The Defectors

By Imcrazyyouknow

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We come into the world where freedom isn't something we can have. We can't afford it unless we gone through t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 45

28 4 2
By Imcrazyyouknow

Chapter 45


When someone caught me off guard, I thought that will be the end of me, but it turns out more surprising up to the point I couldn't believe what I'm seeing. When I call out his name and holding both of his shoulders make me feel so surreal at the moment.

"H-How are you here?! And alive?!" I asked him, curiosity drives me.

He patted me, "we'll talk about that, Dylan but we gotta do what we supposed to do here." He said. "Do you know what you were looking for?"

I think for a minute and shook my head, "not really, my brother just told me to find some things from the High Council. Their motives and such that could raise their destruction and the movement could strike them anytime."

Al nodded, "yes, the movement, Conrad told me about it. But at this moment, we gotta find some strong evidence that will kill the High Council from the inside and we should do it faster, the guards and staffs would be back as soon as they find out that the alarm was just to take away their attention."

"Okay, I get it. You gotta take the right sides, I'll do left... and you'll gonna do some explaining later after we're done here, Al."

"Absolutely. I did miss you."

I smirked, "Well, so am I."

We started to check every corner of the office, there are so many desks and there aren't so much on the plate right now. We couldn't find anything. As the clock ticks faster, we didn't waste seconds and minutes to find something we could use against them. Even if it the smallest thing, it will create such an impact that could withdraw some High Councils plan to mutilate the hopes of every Null People.

At the end of searching, Al and I meet again and tell our findings.

"Truly, I didn't find anything," I informed him.

He nodded, "well, I did find something but not that so big." He notified and grab the thing he found on his pocket. When he showed it to me, it was just a piece of paper having a note written on it. Rebirths cleansing.

And that's all it said.

"What does that mean?" I asked him.

Al shook his head, "I don't have any idea but maybe your brother does know something about this. I hold onto this but before we leave, there is one more thing we need to check out."

I raise my brow, "and where it is?"

"Here." Al pointed the glass door beside us, I didn't even notice it. I thought it was just a plain glass wall but when he uses his technology to manipulate the system on opening the door, I couldn't be more surprised that Al could do such things like that. And my head was still bothered how he disappeared for days and weeks.

The glass door opened smoothly. We didn't lose any seconds to see what's inside. Al immediately checked if there's hidden technology around and I did search some things on his desk. I don't know what specifically what I'm looking for but whatever it has connections to the Rebirth could be good and worth it after all.

I notice the nameplate on the wooden desk says, Chadwick Luttoin. President of High Council.

At first, I didn't expect to be here. That I'm gonna step foot into the cruel leader's office. But that didn't bother me, my intention of finding some things that could be against them was my first priority and maybe, putting him down would be next.

Checking on the documents filed on his outbox, I checked every one it. Some documents are just approval for the new policy, establishments and project inside the Noble Land. And at the last folder on the pile of documents were screaming Rebirth's Third Trimester Plans Revisions. I immediately called Al and told him what I just found. He was about to capture a photo for every paper of it but when we heard the alarm goes off, the rummaging footsteps of the guards are heading back to their positions.

"How do we get out?" I asked, Al. There is no way we couldn't escape the room without while there's the armed guard who can shoot us directly without thinking. They know that participants of the Rebirth shouldn't step a foot on the Noble Land until the finished on the process, but we're inside and they're going down.

"I know a way out." All said, he started to put his attention on his technology and his typing some codes I couldn't even understand it.

While Al's busy coding our way out, a message from Conrad popped on my tech.

Did you get anything, buddy? Please, get out of there. They know something's happening and I've already handled the rat. Just get out there and we'll be at your room.

"Al, we gotta go!" I exclaimed.

"Wait, I need to have these documents first." He told to me.

"Oh, fuck that." I immediately grab the document on the desk, "we'll keep this and I don't care if they found it lost. My brother needs these files and we gotta bring it to him. And now, we gotta leave this place without them finding us."

"Okay, okay, Dy. But you gotta relax, I know a way out." He's calm and relaxes saying it to my face and I could already feel the tension between the situation. I didn't bother to ask more and I just made him do his part and when he finally completed coding on his tech, a mechanical sound heard from the corner and when we come to see it. It is a vent way out of the room.

"Are we fit to crawl inside?" I asked him.

He shrugged his shoulder, "I really don't know but we wouldn't know if we didn't try."

I took a deep breath, "okay... if it's our only way out."

When he heard a few voices outside of President Chadwick's office. Al and I immediately positioned ourselves. As we started to crawl inside the vent, following Al into somewhere leads us into some direction where he thought we could be safe. Leaving with us were the Rebirth files and I hope this is worth the risk after all.

I told Al that Conrad we'll meet us both on my room and he just gives a nod on me. I don't know if he knows where it was located but I'm sure he'll know by his tech. After a few turns inside the vent, we see the light. Al stopped for a minute before we stepped out into it.

"What's the matter, Al?" I asked him.

"I've gotta do some modifications on the camera outside, so they wouldn't see us when we got out. This wouldn't take long but just give me a few minutes and we'll good to go. I couldn't risk our presence there because that hallway outside of this vent is the main way of getting through to the other building. So it's a big risk if we got out without safety measures."

"You're too broad with explanations Al but I do understand you, I'm just gonna wait until your go signal."

"Alright, I just gotta focus on it."

While Al was working on his tech and I've got time to check on the document we grabbed from President Chadwick's office. I hope they wouldn't notice that the document is gone on his desk. While scanning through the pages of it, there is one page that caught my attention.

The end of the second trimester: The doom of the participants.

It just basically says eliminating a lot of participants which will occur a huge plan of killing all the participants. They are now limiting such participants to survive the process that's why they are all ahead of ambush killing. I tried to check next few pages to what will be the connection of it but I'm in a panic and I couldn't process all the words in my head.

When Al patted me, it's a sign that he is already done his part.

"We're good to go, but Dy we need to stay quiet."

I nodded to him, "that won't be a problem."

"Alright, I'll open the vent now."

When Al touches the button his tech, the vent slowly opened and we crawl out of this small space. As we step our foot outside, I stretch my body and could feel sore on my knee. But then relaxing won't help us and immediately lead our way back to my room. I never told Al where the room is located but I think with the help of his tech and by Conrad's guide, he knows it already.

Not that long when we reach the room and hastily enter and closed it abruptly. I fall down on the floor chasing my breath. I could totally feel chest pumping so hard. That was so close. I thought they would find us both and would get a death sentence but then it doesn't happen. Al saved me. Out of nowhere, he came and become the tech lord.

"Are you okay, Dy?" Al asked while doing a breathing exercise.

I nodded to him and raise the folder we needed, "I'm okay and we got what we needed."

"That's worth the risk," he said, inhaled and exhaled so deep. "By the way, good to see you again, Dy."

When he said that, I rise up from lying down and walk closer to him. His forehead creased by my immediate reaction but when I got to him, I widely open my arms and hugged him. He laughed at the moment I did it, he thought I would do something on him—like I will punch or harm him but I'm not capable of those things. I may be good to no one but I ain't the bad guy.

"That's a tight hug, Dy," Al mumbled as I lose my arms on him and I punch him on the shoulder after that. He didn't expect it to happen, his face is so ridiculous. "What was that for?"

"For going nowhere. You have been MIA since then, Al. Where have you been?"

He scoffs, "I know you've got a lot of questions in your head Dy but you gotta know, I've been doing good and I'm safe with your brother's guidance—" I stopped him when he said that.

"What's with you and my brother? And how did it happen you get to see him and not me?"

"Okay, let me clarify that thought," Al said, trying to calm me down. We settle down on the bed and he started to compose himself to explain everything to me. "Remember the day that the High Council guards took me away?" he asked, I totally remember that day, I nodded on him. "The reason they took us away because High Council provided an examination which they pick on some potential participants to be part of High Council's—I don't know, human-brain-extraction is what I've heard. But on my knowledge, the potential participants they took had some good accreditations to their information and I'm one of them."

"How do they wanted you?" I asked him.

"I don't know man, your brother said that the human brain extraction will come to develop as a collective artificial intelligence to one of many brains. However, the good thing before that happened, your brother snatch me away from it and hide me away to this exact same secret room. And I was there, helping him and suggest some modifications on the tech's his creating and I think we did well there."

"That's a lot to process."

"I know, Dy."

On a sudden moment, we heard the whirring mechanism from the door. Al and I prepared for the attacked could happen. We may don't know if they found and track us here. We're so much ready to protect ourselves when my brother shows up and locked the door. He let out a deep breath and I can see on his face that he really had a long run before reaching this room.

"You guys, okay?" he asked Al and me.

I nodded, and when I look to Al he also gives a nod.

"Did you guys found something?" Conrad asked.

I handed over the folder to him. "This is what we found that might help to defeat the High Council and also, Al found something."

Al also give the piece of paper to my brother, "here, it is not that much but I'm sure it'll help a lot."

"This is too much, give me some time to read all of this and so we can proceed to our next move and what went wrong there but for now, I think the both of you has a lot of things to say to each other, right?"

"Well, we need your answers also, brother, so the three of us are gonna talk."

"As in, now?" Conrad ask.

I nodded, "As in now and you can read those files later, I just needed to clear my head before we proceed to anything. And in so, that way, I can focus on what our plans heading. 'Cause I'm still in the dark guys, the more there are answers to my question, there will be brighter and clear thinking for me. So, first I would like to know, how did you take Al away from High Council?"

And an interrogation begins... and we only want truth and honesty.

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