This Is How We End It

By AdamLovesAndrea

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A group of teens come together, along with a group of adults to try and survive the apocalypse. Using actual... More

This Is How We End It
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen (SEASON FINALE)
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six (SEASON FINALE FARM)
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three - (Season Three Finale Part ONE)
Chapter Fifty Four (Season Three Finale Part TWO)
Chapter Fifty Six

Chapter Thirty Four

146 2 0
By AdamLovesAndrea

Night had fallen, and the Woodbury crowd made their way to the arenas. The crowd's noise level was high, but walkers couldn't enter Woodbury, so they were safe. Anthony switched shifts with another man, as the Governor had requested that Anthony attend the 'surprise' in the arena. Savannah had walked with Anthony, into the arena. Inside, bleachers were being filled, as torches and such lit the large area. It was all safe though; The Governor had worked hard to preserve this as a part of Woodbury. Savannah led Anthony to the bleachers, putting her hair into a ponytail, knife in pocket. 

Adri and Lizzie made their way to their seats; Adri sat with the Samuels. Kyra and Adri sat next to Lizzie and Mika, as the anticipation grew larger. Suddenly, music had began to blast from a source unknown. Rock music; Anthony's favorite. He wished he had popcorn, but the apocalypse didn't exactly allow it. 

Jese sat with Dr. Stevens, not far from the Samuels family. The Governor sat beside Savannah and Anthony, smiling a bit as he had a large glass of whiskey in his hand. He had certainly had a few drinks.

"Hope you enjoy the show," The Governor said loudly, over the pounding music. Anthony and Savannah smiled.

Suddenly, two men had walked out into the middle. Anthony recognized them from the streets. Daryl and Merle Dixon, two brothers that'd found Woodbury. The two of them looked at the crowd, as suddenly, walkers were brought onto the staged area, but were wrapped with chains. Anthony put his hand on the gun that was in his pocket, not taking it out yet.

"They're on chains, dumbass." Savannah nudged his arm, seeing his quick reaction. 

Anthony eased up, as he focused on the two brothers. They began to fight; throwing punches at one another. 

Below, Lizzie's eyes were wide, loving that the walkers were trying to play along with the brothers. It was magical to her. She studied it, making note that walkers were just like people; they wanted to play too. And it looked like they did. Throwing their arms around, going against the restraints on the chains. It was chaotic, but Lizzie loved it.

The crowd roared and cheered as the two fought in the middle. Woodbury only had enough people for one and a half bleachers, so the crowd wasn't too loud. And certain residents didn't attend, due to their sleeping schedules and such.

"I like it," Anthony admitted, nodding his head with a smirk as he looked at Savannah.

Savannah smirked back. "Yeah.. it's pretty cool," she said, looking back to the men in the middle. "Simple enough for your dumbass brain to understand." she teased.

Anthony nudged her with his elbow, smirking back still.

On the farm, everyone had gathered in the house for dinner. The day went slow after the incident with Beckah. Everyone was shaken, and quiet. Dinner was served, and everyone ate quietly. Taylor had ended up excusing herself to go take watch, wanting to allow T-Dog to get a plate. Rick and Shane ended up coming back to the farm, Randall still in custody. They couldn't release him. Rick didn't want to, even though Shane just wanted to kill him. Randall was put in the shed, with Nick on watch. Adam sat next to Shane and Andrea at the table, as they had somewhat distanced themselves from the others. Adam felt his father was distanced. Ethan felt their was tension between Rick and Shane, too. 

Lori glanced next to her, seeing Mikaela not eating. Her peas were untouched, yams still in place.

"Mikaela," Lori spoke softly, breaking the silence. "Eat."

Mikaela pushed her plate forward, shaking her head. "No," She said before standing up, looking at her father. "Pretty stuffed on the bullshit that's been around."

Mikaela said before walking to the screen door, opening it and slamming it behind her as she walked out. 

Lori set her sliverware down, burying her face in her hands, exhaling as Rick chewed angrily. Brittany let out a laugh, as she couldn't help it. Adam started laughing after, as he hadn't laughed in a good long while. The two bursted out in laughter, as the scene had been hilarious. Ethan did the same.

"I'm gonna step out," Adam said between a laugh, quickly getting up and following Mikaela out the door.

Brittany tried to stop, but couldn't. She quickly did the same as Adam, running into T-Dog on the way out. She passed, covering her mouth from laughter as she couldn't contain it.

Shane had tensed up, seeing as he wasn't in the mood for any laughter. Andrea put her hand on his arm, rubbing it softly. Lori did the same to Rick, mimicking Andrea's actions. Dale and Hershel sat side by side, eating quietly as Maggie sat next to Glenn, hand on his knee. Beth was watching over Beckah.

Outside in the cool air, the three were laughing. Brittany had been gasping for air, as she saw Mikaela coming over, raising an eyebrow.

"What the hell is so funny?" Mikaela asked, Taylor watching from the top of the RV.

Adam laughed more, before stopping to answer, holding back the laughter. "What you said back there is so fucking funny!"

Mikaela frowned a bit. "Asshole, how the fuck could you be laughing?"

The laughter had subsided, as the three looked at Mikaela.

"Beckah almost died today!" Mikaela shouted at the three.

They nodded, "We know, Mikaela," Brittany said, trying to calm her down.

"Then why the fuck are you laughing?!" Mikaela shouted at Brittany, tears at her eyes.

Everyone was shocked by Mikaela's vocabulary, as she never sweared often.

"Mikaela, are you alright?" Ethan asked, looking at her.

It was quiet for a second, as Mikaela held tears back. The group had walked outside, standing on the porch watching the scene.

Mikaela looked down, before running toward her tent. Andrea frowned, glancing at Shane before stepping down, walking toward the three, looking at Mikaela as she went into her tent.

"I'll go check on her," Andrea sighed, walking, before Lori grabbed her shoulder.

Lori shook her head, "No, you've done enough for today." Lori said sarcastically.

"Excuse me?" Andrea asked, raising an eyebrow. "Um, fuck you. I'm going to help her,"

"Don't go near my kids," Lori said, looking at Andrea with a stern expression.

Andrea stood there, speechless. She couldn't believe what'd just happened, over something that was this small. Andrea rolled her eyes, storming off toward the RV. Shane followed.

In Woodbury, everyone had began returning to their houses. Anthony was walking Savannah home, figuring she didn't want to be with her family or parents. Savannah was wearing heels; her favorite shoe. She didn't care, but the loud clacking sound was evident on the pavement. 

"Did you have a good time tonight, asshole?" She asked, smirking a bit.

Anthony nodded, looking down as they walked. "Yeah, it was fun. A lot of fun." Anthony said with a faint smile at his lips, "Not like there's much to do around here, and that was pretty insane."

Savannah chuckled some, nodding. "I know what you mean. The apocalypse doesn't have much fun to offer." She sighed after, looking down. "I sometimes wonder if it would be better if we weren't safe. Then we would be always busy."

"You don't want that," Anthony shook his head. "I like this place, but I would still rather be with my family. Don't get me wrong." Anthony sighed, looking up. The stars were bright.

Savannah nodded.

The two made their way to her apartment, walking up the stairs.

"Thanks for taking me home, asswipe." Savannah spoke softly, small smile on her lips. "Didn't want to walk home with my family anyways," she said with sarcasm.

Anthony chuckled softly, nodding. "It's no problem," 

Savannah put her hand on the door handle, smiling softly, biting her lip after. She slowly leaned in and gave Anthony a small kiss on the cheek, before waving goodbye, opening the door and walking in. Anthony blushed, smirking as he looked down, trying to hide it before someone saw it.

The sun rose early like always, of course, later than usual as the seasons were changing slowly. The house was quiet, as Ellen searched through the rooms for any supplies. She found some water, which was always helpful. Bottled and fresh, as there'd been a 6-pack of bottles underneath a guest room bed. Heather and Scott were searching the living room, finding nothing. 

"Do you have any more of those granola bars?" Scott questioned as he looked at his mother.

She shook her head, sighing. "No. Sorry, hon."

Scott nodded, walking to the kitchen. "Is there anything actually edible here?"

Heather shook her head again, glancing down. "No.. everything's rotted."

Scott groaned, as Ellen walked out with a small smile on her face, handing the 6-pack of water to Heather who took it with a small smile. 

"Good find," Heather commented as she set it on the couch.

Ellen nodded with a small smile. "I know," she said before walking to the kitchen. "Always finding stuff wherever I go. And Scott, if you're looking for food, there's some in my bag over to the right pouch."

Scott smiled and muttered a thanks before walking over to Ellen's bag that was by the door.

"No sign of walkers, yet?" Heather questioned.

Ellen shook her head. "Not a single one. It's almost as if they're all clumped together and going somewhere. I haven't seen one in a long time."

Heather smiled, sighing softly, as she was more relaxed. "That's always good to hear," she said before walking to the kitchen, wanting to do a final sweep. "Scott, put your jacket on. We're gonna be leaving soon."

Scott nodded, munching on a graham cracker that was somewhat stale, but still delicious to Scott. 

On the farm, Adam and Taylor sat on watch. 

"And you think you can nail a walker from here?" Taylor asked, raising an eyebrow as she sat next to Adam.

Adam scoffed, "I know I can hit one from here. Easy as one two three," 

Taylor rolled her eyes. "We haven't seen a walker in weeks. I'm surprised though, you know."

"Yeah, you'd think we'd have a walker by now," Adam shrugged, tapping his finger onto the gun. 

Taylor sighed, looking into the fields. "I know. I'm fighting the urge to go out into the woods and find one just to bash it's brains in." Taylor looked over to Adam. "I've just been so stressed with everything going on, it's pathetic."

Adam smirked a bit. "You ain't scared you're gonna get bit?" 

"I stopped getting scared once I saw that there's a bigger chance of people slitting their wrists more than a cannibal freak's teeth getting sunk into someone's skin." Taylor sighed, looking down. "I still don't understand why she would've done it," Taylor sighed again.

Adam looked down, nodding slowly. Taylor was right, and it was awful. 

"Yeah.. you're right." Adam agreed. It was inevitable that he would agree. The world was already bad enough, and the suicidal tension only made things worse. "Don't ever get to that level, you promise me?"

Taylor nodding, sitting up a little more, looking out into the fields. The fields had taken on a more pale color since the weather was more bitter and chilly. There was a small breeze, as Adam had reached for his sweatshirt that he had found himself carrying around. Taylor already had a sweatshirt with her; it was always with her too. There was no heat or furnace, and the generator would be needing more gasoline soon. 

Ethan walked over to the two, looking up as his hat that he wore all the time was worn, and Taylor had just been noticing it. 

"There's a meeting tonight," Ethan said, zipping his jacket up a little. "don't miss it, dad said he wanted to discuss the options with Randall."

The two gave him a small nod, sighing. Ethan walked back to the house, as Andrea walked in. Lori had been commanding her almost, to do more housework, considering that the weather didn't make things any better.

 "I think we should just kill him," Taylor muttered after he left.

Adam sighed, nodding, looking down at the gun in his hands. His hands were numb, due to the harsh temperature. "I.. agree."

"What are we supposed to do? Just let him be like one of us?" Taylor asked, shrugging. "He's gonna have some type of grudge for what we did to him. Hell, I would."

"Yeah." Adam nodded again, glancing back to the house. Dale had been walking with Lori ever since she walked out. They stopped, and talked. It was too far to hear the conversation, however.

Taylor looked toward the barn where Randall was kept, tightening her glare. "He messed with the wrong group. I don't care about humanity, people killed people before the world went to hell. Survival is what we're all focused on now."

Adam nodded again.

The chickens had been dying off, as there was a lack of seed and heat. The mothers had been killed, and been made into dinners for everyone. The group was large, and there were a lot of mouths to feed. Food was always scarce, however. Everyone made sure to finish what they had on their plates. Mikaela tossed little seed onto the ground, Brittany watching. Ethan had just notified them of the new news, which didn't help the situations at all. 

"He's dead," Brittany shook her head, looking down. "He's been dead ever since he got here."

Mikaela shrugged, not answering. 

"I mean, do people really think that he's getting out of here alive?" Brittany asked, looking over to the house. Taylor and Adam on watch, Ethan going around letting people know, Shane making sure the perimeter was safe, Rick and Lori doing their useless parade around the camp, making sure everyone was alright. Hershel and Jimmy had been at work, not caring about what happened to the boy in the barn. Glenn was most likely inside with Maggie.

Author note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading. Especially if you've read this far. Sorry for not updating as much. I've been really busy. But thanks regardless, and the story will get more and more intense as it goes on!

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