
By WintersLove17

13.8K 416 29

Barry Allen just saved the city from DeVoe's satellite crash. All is good. Until a bank robbery is taking pla... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two


819 23 0
By WintersLove17

She sat up feeling something warm and wet on her hand she lifted it seeing only red. She looked at Ryan as he was nealing on his knees.

"Ryan!" He fell to the side into her arms. "SOMEONE HELP PLEASE!!" Izzie moved the hair out of his face and tried to keep his eyes open."Ryan, it's okay. It's okay, stay with me." Izzie let the tears fall as Ryan looked up at her."You're going to be fine," she looked away again looking for anyone. "HELP!"

"It's okay.."He whispered. She looked down at him. "Iz...I..Love you." She held his hand. Felt the blood run down her skin. Felt as it bled into her clothes. His breathing grew faster for a moment as his eyes closed.

" No. No. Ryan please." He stopped breathing Izzie pulled him closer." No. Help, please! No no Ryan please!" Izzie put her hand on his face. "Please wake up Ryan please."

"Izzie, Izzie!!" Izzie opened her eyes. Iris near her hand on her chest and worry in her eyes. She felt the arms around her and looked behind seeing Barry. She was on the carpet on her knees Barry behind her keeping her arms close to her. "You're okay. You're safe." He said. Izzie took a deep breath and dropped her head but found herself holding onto his arm. She tried taking deep breaths before the tears grew in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Izzie said. Barry let go and turned Izzie to him gently. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay. Don't worry about it. Are you okay?" Barry asked. Izzie nodded. "Okay. Come on, let's just go back to bed." He helped Izzie off the floor and back onto the couch. Barry draped the blanket back onto Izzie before going back to Iris and the two of them heading back to their room.

Setting back into bed wasn't easy. Iris felt worried just as Barry did. She wants to help Izzie but the moment she only felt helpless.  Barry moved the blanket up closer to him and looked to his wife. "It's going to be okay." He said. Iris quickly turned to him.

"Really? Because that girl was screaming in her sleep. I don't think we can help her alone."

"We'll get her all the help she needs Iris. We just need to take it step by step. Get her trust. Like you said we can do this." Iris nodded then turned over allowing Barry to wrap his arm around her. He kissed her cheek before laying back down closing his eyes. He hoped he was right. That they could help her in time.


Izzie was half asleep when she joined Barry and Iris in the kitchen. They had been up for a while and the coffee needed to start brewing so she was happy to wake up to the smell of Jitters. She wasn't happy that they went  ahead and started about the things she wished to ignore. School.

"I could grab some pamphlets or info booklets on the university." Iris offered taking a large drink of her coffee.

"Maybe. I think I should focus on work for now. Besides I'm not exactly sure how easy that's going to be. I didn't leave school on the best of terms."
"What does that mean?" The reporter in Iris was catching onto something but then again every time she's been around her Iris can only feel for her. She was so young and had already been through so much. Had already had so much taken away from her.

"After "

Barry brought his mug to his lips. Izzie Barrie's her face in her cup. She was at central city high for her freshman and a few short months of her sophomore year. She's supposed to be a junior but she would rather be done with it like she should have years ago.

"Easy for you to say. You were the teachers pet." Barry opened his mouth to protest until Iris raised an eyebrow at him. He was still friends online with a few of his teachers. He went back to sipping his coffee.

"An actual diploma is better. We may be helping you get control of your powers but your still a kid. School first." Iris said. "I'd cook for you but I'd rather we keep this impression on the good side by picking up breakfast so how about you go get ready and we'll get going." Izzie took her mug of coffee with her to the duffle to pick out clothes then up the stairs to the bathroom.

Izzie showered and looked at the new bruises on her body. She was happy to see bruises from her own doing and not the hands of a caregiver. It was only better that she did it learning her more about her powers. She got dressed and twisted her hair into a clip before leaving with a now empty cup of coffee. She joined them by the door putting her shoes on as they asked her questions making sure she had everything she needed.

The fact that they worried about her education and safety was an unusual feeling. But the also did the little things. Things her parents once did. She knew wasn't used to anyone caring about her anymore she's been told many times. She didn't mean to but she let out a little laugh as they stepped onto the elevator.

"What?" Barry asked.

"It's just been a long time...since anyone cared."

Iris and Barry glanced at each other as the elevator doors closed. Once reaching the floor they all stepped out and started walking out of the building. "I know you guys want me to go to school but you're forgetting one thing," Izzie stopped and watched as Barry and Iris turned confused. Barry's eyebrows closed together for a second. "I don't have any school things. No binders, notebooks, not even a pencil."

"Then we stop on the way. You're not getting out of this." The three made it to Iris's car and then on their way to the store. They got a few binders, paper, pens and pencils. Everything she would need for school Iris and Barry got it. Remembering their own days back in the same high school they were about to enroll her in.

Izzie wished she got what she wanted but avoiding school didn't happen. Izzie only felt dread as they pulled up to the school she ran from all those months ago. The moment she steps in the school she knows she'll be nothing but the thing that everyone stares at.  The last time she stepped out of the school she promised she'd never return. But here she is again. Standing in front of the three story's high building and full of people she was convinced had to be related to the devil. She was fine until that night. Suddenly she was alone and outcasted.

"Murderer." Izzie kept her head down as she opened her locker. As soon as  she got her last book out her locker slammed shut making her jump. She looked up seeing one of the boys on the team. The team Ryan lead and got them out of their loosing streak. She smelled the alcohol on his breath she never liked him but she never thought he'd stoop this low.

"You got my boy murdered. It's your fault." He said.

"Stop it." Izzie challenged him.

"Why? You know it. I know. They all know it. Ryans dead-"

"SHUT UP!" Izzie punched him sending him to the ground. She stepped over him punching him again and again until she drew blood from his face and her hand hurt. Justin, a boy who knew the truth and tried protecting Izzie, he wrapped his arms around Izzie's waist pulling her back. "Let me go!!!" Izzie yelled.

"He's not worth it!" Justin yelled. He put her down and turned her around gripping her shoulders tight. "He's an idiot."

"Stay away from me!" Izzie got out of his grip and ran down the hall everyone avoiding her. She ran through the crowd. She pushed through the doors and ran. She knew she couldn't stop. She just kept going.

It was days before she stopped.

"Izzie you okay?" She looked at Iris and nodded. Together they got out of the car and headed to the building. Both knew their way around not seeing any big changes. They walked into the office where Izzie sat on the chairs with Barry while Iris talked to the Office assistant. She sat next to them a moment later. It was a little bit before the principal stepped out. The same principle that was here the first time she was.

"Mr. Kingsly?" Barry stood smiling. Izzie knew she called it earlier about the teachers pet.

"Mr. Barry Allen. My best student to come through here in a while. How are you?"

"I'm Good. I'm a CSI now actually. This is my wife-"

"Iris West. I remember. It's good to see you. Also one of my tops students. I've been keeping up on your articles." Iris almost blushed at the praise of her old teacher. He shook both their hands."I understand you're enrolling someone."

"Yes-" Izzie appeared in between them as they moved to see Mr.Kingsly's face drop. She'd expected that look as she wasn't a good student nor an easy one for him before her disappearance. "Our foster daughter, Izzie."

"Yes,"She heard the disdain in his voice. "Izabella Parks."

"Kingsly," Izzie said with a passable fake smile. "Nice to see you too."

"I can get her enrolled again but it's going to be hard after what happened," Izzie looked away when Iris looked at her with her eyebrows raised. Barry knew that look all to well.

"What happened?" Iris asked turning back to Mr. Kingsly. Izzie looked down to the ground avoiding all eye contact as she knew what what coming.

"She assaulted a fellow student. Bad enough we had to send him to the hospital." Izzie took a deep breath as Iris and Barry looked at her. They only took a moment as they looked back to their former teacher. "He's since left the school which is the only reason why she'd even be allowed her return."

"He deserved it and was drunk." Izzie said crossing her arms.

"Izzie," Barry said. Izzie didn't say anything else as he continued and lead them to the office.

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