Tea's Little Sister ~Mokuba K...

By Tsunami5505

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It has been only a month after Yugi, Joey, Tristan, Tea, and Lea had all gotten to Duelist Kingdom and defeat... More

Chapter II | Fire problems
Chapter III | Lea's dream
Chapter IV | The play date
Chapter V | Obelisk the Tormentor
Chapter VI | Registering for the Battle City tournament
Chapter VII | Breakdowns, and Serenity's operation
Chapter VIII | The Battle City tournament begins
Chapter IX | Looking for Yugi
Chapter X | The wrath of Weevil Underwood
Chapter XI | Joey Wheeler vs Weevil Underwood part 1

Chapter I | The weird fortune teller

135 2 0
By Tsunami5505

One morning, after both Tea and Lea had gotten ready for school, they walked over to Yugi's house to pick him up. As soon as they arrived there, they saw his grandfather, who was just sweeping the ground in front of his house. 
"Good morning, Mr. Muto." Both sisters greeted Solomon. 
"Ah, Tea, Lea, good morning. Yugi's upstairs getting ready. I'll call him for you. Would you two like something to drink?" Solomon greeted the sisters back, politely. 
"Uh, no thanks. Yugi and I are already late." Tea declined. 
"Yugi! Tea and Lea are here!" Solomon called out to his grandson. 
"I'll be right there, Grandpa!" Yugi called back from his room. 
The trio all waited for Yugi to come out for a moment, until he suddenly came out from the door. 
"About time, Yugi." Tea announced, firmly. 
"Sorry, Tea." Yugi apologized. 
"We're gonna be late for the big game, and I have to make sure Lea gets to her school on time. What took you so long?" Tea asked Yugi. 
"Uh, I was talking to the spirit of the Millennium Puzzle. He seems kinda worried." Yugi answered, as he gestured to his Millennium Puzzle. 
"About what?" Both Tea and Lea questioned. 
"About the future, I think. He said something about our destiny being... unclear. Ever since we defeated Pegasus together, the spirit's been talking about... fate. Like there's something more he has to do. When you think about it, he doesn't really know that much about himself. Like, where he came from, why he's here." Yugi explained, before he realized that he was babbling. 
"But I'm babbling and we're late. We should go." 
What he said made both Tea and Lea smile. 
"All right! The soccer game. We definitely don't wanna miss it." Tea agreed, before she, Yugi, and Lea began turning on their way to head to each of their schools. 
"See you, Mr. Muto." Both Tea and Lea bid Solomon goodbye. 
"Bye, Grandpa! See you later!" Yugi bid his grandfather goodbye as well. 
"Enjoy yourselves, you three. If the game ends early, feel free to come back and help me sweep!" Solomon called back. 
The trio just kept walking as Tea started up conversation with Yugi, "So, who do you think's gonna win?" 
"Win? Win what?" Yugi asked, confusedly. 
"Earth to Yugi! The soccer game at school!" Tea reminded, and Yugi now realized what she was talking about. Lea just giggled. 
"Oh, I don't know. Uh..." Yugi hesitated. 
"You don't really care much about sports, do you?" Tea asked Yugi, before Yugi suddenly saw something that caught his attention, so he stopped and saw someone who looked like a fortune teller. 
"Step up, boy, and I'll reveal the secrets of your future." The fortune teller told Yugi, before he walked towards the fortune teller. Both sisters turned around to face Yugi when they realized Yugi wasn't following along.
"Yugi?" Tea asked, before she saw that Yugi was standing in front of the fortune teller, and exchanged confused looks. 
"Can you really see into the future?" Yugi asked the fortune teller. 
"Yes." The fortune teller nodded, just as both Tea and Lea arrived in front of Yugi. 
"What are you doing, Yugi?" Tea asked Yugi, confusedly. 
"Tea, maybe this fortune teller can help me figure out the fate of the spirit inside the puzzle." Yugi smiled, which made both the sisters exchange a smile. 
"Ok, but we really don't have that much time." Tea agreed. 
It was then that the fortune teller eyed Yugi's Millennium Puzzle, so he said, "Boy, in order to tell your future, I must hold the personal item."
"Really?" Yugi asked, a bit surprised. 
"Your necklace will do nicely." The fortune teller said, as he held up his hand. 
"My what?! No, I'm sorry. I can't." Yugi shook his head. 
"Then I can't tell your fortune." The fortune teller replied, a bit disappointed. 
"Yeah, but--" Yugi started, before the fortune teller cut him off. 
"I need it in order to properly read your aura. To see what fate has in store for you. You do want to know, don't you?" The fortune teller persisted, before Yugi thought for a moment. 
"Your fate?" The fortune teller asked, firmly. 
"Ok, but only for a second." Yugi sighed, before he took off his Millennium Puzzle and handed it to the fortune teller. 
"Yugi, I don't know about this." Tea said, a bit uneasily. 
"Seems like a bad idea." Lea agreed. 
The fortune teller then examined the Millennium Puzzle, "Something's coming to me. I see that this Millennium Item now belongs to me." 
When he said that, he tipped the table in front of Yugi and the sisters! 
"My Millennium Puzzle!" Yugi exclaimed, completely shocked along with the sisters. Then the fortune teller began walking off with the Millennium Puzzle. 
"Come back here!" Yugi demanded, but the fortune teller just kept walking. 
"He's getting away! What do we do?!" Tea exclaimed worriedly, before Yugi stood up to follow after the fortune teller. 
"I'll follow him this way! You two try to cut him off around the corner!" Yugi instructed the sisters. 
"You got it, Yugi!" The sisters replied in agreement, before they began running to find a way to cut off the fortune teller around the corner. 
The two sisters just kept running, and running, and running, but the fortune teller was just nowhere to be seen. 
"There's no sign of that fortune teller anywhere! I hope Yugi's okay!" Tea told Lea worriedly, as she panted a little. 
"Me too, sis." Lea replied, in agreement. 
The sisters just kept running, and they were not really aware that Bakura and Jill were around. When Bakura and Jill just saw the sisters, it caught their attentions and so they talked to them. 
"Hey, Tea, Lea! What's the rush?!" Bakura asked the sisters, before they both turned around to face him and Jill. 
"Oh, Bakura! Jill! Someone stole Yugi's Millenium Puzzle!" Tea answered, which made both Bakura and Jill shocked. 
"No! Where is Yugi?" Bakura asked. 
"And where's the fucker? So I can arrest him!" Jill chimed in, angrily. 
"Yugi's in the alley, but we don't know where the thief is. We split up to catch the guy." Tea answered the pair's questions. 
"Well then, don't let me detain you. Keep looking and I'll get some help." Bakura instructed. 
"Right! Thanks, Bakura!" Tea agreed, before she and Lea turned around to keep looking. 
"I'll go with you two!" Jill announced, as she began running after the sisters.

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