Complete with You

By UnderthePen

173K 4K 3.1K

Izuku Midoryia has never had time for a love life.His day job keeps him busy and his weekends are filled with... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Thank You
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Question Time
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Got Tagged
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three

Chapter Fourteen

3.4K 85 20
By UnderthePen

Something felt off to Izuku as he walked down the street.Maybe it was the cloudy weather or the humidity,but he felt off this afternoon.After years of fighting deadly villains the man had gained a sixth sense that always seemed to flare up when something big was about to happen.Deku was clueless on his plan of attack for the first time in a while.He had always been able to draw up some wild strategy for situations like his current one,but at the moment his mind was blank.He knew nothing about this run down building and could only hope to find Ochaco in such a horrifying place.Midoryia stood outside the boarded up front door and pulled up his jacket sleeve."It's only 10:30 A.M. and he said they would move her around noon.I've made pretty good time."The green haired man continued to mumble to himself as he walked towards the back of the brick building.

Izuku did not bother to wear his costume for this occasion because the last thing he wanted to do was bring attention to him on a mission like this,and his bushy beard also worked well for his disguise.He truly had looked like a different man over the past month and he was not quite sure if he welcomed the change.During the past few weeks Deku had become somewhat of a loose cannon,but being this close brought back some of his old habits.He examined the wood used to secure the building from the public and noticed something strange about the material.'It's somewhat new.'He then knelt down and examined the nails.'No rust,so that seems promising.'The hero then kicked down the barricade and activated his quirk.But no one was there,it was too quiet for Izuku's liking.

Deku attentively walked into the old building and listened closely.He could not make out a sound,not even a whisper.The floor boards creaked below his old high-tops as he checked every corner.The first floor was clear and he made his way up to the second.A couple steps up and one of the old wooden steps gave out.The man's left foot fell through the gap and caught on a sharp,foreign object.He covered his mouth so he did not let out a sound,but the precaution was pointless.If he had the drop on anyone it was already gone with the loud bang caused by the decaying stairs.The second floor seemed less worn,but still molded.The wallpaper was peeling off of the wall and all of the doors were caved in.There was no one on this floor either.The steps to the finally floor were surprisingly stable and almost seemed trustworthy,buy Izuku was not going to risk a three story tumble.Each step was cautious and he listed for any sounds,but he couldn't make anything out.The final floor seemed resembled a place that a human would reside in.The walls were decent looking and the door was attached to the hinges this time.There was a lone door at the end of the hallway and Midoryia's hopes skyrocketed,but then that same feeling returned from earlier.He knew something was bad was incoming,but what was it?He slowly walked towards the door and eased his hand onto the handle.He tired to turn it,but it did not budge.It was locked.The solution was simple activate his quirk,and he did so.Deku broke the bronze handle off and walked into the room.The first thing he noticed was Ochaco asleep on a bed and he felt content for the first time in a while.He had been given the truth by Janpuna and he was thankful for that.She seemed unharmed.Midoryia could not make out a single scratch along her body and pulled off his large jacket.The man then placed it over Uraraka to keep her warm in the damp building."I'm sorry Och-"Deku was cut off by a creak in the floor board and milliseconds later he was sent flying through the brick wall by a powerful kick.

The blow sent Deku flying head first into a light pole and the hero landed directly in the city's busy traffic.A small car hit the man as he landed on the ground.It was a miracle that he survived such a impact,but One for All came with the added bonus of super human durability.Izuku began to cough up blood form the blows,but he had more important matters to worry about.Whatever had just hit was incredibly strong and likely had Midoryia in for the fight of his life.The hero spat a thick glob of blood onto the road and yelled at the top of his lungs."Get out of here it's not safe!Go!"The civilians just stood in shock at the fact that Izuku had just survived that much damage.All of the innocents stood in the open,until a deep,emotionless voice spoke up.

"Ahh,Izuku Midoryia or as the world knows him Deku."

Midoryia recognized the terrifying voice instantly and slammed his fist against the road.This villain was suppose to be dead,yet here he was orchestrating some master plan to lure him out."Y-You died a year ago!"

The villain dropped down from the broken wall and adjusted his bow tie."The media tends to misinform its people."

The loud bang of Izuku colliding with a brick wall stirred Uraraka awake,but she was unable to make out the chaos through the thick smoke.The woman rolled off the bed and as she landed on her feet the jacket that was placed on her fell to the floor.'That's Izuku's.'When the smoke dissipated the woman leaned over the wall and looked outside.What she saw terrified her. A man that looked an awful a lot like Izuku was standing across from the most feared villain ever.

The hero activated his quirk and looked at the man standing across from him.Green electricity was crackling off of his skin as the rain began to pour like never before.Deku's typical smile was replaced by a scowl.All for One opened his mouth once more."You seem angry young man."Midoryia rushed into the battle just as he had been for the past month.The calm manic simply waited for Deku to inch closer and once the hero did he grabbed the man by his throat."You seem to be favoring that left leg of your's."Moments later Ochaco fell from the building but Midoryia was powerless to save her,instead All for One reached out his arm and caught the woman."Now,Now,it would be quite a shame if you died so soon."The villain then tossed Ochaco into the wall,but instead of smashing into the brick,the wall warped around her body.Three strands of the substance held her against the wall.All for One was about to enjoy playing with his food.

"You two are quite the pair.One quirkless and just trying to make ends meet,while the other is a hot shot hero that lives in the shadow of his mentor."Midoryia began to claw at the villain's face,but it was to no avail."It really is sweet and almost touches my old heart that a man given his powers by All Might fell in love with someone just like him.Quirkless as the hospitals call them or we could use my term,a waste of resources."

Ochaco yelled at the maniac."You can't give someone a quirk,that's impossible!"

"You see Missy the truth is..."Deku began to kick at the man's legs,but as soon as All for One felt his grip falter,he slammed the man's head against the hood of a car."As I was saying before he rudely interrupted me,this man was given his quirk by All Might.Izuku Midoryia was once a quirkless nobody that world didn't care about,so he was a lot like you."Izuku's anger was beginning to rise with All for One and the villain sensed it.A demonic smile began to creep along the man's face as Deku broke free."Fascinating,you truly are unlike any other holder of this quirk.I was underestimating you to begin with,but now I have seen it myself,you are not afraid to channel your anger."

"Shut Up!"

"Feisty,that is going to make this much more interesting than I was expecting."

Izuku winced as he tried to move.Whatever he did to his left leg had truly done a number on him and his mobility was severely decreased.He lunged at the villain,but the tall man simply guided Midoryia into the wall."I am impressed by that drive of your's.You really did a number on that crook and the methods you showed were...unorthodox for a hero."

"Why the hell do you ramble on so much!"

"Because it's so easy to get inside that head of yours.All I had to do was swipe up that girl and you went mad.It really was amazing to witness,but most definitely unexpected."Midoryia collapsed onto the ground and coughed up even more blood.The man had run out of gas long ago and his fumes were beginning to run out."It is most disappointing to see you like this Midoryia,maybe I need to give you a boost."The man then tightened his hold on Uraraka.The woman gasped for air as the hold squeezed the air out of her lungs.

Deku began to slowly climb his way back to his feet.The man's legs trembled beneath him as his muscles ached.Lighting once again began to emit from his body,but this time it seemed weaker.He landed a hook on the over confident man's jaw,but the strike left All for One relatively unfazed."That seemed a little weak Midoryia,I thought your quirk grew stronger with each owner."The villain then brushed off Midoryia as if he was a nobody and slowly walked towards Ochaco.A slim blade began to emerge from the man's wrist as he neared her.The killer raised his arm and prepared to plunge the weapon into her throat.Uraraka closed her eyes and waited for the fatal blow.A few tears leaked out at the prospect of Izuku falling victim next to the evil man.She waited for the blade,but it never came,instead she heard a cold voice,laced with raw emotion.

"I'll fucking kill you!"

The green haired man stood in front of her with blood leaking from his right hand and the tip of the blade sticking out of his hand.The man then grabbed the dagger and broke it in half.Izuku then punched All for One,but this time the villain was sent flying into a vacant store.The aura surrounded Midoryia was ominous and outdid the terrifying atmosphere that surrounded the world's most dangerous villain.The heroes right arm then fell limp next to his body.All for One rotated his shoulder as he walked out where the glass once stood.

"I see why your punch seemed so weak earlier now.Without the support from your costume your body can not handle One for All at one hundred percent."The guy was close,but this gave Midoryia a slight advantage over him.It was true that the hero could not use his quirk at it maximum potential when throwing punch without his costume,but his lower body was more than capable of withstanding the backlash.But then Izuku remembered a problem,his left leg.When his adrenaline took over he was able to move quick enough to save Ochaco,but his limb could give out at any moment.Deku needed to end the fight and fast.

The way Izuku and the man fought was unlike anything the world had seen.All Might fought this villain in the past,but he seemed to be under control,as for Izuku the same could not be said.The hero went after All for One like he was his prey.The once giddy man now used anything and everything to take the villain out.He threw shattered glass at the man,ripped car doors of to beat the man to a pulp,and tried to brake the man's limbs.It was unnervingly violent and did not resemble the actions of a hero,but someone just trying to survive.All for One fell to the hard pavement below the two,but Midoryia was not finished.He continued to beat on the heinous man until the bone of his knuckles began to peak out from his hands.When the man began to fade Izuku grabbed him by his collar and snarled at the man,"Don't you die yet you bastard,I want you to rot in prison for the rest of your life."

Izuku then gathered himself and turned around,but his heart stopped at what he saw.It was Ochaco,but she looked terrified and it was not of One for All.The woman was not sure if this man was the same sweet Izuku or someone else entirely.Midoryia held back the tears,because he knew what she feared him,but he kept walking towards her,however along the way his body gave in.The last thing he heard was Ochaco cry out,"Izuku!"

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