Try Me! [Undergoing Heavy Edi...

By ChocolateCaptain

66.2K 2.1K 1.5K

[Phantom Blood Reader Insert] People challenge others to do things an individual would be too intimated to do... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Jonathan's Route
Dio's Route
Story Notes
Battle Tendency!!!

Chapter 2

6K 214 261
By ChocolateCaptain

You nuzzled into your bandana as a soft sigh escaped your lips, new clothes that were clean felt nice against your freshly bathed skin, though your hat still stayed tattered it felt nice to know that it was recently cleaned. It has already been four months since Mr. Joestar took you in, and Jonathan has become rather close to you during your stay, and occasionally begged you for more lessons in fighting. Smiling you sighed softly until Danny's nose probed at the side of your thigh, looking down at him you laughed a bit and knelt down on one knee as you began to stroke and scratch behind his ears, "Why hello Danny~ Did you leave Jonathan behind again?", you could only to laugh when he whined and whimpered with his tongue lolling out of his mouth.

Amused you continued to rub behind both of his ears before planting a quick kiss on his head as you stood up once Jonathan appeared, "Danny there you are! Were you bothering (y/n) again?", Jonathan smiled down at Danny before looking at you, "Maybe he was bored and knew that I would be more entertaining", you tease. Jonathan pouts as you laugh softly until you stop to smile at him, "Going somewhere without me Jonathan?", you cross your arms as a smirk came onto your lips when Jonathan's cheeks dusted pink, "Oh! Yes- No- Uh, I mean-!", Jonathan coughs momentarily and quickly clears his throat as you smile.

"I actually wanted to invite you to walk with me in the fields again, you know to catch up since you have been busy with studies", he mumbled near the end as his eyes soon landed on the floor while you uncrossed your arms and rest in one of your hands on your hip, there was truth to his statement though, the studies Mr. Joestar offered was beginning to take up your time and almost made you forget your own secret training with the yellow glow you could emit.

"I will gladly accompany you to the fields Jonathan", you reassure with a small grin as Jonathan's head perked up with a smile crawling up onto his lips, "Really?!", "Of course", you lightly chuckle at his brief cheer. Slightly adjusting your bandana and patting off any dust -and some of Danny's loose fur- you set out with Jonathan to the fields talking about your recent studies and what stance is better to take in certain fights, only to stop talking when you heard a faint chanting of "Erina is a crybaby!". Just as you're about to say something to Jonathan you notice the empty space beside you, "There goes the hero prince", you chuckle to yourself as you locate Jonathan, you finally spotted him engaging in a "fight" between two boys.

Calmly making your way to them you pulled the girl back, she jolted at your touch and quickly faced you as you pulled up your bandana, you raised a finger to shush her and looked over at Jonathan who wiped his nose with his handkerchief. Just us a boy with curly blond hair was about to hit Jonathan again you spoke up, "I suggest you stop that before you end up crying to Mommy chico estupido", you warned, the blonde turns to you with the scowl, "Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it shorty, I bet you hurt your pinky trying to punch me, go ahead I'll give you a free shot", he taunted.

Walking over you ignored Jonathan, "Wait, (y/n) please-!", he panicked, with a smirk you mumbled a low "Try me", before uppercutting the boys chin and then raising your knee to his crotch area, once he was doubled over you kneed him in the face with your other knee while taking out your whip. Looking at the More chubbier boy he panicked when his gaze landed on your sharp eyes, he turned to run as you ready to your whip, "¿A donde vas chico?", you the lashed the whip at his leg causing him to fall and hit his face on a rock. With a mock wince you smirked as you cracked your whip on the ground, the harsh sound made the boys and girl flinch, standing in front of Jonathan -and the girl that Jonathan attempted to help- you glared at the two boys who shook before you on the ground, "If I see your faces again, I'll make sure that you'll be unrecognizable", you growl out as they whimper while nodding.

"Now...", you crack your whip again, "SCRAM!", you growl as they scream and scrambled about to run away from you, "(Y/n) I could have handled that!", Jonathan whined as he frowned, pulling down your bandana you heard the girl gasp, "Y- You're a girl!", she exclaims while you chuckle, "Yes I am miss, I am this boy's bodyguard", you brief as you walk over to Jonathan who was now standing. Once you were near Jonathan you grab both of his cheeks and begin to squeeze and pull them, "Ah! (Y-Y/NNNN)!," he whines squeezing his eyes shut in pain as you continue to scold, "But it seems like Jonathan here still needs some more training", you grin as you let go watching as Jonathan rubbed his sore cheeks, "That was too rough (y/n)!", he pouts.

Laughing you turn to the blond girl propping an elbow on Jonathan's shoulder, "While he's too busy going into a fight headfirst, his intentions are that of a noble hero and it's very... Admirable", you smile at the girl who smiles back at you, checking the time you swore quietly. "Sorry miss but we must be leaving, the name is (y/n), see you around", you bow curtly as you grab Jonathan's arm and start running towards the manor, "Woah! (Y/n) why the rush?!", he asks, "Your father mentioned someone was coming today! I think he would prefer for us to be there on time!", you explain. Soon you both stop once you to finally reach the front of the manor and finally caught your breath with Jonathan, "Oh, would you look at that...", you mentioned towards the arriving carriage, "...we made it on time", you grin as Jonathan chuckled, you watched as a suitcase was thrown out and a blond boy dramatically jumped out.

You closed your eyes as your rolled them at the boys dramatic entrance before pulling your bandana to cover your mouth and nose while tilting your head down slightly, once the boy finally stood up fully you saw a good view of his face while Jonathan approached him, "You must be Dio Brando right?", he asked, 'So that's Dio... He feels slightly off', you thought. "And you're Jonathan, hire to the Joetars", Dio states, "Yes, please call me JoJo, it's a pleasure to meet you", Jonathan smiles, Dio looks over at you with the raised brow, "And who are you?", he interrogates, "(Y/n), and apparently I have another boy to look after", you state lowly and cross your arms, Dio's eyes widened at the sound of your voice, "A-A girl!?", Dio thought in silence surprise, especially when looking at your attire.

You then hear Danny's barking and look over at the Dane happily running in circles, Jonathan kneels down excitedly as he outstretches his arms, "Danny!", he left briefly, "That's Danny, he's my dog as well as my steadfast companion", Jonathan informs, just as you're about to pet Danny Dio hit the poor dog's mouth with his knee shocking you and Jonathan. "Danny!", you exclaim as you knelt down to the dog to check how bad the damage was, "What was that for?! How dare you!", Jonathan shouted enraged as he puts his fists up, Dio does the same with the frown as you quickly tend to Denny's mouth, "Shh~ it's okay boy, I'm here, I'm right here", you coo as Danny whimpers.

Your head snaps up as soon as you hear Mr. Joestar's voice, "Fighting already?", you quickly undo your bandana and place it on Danny's bleeding mouth as both boys face Mr. Joestar, "Mr. Joestar", you state formerly with acknowledgment giving a small curt head bow. George acknowledges you with small nod as he brings his attention to the two boys, "I would know what this is about", Mr. Joestar then waits for an answer, "Sorry, the dog jumped at me and in my haste I struck it", Dio apologized with a bow, you lightly scuffed and muttered, "Él no parece demasiado lo siento". When you were finished giving Danny a brief treatment for his mouth you took your bandana back and hid it in your hand as he followed them inside the manor keeping a mental reminder to clean your bandana later when you get the chance.

You walked in on Mr. Joestar talking apparently, welcome to the manor, "Consider yourself a part of the family", Mr. Joestar welcomes Dio and finally turns to the rest of the group, "Everyone I would have died where it's not for Dio's father, you would treat him as you would my own son", Mr. Joestar informs, you slightly frown as you rest a hand on your hip. "Very well your lordship", the head butler and the rest of the servants bow before leaving, all while you yawn loudly, "(Y/n)", Mr. Joestar warns as Dio finally got a better look at your revealed face, with a feigned coy smile, "What?~ I know what I've got to do, after all, I'll be looking after El niño bonito here", your smile turns into a smirk when you saw that one of Dio's eyes twitch as Jonathan quickly stopped the smile that almost formed on his lips.

"This is your home now Dio please, avail yourself of all its comforts", Mr. Joestar intervenes before you could say anything else, "Thank you sir for taking in this poor unfortunate", Dio bows curtly as you stand next to Jonathan with arms crossed, only to jolt slightly when Mr. Joestar put his hands on yours and Jonathan's shoulders. "Jojo here has lost his mother as well, (Y/n) has been stolen from her family, and you all are around the same age, you'll be thick as thieves soon", Mr. Joestar explains, you slightly frown at the portion of your information being revealed to a stranger so soon, but you caught spark of interest that gleamed in Dio's eyes as he stared at you.

"JoJo, (Y/n), do you didn't mean to hurt Danny", Mr. Joestar reassures, you only nod curtly as your eyes narrowed at Dio, "Right, it stands to reason father, if a strange dog jumped at me I'd be surprised too", Jonathan carefully admits, your eyes bore into Dio's form with suspicion while Dio raised eyebrow at you in pure interest. "This way Dio, I'll show you your chambers", Mr. Joestar says as he leads the way to the empty room, "Yes sir", Dio soon follows as you slowly frown, turning around you begin to inform Jonathan, "Jonathan I'll be going to check on Danny, all right?", Jonathan smiles at you as he begins to walk over to Dio's case, "Of course! I'll be returning Dio- Ah! You're hurting me please let go!", at Jonathan's cry of pain you instantly react by bringing out your whip and throwing it at Dio's arm that holds Jonathan's wrist captive.

Shocked, Dio's eyes follow the whip to see your indifferent expression, "Look here niño bonito, I am the bodyguard of Jonathan here, but now that you're here that means I have to keep an eye on you too", you explain coldly. "Wait, (Y/n) please calm down", Jonathan tries to soothe you, walking closer to the two, you tug on the whip harshly making sure to be very close to Dio's face.

"I'll call one of the servants to bring your items up into your chambers, Jonathan is here to play nice, I'll keep Danny away from you whenever I can but you will stay far away from him, is that understood Brando", you scowl, Dio stares at you for a while longer with a frown. "Fine but remember this (y/n), you too Jonathan, I'll be number one around here", he declares. "Dio, what's keeping you? Hurry along", Mr. Joestar calls as you wrap up your whip again, "Yes sir", Dio says back and continues to walk up the steps, walking back to Jonathan you check on his wrist.

"(Y/n), you didn't have to do that", he flusters, "Now what sort of bodyguard would I be if I didn't", you smile, Jonathan smiles back at you as well as you rub his wrist, soothing the pain with the dim glow of your hands.



Bold Italics= Thoughts

¿A donde vas chico?= Where are you going boy?

Él no parece demasiado lo siento= He doesn't look too sorry

El niño bonito= The pretty boy

niño bonito= pretty boy

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