Hetalia X Pregnant reader Sce...

By MoonstruckOtaku

50.5K 793 537

I noticed a lot of hetalia boyfriend scenarios on this site, but I wanted to do one a little differently. More

You're Pregnant!!!
He Finds out
You Wanna Eat...What?!
First Ultrasound
New Character: Romano
New Character: Cuba!
Baby Names
New Character: 2p Romano.
new character: 2p Canada
you're pregnant: 2p

You tell your family

7.1K 113 179
By MoonstruckOtaku

A/N: Before this begins each reader is related to a different family of Hetalia Characters. each reader is a different woman.


"Alfred!" you whined at your childish boyfriend "You can't get out of telling my brother and sisters by hiding in the car!"

"I'm not hiding, babe, I just....don't want to go in." He pouted

"Alfie, I know you don't get along with Ivan super well...or Katyusha and Natalia come to think of it, but don't you want to tell them you got me pregnant rather than them finding out and tanning your ass for it?" you reasoned.

Alfred sighed and followed you out of the car.

"That's my hero!" you kissed his cheek and he gave a tiny smile.

You both took the short, very cold, walk to the car. Upon knocking on the door you were wrapped up in your older brother's arms as he gave you the biggest hug he could.

"dobro pozhalovat' domoy, sestrenka!(Welcome home, little sister)" He giggled a bit

"Oof. I missed you too, big brother." You wheezed

"Right, come in and get warm." His friendly demeanor hardened a bit upon spotting your boyfriend. "America." He said with a sort of friendly coldness.

"Russia." America returned, he could feel him glare after him as he went into the house. he knew your family thought he stole you from them.

 Natalia and Katyusha were already waiting in the living room.

"Now," Russia smiled as he sat down "That everyone's here, we can get started." He pulled a bottle of vodka from his coat and pouring it into five glasses.

"Uhum... none for me thanks."

you could almost hear the record scratch as everything screeched to a halt.

"No vodka?" Ivan asked, it was unusual for you to refuse a drink with family.

"Are you feeling well, sister?" Ukraine asked, feeling your head

"No, that's n-not it guys" you said, glancing at your unusually quiet boyfriend, he was staring at his lap, hoping that they wouldn't notice his guilty look.

Unfortunately for him, Belarus noticed. "Are you forcing Y/N to not drink? You putrid American!" She threatened.

"Of course not!" Alfred growled back

"Guys, it's not Alfred, I'm just pregnant." Shit, you hadn't meant for it to come out that way.

there was pure silence for three whole minutes. Then Ivan stood, walked over, and proceeded to choke america. 

it took a half hour to get him to stop trying to kill Alfred.


"Matthew, Tino will not kill you" You scolded as you prepped the cabin for your family, the Nordics, to come over. "You're good friends aren't you?"(Canada x Finland #BROTP) 

"y-yeah, but he warned me that if I ever stepped out of line with you that He'd bury me in a d-ditch." Matthew replied

"Oh, he dosen't mean that, besides he said he was ok with us dating."

"Yeah Y/N, ok with dating not....making babies."

"I promise you I won't let him kill you."


There was a knock on the door, and before either you or Matthew could get up to answer Kumajiro got there.

"Who are you?" You heard the little bear say

"Christ, not this guy" You heard the familiar voice of Mr.Puffin.

"Y/N?! MATTHEW?!" you heard the ever loud Dane yell from the door.

"We're in the living room guys, take off your boots and join us."

The energetic Matthias rounded the corner in a flurry of movement.

"Hey søster! long time no see!" The Dane grinned

"Good to see you too, Matthias." You giggled.

The rest of your family came into the room and settled in for a long night of chit chat.


"So, anyways Y/N, you said that you had something to tell us on the phone." Tino pointed out.

"Ah, I suppose I did." you said sheepishly

"Something to tell us?" Lukas questioned "Are you and Matthew getting married?"

Matthew blushed.

"N-not exactly, not yet." You stammered "I'm pregnant."


Everyone looked at Tino, who had crushed his drinking glass into dust in his hand. 

"That's...GREAT " He glared at Matthew "I'm so happy for you and my FRIEND. After all, he promised to treat you RIGHT!

Sensing that his wife was about to do something he'd regret, Berwald leaned over and distracted him with a soft kiss. Those always left Tino flustered.

All and all the night could have gone worse.


Arthur braced himself for the run in with your family. Even though you two had been married for a while now, your brothers, especially Yao, thought he wasn't good enough for you. But you were his wife and soon-to-be mother of his child. He would get through this.


The night had been going well, Arthur had even managed to avoid fighting with Yao, even when your older brother said you were too skinny from "That crappy English food".  It was well, until your little brother Im Yong decided to tackle you and start groping your chest.

"You're as soft as ever you were nuna, Da-Ze!!!" He giggled, before Arthur pulled you away from him.


"Y/N? delicate?" Your Twin, Leon, said "Did you forget she whipped your ass to get me back to our house? That's how you met old man."

"Well, she's delicate right now! for the queen's sake she's pregnant!" Oops.you were supposed to tell them that. 

there was a loud symotanious roar of "Y/N'S WHAT?!" 

Followed by your older brother Kiku falling to the floor in a dead faint.


"I cannot understand why we must tell zhem in person, amour." Francis pouted.

"Because, there's no way an "I'm pregnant" text would go over well with Allistor or Arthur." you replied.

"...What about  Catherine?"

"She's going to castrate you either way."

Francis shuddered. 

You came into your old home with your husband.

Your eldest brother, Allistor, was the first to greet you. "There's the wee squirrel!" He chuckled ruffling your hair and dragging you into the living room. "Been so long since we've had the whole clan together, eh?"

"There she is!" You brother Arthur said "Hope living cross the pond is treating you well." 

"It has, and Francis and I are very happy."

"I would hope so." Your twin sister Catherine said from the couch, next to Seamus. "Otherwise we'd hafta steal you back!"

"No, we're quite content..." You began sheepishly  "In fact w-we're expecting a baby."

There was a pregnant pause before Catherine stood up cussing in Irish at your husband. 


You had a repetitively small family, especially when compared to Yao. That doesn't mean that Yao was particularly excited to see your brother.

"Yao, you know how upset Francis will be if we don't tell him." You said as you rounded the corner nearing your brother's house.

"I know, aru." Yao grumbled "But I really don't want him to shame me for this happening while we are not even married."

"I don't think you should be worried about that.  If anything it's me he's going to tease."

"I don't want you to go through that either, Aru."

By this point you were to the door of the quaint French townhouse. After a few knocks, the door opened and you were engulfed in the loving arms of your brother. 

"Oh mon sweet sœur!" He cooed, holding you tight "How wonderful to have a visit from you!"

"It's good to see you too, Francis." You giggled hugging back.

"oui, it has been too long! Oh and Yao! this is a surprise, you rarely visit with Y/N."

"Yes, well this is an important visit, aru." Yao replied.

"Oh? Why didn't you mention that over the phone, Y/N? Important matters must be discussed over lunch. Come in and I'll get something to eat on the table."


"You really needn't fuss, mon frère." You said sheepishly from your position  at the kitchen table. Francis ws putting his all into lunch as you and Yao sat and watched. It was particularly difficult for the latter of you.

"Well, if I needn't fuss what was it you came to discuss?"

You sighed and just decided to get it out. "Francis, I'm pregnant."

There was a stiff moment as Francis turned off the stove, and for a moment you prepared for an argument. Only to find yourself wrapped in a tight hug a moment later.

"c'est une bonne nouvelle!(That is wonderful news)" Francis squealed "I'm going to be an oncle! I am so proud that you managed to squeeze some good sex out of this old man!" 



Ivan and  your brothers really don't get along. You were so different from Alfred and Matthew as well, so it was hard for you to predict exactly how they'd respond if you flew all the way from Russia to tell them. So, you decided to skype them about it. Making sure they both were online, you called them both.

"Hey, Y/N you there?" You heard Alfred say as both of their cameras connected

"Yeah, glad you both are here." You smiled

"We promised that we'd always be here for you, we told you that at your wedding." Matthew said softly.

"Yeah, Russia isn't hurting you right? He's treating you well?" Alfred asked

"Better then well, in fact that's part of the reason I called."

"How so?" Matthew asked

"I'm pregnant." You said.

Alfred hung up almost immediately.

You sighed "He's really pissed, huh?"

"He'll get over it," Matthew assured you "I'm really happy for you, Y/N." 

"Thanks Mattie, I knew I could count on you."


"Keseseses, how is the awesome me's kleine Schwester doing today?" Your oldest brother, Gilbert, Grinned as he answered the door.

"I'm doing very well, Gil." You said, reaching and giving Felicano's hand a small squeeze to ease his nerves. Although he was good friends with both of your older brother he was still afraid to tell them that you were pregnant. 

"Well, don't stand there like doorstops, come in!" He grinned broadly.

You walked into the living room and saw your other older brother, Ludwig, sitting on the couch, reading.

"Ve~, ciao Ludwig!" Feli beamed at his best friend

Ludwig looked up from his book and smiled at the both of you. "Gutentag, Y/N, Italy." He said.

"How have you been, Bruder?" You asked.

"Very well, as a matter of fact-"

You all talked and talked for hours on end. It was always good to play catch up with family. It was all well and you were feeling very relaxed, maybe that's why what happened next happened

"Hey, we should all go out for drinks." Gil suggested

"Mmm, I'd love to gil, But alcohol is bad for the baby." You replied. Ludwig managed to catch what you said.

"Baby?" He questioned "Are you pregnant, Y/N?"

You froze a moment as you realized what you said. "Y-yeah, Feli and I are expecting." you said sheepishly.

After a brief pause Gilbert reached over and began to rub your's and Feli's heads. 

"Keseseses. congratulations you crazy kids."


It had started as you posting an excited phone call to your older brother Feliciano. Right after you told Ludwig you called him, knowing he'd be excited for you. You failed to realize that he would tell your other older brother, Lovino.

You and Ludwig were at your house beginning to pack up so you could move in with him and his brother. Or rather, he was packing and you were taping up boxes because that's all he let you do. Despite you protesting that it was your stuff and you should pack, he said you were in too delicate a state to do such work.

It was pretty nice, until your apartment door was kicked in and Italian cursing filled the room. Your brother Lovino stormed in.

"Of all the shitty guys to have a kid with, why did it have to be the fucking potato bastard!" He yelled as he got closer. 

"Lovino! You better not have damaged my door or I won;t get my security deposit back!" you yelled back.

"Fuck the security deposit, I wanna know why my baby sister is having that brawny bastard's baby!"

"Uhmm, because I love him! We went over this when we began dating." You yelled back.

You both yelled a bit more back and forth, until Ludwig intervened because stress isn't good for the baby.


"It's okay, Kiku. We've been married a while now. Vash and Lilly will be very happy to hear." You assured as you got to your older brother's home. Luckily you told him ahead of time that you were coming so he wasn't going to shoot at you.

You got to the door and knocked, Lilly answered the door. "Hallo big sister!" she beamed. "We're so happy to have you over today."

"Thank you, Lilly," You smiled at your younger sister as you came in. You and Kiku both took off your shoes at the door out of habit. 

"Th-these are for you." Kiku said as he handed Lilly the Japanese candies he had brought for Vash and her.

"Thank you so much, big brother Kiku." Lilly smiled. 

"k-kawaii." Kiku muttered to himself.

You and Kiku sat down for dinner with your family. as the meal came to a close you finally worked up the courage to say.

"Well, this was a lovely meal, but I did come over to tell you both something. Kiku and I are having a baby." you said.

Lilly squealed in excitement as Vash stiffened. 

"I am happy for you sister," Your older brother began "But I hope you've realized how expensive children can be, there's clothes and food, as well as toys and--" You tuned out another of Vash's saving money rants and chose to focus on Lilly squealing that she was going to be an auntie.

Author's note:


I am so happy that this book has been so well received thus far. Look forward to more great chapters!

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