Lost In Paris | Daniel Seave...

By gratefuldaniel

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Brooke who is on vacation alone after graduating high school to give herself a reward, later on, found her so... More

~ Casts ~


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By gratefuldaniel

Daniel's POV

I see her approaching where we are standing. Out of nowhere, Brooke let go of my grip and went to her. She started hugging her and they were casually talking. Does she know her? Is she somehow related to het? Did she make Brooke do this? Okay I am overthinking.

Alyssa cheated on me when we were together back in the days and she didn't admit till I found out myself. She even push me into having a sexual intercourse when I said I don't want to. After what happen, I got traumatized and didn't date anyone till today.

Brooke came to me with Alyssa beside her. "Babe, this is Alyssa. I met her here when I was at the Louvre Museum" okay so she is not in any relation with Alyssa. Alyssa came to me and hug me but I refused to. She whispered to me "Well, we meet again after you got famous" Yes we met when I wasn't in the band yet, when I was doing YouTube and solo stuff. I look at Brooke and she is smiling, she doesn't know what is going on. I need to tell her.

I took Brooke's hand and said to Alyssa "We gotta go! Nice meeting you" The rest knows about this girl, she did came over at our place in LA a few times and I refused to let her in. So they all know about it. They know the cue and we went off from the park and to a restaurant since its lunch time.

Jonah tapped me on my shoulder and said "You okay bro? You should tell Brooke to get away from her because she might actually brainwashed her"

"Yeah I'm good! I'll tell her later" I gave him a fake smile knowing that I will somehow meet her again around here knowing she is a model.

After we are done eating lunch, I hold onto Brooke's hand. Walking hand in hand and I started the conversation with "Baby, maybe you wanna stay away from Alyssa"
"Why is that so?" she looked at me full of confusion
"Well basically she is my ex-girlfriend that is kinda crazy i shall say-" she cut me off with hugging me
"If that is what you want and to keep you safe I will stay away from her. I don't want you to get hurt. Is that why you didn't date anyone after?" How is she so considerate and know that Alyssa might hurt any of us.
"Yeah it was. It got me pretty traumatized and that's why I said I'm new to this when I'm actually not"
"Aww you're a fool! How could you? So I'm pretty sure no one knows except for your close one?"
"well yeah" i said and she looked at me deep in the eyes. While waiting for the red man to turn green she gave me a peck on my cheek. I know what she mean by that and I put my hand over her shoulder to keep her safe with me. Now that Alyssa knows Brooke is my girlfriend, I'm afraid she is gonna hurt her. The last thing that I want to happen to the love of my life.

The day goes on as per normal, just 10 of us exploring Paris and pretty much do some shopping. Getting gifts for family back at home. But this particular necklace got me hooked on and wanted to buy for Brooke without her knowing and give it to her before she leaves. I saw Kay standing outside of the thrift store so I went to her and said "Kay, do you wanna help me?" she looked at me as if she understands what I was gonna say "Yea, you want me to distract Brooke, while you go and get the necklace. Well go now before she comes" she looked at me and smirk. "Oh my gosh thank you so much" I quickly ran to the shop and get what I need. Luckily I have a bag with me so I put it inside my bag.

"All set! Thanks Kay" i said to her when I see her with Brooke and Zach talking. I went over to Brooke and hold her. I couldn't be more lucky to have her in my life. She is so kind and humble like I don't know she can have fake friends. God!

The day ends with us going to the Eiffel Tower again. We were just chilling around there and have like a little picnic and watch the sun set.

Alyssa's POV

Now I know Brooke is Daniel's girlfriend. She is gonna see my true colors then. I have a music video to shoot tomorrow who God knows. I have to be there early and just wait for whoever I'll be working with. I was planning to ruin their relationship cause I'm still obsessed over him. I stalked him on all social media and I know he is in a band.

-The next Day-

I woke up and got ready for the shoot. It is 9am and I have to be on set at 10am. I dragged myself out of this hotel room and took an uber to the set.

I sat down on the chair where I'll be getting my make up and hair done. When the process of getting ready is half way done, a group of guys came in. I recognized them and said 'Bingo' mentally. Gonna work with them and ruin all their relationships. I am the only model and will be working with all of them. [You know the music video Hooked. So not gonna explain the whole thing HAHAH]

My first scene is with Daniel. I sat on the stairs and him beside me. I said "Well nice to be here with you again. Maybe you want to take care of your girl right there and not ruin her life" He looked at me furious. "Do whatever you want, you touch her you're gonna see for yourself" he said to me being all angry. Well, I like it. The more I can ruin it.

Brooke's POV

I don't know how to feel knowing Daniel is shooting a music video with Alyssa knowing she is the partner to that. I am sitting beside Tate. She is like a sister to me and I love all of them unconditionally. She pull me into a hug and I know she saw me shaking my legs. "It's gonna be okay! He can handle it! You gotta trust him and know this is his job" she comfort me. "Thanks Tate! How can you be so good at this HAHAHA" i asked her making her laugh too "Well you see here, I was in your position before this and I know how it feels like to see your man out there with another woman who is gonna kiss his neck. I understand all of that girl! Come on, look at chu! Gorgeous girl, he ain't gonna leave you hunny" she said to me earning a giggle and a rosy cheek from me. She is the sweetest human being ever. I love all of them, their personalities suits the friendship. I gotta learn how to be like them and be more open.

After they are done with the shoot which take some time and just us girls hanging around and taking short video of them is what we do and gossip. Girls will be girls! They asked me if I ever dated before. "Brooke sorry to ask you this. Have you ever dated someone before?" Gabbie asked "Hahah no it's fine. Nope not at all" I said "Dang girl, you're doing good here! First relationship and already long distance. It's gonna be a great journey believe me. Just like me and Corbyn" Christina said. She is the one who is basically have been with Corbyn since day one and she gain a lot of learning experience from her relationship and her stories she told us is the cutest.

When the shoot is over, Daniel changed into his clothes and quickly came to. His face was full of anger and discomfort. I asked him "Why? What's wrong?"

"I told you Alyssa is gonna do something. Guys we should go now! Like now" Daniel said semi shouting. Enough for all of us to hear not the whole set. Tomorrow is another shoot day but today is over.

While walking, I put my hand on his waist and he put his on my shoulder. "What happen there? Why are you in a rush?"

"You want to really stay away from her like for real. She wants to hurt you. Remember when I'm sitting on the stairs, she said that I have to take care of you and not ruin it. I told you she is a psycho"

"No it's okay! It's gonna be fine! You are already taking care of me. Come here"I said hugging him to assure him but deep inside I'm more worried than he is. I met her a week ago and it's crazy how I didn't know who she really is but now I do. I'm kinda scared to even face her.

We went for supper because it's already 10pm and we have yet to eat dinner.
Daniel kept on looking at me and staring at me because he was sitting in front of me.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I said to him with a chuckle
"I don't want anything to happen. I'm really scared, she can go to the extreme at times" he said and he rubbed his face hard.

"Daniel, it's gonna be fine. We are all gonna take care both of you!" Jack said and he looked over to Jack
"But Jack you know how she is" he said
"No Daniel, you gotta believe it's gonna be fine. Tomorrow we are gonna show her that we are strong and nothing can break us apart" Jack said again. They are all so caring to one another. The friendship I'm living for.

-The Next Day-

Its a routine for me when I'm with them. Today is another day with them, going to the set again. This time round is in a studio, Zach and Jonah has their part today. We went to the studio and there is Alyssa sitting on the couch with make up artist and hair stylist.

She looked at me and gave a smirk, i gave her a sincere smile. When they are done with their scenes, which is already in the evening. So we went to get dinner again, when Daniel was changing his clothes. I saw Alyssa approaching him, I kept an eye on them. I saw someone behind her trying to hide and take a photo of them kissing. Daniel pushed her away and I saw all of them. Not a single tear came out from me cause I know who is at right and wrong. I acted like as if I was about to get Daniel and I saw her kissing Daniel. Daniel quickly look at me and said "It's not how it looks like Babe"
"No babe! -" I have yet to finish my sentence and Daniel is already crying.
"Why are you crying? You are not at wrong. It's Alyssa, I saw everything. I even saw someone out there trying to take photo of her kissing you. Don't worry, i saw everything." i said making Alyssa mad and Daniel hug me tight.

After what happen, Alyssa went home and didn't bother saying bye to me and we went for dinner.

Hope you like this drama chapter


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