I'm a Kidnapped Runaway!

By LoveLover

3.6M 49K 8.1K

Heaven is a 16 year old teenage girl. She runs away from home because of her parents who treat her like she i... More

Heaven *Chapter 1*
The Fight *Chapter 2*
Running Away and Then Kidnapping *Chapter 3*
My Kidnappers *Chapter 4*
My New Life *Chapter 5*
Punishment Sucks! *Chapter 6*
A Personal Maid *Chapter 7*
Near Death *Chapter 8*
Back to Work *Chapter 9*
Invite *Chapter 10*
Shopping *Chapter 11*
Pleasure *Chapter 12*
A Long Night *Chapter 14*
Drunken Kisses *Chapter 15*
Trouble *Chapter 16*
Not Again *Chapter 17*
Talking Things Out *Chapter 18
Snapping *Chapter 19*
Getting It Out *Chapter 20*
Pick One *Chapter 21*
Girls Rule *Chapter 22*
A New Maid *Chapter 23*
Ransome *Chapter 24*
Escape *Chapter 25*
Couldn't Be a Cheater *Chapter 26*
Tears of... Joy ... *Chapter 27*
The Past Hurts *Chapter 28*
Amusement Park *Chapter 29*
Finally *Chapter 30*
Swimming *Chapter 31*
Complicated Lies *Chapter 32*
Getting Ready *Chapter 33*
Pool Party *Chapter 34*
Memo! Again!
Rough Times *Chapter 35*
Running Away... Again *Chapter 36*
Come Back *Chapter 37*
Being Back *Chapter 38*
Comfort *Chapter 39*
Kile Being Kile *Chapter 40*
Not Him Again *Chapter 41*
Horrible Decisions *Chapter 42*
Another Memo!
Mix Up *Chapter 43*
Another Try *Chapter 44*
Bowling Balls *Chapter 45*
Consert *Chapter 46*
Fighting = Leaving *Chapter 47*
Everything Changes *Chapter 48*
New Begginings*Chapter 49*
Comfortable People *Chapter 50*
The End *Chapter 51*

First Impressions *Chapter 13*

76.3K 1.1K 255
By LoveLover

I'm a Kidnapped Runaway!

By: LoveLover

Chapter 13

First Impressions

Jamie's POV

Drew and Heaven walk into the living room and I smile. I'm proud of my work. Heaven looks amazing. Drew actually looks decent. They're cute together.

"Finally" Kile said loudly.

I roll my eyes. He's so immature.

Heaven's POV

Drew and I walk into the living room where everyone is waiting. Jamie and a guy who must be Conner are sitting on the couch. Kile and a girl who must be Jasmine are standing on the other side of the room.

"Who's she?" Jasmine said in a bitchy voice.

I automatically don't like her. "I'm Heaven" I said.

She looks me up and down and I do the same to her. She looks like a slut. She's wearing a short, tight dress. It's not as short as a club dress, but it's still pretty short. It's red with thin spaghetti straps. Jasmine has bleach blonde hair that is cut right above her shoulders. Her eyes are dark green and not that pretty. She's not very tall and kind of anorexic looking.

"Well you're human alright. You're ugly" she said.

My eyes go wide. "Excuse me, bitch? At least I don't look like a slut" I shot back at her.

She looks shocked for a minute. Then she smirks and says, "You're right Kile. She needs to be killed.

I glare at her. I'm about to say something, but Drew does before I can.

"Jasmine, leave Heaven alone and stop being such a bitch" he said.

She smiles at Drew and she looks like she's trying to be seductive. He ignores her and puts an arm around my waist. I smirk at Jasmine.

"Hi, I'm Conner" Jamie's date introduced himself to me.

"Hey, I'm Heaven" I said while shaking his hand. He cute. He has black, long hair and blue eyes. He's taller than Jamie, even when she's wearing heels.

"Nice to meet you" he said.

"You too."

"We should go" Jamie said to everyone.

We all head out of the house and get into a limo that Drew and Jamie's parents rented for them. When everyone is in, we start driving away from the house.

"So you're Drew's maid?" Conner asked from across the limo. Him and Jamie are sitting across from Drew and I. Kile and Jasmine are sitting in the back, making out.

"Yeah" I said.

He nods his head. "Well that's cool." He looks at Drew and asks, "How did your parents take it when you told them you're taking Heaven?"

Drew looks at me quickly and I see unease in his eyes. I'm not going to like this answer. He looks back at Conner and says, "They wanted me to find another date but I refused to. They finally gave up and said I can take her."

I sigh. His own parents don't even want me there.

Drew puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me close to him. Conner and Jamie are talking amongst themselves now, so Drew whispers in my ear, "You will be fine."

"How?" I asked. "The hosts and your parents don't even want me at this party."

"Like I said before. Jamie and I want you there. I think Conner does too. He seems to like you just fine. Other people at the party will too" he told me.

I sigh and lean my head on his shoulder. "Why couldn't you have made things easier and just take a vampire girl?"

He laughs and says, "I want you to come to this and be my date."

"Why?" I asked.

He doesn't answer right away. Then he says, "I like you Heaven. Ever since I saw you being carried by Jamie because you were unconscious and needed to go to the hospital, I knew I cared about you."

I think about that for a moment and then say, "You should find someone else to are about. A vampire girl. I'm a human maid. You're the son of a rich dad who is probably really important. You need a nice vampire girl who won't embarrass you or your family."

I feel him shake his head. "I don't care what other people think and neither do my parents."

"Then why did they want you to find someone else to be your date?" I asked.

He sighs and says, "They don't want me to get embarrassed, but I'm not going to."

"You need a vampire, not a human."

"You can become a vampire" he said, very quietly.

I don't say anything and neither does he. We both stay quiet for a long time.

For the rest of the ride I talk to Conner and Jamie about random things. Then we are at The Jacobs' house. Or, should I say, mansion. The place is bigger than our home. And it's much more beautiful.

When the limo stops, we all get out. Kile and Jasmine are already walking toward the door like they own the place. I roll my eyes at the two of them. They are both annoying as hell and they both hate me. They're perfect for each other.

Drew wraps an arm around my waist and I smile up at him. He kisses my cheek and I blush.

"Come on. Kile and his slut are already inside" Jamie said.

We all walk to the huge house together and are greeted by a butler. He bows and smiles to all of us. He then leads us to a small lounge where Kile and Jasmine are. two other people are with them too. They must be Drew and Jamie's parents.

Their Mom is really pretty. She has light brown hair which waves perfectly to the middle of her back. She has green eyes like Jamie. She's taller than me too.

Their Dad has dark brown, short hair and green/brown eyes. He's about 3 inches taller than his wife when she's wearing heels.

They all look at us as we walk in. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs look at me mostly.

"Finally you guys are here! We've been waiting!" Mrs. Jacobs said. "I've missed you guys!" She hugs Jamie tightly and then smiles kindly at Conner. "It's nice to see you again, Conner." She hugs him too.

Then she comes over to Drew and me. "Drew! You actually look like you're going to one of our parties" she approved. Then she hugs him. I smile. I wish my mom was like Mrs. Jacobs.

When she's done hugging Drew she turns to me. "You must be Heaven. It's nice to meet you" she said as she sticks out her hand.

"You too" I said as I shake her hand.

She then goes back over to her husband. I feel like she really doesn't like me.

Mr. Jacobs smiles at Jamie and walks over to her. "How's my little girl?" he asked as he gave her a hug.

"Fine, Dad" she sounded irritated as she answered her father.

He laughs and lets her go. he shakes Connor's hand and then comes over to us.

"Hello," he said to me. "I'm Mr. Jacobs." He sticks his hand out and I shake it.

"Nice to meet you" I said.

He nods his head and then turns to Drew. "How is everything?"

"Fine" Drew said. They don't touch one bit and then Mr. Jacobs goes to his wife.

I look up at Drew in confusion. He shakes his head. I hope he will tell me later what that was about.

"So how are you guys doing? We heard about Heaven's visit to the hospital" Mrs. Jacobs said.

Drew, Jamie, and Kile all look uncomfortable. I feel uncomfortable. Then I surprise myself. "I passed out while working because I hadn't ate enough and I had lack of sleep" I lied easily.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs and Jasmine laugh.

"That's so human! Having to go to the hospital because she's tired and hungry!" Mrs. Jacobs said while laughing.

"Humans are so fragile. That's why they are only good for servants" Jasmine said while smirking at me.

I look at my feet, feeling like an ant. An unwanted ant. I wish I wasn't here. I'm going to have to deal with this all night.

Drew's POV

My parents and Jasmine are laughing at Heaven and it's really starting to piss me off. They're saying she's only good for serving vampires.

I look at her and she's looking at her feet. My heart sinks to see her like this.

"You guys are being asses" I said to them.

My parents stop laughing immediately and so does Jasmine.

"Excuse me?" my dad asked, sounding pissed.

"Heaven is a human and you guys are sitting here saying she's good for nothing except serving us. That's not true. Heaven is good for more than that" I said while wrapping my arms around her.

"Yeah, like sex" Kile said while laughing. Jasmine laughs with him.

I glare at them and say, "We're leaving."

"No! Please don't leave. You should be here. I will just go wait in the limo" Heaven said.

"I'm not going to let you sit in the limo for the whole night" I said.

"I'll be fine" she said before turning around and heading toward the door.

When I hear the door open and close, I turn and glare at everyone except Jamie and Conner. "What the fuck? Why would you do that? She's probably crying her eyes out right now!" I yelled.

"She should know her place" Jasmine said.

"So should you, so shut up!" I yelled at her. "Heaven didn't do anything wrong and you did that to her. I'm so embarrassed. And guess what. It's not because of Heaven. It's because of you guys!" I yelled looking at my parents.

I turn around and walk out of the house. I go to the limo and open the door. Heaven looks up at me with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Heaven's POV

The limo door opens and I look up quickly. Drew is standing there. He gets in and closes the door behind him. He pulls me to him and I climb into his lap and cry. I'm happy all of this make up is waterproof.

"I'm so sorry for what they said to you" he said while smoothing my hair down.

"It's not your fault" I managed to get out.

Drew pulls my face up to his and kisses me. I kiss back and make the kiss deeper. I want to forget what his parents and Jasmine had said.

He pulls away though an asks, "Do you want to leave?"

"You need to stay" I told him.

Then the door to the limo opens and Jamie is standing there. She looks at us and then says, "Mom and Dad want to see you two ad apologize."

Drew sighs and says, "Fine."

We climb out of the limo and Jamie dabs away the tears and fixes my hair. The we go back into the house.

When we are in the lounge again, everyone is quiet. Then Mrs. Jacobs says, "Heaven, we are so very sorry for being so rude to you. We promise we won't act that way again."

I nod my head and don't say anything.

"Well we should go to the ballroom. Guests are going to be here any minute" Mr. Jacobs said.

Everyone agrees and we all go to the ballroom. It's huge! I gawk at it for a while and Drew laughs at me. I smile at him and take his hand in mine.

I hope you liked it. I just want to get to the actual party already because I have something great planned :) But you will have to wait to see what it is. Anyways! Please vote and leave a nice comment. I will put new chapters up faster if you guy vote an leave comments! Just saying! And I will put up pictures of the new people so go to this link below to see them!


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