Fall On Me | ✔

By Whisper018

6.8K 217 61

"Fall on me... With open arms" That one day, changed the life of many. Especially to Subaru. "Fall on me... More



284 9 0
By Whisper018

A/N: I decided to update this early because I won't be able to update tomorrow.

A white van passed dangerously by the courtyard and Ezra watched in horror as the van almost crashed into one of the graves.

"W-Who's driving t-the van?" Ezra stuttered out.

Ako sighed and Laura patted his back.

"Your cousin's boyfriend"

And on cue a radishing male with fluffy sand blond hair opened the driver's door. His lilac eyes had a hint of playfulness as he stared at the people on the tent with a childish smile.

"We're here!" He yelled in amusement.

"Asahi!" Koharu ran towards Asahi and crushed him in a bear hug. Asahi did the same to her.

Ezra stared at them in horror "A-At least h-he's decent enough... What has he been influencing her!?" Ezra whispered yelled.

Laura and Ako chuckled at Ezra's statement while Kanata and Nozumo glared at the male. From the other door, a tall female with waist length caramel blonde hair tied into a high ponytail came out.

Her her amber eyes matched her playful smirk. "It's good to be back in Japan"


Ako, Koharu and Laura launched at the female and gave her a tight hug. Ezra watched in horror at the carnage infront of him as Subaru laughed and patted his back.

"Girls! I missed you guys so much" Mahiru glanced at Ako's back and smiled gently at Subaru. Subaru returned the smile.

The females broke the hug and the van doors flew open to reveal a female with dark wavy mahogany ombre hair. Her wavy reached her tail bone as she pulled of her glasses to reveal lemon - orange eyes.

Her lips were pressed in a thin line as she got of the van. Her eyes viewed the courtyard until her eyes landed on Subaru. She walked towards him (Ezra was shaking from head to toe) and stopped.

"So your Yuuki Subaru?"

Subaru resisted the urge to roll his eyes at her "Yes"

Instead of seeing a frown or a scowl or a smirk on her face, her lips turned into a gentle smile "I see Nijino has a beautiful boyfriend indeed"

Subaru shot Koharu a look that says 'Told-you-she-sees-us-as-girls' while Koharu returned the look that says 'Accept-the-compliment'.

The female chuckled softly at the exchange she witnessed "Don't take it to seriously Yuuki-kun"

Subaru breathed out a sigh "I won't Forte-san"

The girl shook her head "Enough with the formalities. My mother is here"

Subaru raised an eyebrow "Your mother?"

"My mother"

Elza pointed a pale finger at a headstone covered with yellow, red, pink and white roses. The headstone has a square shape to it, decorated with rose petals.

"My condolences Forte-san. I didn't notice this headstone until know"

The female laughed lightly "It's alright Yuuki-kun"

"Elza-sama!" Her sky blue stripped hair was bouncing of her shoulders when she jumped towards Elza (Ezra went pale). A bushy pink sheep followed along side her.

"Kirara. We talked about this. No jumping from closed objects. You might bump your head"

Elza turned to face Ezra, the poor boy went ghost white when he saw the scene "Besides. You scared the boy out of his wits"

Her lilac eyes drifted towards the pale male. She let out a cheeky smile as she scratched her head "Sorry". The male let out a sigh he didn't know he held in.

"Elza? Kirara?" Her ghostly white hair matched the van she stepped out of. Her yellow green eyes hinted the stress she was hiding.

Her shoulder length hair is tied into a short ponytail as she walked towards them.

"Seriously. You shouldn't have walked away when I was telling you your schedule!"

Ezra flinched ("New people your scared of?" Subaru mentally told Ezra. Ezra smiled sheepishly at him and nodded). The white haired snapped her attention towards Kirara "And you. That was dangerous" She sneered.

"You could have snapped your head of! You could have broken your head! Or worse! Death!" Another figure stepped out from the van.

"Now now Rei!"

Her cheery voice matched her bushy orange hair. Her lime green eyes matched her cherry smile. She placed a hand on Rei's shoulder and patted it playfully.

"Morbid sayings are forbidden!"

Rei was about to protest "No is no! Forbidden is forbidden!"

Rei sighed in defeat "Whatever you say Nikaido"


Her voice held the mysterious chill as her snowy shoulder length hair held interest with her snow clips. Her soft amythest - orange eyes held confusion in them.

"Lilie! Over here!" Yuzu waved her arms in the air to gain the attention of the other.

Lilie smiled brightly when she saw Yuzu and happily approached her. Another figure escaped the threshold of the van. Her midnight hair was billowing behind her. Her gold eyes had a hint of mischief when she stared at the people.

"Rock and roll" She laughed and did a little gesture with her right hand.

"Calm down Tsubasa" Another female escaped the threshold. Her blonde shoulder hair was in a lighter shade as her sky blue eyes were a shade darker.


Ako, Laura and Koharu tackled Hime as Tsubasa struggled to keep Hime on her feet.

Word Count: 866

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