The Man I Became... Because o...

By DaniAurie21

154K 6.1K 989

An attempt to write in first person... Lets see how that turns out. "It's been 3 years since we saw each othe... More

What Next?
Settling In
Catching Up
Growth and Setbacks
The Truth is Out
Like Riding A Bike
BBQ A La Pond
BBQ A La Pond 2
Wild Things
A Setup In Progress
Dinner and an Alibi
What Happened In The Night
A Tale of Ordinary Love
Drunk And Disorderly
The Other Investigation
A Proposal
Double, Double, Toil and ...
Have Your People, Call My People...
If Only...
The Shame of A Family... Exposed
Sudden Danger
The Source of the Madness?
Evidence Of A Stalker
The Plan Within A Plan Around A Plan... Or Something Like That
Thinking About Possibilities
A Small World
Cantaloupe In A Quandary
The Decisions Tin Make
The Quiet
Unexpected Developments
A Confrontation That Took 3+ Years
A Sudden Attack... And What It Reveals
Life Bets
A Stalwart Love
A Familiar Face
A Tiny Step Towards Progress
Kara's Revelations
Rescue Mission Step 1: Analyzing the Enemy and Clearing the Mind
Rescue Mission Step 2: Slow And Frustrating, But What Other Choice Do We Have?
Rescue Mission Step 3: Reunion and Delusion
The Aftermath of it All
Epilogue... But Not The End
Special Chapter 1: What Happened To...
Special Chapter 2: Tin and Cantaloupe Forever
Special Chapter 3: The Dinner...
Special Chapter 4 Part 1: The Wedding
Special Chapter 4 Part 2: The Honeymoon
KenoLing Side Story 1
KenoLing Side Story 2
KenoLing Side Story 3

Nong Yim

3K 164 20
By DaniAurie21


Sawadee kha. Thu kha. My name is Yim. I am the daughter of Oh and Nat. I am also the niece of Ae. He is a famous artist here in Thailand and also an engineer.

I am eight years old and I attend an all girls school currently. I am a good student and I always come in the top three in my class. Ar'Ae says that I am really bright and he organized to have me do English classes. He says they will give me an edge in my studies.

I think my Ar is the best because he is right and he is always looking out for me. He is my favorite person in the whole world. Well besides my parents of course.

Ar'Ae is really cool because he listens to me. When I told him that I wanted to be the best in my class, he talked to my dad and organized these lessons for me with one of the best tutors in the area. When I said that I was into designing new outfits for my dolls, he organized and got me a sowing kit. He even thought me how to use it personally. He always takes me seriously.

It is Saturday and I am in my way home for my lessons. I take them very seriously because I know that everyone is trying hard to help me.

I am really excited about today too! Ar'Ae is supposed to stop by and he is bringing Ar'Pond with him. The two of them are so funny! Giggle. They are always being impolite to each other and Ar'Pond sometimes forgets I'm there and says something rude which causes my Ar'Ae to smack him. They are like the stooges. They hit and argue all the time but they don't really hate each other. They are very funny.

I get to the restaurant just after 12. It is already closed and I can see Ar'Ae's jeep. I race in and P'Mint tells me that everyone is upstairs. I race up and head to Ar'Ae's room.

The door is locked?

I don't understand.

"Ar'Ae! Are you in here? Ar'Ae!"

"Sorry Yim. I must have locked the door. Sorry." My Dad says. They must have been having an adult conversation. Sometimes they do that so I know it's not to come in. I wonder what's happening now?

The door opens and I rush in to my uncle. He has a huge smile on his face and he scoops me up.

"Ahhhhh! Stop Ar'Ae! Stop!" He is tickling me!

"There is my precious Yim." I get lots of hugs and kisses. I hang on to his neck and smile at him. He doesn't spend much time here but today I can see that he is very happy.

Is he glad that Ar'Pete is coming next month?

"Ar'Ae. You are happy today." I hug him around the neck and kiss his cheek.

"Of course. I get to see Nong Yim today. How was your lessons?"

"It was a little hard today. We learned new words in English but the math and the science and the Thai lessons were great. P'Beth is really nice and she tells me things and shows me things too. We go outside and we look at stuff and sometimes it feels like playing but she says when I think about what we did, it will help me remember my lesson better."

"That's right. Well guess what?"

"Ar'Pond is hiding under the bed!" I laugh. He did that last time. Ar'Ae laughs too and shakes his head. He puts me down and smiled again.

"Why don't you go look for him?"

I cover my mouth to stop the giggles but I can't help it. He is so silly. When he hid under the bed last time, he was in my room and his feet stuck out! It was too funny and I pretended I couldn't find him. Ar'Ae laughed so hard then too.

I look carefully under the bed, then I look around. Ar'Ae had 2 closets. I look in the first one and I see bags of stuff. They weren't there before so I guess he bought them for us to hold for him. He does that sometimes when he doesn't have room in his studio.

The next closet is always locked so I don't bother to check there but head straight to the bathroom. It's empty too so I look at Ar'Ae confused.

He smiles and nods his head towards the second closet.

"Its not locked?" I whisper to be sure and he shakes his head.

I creep up to the door with a grin and yanked it open...



And I burst into tears.I


The door bursts open and a beautiful smiling young girl stares at me. I would recognise my sweet Yim anywhere. The pigtails are still her favorite style.

She freezes but I was expecting that. She thinks she is looking for Pond. I assume he is always doing this kind of thing with her.

She is staring now with no smile on her face.

"Nong Yim?" I don't get a response so I step forward. She suddenly burst into tears and covers her face.

"Yim?!" We all say at the same time and I touch her hands. Suddenly she burst into motion, flinging herself into my body and gripping me so tightly. My heart wrenches with love and I smile softly as I pat her hair.

I love children and I hope that one day I might be blessed but for me, this lovely little girl is like my daughter and I thought of her often and missed her terribly.

"AR'PETE!!! Ae'Pete is here! Oh!" She finally got out and I couldn't help a chuckle.

"I missed you so much! And Ar'Ae missed you too. He was so sad, Ar'Pete! Sometimes I would come and sleep with him in the night to make him feel better. I wish he would stay here so I could hug him all the time!"

"Well thank you my precious smile. You did such a great job taking care of him."

She dashed tears from her eyes but they just kept coming. I took out my handkerchief and wiped her eyes. Then pulled her into my arms and hugged her again.

She cried softly now and buried her face in my neck. I smiled and looked up at Ae who scooped the both of us up(!) and carried us to the bed. (He is so strong, my Ae.) He went and got the bags from the other closet while I hugged and rocked the only girl who wasn't my mom that I loved beyond measure.

Softly, P'Oh and Nat eased out. Mom slipped out. It was just the three of us now. I let Nong Yim lean on me for as long as she wanted. Ae eased back onto the bed and pulled me into that spot between his legs so that we both leaned on him. It felt so good that I just closed my eyes and snuggled in.


When I saw Ar'Pete in the closet, I couldn't believe my eyes. I was so shocked. I really didn't know what to do or say to him. Everyone told me he would be here next month. I was excited about him coming home and making Ar'Ae happy again.

Now that he is before me, all I can seem to do is cry.

I snuggle into his arms. He still smells the same, like an outdoor garden with lots of flowers.

Ar'Ae is also holding on to us and I snuggle into the both of them.

"We bought you some things Nong Yim." Ae'Pete says softly.

"Thank you but I am just so happy you are back. Did you know..."

and suddenly I am rambling on about all sorts of things. For hours we talk about my school and my friends and home and Ar'Ae and all his friends. I tell him about Ar'Pond and P'Aim and how much my Ar'Ae did and how mad he was when the proposal never happened. I even tell him about my friend Ai'Wren who likes some boy who is always in trouble in her neighbourhood.

Most of them are such silly stories but I want to tell him anyway.

Ar'Ae gets up at some point and comes back with food and drink. I gulp food down as I ask Ar'Pete about Germany and what it was like there and everything he did. I want to hear it all and I don't want to be left out.

After talking, Ar'Ae takes out all the new things they got me. Ar'Pete gets supper excited and I remember how much he used to buy me stuff and how happy he was when I liked them and I had liked them very much. I even still have Mr. Star, the very first bear he got me. He lost an eye last year and I sowed a button on in its place.

I am supper excited to see the new advanced fashion kit.  I have been looking forward to trying prints and acrylic glue. There are so many new things I can do with this one.

The stationary is the best though. The owls are cute and look like the ones from Owl Diaries. I really like that series and Ar'Ae knows it too.

At some point, Nana calls us all to dinner and I realize that I spent the entire afternoon talking with Ar'Ae and Ar'Pete.

"When are you going home? Can you spend the night?" I ask hopefully.

"I would love to little smile but we have to leave after dinner. We stayed extra long today when we were supposed to get some other things done." Ar'Ae says softly.

"Oh." I am really disappointed. I was hoping they would stay so I could be with them longer.

"Why don't I ask your parents and maybe you could spend some time with me at my home. I think you will like it. You have never been to my home."

"And Ar'Ae will be there too?" I ask hopefully. Ar'Ae had smiled for the whole day. I want to see him smiling all the time.


I nod and let them go after the meal. I am sure I will see them again very soon.


I look over at Ae in the car and see he is smiling just a little.

"Why are you smiling so much?" I tease.

"You and Nong Yim. The both of you are just too cute." He glanced at me and chuckles. "Though I remember when you though being cute for someone as tall as you was just wrong."

"But Ai'Ae likes that I am cute and tall. I have stopped worrying about that. Besides. There is nothing cute about Ae despite being shorter than me. So tay all the time." I complain softly but I am not really complaining. I love that We is so handsome and I get to be by his side.

We both laugh this time. I now remember when we talked about this. It was the day I first invited Ae to my home. He had been really scared. I could tell by the way he looked at my house and hesitated so much.

"Things change quickly don't they. You have really done well Ae." I am not surprised though. Ae was always determined and a force to be reckoned with.

"I had a goal in mind. I knew what I wanted to do and I set out to find all the ways I could do it with the knowledge that I had. I just wanted to be good enough to take care of you. To be able to prove that I don't need your money. That I can help you and not hinder you."

"Ae had never been a hindrance. Even when we were in school, you were always my best support. You are always underestimating how much you have done for me already. I am here because of you. I am as sure of that as I am sure if breathing right this very second."

Ae is silent for a moment before he is suddenly nodding at me. I look over at him and smile. It may take some time to convince him but I am sure we will get there eventually.

"Can you hold on a moment Pete? I need to stop in here and get a couple of things." I look to see where Ae is going and spot the pharmacy.

Why would Ae need a pharmacy? He wasn't sick. I look at the place and something occurred to me. They would have certain things there. Things that Ae might need since he wouldn't have any at home.

My face flushes red and I sit back. When he returns, I am struggling to not show how much I am blushing but I fail miserably.

"I don't have much lube at home and I had condoms but I'm pretty sure I threw them away a few months back. I did my last tests a out 2 months ago so I need to do my next one in about 4, 5 months before I feel ok going back to the way we were." As straightforward as ever, he just cuts to the chase.

This is so Ae. Always thinking about my safety. I eye the bag and see a good sized box. Hummm.

"Ok. We can do it together. My last tests were about a month ago, before I came back."

Now I feel like my entire body is hot. Why! Why do I have to be the one to give myself away like this? I am not a virgin nor am I that inexperienced.

"Don't stress it Pete." Ae says as he pulls into his spot. He is reading me like a book as usual. "It's all part of your appeal."

He takes my hand as we head up. I sigh and look at his back. So broad and sexy. I can see the muscles ripple as he moves. Today he had picked me up with Nong Yim in my arms and hadn't floundered. I actually felt my body stir and had to remind myself that I had Nong Yim in my arms.

He is filled with such power and force. I am seduced by it all over again. I have no doubt that Ae will always protect me.

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