Tom Hiddleston x reader Imagi...

By micmickey_r

392K 7.4K 5.1K

So basically this is just like any other book of imagines that expresses the undying love that we all have fo... More

Authors Note :)
Tom- You forget his Birthday
Tom-At Loss of Words
Loki- "That's Prince Loki to you"
Tom-Me or Him?
Prince Hal-Arranged Marriage
Gif/Photo imagines
Loki-Agent 666 Part 1
Tom-Coffee Shop Adventures
Tom-Red Carpet Madness
Loki-Things Left Unsaid *Infinity War*
Loki-Agent 666:Part 2
A/n:Um what??
Gif/Photo Imagines 2
Loki- You Hurt Yourself
Tom- Loki'd
Thomas Sharpe-Childhood Memories
A/n-Special Day!
Thomas Sharpe-Past is Past
Thomas Sharpe-Fidelity
Loki- Little Sonnet
A/N-Please Read :)
Loki-Not Expecting
Thomas Sharpe- Requited Touch
Loki-Winter's Gift


15.3K 283 422
By micmickey_r

*For a girl who wears glasses, I decided to write another imagine related to that! Also, while browsing through my Pinterest feed, this picture came up and inspired me to come up with an idea in 30 seconds So, hopefully you will enjoy it!*

*Warning: Sexual Content*

You stand in the bathroom and you stare into the mirror, all done up and ready for a cast party that you and Tom were invited to. You lean in super close to the mirror as you smile, feeling successful about the makeup job you gave yourself.

Sighing, you walk out to your full length mirror in your shared bedroom.

You squint your eyes trying to make out what is in the reflection in front of you. It is all a blur from a distance. So you step up super close, and see the f/c dress.
'Fits just right.' You thought.

Then your mind trailed off as you realized that you would have to wear your glasses.

You would fall all over the place without them...

'But they are so unflattering! I would look like a freak show compared to Tom's fellow actors!' You panic.

You walk up to your night stand where your glasses sit.

You needed to wear them because you were blind as fuck.

You've never worn your glasses to any event or outing with Tom, but it's fairly easy to hide the fact that you can't see because you are always close enough to each other so he is basically guiding you around.

The only time you wear them are on your lazy days when you don't have to do anything.

Those are your 'Don't care how I look' days.

You can tell that Tom is catching on to your routine a bit, but he doesn't feel the need to pry into your business. What a kind man.

But maybe you can get away with it for just one more night.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

"Y/n! It's time to go darling! Everyone will be waiting for our arrival!" You blush.

"Coming!" You say, putting on heels and stumbling out of the bedroom.

Tom stares at you in awe.

"Wow, you're breathtaking..." he speaks.

If only you could see him from that distance.

"And you are very handsome, as always." You blurt out. Walking towards the front door.

You see him smile as he presses a hand to the small of your back. As you open the door and step out.

"So Ben said that he wanted to come pick us up, is that alright darling?"

"Of course! I love Ben! We're like best buds!" Tom laughs at your excitement.

All of sudden Tom's phone starts to vibrate in his pocket, as he picks it up.

"Yes, we're waiting at the apartment." He pauses.

"You went to the other side of the city?! Ben!" He laughs, facepalming himself.

"No worries bud, we can wait a bit longer."

All of a sudden you see Tom turn bright red.

"You cheeky boy, stop that!"

You laugh not having a single clue what they were talking about.

"Okay, see you then. Bye." He hangs up.

"Well I guess we will have to wait a bit." Tom says putting a hand on your cheek.

You smile.

"Ben never has had a good sense of direction." You both laugh.

As you walk down the stairs carefully, testing out your sight skills. You stumble over your foot. Squeaking, catching yourself by grabbing onto the railing.

"Oh my goodness darling, are you alright?" You hear Tom's footsteps quickly behind you as he wraps his arm around your shoulder.

"Yeah I'm good, just a little clumsy that's all." You blush as you both continue down the stairs slowly.

All of a sudden Tom's phone rings.

"Hey Ben!"

"You're here, perfect!"

"Eheheh See you in 30 seconds." You giggle at how adorable your boyfriend and his friend are.

He hangs up the phone.

"Let's go!" He says excitedly,  as you both scurry out of the building, seeing what you assume is a smiling Benedict waving through the driver's seat of his car.  But all you could see was a moving blur.

Sighing you open the door as you both get into the back seat.

As soon as Tom steps foot into the car, Ben interrupts. 

"Tom I haven't seen you in forever and you aren't sitting in the front with me!?" He says pretending to be shocked.

"Sure I'll sit up with you, you don't mind do you Y/n?" He asks.

"Of course not! Reunite with your friend, I'll be good." You smile, trying not to be obvious that you hate being alone(in certain occasions).

You all buckle up and then Ben takes off.


Almost to the party, you unfortunately get stuck in traffic.

Tom closed his eyes, because he has been extremely busy with work lately.

"Why the hell is there so much traffic? Come on mister construction worker!! It's Wednesday!!" You laugh at Ben's complaining.

"Come on it can't be so bad, besides it'll go by quicker than you think."

"You don't get it Y/n, I've never been late to any cast party. I don't want to break that streak."

You laugh.

"What's so funny?" Ben asks concerned by your reaction.

"Really Benedict, that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. We can't always be perfect and the same . If we were all perfect and the same, there would be no diversity, and without diversity, where is the culture?"

"You got me there Y/n, thanks for cheering me up. You're a lifesaver." You laugh.

All of a sudden you hear a phone go off.

It's Ben's.

He grabs it and picks it up, putting it to his ear as he's driving.


"Yes we're soon there. Y/n could you let me know when we get to exit 5?" He says as he continues with the conversation.

You try your best to look out the front but even through the clear glass it was all a blur. You move your body closer and closer without unbuckling, touching the headrest of the passenger seat.

Ben keeps talking on the phone for a while as he continues to drive.

You check the time on your phone and realize it is 7:00.

You figured that you would've been at the party by now.

That's when you realized you probably missed the exit.

Ben finally hangs up the phone and looks to the the side at the large sign really quick. Then he pulls over in a quick but safe manner.

Then he turns around and glares at you.

"W-what?" You whisper, not wanting to wake Tom.

"Y/n L/n you had one job, and that was to tell me when we make it to exit 5 to turn off."

"I'm sorry, I just got a bit distracted."

"Distracted!? You must be fucking blind then to not even see the goddamn signs in front of you." You look to the ground trying to hold back tears as he tries to turn around.

"Were we that far ou-"

"Exit 3 Y/n." He interrupts in a serious tone.

You sigh as you stare out the window. Feeling awful. As long as you and Tom have been together, Ben has never swore or snapped at you like that. Or ever really.

'Thank goodness Tom didn't hear anything.' You thought.

-1 hour later-

"Alright, we're here." Ben says parking the car and running straight into the condo.

You sigh as you walk out. Tom on your trail behind you.

It's so dark that you have even more of a hard time seeing then you normally do. So you take it slow.

But gravity just decided  to hate you once again, like always.

Your knees collided with the concrete.

"Oh my god darling, are you okay?" Tom ran over in a panic to help you up.

"Y-yeah, I'll be fine, just a minor fall, you know I'm used to those."

"Alright, if you're sure." He says, pressing his hand on the small of your back, as you both walk towards the front entrance of the condo.

You enter through the door and are welcomed by many familiar faces.

Robert Downey Jr is at the bar chatting it up with Ben and Mark. Tom Holland is on the dance floor with Zendaya.

But you couldn't actually see them doing those things, but Tom pointed them out.

"Darling, you doing okay?"

You nod.

"Okay, do you mind if I wander off a bit and chat with the guys?"

"I don't mind at all, have fun, this party's not meant for me!"

He smiles and runs off and you are stuck in the middle of the party alone..

"Hey Y/n! Want a sip?!" You see Sebastian stumble towards you with a drink in his hand, but it all looks like a blur.

"What is it?" You squint trying to make it out. But he keeps moving it.

"Isn't it obvious??! It's a beer! Duh!" He slurs a bit.

You decide to move out of the way and into the room away from the party to avoid any confrontation.

You just weren't in the mood to suffer any more than you already were.

You couldn't even tell that he was holding a beer in his hand...

Your thoughts were then interrupted by the presence of Mark Ruffalo.

"Hey y/n." He says, sitting down next to you.


"What brings you in here all alone, don't you wanna see everyone?"

"I think I'm alright just sitting here alone, where I won't be bothering anyone."

"Why do you think you would be bothering anyone?"

"N-no reason." You panic a bit.

"Come on y/n, I can see in your eyes that you're hiding something. You can tell me anything you know.."

You nod, holding back tears.

"I-it's just, I'm so fucking blind as a bat, I pissed Ben off because I was supposed to tell him when the exit was coming up and I missed it by 2 exits because I couldn't see. Before coming here I almost fell down the stairs and did fall onto the ground outside the condo. And I couldn't even tell that Seb was drinking beer, it just looked like a blur to me. Everything is a blur without my glasses. But I don't want you all to judge me because I have to wear glasses, especially Tom's fans. So whenever I'm out in public I'll always be pushing through the fact that I can't see a single thing. Because beauty is pain. Even though this face doesn't have a spec of beauty. Just please don't tell Tom! I've been hiding the fact that I only need my glasses for reading, he doesn't know and it's best if it stays like that."

"Okay first off. Why the hell would you think we'd judge you because you have glasses-." You were about to speak but he interrupts.

"Let me finish.. It is absolutely ridiculous putting yourself through that. It could really damage your eyes! Don't you know that pretty much over half the people in here wear or have worn glasses sometime in their life! So you should never feel alone. And how dare you deny your beauty, doesn't Tom tell you you're beautiful everyday?"

"Y-yeah I guess.."

"You guess? Why do you hide these feelings? These are ones that shouldn't be bottled up, but set free. You shouldn't hide them Y/n. Especially from Tom. He loves you for who you are, so you shouldn't try to be someone you're not just to become appealing to the public, which I say is complete bullshit. You look just as great as yourself when you remove that mask of insecurity."

You can feel the tears welling up in your eyes.

"I just don't want him to leave me."

"He w-." Mark was interrupted by a voice.

"Hey Mark we've been looking everywhere f- Y/n, are you alright?" It's RDJ.

"Y-yeah I'll be okay, I just need to get some fresh air." You say as you begin to run out of there, not even paying attention to all of the weird looks you receive. You open up the door and go into the back where there is a forest-like area... You keep running and running until your vision just looks black and fuzzy.

You start to panic and not realizing, you smack straight into a small tree.

It knocks you down to the ground as you get the wind knocked out of you.

You start to breathe heavily, still unable to see anything but blurriness.

Panic rises into your chest once again and you lay on the ground holding your face which is in unbearable throbbing pain.

Tears begin to pour down your face and you silently sob.

"I-I should have just worn my glasses." You whisper.

"Y/n?! Darling? Where are you???"

'Oh no, it's Tom.'

'Damn it, blend in with the ground'

"RDJ and Mark said you ran outside! Are you sure you're alright?"

"N-no.." You barely make out, but Tom hears your whisper and he runs towards your curled up body.

"Holy Shit love, what did you do??" He says helping you up.

"I ran into a tree.." You say.

"You what? How did you manage? It's pretty clear to see that there are trees around you. There are so many!" He supports your weight by wrapping his arms around you.

You fall into his chest as you break down.

"What is happening? Y/n, tell me please. I'm worried about you." He holds onto your arms as you're held out from his chest.

You then drop to the ground on your knees.

"Why do you even put up with me? I'm just a mess."

"You're not a mess darling, why would you say such a thing?"

"I lied to you about my glasses being only for reading.."

"I don't understand.."

"I actually need my glasses to get through life Tom! I'm blind as can be and can barely see anything right now and ever! I'm just afraid that-." You choke up a bit.

"What is it?"

"I just don't like being judged by people, I was bullied a lot when I was a kid up until grade 10 just because I wore the stupid things! So after that, I would always go to school without my glasses on and then come home and take them out of my backpack put them on before I step inside the house so that my parents wouldn't ever get suspicious of me. And now, since then it's been pretty constant ever since I met you. I just was afraid that all of your fans would hate on me even more than they already do. And your fellow actors as well. I just don't want to be made fun of ever again. I just want to be perfect without becoming a walking hazard."

He shakes his head. Lifting you up from the ground.

"Also, Ben yelled at me earlier because I was supposed to tell him when we hit a certain exit but missed it by 2 exits, and he got seriously pissed off."

"I know."

" I just couldn't see the sign- wait you know?" You ask confused.

"I'm not that much of a heavy sleeper Y/n, don't worry, I've already talked to him about it. He's really sorry for his behaviour."

You sigh.

"What's the matter?"

"I'm really sorry that you had to deal with my pathetic issues. I probably ruined your night."

"The only thing that ruined my night was the 5 minutes where I couldn't find you, I was searching around the whole party asking people. Until Mark told me you ran outside and in an instant,  I was out the door. And now everything is alright with the world."

"I'm not so sure, my head is killing me."

"You shouldn't be putting yourself through this Y/n, this can cause serious damage to your eyes."

"Mark told me the same thing.." you roll your eyes.

"Let's get you home, I'll call Ben."

You nod as he picks you up, carrying you and supporting your back with one hand and underneath your legs with the other.

You touch your face feeling your cheek.

'That's going to bruise later.' You think to yourself.

Tom is about to step into the condo but you stop him.


"What do you mean no?"

"Don't go in, I don't want to make a scene. This is embarrassing."

"What? Me carrying you like a prince?" You giggle at his cuteness.

"No no, it's just, I can walk."

He nods putting you down. And you feel a tad bit lightheaded, so you stumble a bit resting a hand on his shoulder

Tom notices this and he looks at you.

"I'm fine, let's find Ben." You state.

You hold onto his hand as you both walk in. avoiding making any eye contact with anyone.

You just wanted to get out of there.

Ben all of a sudden comes into sight.

"Cumberbatch!" Tom yells.

Ben whips his head around and jogs over to Tom as you hide behind him.

"What's up?"

"Y/n is feeling unwell, do you think we could head home soon?"

"Yeah sure, just give me a few more minutes and we can be on our way."

Ben walks away and you are left alone with Tom.

"Darling, would you like to sit down? It's going to be a while."
You nod as you walk over to the couch that is still empty from where you were before you ran out. Tom sits down beside you entertaining your hand in his.

You look up at him and smile.

"I love it when you smile.. It suits you."

You blush at the comment. As you lay your head on his shoulder.

He strokes your arm and then for once throughout this whole day, everything is calm and at peace.

"Y/n! Tom!!"

"Ben?" Tom asks.

Ben stumbles in holding onto the wall trying to keep himself up.

"Are you drunk??" Tom asked.

"I may have had a bit too much whoops!" He slurs.

"In such a short period of time too.." You mutter.

Tom gets up to grab Ben, and you decide to get up along with him.

"Where are your keys?" He asks.

"You're such a handsome chap.." Ben says touching Tom's face.

You giggle.

"Check his pocket.." You say.

"You're okay if I dig in your pocket right Ben?"

"You can dig in my pockets any day.." Ben slurs.

You laugh.

"You're finding entertainment in this aren't you?"

You bite your lip.

"Only a little, you guys are so cute."

He chuckles and finds the keys. You both grab hold of each of Ben's arms and you begin to walk out of the party.

"You're hands are soooo soft." Ben says.

Tom says goodbye to everyone and you exit the condo. Walking towards the car.

When you make it to the car Tom lets go of Ben, leaving him with you.

"Could you handle him for 2 seconds please darling?"

"Of course."

"Y/n! Where are those ginormous specs that make your eyes look huge!?" Ben yells.

"Shhhh I'm not wearing them." You silence him. Or at least try to.

"But you look like such a nerd, it's entertaining."

You know he's drunk and try not to take his words too much to heart. But there is still a part inside you that makes you feel insecure.

You didn't realize that the door was unlocked until Tom spoke from the driver's seat.

"Y/n! It's unlocked babe." You nod, opening the door.

"Ben, get in sweetheart."

"You sound like my mother." He mutters, and you give him a slight push and you buckle him up.

"Why don't you stay back with him and make sure he's alright.." you nod again. Buckling up and you're back on the road again.



You dropped Ben off to his place, and you make it to the apartment.

But ever since you dropped him off you started to become more and more anxious.

You knew that Tom was going to talk with you more in depth about the incident earlier. But all you wanted to do is walk in, put on something comfy, and fall asleep.

You were stubborn, and Tom knew that, but you know that he only wants what's best for you, and he would do anything to give you the best and make sure that you're okay.

It was completely fine when Ben was in the car but now that it's just you and Tom, it's super awkward.

That's when as soon as you arrived to the hotel, you power walked up the stairs, not even minding the fact that you could barely see where you were going.

"Y/n, y/n!" You hear Tom out of breath behind you.

But you hurry quicker towards your apartment door.

'43, 43, 43.. 43!!!' You make it to the door and realize that Tom has the keys.

'Shit' you fumble with the door handle trying to get in but fail.

You keep fumbling and freaking out until you feel a comforting hand rest on your tense one on the door handle.

"Darling, why are you in such a rush? Calm down, you're going to get yourself hurt again!" He says worriedly, as he unlocks the door.

You both walk into the room in silence.

You take off your uncomfortable shoes and you run straight to the bedroom, locking the door.

You look over at the bedside table where your glasses still lay, collecting dust.

Sighing, you walk over to the table and pick up the glasses, walking to the full length mirror, getting up close and getting down on your knees.

You stare at the glasses feeling guilty, angry, insecure, upset, confused... Your mind is all over the place today!

You slowly put on your glasses, and you bring your head back up to look at your reflection.

Frowning by what you see. You skim your finger over the frame.

A ball of frustration then fills up your body and you ball your fist.

'Because of these stupid things I've locked myself in this room.'

'Because of them.. Tom probably thinks I'm an idiot.'

'Because of them.. I have forced myself to be blind just to prove that I am good enough for him.. Even though I know I will never be.'

You put pressure on either side of your head as you clench your eyes tight.

"Ow, maybe not wearing these was a bad idea."

You curl up into a ball on the floor in pain as your head throbs.

The pain is so unbearable that tears begin to flow down your face.

"I'm such a fucking idiot." you shakily take the glasses off of your face and chuck them at the door.

Unfortunately they didn't break in the process.


"Y-yeah?" You say quietly.

"You're not okay, please let me in." He pleads.

Well you figure that there is no need for arguing.

Also you didn't want to fight due to the awful pain that your head was in.

You stand up, and walk towards the door, putting a smile on your face so he won't suspect anything.

Unlocking it, he opens the door gently. Looking at you sympathetically.

"Why did you just run off like that? Ever since we dropped off Ben you seem.. Jittery."

You sigh, as you wrap your arms around him. He wraps his around your waist, kissing the top of your head. Then you both walk over to your shared bed, and sit.

"You need to wear your glasses Y/n, I can't see you hurting yourself like this."

"Well I would wear them... But I, um, don't know where they are." You lie.

Tom looks around and spots them on the floor in front of you.

You sigh closing your eyes.

'Stupid stupid STUPID GIRL!'

He gets up and walks over to grab them, then comes back and sits down.

"Take them.." Tom says sternly, holding them in front of your face.

"I-I, Ow." You grip onto your temples, scrunching up your eyes and nose in pain.

"You see what this is doing to you? Y/n, I can't see you hurting yourself like this. Put. Them. On."

You nod.

"Well I'm warning you, your opinion about me will probably change.."

"That is ridiculous, put them on."

You look down at the glasses that are now in your lap. And you grab a hold of them. You want to resist so bad, but you know Tom would have nothing of it.

You bring the glasses slowly up to your face and put them on.

Looking down right away so that Tom can't see.

"Babe, look at me.." You shake your head trying to hold back the tears.

Tom rests a hand on your exposed leg and a shiver goes up your spine.

"Please?" He whispers.

But you stand up and walk to the corner of the room resting your head on the wall.

All of a sudden you feel a pair of hands on your waist.

"There is no need to hide yourself from me, you're my girlfriend, and I love you more than anything in the world. And if you think you can get away without telling or revealing the truth, you're very much mistaken."

You sigh, as he runs his hands up and down your body.

"If you even make one sound, you have to turn around and show me your beautiful face." He whispered in your ear.

You bite your lip at his demanding tone.

'No wait, he wants you to be turned on! You can't give in or else you will have to reveal your 'disgraceful' face.'

He begins to massage your shoulders.

You tilt your head back a bit in pleasure.

"Oh sweetheart, you're so tense.. mmm, why didn't I take care of you sooner?"

A small sensation rushes to your lower area and you shut your legs super tight.

Tom notices and smirks.

He slowly moves his hands down and he gropes your breasts, massaging them from behind.

'It feels so good, but I mustn't give in.'

You then feel Tom's breath once again, close to your ear.

"I figured that you would be begging on your knees right now, you know I love it when you beg for me." He whispers in your ear.

Your eyes shut as he begins to nibble on your ear lobe.

You bite your lip as he starts caressing up and down your body.

"I want to feel your body up against mine, I want the heat to overpower us until we can't get enough of each other. I want to hear the beautiful whimpers escape your mouth as I enter you with pure passion and lust. And when we're done, I want you to beg for more."

He seductively says, kissing your neck.

'That's it, I cant handle it anymore.'

"Oh Tom.." you moan. Not even regretting it.

He let's go of you. And you quietly whimper, missing his hands.

"I knew you couldn't hold it in, I saw how much you were struggling.. In some cases, I find that extremely hot."

'You blush and you turn around looking at the ground.'

"Y/n, love, I can't see your face."

"I-I'm trying but I can't.." You shake your head aggressively.

Tom calms your movements by placing a hand on your cheek.

You stop and allow him to bring your head up, but your eyes clench tight, afraid of seeing his reaction.

"Show me your beautiful e/c eyes, I want to get lost in them.." He says, and you open them slowly to reveal a smiling Tom.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

"You're gorgeous.."

"No I'm not, I look like such a nerd ."

"Stop that, you look breathtaking."

You blush.

"And even if you were a nerd, you'd be a very sexy one.." he puts his hands on your hips as he looks up and down your body. But you wrap your arms around your body trying to hide the insecurities.

"Don't do that.. Why do you hide yourself from me, it's not like I haven't seen anything.." you giggle at his cheekiness.

"I j-just hate the way I look okay? You say I'm sexy, but I don't know how you can observe that.. it's just so unrealistic."

"Take off your dress." He says seriously.


"You heard me. Take it off. Or I'll do it for you."

You stand there shocked by what he is suggesting.

Thinking too hard you already feel his hands on the zipper behind you, unzipping it and your body is exposed to him.

You cover your arms over your breasts which is not protected by a bra.

"Commando on the top half.. How brave you are darling." He runs a finger down your shoulder blade.

Tom then walks around to the front, frowning at the position your arms are in.

"Y/n, stop hiding yourself." He says frustrated.

You bring your arms down and your breasts come free from your tightly clenched grip.

You look down and he walks closer pushing your chin up to look in to his eyes.

"My god you're perfect."

He kneels down placing his soft lips in between your two breasts.

"T-Tom, p-please.." you scoff.

"I speak the truth, but you don't understand.." he looks up at you from his kneeling position.

Shaking your head you walk over to the bed and lay on your side, wrapping your arms over your stomach.

You feel the bed compress as Tom lays down beside you.

"Why do you run away? You will never get far until I find you again. You're like a magnet, and I can't... resist the pull." Tom slows down and shuffles closer, kissing your right breast.

"You're just saying that because I'm topless.." you turn your body so that your facing away from him.

"I wouldn't ever lie to you, I feel attracted to these.. But even if you were wearing a parka I would take you in the first place that we could find."

You moan as he wraps his arm around you from behind. You can feel something pressing up against your butt, you bite your lip knowing that Tom is already aroused.

You feel his fingers crawl down to the hem of your panties and he begins to rub your clit.

"Already so wet for me. Mmmmm." He moans in your ear.

"I've been caught.." you giggle. And he slowly enters a finger into your heat.

"Mmm another please.."

"Demanding and polite.. I love it."  He says as he brings both his index and middle finger thrusting them in and out of you.

"Oh yeah, that's it..." you moan loudly.

Tom wraps his other arm underneath your turned body, and massages your breast as his fingers are inside you.

"I-I need more... please.." you beg, as he removes his fingers from your body.

You whimper at the emptiness.

"Get on your knees and beg for me darling."

You're both on your knees on the bed and you crawl to the end of the bed.

You get on your knees as Tom sits uncomfortably in front of you.

"T-Tom please, I need you."

"What do you need darling?"

"I want you inside me."

"How do you want it?"

"I want it slow and rough.."

"As you wish.." Tom picks you up throwing you gently on your back as he lowers his body onto yours.

He starts to unbutton his slacks while making direct eye contact with you, and you can't help but feel a bit intimidated right now.

He pulls down his underwear
And his member flies free,  your eyes become  immediately attracted to it.

You bite your lip and try to hide the obvious blush that has crept up onto your face.

Tom hovers on top of you, supporting with stretched arms on either side of your head. Hands pressing hard on the mattress.

You begin to take off your glasses but Tom's hand touches yours.

"Please leave them on, I- I like them." He blushes.

You sigh and put them back on.
'Why would he want these to have these in the way anyways?'

"Not gonna lie I look like I'm about to fuck a hot professor." You moan as he runs his finger up and down your frames of your glasses.

"Well Mr. Hiddleston, you've had a pretty busy schedule, finished all of your assignments before the rest of the class, why don't you take a break and enter.. my office." You whisper the last part looking down at your pantie covered heat. And Tom starts to become more eager.

"Y-yes Ms. L/n, anything for you." He pulls down your panties and slowly brings his shaft towards your heat.

Slowly, he enters you. And you wince a bit.

"I-it's been a while... you're so.. tight darling."

You nod, wincing once again as a tear falls down your face.

Tom stops his motion entirely when he sees your face.

"Oh my, did I hurt you? I'm so sorry."

You moan in frustration.

"Keep going..."

Tom smirks and starts to move a bit faster.

You pull his body down on yours and you welcome all of his weight.

"You're so brave my love." His whispers.

He holds onto your hips shifting the position to gain deeper penetration, lifting your legs up over his shoulders. You create stability by having your arms sticking out and gripping the bed as he thrusts hard into you once again.

"Ohhh Tom, yes, that's it.." You moan.

"Oh god Y/n, you feel magical." He thrusts at an even faster pace. Keeping it consistent.

Moans and wails circle the room as if the room were haunted by sexual spirits.

He continues to thrust into you but they become a bit sloppy as you can see him getting more and more tired.

"Pant* Y/n, I don't think I c-can l-last any longer.." he groans.

"B-but ohhh I'm not close yet.."

"We'll see about that." He pulls himself out of you as he trails his lips towards your legs, brushing them slowly down until he stops at your heat.

He begins to blow lightly against it, and the temptation becomes unbearable.

You whine "T-Tom, p-please.."

Then he dives in by licking up and down your folds.

"Oh darling, I've been waiting so long to taste you." He mutters.

"Ohh then what're you waiting for?" You suggest.

That when he opens up your folds, and sticks his toungue inside you. Grabbing a hold of both of your knees to keep them stable. He continues to devour you intensely.

"Ohh fuck, yes.."

"Fuck darling, you taste so good, so wet for me.."

"T-Tom I think I'm-." You start.

"Mmmm." He then abruptly takes his tongue out.

"W-what?" You whimper in frustration, as he smirks at you devilishly.

"Thomas William Hiddleston, you're a fucking asshole.." you groan at the feeling of emptiness inside you.

But Tom grabbed a hold of both of your legs, bringing his throbbing member towards your entrance.

"Ouch, that hit my right HERE." He thrusts hard into you.

"AH OHH." You yell in pleasure.

He continues his fast pace motion, and you soon feel yourself become more and more close to coming undone.

"TOM, p-please, FASTER!" You demand.

"Oh.. As you wish,.." he barely makes out. As he thrusts into you quicker.

"I t-think I'm gonna-."

"Cum for me my darling.." he speaks. As his voice sent a vibrating sensation through your body, which made it unbearable to hold on any longer

"OHHHHH." Your body hits full climax as electricity goes up through your body, and you violently shake in pleasure beneath Tom.

Just as the pleasure wears off, Tom sends one more sloppy thrust and he spreads his seed deep into your chasm.

He pulls himself out of you as he lays back over on his side of the bed.

You turn your body the other way so that your back is facing him. Hiding the permanent blush that is painted on your face.

You then feel his naked body pressed up against yours and an arms snakes over your waist.

"Fuck, you're so beautiful.." he whispers as he begins to kiss up and down your neck.

"Shut up, I'm not.." You refuse to give in to his compliments.

Tom becomes fed up and flips you on your back. And he lays on his side.

"Why can't you see the true sexiness that you withhold my darling?"

"I-I don't know." You become embarrassed and take off your glasses and stretch out to set them on the table. But Tom stops you with his hand.

"W-what?" You ask confused.

"I.. Kinda like them.."

"R-really?" You ask. Sitting the glasses down on the night stand.

He smirks as he leans in and presses his lips to yours.

"I love you so much.."

"I love you too."

You giggle at his cheekiness as he brings your whole body into his chest, you wrap your arms around him, and you're both in a tangled, but comfortable mess.

Tom takes one last glance at the nightstand before you both fall asleep.

"I think you should wear them more often."

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