Vulnera Sanentur

By SundayRains

2.6K 168 2

"Rowan, look at me." His voice was gentle as he kneeled beside me. I placed my quill down, looking to the man... More

Twenty One
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine

Twenty Two

57 3 0
By SundayRains

The night had come all too quickly. We knew we were only days away from the war. Id awoken only a couple hours ago. Sharp pains seemed to be tearing my lower back and abdomen apart. Severus had gone to get Madame Pomfrey, informing her that my delivery of the child was to be within a few hours. 

I paced the infirmary. Madame Pomfrey had told me this would help to ease the pain and speed the delivery up. The bed and tools were all set up and ready to go. Severus paced with me, his hand on my back. I could see in his eyes that he was scared, not only for the baby, but myself. Before long, my entire body seemed to be screaming for the child to be out. 

Everything happened so quickly. The pain coursed through my body as I pushed. Severus held my hand tightly in his, letting me squeeze when I needed to. Every time I would whine or let out an unpleasant noise, Sev would kiss my hand, trying to ease it. 

When I heard that cry break the room, all pain left my body. The crying was the only thing my mind focused on. I searched for the baby, needing to see it. "Its a boy." Madame pomfrey quickly laid him on my chest. I let out a soft sob, not from the pain, no. From the overwhelming feeling of love that flooded me. I held him close to my chest, his crying coming to an end. 

Severus leaned over, placing a kiss to my head. "You did it, Rowan." He whispered to me, his voice soft and sweet. I took his hand in one of my own.

"Hes perfect." 


Madame Pomfrey had taken Tobias back to make sure everything was okay with him and Severus was shooed away to let me be cleaned up properly. 

I was sitting up in the bed, feeling empty without my baby. I needed to know he was okay. I knew he was, but the anxiety overrunning my chest had me in doubt. I felt as though he wasnt safe unless he was with Severus or I. 

When the door opened, my eyes looked to the man cloaked in black. His arms cradled our son as he moved back over to me. I let out a sigh as relief when Severus sat down at the foot of my bed. His arms gently handed Tobias over to me. Now I could get a good look at my child. 

His deep onyx eyes stared up at me with wander. I couldnt express the feelings this child brought to me. Overwhelming love and peace. My fingers rand over his face so gently, a small noise coming from Tobias. 

"Hello, Tobi." I whispered. He wriggled a bit in h is blanket, responding to my voice. "You are so perfect." I lifted his cap slightly, looking at the jet black hair. His face looked  as though he had been cloned from Severus himself, but his nose...his nose was mine. 

"You look like your father," I whispered, looking up to Sev. Severus' eyes were on mine, smiling. His usually hard eyes were red and looked to be wet. He'd been crying. Fear struck me as I realized that Severus may not be there to raise this child with me, but I would fight like hell to make sure that he was. 

I couldnt live without him. Not now. He was far too important to me. In this moment I realized something that I hadnt before. I knew I was falling for him, but now I knew. 

I was in love with Severus Snape. 

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