Lie To Me || L.H

By _totally_cliche_

184K 3K 898

BOOK 1 Now I wish we'd never met 'Cause you're too hard to forget More

A/N: Peoples choice(voting closed)
Authors note


1.7K 33 13
By _totally_cliche_

I stood outside her door, a giant monkey in one hand and a box of chocolates in the other. Ally still has no idea that I'm even here. I wanted so bad to tell her my plans, but I also wanted it to be a surprise. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door, my heart pounding out of my chest.

"Just a moment!" I heard her scream from the other side of the door.

She unlocked the door and swung it open, her eyes opening wide when she saw me.

"Oh my god, Luke! What are you doing here?" She screamed, jumping into my arms.

"I thought I might surprise you for Valentine's Day." I chuckled.

She stepped back and examined the gifts that I brought.

"Wait, is that the monkey you won me when I was in Los Angeles?" She asked.

"Yeah. I remembered how much you wanted to bring it home, so here it is." I said, handing her the monkey and box of chocolate.

"Aww, thank you Luke. Here, come in." She motioned for me to come in.

She placed the box of chocolate on her kitchen counter and then sat on the couch. I followed her and took a seat right next to her.

"This was so nice of you. I feel bad cause I didn't get you anything." Ally explained.

"It's fine, Ally. You don't have to get me anything." I laughed.

"But I feel bad." She pouted.

"It's fine, trust me." I rested my hands on her thigh, looking deep into her eyes. I could kiss her right now, but now is not the right time.

We both sat there for a little, staring into each other's eyes. It's like we both want to do the same thing, but we're scared that the other person doesn't feel the same. She finally snapped out of it and got off the couch.

"So, are you hungry? Is there anything you'd like to eat?" She walked over to the kitchen.

'You' I thought to myself, but I didn't say it out loud.

"No, I'm good, thanks though." I smiled.

"So, how was tour? I never really got to ask you about that." She asked, making her way back to the couch.

"It was amazing, we had an amazing turnout at every venue. A couple of them were sold out, and some of them were only a couple of seats from selling out. The fans loved everything." I explained.

"That's amazing. I'm glad everything was great, even after all that was going on." Ally said.

"Yeah, things were tough, but we got through it." I assured.

"I'm really sorry, Luke. I really am." Ally apologized.

"You don't have to apologize again, Ally."

"I do. I do have to apologize again, and I'll apologize many times after. Why do you sti..."

"Can we please not talk about this now?" I asked. I really didn't want to relive everything all over again. I just want to live in the moment.

"Yeah, that's fine, I'm sorry. How's the rest of the guys?" She changed the subject.

"Calum and Ashton are still in Australia hanging out with family and friends. Micheal has been hanging out with some girl named Crystal. They've gotten really closed to each other pretty fast." I really didn't want to talk about Michael around Ally.

"Yeah, I've seen that. She's really pretty. Didn't they meet at the New Years party?" Ally asked.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Cool, I'm happy for them. Hey, do you want anything to drink." Ally offers.

"Sure." I said.

She runs over to the kitchen to find something to drink.

"I only have champagne and water. Which one would you like?" She asks.

"Champagne would be fine."

She pours the champagne into two glasses and then hands me one. I slowly sipped on my champagne, remembering the last time I had some. It was the night of the New Years party, the night where Ally and I almost had a quickie in some random room.

"You know, the last time I had champagne was at the New Years party. That was pretty fun." I mentioned.

"Yeah it was. We almost hooked up in a closet, or whatever type of room we were in." She laughs.

"Yeah, it was a pretty wild night." I put my glass on the counter and placed both hands on her hips.

I know I shouldn't be doing this, but I'm craving her touch so bad. I've been craving her touch ever since New Years. I want her hands to be all over me. I want to taste her. I want her.

"Oh, so this is what we're doing right now." Ally smirks.

"Only if you want to do it though. I'm not gonna force yo..."

She latches her lips not mine, pushing me onto the wall. I pick her up and carry her to the couch. Things escalated quickly, and next thing you know we were both naked. Things continued to heat up, but she stopped.

"Hey, why did you stop? Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah... I'm sorry.. I can't do this." She got off of me and started throwing on her clothes.

"Wait, why? What happened? I thought you said you wanted this?" I asked as I started to put on my clothes.

"I did.. I mean I still do, but I just can't." She said.

"But why? I mean everything was going great. Is this because of Michael?" I questioned.

"What, no! This isn't about him. It's about us." She explained.

"What about us?" I asked. She took in a deep breath before continuing on with our conversation.

"What even are we? Why are we still a thing? I hurt you Luke. I hurt you so bad, but yet you still want me. Why?" She asked.

"I don't know, can we not talk abou..."

"No Luke, we need to talk about this. Why are you still chasing after me?" She snapped.

"I thought you wanted me?"

"You're still not answering the question, Luke." Ally spat.

"I don't know, Ally. I don't know why. All I know is that even after all you've done to me, I still love you." I answered.

Ally silently stood there and stared at the floor.

"You shouldn't though. You shouldn't love me. I hur.."

"Yes, I know you hurt me. I've been knowing that for the past five months. I've been hurting for the past five months, but even with all this pain, I still love you. I don't know why, but I do. Don't you feel the same?" I questioned.

"I do, I do feel the same?" She admitted.

"Then why are we even having this discussion?" I asked.

"Because... you deserve someone better. You've been so good to me, and I've been nothing but bad to you. I don't deserve you. You deserve someone who'll treat you better, who won't cheat on you with your best friend, and who won't almost break up your band. I still love you, and I want you to be happy, but I don't think you'll be happy with me." I can see the tears start to form in her eyes.

"But I want to be with you. I'll be happy if I'm with you." A replied.

"No you wouldn't Luke. You're not even happy now. You're still mad about what happened that night. I mean you literally asked if this was about Michael. You deserve someone better, Luke."

It started getting harder and harder to think. Everything that Ally is saying makes sense. Why am I in love with a girl who put me through so much pain? Why am I putting myself through this? What has gotten into me.

"I think you should go home, Luke. I enjoyed today, and I enjoyed every single moment we shared together, but I just don't think we should be together. It's for the greater good." Ally said.

She walks up to me and kissed my forehead.

"Goodbye, Luke."

I stood there, not knowing what to do or feel. Apart of me feels sad and broken while another part of me feels rage. I looked at Ally, taking in her beauty one last time before darting out the door. I made my way out of her apartment complex. My heart beating faster than ever. I found a taxi and told him the address to the hotel that I'm staying at. I stared out the window, my vision starting to blur from the tears that are starting to form. I thought everything between Ally and I was fixed. I thought that we were fixed.

Every thought I had was starting to jumble up in my brain. What just happened back there? Did we just end everything? Is this the end of us?

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