
By dovato

269K 9.2K 652

Demi Lovato- empowering, inspiring, and brave. When she was eighteen? Opposite. After a nights full of partyi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
65... The End
Sequel News

Chapter Seventeen

4.8K 125 5
By dovato

Demi's POV

"Please don't go," Annie pleaded, wiggling her arms around my waist.

I giggled a little and playfully pushed her away, "Stop it!"

I actually feel really bad because Annie has been either staying with my mom, or with Marissa, because I've had 11-14 hour straight rehearsals for the past week.

I pulled Annie's suitcase out of her closet and dragged it over to the bed. She has to start packing for tour now, or she never will.

"Now," I instructed, "when I get home I expect at least one suitcase already filled."

"Yes ma'am," she said, following me over to her bed. "Or, you can stay here and help me!" She said, pulling me into a tight hug again.

I sighed, hugging her back. "I wish, baby girl. I really do. Tomorrow I'll take you to the studio and then we'll go for lunch. Just us."

"Just us?" She asked.

"You and me, babe." I smiled.

Anther reason I feel like the worst mom in the world is because while Annie is at home all upset, I'm going out of my way to have dinner with Wilmer before heading back to rehearsals.

But, you see, Annie will be with me everyday with the two months that I am gone. Wilmer on the other hand, will not.

"Sup, biatches." I heard Marissa say from behind me.

I turned around and flashed her a goofy smile, "Hello."

"What's going on, dudes?" She asked, sitting down beside Annie on the bed.

"Nothing," I said, then pointed to the empty suitcase, "but I told Annie that that suitcase has to be filled neatly by the time I get home."

"Gotcha." Mar said.

"And, Annie," I said, moving back over towards her closet, "I laid out some shoes I know you want to take on tour, so, you can start with that..." I trailed off, looking around her closet. So. Many. Clothes. So. Much. To. Do. In. So. Little. Time.

"What time will you be back?" I heard Marissa ask from outside the closet. "I don't mind, I was just wondering."

"Uhm," I said, looking at the time on my phone, "if I leave now, probably around midnight."

"Okay, smokay." She said.

I fast walked over to Annie who was blankly staring into the suitcase, lost in her thoughts. Oh, how I would love to just spend the day laying in bed, listening to her talk and talk.

"Bye, A. I love you, turd." I said, hugging her and giving her a huge kiss on the cheek, which left a lip stick again.

"Love you too," she said, "I miss you already."

I smiled and bopped her nose, "I miss you already."


Annie's POV

I've been laying on my closet bedroom floor contemplating what to pack or when I should start packing for the past two hours now. Oh, and, yeah, texting Conner every fifteen minutes because he hasn't texted me once sense the night we laid on the roof.

I also came to conclusion that I don't like him like that, but just as a best friend. I just don't understand why he hasn't texted back.

But, Maddie just texted me and asked for me to come over and hangout with her, Drew, and Valerie so I just might.

"Hey, doof." Marissa said, walking in, "you texted?" She asked, referring to the text I sent her moments ago, telling her to come up to my room.

"Can we go over to Maddie's and hangout?" I asked, in my puppy dog voice.

"That depends," she said, looking around my closet, "are you done packing?"

"Well..." I said, sitting up, "basically."

She furrowed her eyebrows and slowly walked out of my closet, probably checking to see if my suitcase really is packed or not. Which, it isn't. It's been in the same place it has been sense Demi left.


I watched as she marched back into my closet, arms crossed.

"Well, you see, I was trying to figure out what I wanted to pack and how I wanted to pack it, or where it should go. It's very, very complicated." I sighed, rubbing my temples enthusiastically.

"Uh, huh." She said, not buying it at all. "You can go to Maddie's. But, me and you are coming home later and finishing your suitcase."

"Fine by me." I cheesed.


"What do we do now?" Drew asked, lazily flicking his thumb up and down the screen on his phone.

"I dunno," Maddie responded quietly, finishing her doodle on her arm.

"I'm kind of hungry," I said.

"Just one second," Madison said, still training her thoughts on her arm, "and I'll fix something.."

Marissa and Dianna left a while ago to go do something, and Dallas in the studio, voicing for this cartoon movie. So, it's just me, Mads, Drew, and Valerie.

"Okay," Maddie said in satisfaction, "finished."

I glanced over at her arm and saw her amazing drawings, almost like a sleeve traveling up her arm full of flowers and vines.

"You can do just about anything," I said, rolling off the couch.

"Not everything," Maddie joked.

"Yes, everything!" I said, helping her up.

"What are you going to make?" Drew asked.

Maddie shrugged, "I dunno yet. What about Mac and cheese?"

"Uhmuhgawsh, yes!" I said, totally craving Mac and cheese.

I followed them into the kitchen and jumped up on the counter while Drew slumped against the fridge and Val sat beside me, playing with her now torn apart old phone. See, we got so bored we kinda just tore her old iPhone in half. I don't know.

"Mads, do something funny!" Drew said.

"I can't just do something on command!" She said, pulling down the Mac and cheese box.

"Teach me how to make Mac and cheese." Drew said.

I watched as he pulled his iPhone up and counted down to three like he was about to video her, which, he was.

"First you put it in the pan," Maddie said, dumping the Mac and cheese in the pan.

"Then, you put the lid on it," doing as she said, "And then you're done."

I giggled a little along with Valerie and Drew and watched Maddie restart the actual steps to make the Mac and cheese.


It was a little while later and Maddie was now drawing her little designs on my arm, when I noticed Drew acting a little funny. I didn't say anything at first, but now he keeps watching the video he took of Maddie over and over again, scrolling, then rewatching it.

"Am I that funny, Drew?" Maddie joked, as she used her eyeliner to draw a rose on my wrist.

He had a nervous look, but then he stiffed a laugh, "Y-yeah."

Maddie gave him a weird glance before turning her attention back to my arm. Out of curiosity, I pulled my phone out and got on twitter to see what the fuss was about.

Oh, but I wish I didn't.

So many hate comments about Madison being fat because of the way her shoulders look. She has fucking scoliosis, which make her spine look like an S and sticks out at the shoulders. She doesn't even look fat in the video, but i guess people think it's more noticeable now.

Maddie doesn't take anonymous criticism very well at all. This is fucking cyber-bullying. I'm madder than shit.

By now, Valerie caught on and all you here in the kitchen is Maddie's vine being played over and over again, while we read the replies. Hateful, sick minded people.

Maddie slowly lifted up the eyeliner and glanced around the kitchen, "What is it?" She softly asked.

"Nothing," I said, sitting my phone down beside me, "continue your daily doodle."

"No," she said, capping the eyeliner, "what is it?"

I looked over at Drew and Valerie, right when I heard the door open and people shuffle in the house, talking and laughing.

One by one, Marissa, Dallas, Sarah, and Dianna came in the kitchen, setting down bags and stuff.

Maddie snatched my phone away and looked at the comments, tears bubbling over her eyelids.

"Not here you don't," I said, jumping off the countertop and leading her to the bathroom. Maddie never cries, and I know she wouldn't want to cry in front of other people.

I shut the door as she sat on the counter beside the sink, cupping her face in her hands as silent sobs escaped her mouth.

"Maddie, don't cry!" I said, rubbing her back. "Everything is going to be okay! They're hateful and jealous people-"

"I have a fucking disease!" She cried, "I can't help that I look this way!"

"Maddie, calm down. I know, but you don't look bad at all! People just now noticed, which, I don't know how, but-"

"Because I'm fat!" Maddie sobbed again, "Everyone is saying it! Why me?"

I hurriedly wrapped my arms around Maddie as she laid her head in my shoulder and cried, violent sobs.

I had enough of seeing Maddie so hurt, so I texted Demi and told her a summery of everything and she responded with a, "I'm leaving rehearsals."

A few slight bangs were on the door and I opened it, letting Marissa and Dianna barge in the bathroom.

Everything was happening in slow motion. Madison was so happy, doodling on my arm and the next she's in hysterics, bawling. I've never seen Madison so upset.. Expect from that one night, but that's beside the point.

I want to kill everyone and anyone who did this to Maddie.


Madison had a blanket laid over her lap with her favorite flavor of Arizona tea at her fingertips. Her eyes were all pink and puffy, along with the bags under her eyes. She had Dallas and Dianna on both sides of her while me and Marissa were on the other couch. Everyone else had already gone home.

And, even though I was expecting it and it would be weird if she didn't do it, a pang of jealousy washed over me as Demi walked in and went straight to Madison, and began holding her and soothing her, just like she does me.

But, of course, Wilmer walked in the house right after her. Like, why wouldn't he at a time like now?

"Wilmer, will you take Annie home? She needs to start getting ready for bed because we have to get up early in the morning," Demi said, then as if she suddenly remembered I was actually in the room, she looked up at me and said, "is that okay with you?"

My mind reflected back on to the past conversation with Demi when I told her I did accept Wilmer, even though I lied. So it would be absurd to just throw a tantrum and not go.

"Sure," I said, through a half fake smile and gritted teeth.

I slowly walked over to Madison and gave her a huge hug. Dammit, I love her so much. I wish she wasn't hurting.

"Thanks for everything, Annie. You're the best and I love you!" Madison said as I pulled away.

"No prob, bob. You're legit so beautiful, Mads. Don't forget it. I love you more," I said, waving at everyone else and following Wilmer to the door.

He opened it up for me and I trudged past, sighing as I walked towards his blacker than black car that I could barely make out in the dark night.

We both slid in, and pulled out in silence.

"So, whatcha wanna do for a while? You don't really have to go to bed. Just fake it when Demi comes home," he laughed.

I pondered what I could possibly do for enjoyment with Wilmer.

And then it hit me.

I forgot to pack my suitcase.

"I got it!" I said, sitting up straight, "you have to help me pack!"

I'm totally freaking out now. Demi said at least one suitcase and I don't even have one done. She's going to literally kill me if she comes home and it's empty.

"Pack?" He asked.

"Yes! Like emergency packing! Like, oh my gosh. Really fast packing!" I said, bouncing my foot up and down, growing really impatient.

"For what?" He asked.

"The tour!" Gosh, is he dumb? Just drive faster. "Demi said I have to have at least one suitcase already packed. Least! That means she's expecting more than one. You know how much shit I'll be in if she gets home and there's so much as only half a suitcase filled? Big shit! And-"

"Okay, okay!" He laughed, "I'll help you."


I ran over to the shoe pile Demi had talked about earlier and began just tossing shoes to Wilmer left and right. I don't even know if I'll even wear these shoes! I just know I need to fill this suitcase up and fast.

"How much of it is filled?" I asked from inside my closet.

"Uh," he said, "about half."

I cursed under my breath and began rummaging through my whole closet on stuff I could put in with my shoes. Socks! A lot of socks!

I opened my sock drawer and grabbed an armful of them, carried them to my bed, and dumped it in the suitcase. Alright, that will do until tomorrow morning.

"You think she'll care that it's half socks and half shoes?" He asked.

"Hey," I said, "she said to fill one up, so I did."

"Gotcha," he said, zipping it up for me.

"Oh, and don't tell her you helped. I was supposed to have this done seven hours ago."

He laughed, "I figured." He then took the suitcase off my bed and started for the stairs, "What do you say? The Heat or Identity Thief?"

"The Heat!" I called after him.

I quickly changed into my pajamas and went downstairs to have a slumber party with Wilmer... Because that's exactly what I had planned for the night.

I walked into the kitchen and pulled down popcorn from the cabinet, ripped off the plastic, and popped it in the microwave.

I then hit the home button on my iPhone to check if I miraculously had a text from Conner, but I didn't. I'm sure he's probably, like, in trouble or something.

But, being the nosy creep I am, I decided to look at the tweets just to make sure he isn't ignoring me. It isn't like I like like him, so it's not obsessive. It's just curiosity.

Seeing that he hasn't tweeted sense before the night I last saw him, I sat my phone back down on the counter and took the steaming popcorn from the microwave.

"Mhmm, you made popcorn!" Wilmer said happily, as he walked into the kitchen with The Heat in his hands.

"Yeah, for me not you." I said seriously, but I was kidding.


"Kidding!" I said, throwing my hands up in defense. "Salt, butter, both?"

"Both!" He said, walking into the living room.

I pulled the seasonings down from the other cabinet and sprinkled them on the popcorn, wondering when Demi was going to return home.

I know Wilmer means well, but I can't wait for tonight to be over and for tomorrow to be here. Demi and I haven't had a day alone in forever.

Closing the cabinets, I grabbed the bowl of popcorn and continued towards the living room where I'm assuming Wilmer just put in the movie because he's sitting down.

I put the bowl in between us and pulled a blanket down from over the couch and draped it over the my legs.

"Hey, look, selfie!" Wilmer said.

I looked over and saw Wilmer holding out his phone, Wolfgang sign up, and a serious face. I stuck my tongue out and heard the camera make a snapping sound. As if it couldn't get more awkward, my phone buzzed with a notification that said Wilmer had added a photo of me on Instagram.

I slid the bar over, the picture we had taken literally moments ago in front of my eyes. The caption was all like, "@wilmervalderrama: The Heat w/ @annielovato 🔫🔥"

Way to make it awkward. But, hey, he's trying and I guess that matters.

So, I liked it.

And, about halfway through the movie, I felt myself drifting into sleep. That was the first night I ever fell asleep comfortable with Wilmer Valderrama's presence.

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