Stark's Kid - Tony Stark's Da...

By pechesncrem

527K 11.4K 6.9K

"Threat is imminent, and I have to protect the one thing I can't live without. That's you." In which Tony Sta... More

*~Character Introduction~*
1; New Beginnings
2; Stark Jr.
3; A Touch of Red
4; Maria
5; Butterfly Clips
6; The First Day Of School
7; Square Roots
9; Iron Girl
10; The Mission
11; Show Off
12; The Cellphone
13; Dancing Elephants
14; A Bloody Good Flight
15; The Blonde Lady
16; Get Out
17; Dangerous
18; Dad! Help me!
19; Nightmare
20; Your Father is a Fool
21; Melancholy
22; It Was Her?
23; Stories & Science
24; Jailbreak
25; Steve Rogers
26; Happy Tears
27; "Swinging" with Spider-Man
28; Adventures in the Big City
29; Turbulence
30; Flying Bugs
31; Theatre Days
32; Nicknames
33; Stolen Cars
34; Hospital Nights
35; Mario Kart
36; Principal's Office
37; Happy Birthday
38; Not What It Looks Like
39; Trick Or Treat
40; My Friend Carlos
41; What's a Gauntlet?
42; To Lose Someone
43; Tony Is Going To Be Pissed
44; Girl Stuff
45; Make It Stop!
46; Chemicals
47; Space Stone
48; Goodbye
I need your help!!
49; Come Back
50; Time Travel
51; Titan
52; Snap
53; Courage
54; Christmas Gifts
55; Sledding with Steve Roger's Shield
56; Christmas PJ's

8; Magic?

15.3K 347 385
By pechesncrem

Tony had signed me up for the school bus yesterday, and it was my first time riding it home, which was kind of scary. But I found out Lily is on the same bus! So that kind of helps.

We sat two to a seat, and I obviously sat with Lily, by the window. As we were chatting, another boy walked onto the bus. But when he was walking down the isle, an older boy tripped him up! Everyone started laughing.

"Hey!" I stood up, looking back at the commotion over my seat. "That's not funny!"

"What're you gonna do about it?" The older boy said. He looked and sounded about thirteen or fourteen, the poor kid was probably around eight.

I didn't think before I noticed a textbook in another kid's hand, and went for it. I grabbed the book, held it up, and charged at the boy, hitting him straight across the face. Blood began trickling from his nose and everyone around us went silent with wide eyes.

"What in God's name is going on here?" A woman, who I assumed was our driver, exclaimed as she stepped onto the bus.

"Victoria hit Jackson with a textbook!" A boy yelled out. Tattletale.

The drivers face went pale as she noticed the bleeding boy holding his nose.

"He started it! He tripped that boy up!" I defended myself.

"Both of you, come with me." The driver grabbed our sleeves and pulled us down the isle. Lily handed me by backpack on the way out.


The boy, Jackson, and I sat silently in the principals office. I dangled my feet back and forth in boredom as I awaited my inevitable doom; Tony. Soon, the boy's mother picked him up. She shot me a glare as she was leaving, and I didn't hesitate before glaring right back at her. A few more minutes passed before the door opened again, and Tony busted in. He glanced around the room before looking down and meeting eyes with me. I smiled guiltily. His eyes narrowed.

"What.... did.... you.... do?" He said through gritted teeth.

"An older kid tripped a little boy! On purpose! So I..." I stopped.

"You what?"

"I smacked him in the face with a book."

Tony sighed and ran his hand through his hair, laughing nervously while staring up at the ceiling. The principle, Mister McDonald, walked out of his office and gave my dad a smirk, almost as if he was sorry for him.

Surprisingly, I wasn't suspended. I explained the situation to the principle and he agreed that what I did, standing up for the kid that is, was the right thing to do. What wasn't right, was beating the kids nose in with a book. I guess I could see where he was coming from. Jackson on the other hand, was suspended for one day. Serves him right. I still wasn't off the hook though, I still had to deal with Tony's criticism.

As soon as our car doors closed, he exploded.

"What were you thinking?!" He yelled, hitting the wheel with his palms. I shrunk down in my seat.

"You heard the principle! I did the right thing!"

"You can't hit people with books, Victoria!"

I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at the road ahead as we pulled out of the parking lot.

"It wasn't right what he did, he's a bully. I got mad." I said calmly.

"You could have handled it better." Tony said sternly. He sighed. "Look, I know you meant well."

I looked up at him. "Are you mad at me?"

He twisted his lips. "Yes," he said, making me look down at my lap. "But I'm more disappointed. Next time something like that happens, you tell someone. Okay?"



When we got home, my punishment was to do my homework right away. Tony must've thought this was a great punishment, but I didn't mind homework. It was easy.

I sat on the leather sofa with the coffee table pulled over and my books laid out atop of it. I was working through the ninth grade textbook my teacher had given me, when I came across a question I couldn't quite figure out the answer to. I became increasingly more frustrated and threw my pencil down on the table. My eyes drifted over to a glass of water I had laid on the table, and I narrowed my eyes at it, when all of a sudden, it tipped over. My eyes widened and I shot up from the couch.

"What was that?" Tony yelled from the basement, appearing in the stairs pretty quickly.

"I... I don't... I just..." I stuttered. Looking at the broken glass and puddle on the floor, to him, and then back to the floor.

"What happened?" He asked, swiftly grabbing a hand towel from the kitchen and throwing it over the mess.

"I don't know I was just sitting here and I couldn't figure out this one question and then I got mad and the glass was on the table and then it wasn't!" I stammered.

"So what, did you hit it?" He was on his knees soaking up the water.

"No, no, it just moved on it's own!"

He gave me a look, a look that said 'seriously?'.

"It's true!" I exclaimed. "It was right here," I pointed to the spot. "And then I stared at it, and then it flew off and smashed on the floor."

"Victoria that's impossible." He said, standing up and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Watch, I'll do it again." I picked up the first thing I saw, which happened to be my pencil, and laid it on the corner of the table where the glass was.

I sat on the edge of the couch and leaned in really close, focussing all of my attention on the pencil. Tony stared at me with a concerned look on his feel, his judgement was burning into me. Then, the pencil started floating up. Even I was shocked, my eyes widened and the pencil fell back on the table. I shot up and looked straight to Tony.

He dropped his arms to his sides. "Oh my god."

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