Her Guardian Angel

By littleredd123

120K 1.8K 104

Kaylee Little is a normal La Push High School graduate. Except she was just diagnosed with a serious illness... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.

Chapter 12.

3.9K 59 5
By littleredd123

The radiation appointments never lasted long. Kaylee usually went by herself to these appointments because they never made her feel sick like the chemotherapy. The appointment was scheduled for nine and Kaylee was out before ten o'clock, so she had time to herself. She hadn't had alone time, truly, since she found out that she was sick.

She decided to stop by a little diner in Forks before heading back to La Push. It was small and quaint, but it was cute. Kaylee liked simple things. She pulled in the parking lot and pulled her hood up before opening the door. It was sprinkling rain, as always.

She briskly walked into the restaurant and smiled at the woman behind the counter. "Take a seat anywhere, darling. I'll be right out there." Kaylee nodded and thanked her before picking a little booth by a window.

"Can I start you off with something to drink?" A young, small blonde asked Kaylee, a pad of paper in her hand.

"Just a water, please." She nodded and walked off, and she caught glimpse of a familiar face sitting across the diner. Bella Swan was sitting with a mustached police officer, and Kaylee assumed he was her father. There was a resemblance between the two.

She kept her head down, not wanting to be noticed. Kaylee wasn't going to hold a grudge against her, but she wasn't sure if she wanted to be her friend or not. The waitress brought Kaylee the glass of water, and she ordered some pancakes to go along with it. As she sat at the table by herself and fiddled with her straw, she heard a quiet voice.

"Uhm, hi. Kaylee, right?" Kaylee looked up and gave her a weak smile.

"That's right. And you're Bella." Her dad was still sitting at the table, digging into what looked like a large omelet.

"I didn't mean to interrupt, I just wanted to come say hi. How are things going between you and Jake?" There was that nickname again.

"Jacob and I are fine. Thanks for asking." She emphasized on his name. Bella looked so awkward, and Kaylee assumed that she could feel the hostility in the air. Kaylee was not a hostile person by any means, but she couldn't deny the strong feeling of overprotectiveness she had with Jacob.

"That's good. He's a good guy. Well, I guess I should go. Bye, Kaylee." She waved and walked off before Kaylee could even say bye. The waitress arrived then with her pancakes, and Kaylee was so aggravated that she barely noticed the waitress put it on the table.

Once she snapped out of it, she began picking at the pancakes, playing with it more than actually eating it. After sitting there for a while and finally finishing the two large pancakes, she decided that it was time to go. She paid the check and left the waitress a five dollar-bill and left. "You have a nice day, darling." The woman behind the counter said, and Kaylee waved at her once more.

The ride back to La Push didn't seem long enough. She arrived at her house around ten thirty, and her mom's car was gone. Off working another long shift, she assumed. She laid down on the couch and turned the television on, watching Grey's Anatomy. The episode didn't even get halfway through when Kaylee heard a knock on the door.

She peeked out the curtains and saw Jacob's Rabbit parked behind her car. She opened the door and smiled at him, but he didn't really look happy. He looked beyond exhausted. "Baby, what are you doing here?"

He walked into the house and sat down on the couch, with Kaylee sitting beside him. "I was up most of the night doing patrol, and Bella called me this morning while I was sleeping and said she saw you in the diner in Forks. She said you didn't seem right, and of course that scared the hell out of me." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm fine, don't listen to everything Bella says. I was just trying to eat my pancakes, but she came over and was asking how our relationship was going. I just don't really like her." Kaylee shrugged, making Jacob furrow his eyebrows.

"Why would you not like her? Bella is great." He insisted.

"That's why I don't like her. You had such a connection with her, and you think that she's just wonderful. I hate that you loved her. Even though you've told me that you don't, I still worry that you love her." Kaylee was furious. At herself, for being so petty and jealous; at Jacob for being so caring and clueless; and Bella, just for being herself.

Jacob ran his hand through his short hair and leaned back against the couch. "Kaylee, I've told you. I don't want Bella, I really don't. You know you're the only girl for me. I did like Bella, but that was before I met you. You're my girl." He kissed her temple because he knew how much she loved it.

Kaylee laid back against the couch cushion, but her mind continued to bounce around. She wondered if Jacob would have ever wanted to be with her if it wasn't for imprinting? Would they have met in the store somehow, and just fell in love? Or would he marry Bella and live happily ever after while Kaylee was alone? Maybe she would've been with Embry.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" He asked, smoothing the little fly away hairs on her head.

"I wonder if you would still love me if you didn't imprint on me. If I bumped into you in the store or something, would you have still given up on Bella and went after me?" He looked torn.

"I can't tell you that for sure. But baby girl, I'm in love with you now. We're together now. Shouldn't that be enough?" Kaylee felt like such a bitch, of course it was enough. He was perfect, even if fate was what pushed them together.

Later that night, she was sitting at Emily's, and it was just the girls. Kim, Emily, Kaylee, and surprisingly, Leah showed up. She didn't look very happy to be there, but Kaylee was glad that she showed up nonetheless.

"Ladies, I've decided that I hate imprinting." Kaylee stated. Kim and Emily looked horrified, but Leah looked intrigued.

"Kaylee! Why would you say that?" Emily exclaimed.

"I like love, I do. Don't get me wrong, imprinting is romantic and beautiful. But I feel like it's forced. What if I didn't want to be with Jacob? I would have to be because you said it would cause us physical pain to be apart, and that's kind of shitty."

Emily and Kim seemed to be at a loss for words, but Leah stood up and gestured for Kaylee to follow her. "Come here." They walked out on the back porch together, and Leah sat down at the small table that was sitting there.

"Did anyone ever tell you that Sam and I were together before he met Emily?" She asked, and Kaylee shook her head, shocked beyond belief. "Well, we were really in love. I wanted to be with him forever. But Emily is my cousin, and she came to visit, and I introduced her to Sam. And just like that, I was pushed to the side because he imprinted on Emily. I know that they both feel shitty about it, and there's nothing they could do about it because it's fate, but I do kind of hate them for it."

Kaylee felt so bad for Leah. That's why she was so mean to everyone. "I just feel like it's so forced. I want to go out and fall in love for myself. Not that I don't love Jacob, obviously I do, but that's not the point. I don't want to be forced into something."

Leah stared at Kaylee for a minute before giving her a little smirk that looked like it could actually be a smile. "You're not as bad as I thought. Not such a goody-goody." Kaylee laughed and smiled at her.

"And you're not as bitchy as I thought. You're still kind of bitchy, but I like it." She told Leah honestly, and she lightly punched her on the arm. She knew that it was light, because an actual punch from Leah would've probably shattered a bone or two.

"This might be the start of a beautiful friendship." Leah grinned this time, leaning back in her chair and kicking her bare feet up on the table, where the pair remained for quite some time, just enjoying each other's company.

A/N: Yay for updates! Don't worry, Kaylee isn't going to try to reject the imprint or anything, I just think that imprinting shouldn't always be so easily accepted. Forever is a long time, and it's tough to be forced into something when you're as strong-willed as Kaylee is. I wanted to thank everyone for the favorites and comments, and for adding this story to your reading lists! I really appreciate it! 

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