Warframe:lost cause(Finished)

By iohawa

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This story follows an ash and how everything changes in his world from his friends his surroundings and his d... More

Chapter 1 Ash's last mission
Chapter 2 reawakened to the new world
Chapter 3 enter arbiters of hexis
Chapter 4 the new world
Chapter 5 a raid?!
Chapter 6 abducted
Chapter 7 Crashed into the Syndicate
Chapter 8 heading to cephalon
Chapter 9 introducing the creators of destruction
Chapter 10 stranded on ceres
Chapter 11 alone and cold
Chapter 12 saving a friend
Chapter 13 waking up in an aftermath
Chapter 14 the upbringing on europa
Chapter 15 Plan to destroy snao
Chapter 16 war on Europa
Chapter 17 war on europa p2
Chapter 18 war on europa p3
Chapter 19 the uncharted planet
Chapter 20 Tough planet
Chapter 21 is he gone?
Chapter 22 on our way!
Chapter 23 the pit
chapter 24 Saryn
Chapter 25 these cages
Chapter 26 judgement
Chapter 27 Hell on earth
Chapter 28 Ghost tera
Chapter 29 the zephyr
Chapter 30 the simulacrum
Chapter 31 all gone to hell
Chapter 32 the simulacrum p2
Chapter 33 the war
Chapter 34 Ash the lost
Chapter 35 onlookers
Chapter 36 no more shells
Chapter 37 leave
Chapter 38 back into society
Chapter 39 Goals
Chapter 40 off to see nasd
Chapter 41 flushed out
Chapter 42 Revenge
Chapter 43 after report
Chapter 44 Lost in a dream
Chapter 45 the lost hero in the same era
Chapter 46 the arbiters bane
Chapter 47 aftershock
Chapter 48 odd ones
Chapter 49 Into the void
Chapter 50 Split mind
Chapter 51 seige
Chapter 52 the red veils rage
Chapter 53 Red veil miserys true intentions!
Chapter 54 unexpected alliance
Chapter 55 intrigued
Chapter 56 45 minutes of misery
Chapter 57 Ashs to ashs
Chapter 58 the trials ahead.
Chapter 59 weaponry!
Chapter 60 Basic steps.
Chapter 61 the orginal husk
Chapter 62 plans in motion
63 glitch in the system
Chapter 64 strike the heart
Chapter 65 Unspeakable terror/Chapter 66 Peace
Chapter 67 outpost
Chapter 68 Time to deal some vengence
Chapter 69 broken heart
Chapter 70 the strange man
Chapter 71 Marked
Chapyer 72 No lives are special
Chapter 73 Let me explain myself
Chapter 74 Reunions
Chapter 75 Beliefs
Chapter 76 Rathuum
chapter 77 the spoils
Chapter 78 Eternal
Chapter 79 the new world
Chapter 80 Operation Takeover
Chapter 81 Redemption
Chapter 82 the sattelite
Chapter 83 reawakened
Chapter 84 Hunters
Chapter 85 intial
Chapter 86 Drifter
Chapter 87 Apocalypse
Chapter 88 A warning
Chapter 89 A terror to all rogues
Chapter 90 The infested planet
Chapter 91 Father
Chapter 92 The shell janus
Chapter 93 rested up
Chapter 94 the mutants evolved
Chapter 95 The hybrid type
Chapter 96 the second raid
chapter 97 defection
chapter 98 awake again
Chapter 99 a fellow exile
Chapter 100 The genocide of a nation
Chapter 101 the neo
Chapter 102 rerisen
Chapter 103 Ctrl
Chapter 104 Lio virgo
Chapter 105 overlord
Chapter 106 answers
chapter 107 Where?
Chapter 108 The shaken universe p1
Chapter 109-2 imperfection
Chapter 110 the shaken universe p3
Chapter 111 the shaken universe p4
Chapter 112 there entitlement
chapter 113 Heirarchy.
Chapter 114 endebted
Chapter 115 end goal
Chapter 116 Nightime menace
a quick note
Chapter 117 death means no more betrayal
Chapter 118 a rescue mission for centuries
Chapter 119 another
chapter 120 fortress sent down
Chapter 121 The others
Chapter 112 Plan annhilation
123 the ashs of dera
Chapter 124 The army of many.
Chapter 125 the raid to come
Chapter 126 the means to and end
Chapter 127 the means to an end p2
Chapter 128 the means to an end p3
Chapter 129 the means to an end p4
the means to an end p5
Chapter 131 the time after.
Chapter 132 the time after p2.
Chapter 133 time after p3
Chapter 134 The new world we started
Chapter 135 the new world we started p2
Chapter 136 the new world we started p3
Chapter 137 the world we started p4
Chapter 138 Epilogue

Chapter 109 The shaken universe p2

18 1 0
By iohawa


I smash a infesteds head on the floor it explodes.

Ash:Alot more of you then I remember....oh well Cant be helped

I end up in a body pile of infested.

Ash:God...I hate this place. Wasnt I the reason this started too....Patient zero...

I sit down on one of the corpses hearing screeching in the distance. Just taking a second to mentally recharge.

Ash:...Im close now.

I look at the cinders and smoke and see im pretty close to where the shuttle crashed.


I hear a whisper behind me. Im pretty sure its stalker but I still point my gun at it.


Ash:Why are you here?

Stalker:I could ask you the sa...

Ash:Im here to kill leten what do you want?

Stalker:Full of determination I see.

A female walks from behind him it was angst


Ash:Where did she come from...an actually...What happened back on that corpus planet? Why do the acolytes seem to be reappearing...? What are you up too...?

Angst:Now would not be the time for all those questions.

Ash:...your right. Sorry. But why are you here though.

Stalker:Saw the smog from the ships saw an opening to cripple the infested. But now that you said killing leten? Im intrigued...

Angst:You shot down his shuttle?

Ash:yes. Im heading over to the shuttle to see if I finished the job.

Angst:We will come with you.


I look at both of them.

Stalker:Whats wrong tenno?

Ash:I do owe you for what you did on venus but....You cannot take this kill from me I wont allow it.

Angst:You would stop us?

Ash:I will damn sure try..

Angst stares at me with deadly intent

Stalker:Fine tenno. But if you do not or cannot finish the job we are taking it from you.


Ash:Glad we could come to an agreement.

What the hell did I just say! Was I really about to do that! Its almost like my thoughts stopped working....but I would have tried...Damn sure would have tried.

Angst:When you heading off?

Ash:Just gimme five minutes. Then we will head off.

Stalker:So be it.

I sit down with two intimidating auras next to me. If this were the old world hehe I probably would have already been dead. Doesnt matter now. The person I used to be is irrelevent to who I am now. Just give me 5 minutes to get my thoughts together...5 minutes....

/////////////Unknown pov/////////

???2:and there...

I suddenly feel the ability to move my limbs again. I look and see two people with hoods.


???3:Well what the hell are you.

???2:I think that its a warframe. Some kinda different variant though...

???:.........I dunno anymore..

???2:You sound lost...

???3:ah jeez..another one of us. Think we would find someone not lost.

???:I dunno.....what to think now...


They put a cloak on me. And covered my face with a hood.

???3:You dont require substance do you?


???2:You know food?


???3:You got a name?


???2:You got amnesia or something?

???:No but my name...feels like it doesnt mean anything anymore....

???2:Well...why dont we call you...X?


???3:Represents the unknown. We know nothing about you and you dont seem to know yourself. So x! The perfect place to start over.

X:I kinda.....like it...

???2:Im Volknul. Everyone says it sounds like a grineer name...guess my parents were confused. Hehehehe...

???3:Im Exo Vental. Pretty plain and genric I know.

Volknul:Well.....Time to go in the bag!

X:The bag....?

Volknul:Food time!

Exo vental:...I mean I didnt want to say it but yeah...im hungry too..

They walk into a corner and open up some brown bags and throw off there hoodies and start looking through the bags.

Volknul:The good stuff!

They start munching on all sorts of foods ive never seen. Guess ive never seen the corpus eat or have food. They cut on some music and crack on an old tv. I sit on the couch they seem to have layed me down on and I slowly attempt to get up and notice a giant backpack like thing on me. I assume that this thing is whats keeping me alive. Guess im on life support now funny how things change...I manage to push myself up on the seat.


They look so happy right now...a type of joy I havent seen in a long time. I sit there staring at both of them as they watch the tv.

Volknul:You may not be able to uhm...you know eat with us but..have a seat new kid!

X:You sure..?

Volknul:Whats the worst you can do!

I sit on the floor behind both of them and see they are watching the index. Surprising to see it stuck around this long.

Volknul:Im bettin arcnels team is gonna win!

Exo vental:fuck off! Io corps taking stock this time!

Volknul:Remember when you lost the last bet?

Exo vental:Not losing this one!

I can feel there energy off bouncing off of eachother.


I sit and stare at my hands.

X:....isnt home where the heart is.?...but what do you do when you have no heart...?

They dont seem to hear my murmurs.

X:Guess I have to play with the hand I have now...
/////////////////////another unknown pov////


Artificer:Why are you doing this....my most perfect creation.

???:Why?! What the fuck do you mean why?! You know why you eggheaded fuck!

I stab him in the throat with my hidden blade.

Artificer:....killed your brothers too....everything I made...

I puff smoke from out the gas holes in my face.

???:Its a mercy.

I drop him and kick his body into a wall as I exit the building.


I blow up some explosive charges I placed in key areas with a button. The whole facility collapses behind me.

???Ahahaha! All I have to do now....is go even higher! Im coming for this one...

I look down at the huge scar I have on my chest

???:Its your fault for existing that this happened to me! Ill fuckin kill you for it and correct that mistake!

/////////////mesa pov////////////

I make it to the facility and walk in


I see the whole interior in shambles and see a single person inside holding there head and laughing to themselves they look pretty torn up

Mesa:Where did the party go!

They turn around and see me and the 10 infested behind me.

???:Your nothing but a mere...insect

Suddenly a shell busts out the wall and punches the downed one.


I start running in and try to pounce on the shell who just hit who I think is cephalon.

???2:You will fear me! The great dera!

She punchs me and I feel my whole body start shaking.


I fling a whipe tendril around her neck


She aim her finger at me

Mesa:Whats the gonna d...

//////////seoul pov///////////
We had blown up around five buildings at this point lio was hurt from a scuffle with a shell. Her arm bent backwards. Tyst had been hit in the back and her legs now shes just limping everywhere with a moss cast we are in a little pile of rubble so we could talk and no one will kill us.

Seoul:Shouldnt this be good?

Lio:What do you mean.

Seoul:These infested are destroying tons of things too. Now that you and tyst are injured theres no point to keep going.

Lio:You know how many lives theyve taken?! We arent done.

Seoul:.....are you fucking stupid?

Feralt:Oh shit.


Seoul:You understand we will die too if we dont leave right now! You called other shells here they can do it!

Lio:We can do more damage seoul! Is this what you called us in here for?!

Seoul:Your fuckin dumb. You do that by yourself then. Im getting back up to our dargyns and leaving. Tyst if you want to live come with me.


Lio:how will you even make it back up without us?! You cant fly?!

Seoul:Im an engineer its my job to make things work. Feralt can you cover me?

Feralt:What are you planin squirt?

Seoul:Im gonna launch my k drive upwards and then reach the atmossphere and then I will chakram warp

Lio:Thats fucking crazy that plan wont wor...

Tyst walks towards me

Lio:Your leaving with him?!

Tyst:i understand you wanting revenge but...your taking it too far.

Lio:This is a amazing chance we wont get ever again.

Seoul:Unfortunate! Living is a chance most of us dont get again either! So either come with us or not!

Lio stares at me.

Lio:....take this.

She hands me a holodisk.


Lio:I downloaded there plans onto that.

Tyst:Surely you dont plan on staying! You need help!

She stares at us.

Lio:Im sorry I cant.

I walk up to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

Seoul:Its was nice knowing you...

I start to walk away and pull out my k drive

Lio:Nice knowing you t...

I turn and smash the k drive into her head she hits a rock I smack her with it two more times and gets knocked out.


Seoul:I dont like her leadership but...I cant stand here while she dies.

I hoist her over my shoulder and we push out the debris barrier we made feralt comes out first

Tyst:Seoul:I can fly us up but we wont have protection.

I place a warding halo around us.

Seoul:Its something. Feralt you staying here?

Feralt:Yea I kinda wanna meet up with the other exiles before I go.

We see another light come from the main facility

Seoul:Suit yourself. Alright tyst fly!

She starts flying up in the air and I start setting my k drive to move faster I see a few shell notices us


Shell2:You aint leavin now where!

They start to fly up towards us until ones head explodes



The 1st ones in hitting range so I take the drive and tilit it towards him and cut it on.


The flames from the board push him backwards. He slams into the floor.

Seoul:Hang on!

We start boosting out of the atmosphere I guess the power was to much because tyst drops me

Tyst:Oh no!

I start floating in space for a second


I Cut the k drive back on and manage to thrust myself fowards back towards the dargyns and catch the board near the end to mske sure it doesnt zoom off. I then press the button in the middle and make it fold up. I see tyst head towards her dargyn after seeing im fine.

Seoul:Man I gotta fly this thing with one hand.....Ugh...

Tyst:Can you do that?

Seoul:Psht..can I.

I start flying it and we start to head back for home base. Letting the other shells carry on the fight.

///////////////Ash pov///////////////

We keep walking through the city until we make it to the crashed shuttle.

Ash:...I doubt we could confirm a kill here this thing exploded everywhere.


Angst:This is were you waited?

Leten:ah...you could sense me huh?


He walks out from behind a building and we see misery along with him.

Misery:Brother...sister its been awhile.

Angst:Second you joined a faction you lost the privilage to be called that.

Stalker:You are my mark misery.

Misery:Ah really? Didnt think it would have ever come to this.

He raises his arms and a shadow army of warframes and husks appear.

Leten:And why are you here?

Ash:Im here for you.

Leten:Dont tell me....you did that?

I nod

Leten:Well damn. Youve come far from the weak little shit that I knew.


I ready my gauntlet and dont even touch my pistol no one here needs to warp they all have to die.

Leten:Alright Boy...You clearly wanted this for awhile.

He morphs his hands into sharp blades.

Leten:And seeing as i got nothing better to do...might as well kill you.

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