Stuck in airport love

By italexys

832 25 0

Finals and school were done for awhile and Hermione was gearing up for a trip of a life time to Iceland. She... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 23

20 1 0
By italexys

We just hugged in silence just taking in however long we had left together and once this ends I still have a feeling that I will wake up in my bed and that this was all a dream but even if it was I still wouldn't give it up.

I looked out the closest window that I could find and noticed that the snow storm was practically gone and that means it was going to be soon that all flights will soon be able to leave and I started to become sad.

Then my emotional self started crying.

"Hey hey why are you crying" he asked.

"Because I know this is all coming to an end soon and I don't want it to and even though I still think I'm dreaming I just don't want this to end and I'm sorry for being like this it's just this past day has been the most happiest I've been and I just don't want it to go away and and" I started crying like 10x worse".

"No no come here it's okay and believe me it's real and not a dream and I just want you to be happy and good. I'm glad I could make you happy and you've made me so happy this past day also and you deserve the world and just please to don't cry we will make this work and even if it doesn't and we only remain friends we will always be travel buddies. Plus who else am I going to have a glorious victory over in go fish".

I laughed "i will win so many times eventually" I said.

"See so this has to work now so I can prove you wrong because I am the champions of all champions in go fish".

"I will beat you one day".

"Hmmmmm we will see".

All of a sudden the one thing I didn't want to hear played over the loud speaker.

"Dear all travelers the storm has became less severe and is not as bad and all flights will be taking off as soon as an hour while all flights won't be scheduled to take off in an hour but all flights that were delayed should be able to depart within the next 2 so please check flight status at the nearest place. Thank you for your cooperation and happy holidays. Any questions please don't hesitate to ask thank you"

All that was heard in the airport was a sigh of relief and clapping. It was selfish of me to want the storm to start again but there are many people in here that have places to go so I'm not going to be in the way of that.

"Let's go check to see when our flights are going to leave" he said.

"Yeah that a good idea".

We walked over to this nearest flight schedule and of course mine would leave earlier than his.

"Looks like our flights are 15 minutes apart but let's make the most of this hour that we have left".

I nodded my head in agreement.

Luckily our gates were close so we could hang out in the middle of where are gates where.

"I have an idea but it's kind of weird" I said.

"What is it".

"Travel buddy handshake".

He laughed "I like that".

It took us about 10 minutes to come up with one but we had it down.

I pulled out the deck of cards in my bag "this is for you I know it's not much but since we played cards a lot it was like a little thing to remember our Boston airport adventure and theres also a note in there and something on the king card but don't look at it yet".

He smiled "I love it thank you" he hugged me.

"I actually got you a little something because I really had a fun time with you and since it's your birthday tomorrow and we'll here".

He handed me a bag of different things. Inside was 3 bracelets one was engraved with travel the second one buddies and the third Boston. At the bottom of a bag was a note.

"Don't read it until you are on the plane" he said.

"Ok I won't but when did you how did you".

"The first time you took a nap I went and got it for you. Do you like it".

"No I love it thank you so much".

I hugged him and he kissed me on the forehead.

We spent the last minutes we had together making sure we had everything and preparing for our goodbyes.

"I'm going to call my parents really quick to tell them that the flights are leaving soon" I said.

"Ok no worries".

I quickly called my parents and it was a quick phone conversation and all the wanted was for me to call once I land.

"Everything good"he asked.

"Yup so I guess it's time for us to go" I said.

"Unfortunately it is".

I stood up and grabbed my stuff.

He hugged me so tight and I didn't want to let go but I knew I had to.

"Thank you for everything and I'm really going to miss you".

"I am too but make sure to call me once you land".

"I will hand shake time".

"Handshake time".

We did our little handshake and we kissed goodbye.

I started to walk away but turned around and hugged him one last time.

"Bye" I said.


One last kiss goodbye and I walked off.

I turned away and waved bye and he smiled back and waved.

I walked over to my gate and they started to board earlier so I went and checked in and sat in my seat and my phone vibrated.

"Just remember in the champion of all champions" he texted me.

I texted back "not for long".

I decided to open his letter.

Dear Hermione,
This past day has been one of my favorites I'm so glad that I got to know you and being shy isn't always a bad thing. I am glad I got you to open up a bit and thank you for opening up to me. I wish you all the luck in your future endeavors and hope that we can see each other soon. Just remember don't be so hard on your self it's okay to feel scared at some points. I will really miss this thing we had it was fun watching movies and playing card games with you. I hope you have a great birthday and Christmas and that you enjoy Iceland.

From travel buddy Niall.

P.s i hope you like the gifts.

I smiled and starting crying I can't believe this is all over.

I texted him before the flight took off thanking him for the letter and the presents.

He texted back with thank you for my letter and the gift.

I looked out the plane window and whispered to myself "bye Boston".

The only good thing about this flight was no one was near me so I could have this time for myself.

"Passengers please buckle your seat belts it's time to take off" the flight attendant said.

The plane took off and that was it it was over. Amazing layover was now over but I have to have an open mind I am going to Iceland so I'm going to enjoy it.

I miss him so much.

                                      The end.

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