Lost Boys imagines/preference...

By WylderWatkins

466K 7.6K 1.2K

My favorite movie so I'm excited to make this. This will have David, Dwayne, Marko, Paul, Frog brothers, Mich... More

Where you first meet ( lost boys)
where you first meet ( frog brothers, Michael, and sam)
When he asks you out (Lost Boys)
when they ask you out (frog brothers, Michael, Sam, Star)
What they call you( Lost Boys, Sam Michael, Frog brothers, Star )
Where you go on your first date ( Lost Boys)
Where you go on your first date ( frog brothers, Michael, Sam, Star)
What season is theirs ( all)
Your first kiss (lost boys)
If they were in a band (Lost boys)
Jealousy preference (Lost Boys)
Dwayne (Jealousy) imagine
His favorite place to kiss you preference
Paul ( date ) imagine
Marko (date night) imagine
cheesy pick up lines they'd use on you ( preference)
The song he gives to you to show how much he loves you (preference)
David's greedy/ Markos protective ( imagine)
Note ๐Ÿฆ‡
When you wear his jacket (preference)
PDA (preference)
David (date) imagine
When you both get caught during a heated session (preference)
Dwayne (date) imagine
When you want to pretty them up (preference)
Protecting their (you) mates (preference)
When you tell them no (preference)
What they do when your feeling insecure (preference)
How much they spoil you (preference)
When you ignore him (preference)
How clingy they are (preference)
Dwayne turns you into a vampire (imagine)
Dwayne's insecurities (imagine)
When your mad (preference)
Paul crosses the line, Dwayne gets pissed (imagine)
You braid their hair (preference)
How and when they changed
When its your birthday (preference)
Them protecting you from the others (preference)
Theyre reaction to when you dont want to be changed yet (preference)
Taking lessons from Dwayne (imagine)
Boys take a liking (imagine)
When your on your period (preference)
Giving him a massage when he's stressed (preference)
What they do after a fight with you (preference)
He's needy for your attention (preference)
He does your make-up (preference)
baby fever, Dwayne and also a Paul (imagine)
Dating David includeds
Dating Dwayne includes
Dating Paul includes
Supernatural collides with The Lost Boys, Dwayne (imagine)
Dating Marko includes
Dating Sam includes
Marko (one shot)
You want to go to the carnival (preference)
You have commitment issues (preferences)
what he gets you for Christmas (preference)
What you get him for Christmas (preference)
Baby its cold outside, David (imagine)
All i want for Christmas is you, Dwayne (imagine)
Ill be home for Christmas, Paul (imagine)
Christmas Eve, Marko (imagine)
You make it feel like Christmas, Michael (imagine)
Dating Michael would include
Last Christmas, Sam (imagine)
What you guys do on Christmas morning (preference)
They're present wrapping job (preference)
Them trying to find excuses to kiss you (imagine)
Sleepover, Paul (imagine)
How they wake you up (preferences)
what character they are from that 70s show (preference)
Big spoon, little spoon (preference)
Jealous Dwayne (imagine)
Waited for so long, Dwayne (imagine) part1
Waited for so long, Dwayne (imagine) part2
Your children (preference)
Older version of your children (preference)
They propose to you (preference)
Your engagement ring he got you (preference)
Your wedding dress (preference)
His suit, (preference)
Your wedding theme (preference)
When Mates fall, Dwayne (imagine)
Misunderstandings and Heated Moments, Marko (imagine)
Vacation, Dwayne (imagine)
Misunderstandings and Heated Moments, Dwayne (imagine)
Kitten, Dwayne (imagine)
One For All and All For One, Lost Boys (imagine)
Always There, Dwayne & Paul (imagine)
when you tell them your going on a diet (preference)
Our Little Secrets, Dwayne (imagine)
How They are if You Broke Up With Them, (preference)
Cheesy Pick Up Lines (Part 2)
How They Pamper You, (preference)
Surfer Nazis Mistake, Boys X Reader (imagine)
Supernatural and The Lost Boys Combined, Dwayne (imagine)
Love's Stronger, Michael (imagine)
Hanging From The Bridge With You, Michael (imagine)
When All Else Fails, Marko (imagine)
Yours Truly, Edgar (imagine)
How they are in bed (preference)
One Must Go, So Why Not You (Paul & Dwayn)
Slumber Sammy, (Sam)
New Babies (preference)
Wild Child, Paul (Imagine)
Taking Care of Marko, (Imagine)
No Mercy, Dwayne (Imagine)
Ferris Wheel Romance, Dwayne (Imagine)
Beautiful Disaster (Dwayne imagine)
Couples Costumes (Preferences)
Mysterious Girl (Lost Boys Imagine)
Little Sister (Imagine)
HALLOWEEN!!!! (Note)๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿ
What You Do On Halloween (Preference)
What They Get You For Valentine's Day (Preference)
Home By Now, Dwyane (Imagine)
Kill Bill, David (Imagine)
Kill Bill, Dwyane (Imagine)
S&M, Marko (imagine)

Between Two Guys, David (imagine)

2.4K 40 12
By WylderWatkins

Laughing as you watched Marko and Paul poke fun at one another, seeing the other get more offended and annoyed than the other when they flung another insult at eachother.

You were out at the boardwalk with the rest of the guys, your best friend Michael and David sorta oddly being distant with one another all night. You just couldn't put your finger on why though, everything seemed to be just fine and dandy before, happy and getting along they were but it just seems like something happened between them when you weren't around. 

Shaking it off though as it is their business and they'll solve it out themselves. Walking along Michael as you guys were all on the beach, talking and laughing with him. He was easy to talk to, very understanding and kind. Of course David was too but he also had a sick sense of humor that played along with it all, which oddly intrigued you half the time. 

As you both were walking together, Michael put his arm around your shoulders, nothing out of the ordinary. That was until a nasty like growl came from one of they guys that were walking behind you two.

Whipping your head around to see what the problem was all you seen were Dwayne and Paul playfully pushing Marko back and forth between them, he looked to like he was going to be sick. Then averting your eyes to what looked like a rather annoyed David that's was walking next to the three goofy guys. 

Sending him a questioning look as you all stopped by one of the huge bonfires they have to relax and sit around. You poke Michaels side as he was talking about something to Marko, getting his attention and sending you a smile.

"Hm?" He grunted questioning you why you poked him. 

"What's wrong with you and David? I know it's none of my business bu-" He cut you off before you could say anymore.

"We both like you." He said bluntly.... Ok, so you like them to, what's the deal, your all friends.

"That's not really something to be upset with one another over, soo..." Saying with and odd tone, wanting to really know whats going on. Sighing he took his arm from around you.

"Y/N, we like like you, like really like you, like more than a friend or best friend or sister relationship like you." He said, breaking it all down for you. Of course you were a little shocked by this information, sure you sorta knew Michael had a bit of a thing for you but you never thought David did.

He always seemed to like Star, the way he looked at her and took her for rides on his bike always made you feel like he didn't care to pay any mind to you. Yet you just never knew the looks he gave you when you weren't looking, always admiring you and checking you out from head to toe. Making sure you never seen. 

"Wanna go for a walk?" Michaels voice broke you from your thoughts, looking up at him as he had stood holding his hand out for you to take. Taking it simply and letting him put you up, not letting go of your hand as you both walked away down the beach.

"I really like you Y/N. I think your amazing and beautiful, your laugh is everything to me. What I'm try to say is-"

"Get lost Michael." A very unkind voice came from the back of you guys. Turning a little fast to see your favorite platinum blonde man standing there with fire in his eyes. 

"David don't you have Star to go screw around with?" Michael rolled his eyes in announce. The comment sorta hurt you more than it was supposed to hurt David. You hated thinking about him and Star being together, it sickened you.

"No not at all really, I got her warmed up for you. Now scram." David was getting more and more annoyed by the minute of Michaels disobedience towards him. For you to stop the furthering of this fight about to break loose you step in. 

"Michael, will you give me and David a minute?" You ask kindly, seeing Michael look at you with a wtf look, surely shaking it off and walking away with a scowl, leaving you and David alone. You turned to him after a few moments of watching Michael walk off back to the group, noticing how much closer David has gotten to you. 

"So, you have something to tell me?" You ask, looking him in the eye as you wait for him to spill it all out to you.

"I don't know what your talking about." He said with a velvet slick voice as he shook his head, trying to put on his best poker face. 

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, I know how you feel David." As you were talking, in his own frustration he whipped around and started pacing back and forth.

"You don't know shit." He hissed, as he ran a hand through his spiked blonde hair. Obviously he was getting a little nervous of your knowledge of his feelings towards you. He felt embarrassed cause he didn't think you felt the same.

"I know you like me, like like me." Saying bluntly to him, watching as he turned to you with a look of craziness in his eye.

"Like? You think I like you? Just like you? Oh my god Y/N, no, I fucking love you." He said, running a hand over his face as he looked up at the night sky. Those words taking your breath away in a flash, not expecting such feelings to come from him.

"You what?" Asking as up crave to hear what he feels for you again. Your heart about to explode with joy as you now know that he feels so much exactly the same for you now.

"I said I love you, I love all of you." He said as he came up to you, just inches from you. Bringing his hand up to run his fingers across the side of your cheek as he looked into your eyes, everything he told you showing in them as if it were proof he meant it.

"David" You say as you close your eyes when he leant his forehead down onto yours.


"I love you too." You say breathlessly, swallowing hard as you felt his lips connect with your own. The kiss was too short for you but it was so special as you stand there with his arms wrapped tightly and securely around you.

"Then your mine, forever and ever,and only mine." He stated as he brought you closer, the both of you feeling safe and comfortable in each others arms that night. Looking forward to the long eternal future with one another.


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