her chest and moving closer to the camera while opening and closing her hand, waving at her and Alaina looks at the phone then up at Cheryl. "Say hiya!" Cheryl urges her and she reluctantly waves her hand at the screen. 

"Auntie misses you!" Rihanna says between blowing kisses and Alaina can't help but give her the biggest, cheesiest smile. "Let me just say babygirl, i have seen some of your birthday present and you gon' be icey, baby. You gon' be lit!" 

Cheryl and i laugh at the confused look on Alaina's face and Rihanna does too. Rihanna rocks the whole "tough girl" persona and while that is partly who she is, what people don't know is that she is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet and i didn't know that until i saw how she was with Paisley years and years ago. As i got to know her on a more personal level i realised that she would give away her own meal to anyone in need, she does not take her friendships with a pinch of salt, if she says that she will be there for someone then she will be and she has proven that with Cheryl. 

When we all say goodbye Rihanna promises to send us over some of her Fenty makeup and slides on one condition- that we get Paisley to call her as soon as possible and we told her that we can make that happen which she was thrilled about. She congratulates Cheryl one more time on how well her new song is doing after less than 24 hours and when the call has ended i turn to Cheryl and grab her hands excitedly. "I told you everyone was going to love Mama's hand! You even have Rihanna bopping to it" 

"Bopping?" Cheryl blurts out and holds her stomach as she laughs. 

"What's so funny about that?" 

"Everything!" She continues to laugh and shakes her head. "I suppose the song is doing better than expected, i think we should all have a drink tonight to celebrate. I thought i could even invite Lucy over as a thank you for all of her hard work? Me mam's cooking"

"That sounds nice, it would be nice for her to finally meet Paisley as well"

"Yeah" Cheryl smiles and moves her shoulders up and down. "I can't wait!" 

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