I keep falling for you | Meli...

By _Lullaby_Dream_

133K 2.6K 2.4K

Before the 10 year hunt for the seven deadly sins, there was going to be eight. But she refused, ran away lea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A Christmas Special
'Girls in the streets'
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Thank you for the support + my thank you to SU
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Update (Not the normal kind)
What's been going on
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 8

6.9K 136 69
By _Lullaby_Dream_

(Meliodas's  POV)

"Alright sins! Here's what we have to do! First we will divide into groups to find Y/n, than once we find her, we need to be careful because it might be a trap so make sure to get the other sins once she is found. We need to get her back she could be helpful finding the other sins and Y/n is apart of our team!" I exclaimed. Everyone nodded except Elizabeth. What's wrong with her lately? "Anyway the groups will be Diane and King, Ban and Elizabeth, and ill go on my own to Y/n's forest. Is everyone okay with that?" They all nodded. So we immediately set of in different ways. I start running, what if she was dead? Why am I thinking like this? I have only been with her for three days or something. I still need to find who her took away her memories. I don't need to think about that now, what's most important is finding her.

"Ummm... Sir Meliodas?" I stopped running and looked back to see Elizabeth there.

"Elizabeth? What are you doing here? Where's ban?"

"Welll... I kind of lost him, I'm sorry Sir Meliodas!" She looked like she was going to cry. I walked over to her and placed one hand on her shoulder, and the other one 'sneakily' groped her breast. I just smiled and said "It's fine Elizabeth, Bans always off doing his own thing, so you come with me!" I stop groping her and we start walking together. Fifteen minutes went without nether of us talking.

"Hey Elizabeth?" I asked, making her look at me.

"Yes Sir Meliodas?"

"Do you not like Y/n?" She looked at me shocked. She started messing with her hair, not looking at me anymore. She might have been thinking of a lie to tell me.

"To tell the truth Meliodas, I don't like her that much its just she seems out of control and its just shocking for me to understand that, the thing that my father said was called the 'creature of nightmares', was actually the eighth sin, i wouldn't believe it. But one second, Sir Meliodas why did she refuse to be apart of the sins" I froze. Why does she want to know? Honestly I wanted to forget what happened with her. Why didn't my memory loss take that away?

"Why do you want to know?" She look back to me, and began talking once again.

"Because Sir Meliodas, if I'm correct does that mean sometime after Y/n refused to be a sin, she became the 'creature of nightmares'. So I want to know why." She seemed to excited/curious. I sighed and looked up at the sky. It had already started to become night time meaning we will have to stay out here for the night.

"First, let's start a fire for a quick camp out here than I'll tell you." So we found a nice spot and began making a fire. Well I made the fire and Elizabeth watched. Elizabeth looked at me, and I knew it was time.

"Fine I'll tell you everything I know about her. It was about elven to twelve years ago..."


I was relaxing in my private room in the castle, well I wasn't really relaxing I was planning. Planning for this war, yep the kingdom of Liones was at war with another country. Because of us, the seven deadly sins, serving Liones we were pretty important to this. I was interrupted in my thoughts by some guard rushing in. "Sir Meliodas!" he was breathing heavily like he had ran for miles. "What is it?" He looked terrified. "We were scouting out the enemy's kingdom, and t..the entire kingdom was on fire. We managed to put it out but... everyone in the kingdom even t ...the royal family, they were nearly unrecognisable. The only known survivor was the youngest child, Princess Lilith and luckily Prince Austin was at another kingdom at the time. The king says he wants you and the sins to investigate" I nodded my head in sign of agreement. I had to keep up my calm posture, I couldn't show my emotions of shock and fear. I stood up from my desk and walked to the guard who was still trying to catch his breath. I looked him dead in the eyes. "Go tell the other sins to meet me there, at the palace." I walked out of the room, while I could hear the guard fast footsteps leave the room and run in the other direction. It only took a few hours to get there. And I have to say hearing what it look like, didn't even compare to what it really looked like. Everything was burnt to a crisp, dead burned bodies everywhere. I kept walking until I found the remains of what used to be a castle. I looked to the side to see doctors tending to the Princess's wounds. From what I could see, she had a huge cut on her arm. I walked into the 'palace' . I could hear footsteps behind me, I turned around and there were the rest of the sins. After discussing a plan, we all went in different directions to investigate.

At that moment I started to wonder. What happened to the oldest princess? We didn't know her name since that kingdom had a thing where they wouldn't reveal the name of the heir to the throne until their connation. Was princess Lilith the oldest? Hmm, but if I remember correctly their were three royal children. That's one thing Liones and Misite Empire have in common.

~Flashback interrupted~

"Sir Meliodas how come I don't remember anything about the incident?" Elizabeth asked, not knowing she interrupted me.

"Elizabeth you do remember that you were sent away because of the war. Like that prince Austin, he was sent to another kingdom to be safe. So you were as well. Now can I continue?" She nodded, so I continued.

~Flashback continued~

While I was looking around, I found a staircase leading downstairs. There was a trail of blood while actually two trails of blood, one led upstairs and one lead downstairs. Some one must have went upstairs than while the building was burning rushed downstairs leaving the trail of their own blood. I started walking down the stairs, the further I went down the darker it got. I could hardly see, there were some light shining threw bars. This was a probably a dungeon. I kept walking until I smelt something, blood. I start to run towards the smell, I turned the corner and saw a girl lying in her own blood. The was a huge slash followed by smaller ones covering her body. This girl must have be the oldest princess, since they was a silver crown riddled with jewels lying a few feet away from her. She was wearing a regal dress but it was torn on places like her stomach, shoulders, arms and her gloves. I walked over to her body, I touched her wrist hoping to feel a pulse luckily I did find it. But when I examined her body to see if there was anymore wounds, my eyes widened when I looked at her shoulder. There was a mark that resembled a wolf. She was a sin. I picked her up, bridal style, and started walking towards where the exit was. She must have been bleeding for a long time but how is she not dead?

When I walked back up the stairs, the rest of the sins ,who were looking for me, stared at me. I looked a Gowther, and he literally red my mind and ran of to get a medic. I sat down on the floor and place her down in my lap. "Captain what happened? And who is she?!?"Diane asked. "I don't know who she is Diane but I found her downstairs laying in her own blood. Though I think she might have been the heir to the Misite Empire." I could sense the shock from the others. I could hear footsteps approach at a rapid pace, so I looked up to see Gowther and two doctors. The doctors took the girl of my lap and started bandaging her. I stood up again and walked over to the sins. "We need to continue investigating!" "But captain, we have already investigate all we could up here." I paused for a moment, from King said, I know where we have to investigate next. "Than we investigate down there, in the dungeon!" We started to approach but we stopped and look at Diane as she spoke. "Captain! I don't fit down there!" "Then you have to stay up here Diane, just double-check the area." After that, everyone minus Diane walked down stairs. We all went separate ways. While I walked back to where I found the girl. Once I arrived, I looked around properly. Near the door, there were weapons like a whip and there was a chain attached to the wall. The part where it's supposed to be round the neck was cracked open. In the corner, there was a book of some sort. The title was smudge but you could read diary but the name was covered. The hand writing wasn't that good but I could read it. But I began reading it.

'Dear Diary,

Today, is my 8th birthday, I was so excited. Me and Louisa played in the garden while little brother was talking to the guards, But it wasn't as fun as I planned, since mommy and daddy were busy working. Even if it was my birthday I still had to go to my lessons. Ya know the usual, dancing properly, being a proper lady etc. Because I'm the heir to my parents throne, they want me to be perfect. They plan anything about me and my siblings life. They have already got Austin into guard training. He's only six! My sister had to go to lessons with me, because she was back up like if anything happened to me, she would be queen. My parents wouldn't mind that though. I overheard them talking about how Lilith had already gotten the signs that she was more fit for the throne than me. But they apparently still had hope for me so I guess that's okay. Anyway I'm going to go to dinner now, bye diary

Sincerely, ----------'

The name was smudged. I skipped a lot of pages to see if they was anything else. While I was skipping though the pages, a thought wondered threw my mind, why was this here? But apart of me knew the answer was in the book. I stopped flipping threw the page and started reading.

'Dear Diary,

I gotten into another argument with my parents again. I just want to try sword fighting but before I even got out the door. They were shouting at me. My sister has been corrupted and joined their side, she's become such a spoilt brat. They didn't even know I was going to try sword fighting, they were yelling at me because what I was wearing wasn't lady like. So we started arguing. Ugh, I hate my parents. They treat me like a doll. Whenever I do something wrong. They throw me down here. And keep me locked up until I learned my lesson. When I'm down here, they don't even feed me. I still have to where these stupid dresses. I'm so sick of it. They want me to be perfect, to be the perfect leader for our kingdom. Yeah like I'd believe that they want the best for me. Lilith is obviously then favourite. Heck they could kill me of and say Louisa is the heir to the throne if they wanted to. Because of that stupid tradition of our kingdom. The only person who notice and care would be Austin, the guards would be ordered to forget about me or something stupid like that. I think I've been in here for a few hours. But I'm starving, I was in here for like a week until yesterday but I managed to get back in here so quickly. I feel like I'm going insane. Speaking of insane things, an hour ago. An mark appeared on my shoulder. It was the shape of a wolf. It reminds me of these people my parents were talking about. They are powerful knights working for the kingdom of Liones. I don't remember much of Liones, I went there when I was very young like 6 and I played with one of the princess. She had purple hair, that's all I can remember of her. Anyway I think those knights were called the seven deadly sins or something like that. Anyway I need to conserve my energy because I haven't eaten in days so ill see you later diary.'

There was no name at the bottom, she must have gotten bored of signing off like that. I read the next couple of pages there were about random stuff like her parents etc. There was some pages about the beginning of the war. But that's were it stopped for awhile. I skipped until the last page hoping for something else. The only thing on that page was a bloody hand print. Well that didn't help with what happened here. I put the book back, and left the room. Well walking down along the walls there were dead bodies. Some had their arms ripped off, others had been cut in half. They were the only things in there, so I just went back, found the stairs and went up them. The other sins came up after. They didn't find anything ether.

"Sir Meliodas!" I turned around and saw a doctor run towards me. He stopped in front of me, trying to grasp his breath. Before he could begin talking, a massive thump could be heard. We looked towards the direction he came from. My eyes widened as I saw Diane fall towards the ground. Without thinking I ran towards her the others following. As I got closer, I saw a figure escape into the forest. King got there much faster than we did. Diane was covered in scratched marks, like an animal attacked her. The doctor managed to catch back up to us.

"It was... it was that girl... she woke up after we bandaged her and started acting insane. Like a wild animal, we tried talking to her but she started attacking. Miss Diane told me to come get you while she fought her off." Insane, that could be her sin. "Alright sins I want you all to look after Diane while I find that girl!" The sins look at me while everyone but Diane since she was unconscious. "But capta-" "No buts! It's captain's orders!" After saying that, I ran off in the direction I saw her run off in. When I got closer to the forest, I saw her staring at Diane. She didn't even notice I was there. As I closer, I started walking to make sure she didn't see me. I almost got close enough but I stepped on a twig. She perked up,her head spun around and we stared at each other for a few minutes. Than... she ran off. Of course I chased after her. We kept running, she was surprisingly fast. In only a few minutes we had managed to run through the entire forest, by then I was almost ahead of her but if I got ahead of her that would be dumb. So I tackled her when I got close enough. Than... we ended up rolling down a hill. She tried pushing me off but it wasn't successful. I was on top her by the time we got to the bottom.

"Get off of us! I mean me!" Us? Whatever ill ask about later. "No! You must tell me who you are and why you attacked Diane!" She was taken back by my loud demanding voice. I would of thought she looked cute but it wasn't the time. "Answer me!" She signed than looked me in the eyes.

"My name is ummm... Y/n, am I the oldest princess of the Misite Empire. I attacked your friend to get her away from me, since I'm a complete monster." A monster? "What do you mean, monster?" She looked away, than got the strength to push me off. She turned her back to me and brought her legs to her chest. "Am I monster because of what I've done" What does she mean that... "I bet in your mind you've already figured it out. I destroyed the entire kingdom. I killed everyone then burned it all down. But... but... THEY ALL DESERVED IT!" She started going insane, she grabbed her hair with her hands. "After all the years of pain, I went threw while everyone watched as I was tortured so they all got what they deserved. But Lilith managed to escape so ill kill her as well! haha!" She was losing control of herself. She stopped laughing for a moment, she turned and looked at me. She stood up, and whispered but I could still hear it. "Bone crush..." Skeleton arms grabbed me feet, so I couldn't stand up. She than ran away. I couldn't chase after her. When she got far enough away, the arms disappeared. It was too late to run after her now, so I turned away and started walking back to the others.


It was a couple of months later until we saw her again. We had to go back to the forest near what once was the Misite Empire. Everyone who had walked in the forest never came back out. So we were sent by the king to see what was causing the issue. As soon as we entered, I felt a mysterious presence. After a few minutes of walking threw the forest. We heard a scream from behind. When we looked around, Diane was missing?!? How do you lose a giant? Actually how does someone kidnap a giant? "Let's spilt up!" We all ran off in different directions. "Wow, it's you again" I heard a familiar voice say behind me, I turned around and saw Y/n swinging on a tree branch, upside. She look the exact same as she did before. "What are you doing?" She faked looking hurt hoping I would fall for it. "Wowie, since we were you such a meanie? Anyway I'm here cause obviously I've been living here." "So does that mean your the one behind the disappearance of some of our guards, also where is Diane?" She looked at me confused. "I don't have that Diane girl" I gave her the 'are you serious' face. But if she didn't kidnap her, where did she go. Wait, Diane hates bugs so she might have snuck off but than saw a bug and ran off without us hearing her. "Hey! Stop spacing out!" Y/n shouted while waving her hand in front of my face. "Huh?" " I want an apology mister!" Of course she does, she seems a lot more childish and out of control from when I last saw her. Anyway if she's living the one who's been living here, that means she's the one killing people who enter. As a holy knight, I had to bring her in. "Y/n I need you to come with me..." "I'm not going anywhere!" She had pulled out a sword from behind her, I hadn't even noticed it before, she jumped down from her branch. And went into a fighting stance. If she want to fight than I have no choice. I pulled my sword out and she laughed. So she doubted me. She ran at me and swung.

I let her hit me, it didn't hurt me that much. I let her take a few hits but when she tried to strike again but I blocked her. She looks shocked, but quickly recomposed herself. She draws her sword back and strikes again. While she was striking I managed to knock her sword out of her hands. It landed a few feet away. She growled. Her eyes had followed  the sword. Leaving her vulnerable, so I stuck. But she managed to dodge. She's got quick reflexes. She tried to take a punch at me but seems like she got more hurt than me. "Owww!" She wasn't that strong psychically, I think I know why. Those weeks she spent in that dungeon. She started running to her sword. I went in front of her, stopping her in her tracks. She went around me with incredible speed. She grabbed her sword, than turned to face me. She launched at me, when I went to move. She shouted out, "Bone Crush!" I realised I couldn't move. I look down at my feet and there's a bunch of skeleton arms holding my feet down. I looked back to her, she was so close. She swung and hit me. It was deep cut across my stomach. I felt myself losing control. She only smirked at me, "Well, looks like the Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins is no match for m—" I broke threw her attack and stabbed her. I didn't mean to, i got angry.

I hadn't realised what i had done until a few minutes later. I stepped a few steps back, my eyes widened. She was shocked as well, it only took a few seconds until she fell to the ground. She instantly fell unconscious. I quickly went up and kneeled next to her. I picked her up, and went to find Merlin. I saw her in the distance. "Merlin!" She looked at me. "Merlin teleport us to the castle!" She saw Y/n and instantly knew what to do. She teleported us, than summoned a doctor who started to tend to her wounds. We left the room. "Captain who was she?" Of course Merlin would ask that. "Remember when we went to investigate Misite Empire?" She nodded, so I continue, "Well that was the girl who attacked Diane, she's oldest princess of the Misite Empire. While i was in the forest today we started fighting, i got stabbed her by accident." I honestly felt bad. My anger got the best of me. "Captain you did notice that mark on her shoulder?" I nodded, she was a sin. And we had fought we had found all of them. The doctor came out of the room, to say that Y/n was resting. We both we inside and the saw the girl on a bed. "She is one of us, she does know that, right?" "Probably not Merlin, she knows about our names but probably not what we are. So she has no idea that she's one of us." I could sense Merlin was confused, so i told her what i found in the diary a couple months ago. She understood. I heard a noise come from Y/n direction, i looked at her. She was moving in her sleep, i think she was having a nightmare. When i looked back at Merlin, she wasn't there. She must have of teleported somewhere else. "Ugh, what...happened?" I looked back at Y/n. She had woken up, she looked at me in fear. So, she was scared of me. I tried to walk closer but she scooted backwards every time. "Hey am not going to hurt you..." I reached my hand out for her to grab and she took it.


"So this was your plan all along, huh Meliodas?" She said coldly, i couldn't see her face threw the cell doors, but i could tell she felt betrayed. We had been bonding for the past five months, so i cant say this didn't hurt me to lock her away. But the king had ordered me to keep her in the dungeon since she was too powerful. And because she wasn't part of the sins, he wasn't sure she was trustable. We stayed silent for awhile. I had to stop myself from crying. "Are you going to talk or what?!?" She shouted, she tried to punch the door down but thanks to Merlin's magic it wasn't effect. I felt tears going down my cheeks, i hadn't felt like this in awhile. "I'm...sorry..." "If you were sorry, you wouldn't have put me in here." She was right. "But i had to follow the kings orders...he doesn't trust you since you aren't one of us." She growled, than shouted, "Is that your only excuse! Just because I'm not one of you! I REFUSE to ever become a sin no, a monster like you are...!" She stopped talking, i heard a creek come from the bed in there. She must be going to bed. I started walking away from her cell, than i went upstairs straight up to my room. I didn't talk to anyone else for the rest of the night.

That night i was woken by screams and explosions. I shot out of bed, an ran to the kings room. I saw the king and his daughters in a perfect cube made by Merlin. But she and none of the other sins were anywhere near this room. I ran out of the castle. I see a path of destruction, the houses were destroyed. Fire was everywhere. I saw knights trying to put out the fires. I ran down the path of chaos, and saw the rest of the sins battling something. The enemy was covered by fog. I ran up to the rest of the sins. We didn't have time to speak because the fog cleared and my eyes widened.

There she was, Y/n. Standing in front of us. Her face filled with anger the moment she saw me. She had probably stolen a sword from a knight since the one she had was still at that forest. "Why? Why can't you leave me alone?!" She screamed pointing her sword at us. "Titan's hand!" All of us looked in shock as an actual giant's arm rose from beneath the earth. It was huge. It went to smash us with its palm but Diane held it up as long as she could. We moved out of the way, but when it hit the floor. The floor shook. Why did we have to fight at night, Escanor can't battle. "Bone crush!" That's a move i knew. So i jumped but the others managed to get grabbed by it. The couldn't move so it was up to me. I heard a scream come from Diane. I looked at her, she seemed in pain so did the others. "There's a reason that move is called 'bone crush', the arms of skeleton can hold them in place but when i want it can crush every bone in their legs." "If that's true, why didn't you do that to me?" She stayed silent so i ran at her. I pulled out my sword and swung. I had to be quick, so that magic ability will wear off and the others will be saved. She managed to block but the attack knocked her backwards a few feet. I saw a bright light come from the others directions, i looked back again. Yes! it wore off but they are still injured. I looked back to Y/n who was getting back on her feet. "Why are you doing this Y/n?!" She looked in raged by my comment. "Why? Why?!" She charged at me, "You want to know why?!"  She swung at me and i dodged but she kept swinging. "First, you had stabbed me after a few minutes of talking to me," I kept dodging but she continued swinging. I swear a could see her start to cry. "Second, you bond with me, gaining my trust. Than you break it...Thirdly you lock me... up in a cell... when you know about the diary that belonged to me... yet you still... you still... YOU STILL LOCKED ME UP AWAY!!!" She stopped swinging at me, tears were falling rapidly down her cheeks. She collapsed to the ground, she buried her face in her hands. I walked towards her, i reached my hand out to her but she quickly grabbed it and pushed me into the ground. "I will not let you do that to me again..." Her grip on my hand vanished, i quickly got up from the ground and looked around for her. Than i saw her, she left the sword behind. But she was running off. Her figure slowly disappeared, but my regret didn't.

~Flashback end~

"Did that really happen Sir Meliodas?" I nodded, it was sad enough for me i didn't want to talk. I leant against a tree ready to go to sleep. Elizabeth just curled up by the fire. I slowly drifted to sleep, but that memory kept replaying in my head all night.

I woken at sunrise, i shook Elizabeth awake. We can get their today if we run for a bit. Though we walk for awhile since we just woke up. "Sir Meliodas?" I look at Elizabeth, "Lady Y/n, she means a lot to you doesn't she? When I saw your face when we first found her than how you looked when you found out she lost her memories. I could tell, but i didn't want to believe it. But if she means a lot to you, I'll try to be nicer to her. I want to be able to help her get her memories back." I simile at her, i can't stand being away from her any longer. The quicker we find her, the quicker we will find the sins. But i really just wanna see her again. So i grabbed Elizabeth's arm and started running very fast. I just need to see her beautiful face. I hope she's here.

It only took an hour to get there. I let go of Elizabeth's arm. I started walking in, i could feel her presence, i simile. Elizabeth enters behind me. We kept walking, we were by now deep in the forest.


I look over to see Y/n but its not just one Y/n there's tons of them!


Well, this took a long time. And it was 5036 words. Wow. Also I've been working on new outfits for the characters, here they are!

The grey one is your new outfit, i may update it. Also they are boots that you were in you didn't know what there were. The second one is the outfit you wore when 'you' were a princess. Also the reason you have chains is a reminder of what 'your' parents did to you. If you cant tell its purple on the dress. Because its a royal colour. I hope you like them. The next chapters will take longer to come out. There is more effort being put into it, and thought. The next chapter you may finally meet Gowther, its only a maybe because I'm not sure what the plan is for the next one even if I've already started. I'm going to aim for at least three thousand words each chapter. Anyway that's all for this chapter hope you enjoyed. Okay see ya later,


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