A Dragon's Mermaid

By GreenEyedKoneko

220K 7.7K 664

Book 1 in The Beasts Mate Series. This book contains 18+ content, so readers must be 18 years of age or older... More

A Dragon's Mermaid
Chapter One 🌊
Chapter Two πŸ‰
Chapter Three 🌊
Chapter Four 🌊
Chapter Five πŸ‰
Chapter Six 🌊
Chapter Seven πŸ‰
Chapter Eight πŸ‰
Chapter Nine 🌊
Chapter Ten πŸ‰
Chapter Eleven 🌊
Chapter Twelve πŸ‰
Chapter Thirteen 🌊
Chapter Fourteen 🌊
Chapter Fifteen πŸ‰
Chapter Sixteen 🌊
Chapter Seventeen πŸ‰
Chapter Eughteen 🌊
❀️Chapter Nineteen 🌊
❀️Chapter Twenty πŸ‰
Chapter Twenty-two 🌊
Chapter Twenty-three πŸ‰
Chapter Twenty-four 🌊
Chapter Twenty-five πŸ‰
❀️Chapter Twenty-six 🌊
Chapter Twenty-seven 🌊
Chapter Twenty-eight πŸ‰
❀️Chapter Twenty-nine 🌊
Chapter Thirty πŸ‰
Chapter Thirty-one 🌊
Chapter Thirty-twoπŸ‰
Chapter Thirty-three🌊
Chapter Thirty-four πŸ‰
Chapter Thirty-five 🌊
Chapter Thirty-six 🌊
❀️Chapter Thirty-seven πŸ‰

Chapter Twenty-One 🌊

5.4K 189 8
By GreenEyedKoneko

The warm rays of the run feel amazing against my skin. The sun is shining, and there is not a cloud in the sky. Before going to the surface mom told me sunny days are a good omen.

I lean against the doorframe that leads to the balcony. Humidity is in the air, and I can tell it will be hot today. The mating ceremony was wonderful, and I will always remember it. The clan was very welcoming, and would stop to talk to Vulcan and I.

Strong arms wrap around my waist. I melt into Vulcan, and rest my head on his chest. His lips press down onto my forehead. Delicious shocks spread through my body at his touch.

"Good morning Vul," I said.

"Good morning my treasure. I apologize for not waking you, but I had to oversee training," explains Vulcan.

I smile as I turn around in his arms. Now, I am facing him and look up into his blue eyes with amber flecks. His thick red hair is tousled, possibly from running his hands through it. While I would love to spend all of my time with him, I am aware it is not possible. Vulcan and I both have our own careers.

"You do not have to apologize for attending to your duties. I want to learn from mama, so that I can help you," I said.

Vulcan is also the leader of a large dragon clan. I will slowly take over my own duties. Mama will teach me, and allow me to help her when I am home from work. According to mama the female leader serves a very important role in the clan.

"Thank you and you will make a wonderful female leader. Mother will teach you everything you know, but I believe you will be a natural," said Vulcan.

My mates words are very encouraging, yet I hope to live up to his expectations. Yes I own my business and have leadership skills. However, will that be enough to help Vulcan lead a clan of dragons?

Ember was telling me that the males become quite intense during a fight. Aeric assured me women are not harmed. Males typically fight when their dominance is questioned.

I have taught my own battles since I arrived to the surface. Vulcan will no doubt interfere to protect me. I am not a weak little girl. However, I do not want the males in the clan to think Vulcan is weak. I do know that Quillian thought it was awesome I made Roark fall to his knees without a touch.

Vulcan's lips kissing my neck, and my mark brought me back. I moan softly as he continues to assault my mark.

"Stop overthinking thing. You will do a wonderful job," he said.

"I think so as well, but I do not want the clan to think you are weak if I want to fight my own battles," I said.

Vulcan chuckles as his hot breath hits my mark. My body trembles with need. Oh no calm down! Now is not the time because we are both returning to work.

"You are always free to fight your own battles. The clan will approve of a female leader who is strong. I will only intervene when it is necessary," said Vulcan.

I cling onto Vulcan as I stand on my toes. My lips press against his in a soft kiss. Our lips dance together in a slow and sensually. Vulcan deepens the kiss as he slips his tongue in my mouth.  I moan as he licks and sucks in my tongue.

I whimper with need when our kiss ends. I pant slowly as I try to catch my breath. Vulcan smirks at me with a hungry look in his eyes. Oh my! I would love for a sexy dragon to eat me right now.

A deep growl vibrates from his chest. I moan loudly as I hold onto his shirt. Vulcan's hand moves down my back. I jump up as his palm slaps my ass. My body trembles as my panties begin to dampen.

"I would love to bend you over the railing as I fuck your sexy pussy right now," he whispers into my ear.

I moan loudly as the fire in my core begins to ignite. "I would love for you to fuck me hard and fast," I say as I look up into his eyes.

Vulcan growls loudly and pulls me to him. He slaps my other ass harder than before. A low moan escapes my lips.

"I will see to your needs later my treasure," said Vulcan.

I whimper softly as Vulcan unwraps himself from me. The loss of contact is not long, because he wraps his arm around my waist. I cuddle into his side and hold onto him.

We walk through the den, which is rather busy. Adults are rushing to go to work, while the kids and teens are off to school. I giggle as I see a teenaged boy hold onto their sleepy sibling. I wonder if this is how Vulcan looked with Ember.

We are greeted by clan members as we walk through the den. I say hello or wave, since I do not know everyone's names. I really have to start learning names. Vulcan grew up with all of these people, and he has no problems knowing their names. Thankfully, everyone has been understanding of that so far.

We step out of the den and into the large backyard. I am excited to tour parts of the territory I have not seen. Due to the mating ceremony I did not really leave the den.

The warmth and heat of the outdoors feels great against my skin. Oh it feels amazing to be outside again! I am definitely going to enjoy being outdoors while I can. Vulcan chuckles at my excitement, and I smile at him.

"It is a rather nice day," said Vulcan.

My heat should start soon, and Vulcan will want to horde me away. We are not sure when it will start since we are not the same species. I have no problem being alone with my sexy mate.

"Yes it is very nice outside. It is a great day to be outside," I said.

Vulcan nods as we walk through the garden. There are older men and women tending to the plants, and flowers. I smile when I see a few little ones watering flowers. They are giggling and talking to each other.

"They are attracted to the garden, because they are earth or plant dragons," explains Vulcan.

"Oh that sounds interesting. What does that intel though?" It sounds like their abilities could be interesting. Are the little ones able to control their abilities then?

"Their magic either controls the earth or is related to the flowers. They are able to store magical energy outside, which is why they tend to the garden," he said.

"Oh that is very interesting. Are the kids able to control their magic at such an early age?"

"Yes they are able to control their magic. They can also shift from the time they are newborns," said Vulcan.

"Ah then it is the same for the merpeople. Magic develops when they are a little older than these hatchlings," I said.

Vulcan nods as we walk further into the garden. "Are you not able to use magic until you are older?"

I shake my head no,"We are able to use magic typical of the mer since birth. Our own magic awakens when we are around five or six".

I am not sure why that is the case. Doctors believe it allows children's bodies to develop. Our bodies may not be able to handle magic as newborns. Only royals and nobles develop magic before that age.

My siblings and I have developed our magic quite early. It is believed to be that case because of momma's mother. We are not certain because momma and papa kept it a secret. Papa is rather overprotective of his family. He did not want their enemies to find the family.

I hear a soft giggle and look ahead. Neri is smiling as she holds onto Roark's large arm. He appears to be a muscular giant next to her petite body. Roark leans down and places a kiss on her forehead. A rose colored blush spreads across Neri's mocha skin.

Neri turns around and smiles at us. She waves her hand while jumping. Oh my gosh she is so cute! Neri's happy attitude always puts me in a good mood. I suppose that is one of the abilities minimer have.

"Avalon! I did not know you will be joining us," said a happy Neri.

I giggle happily as my mate holds onto me. "I did not know you were joining us either".

"I am so excited! Roark told me someone would join us, but he refused to tell me who," said Neri.

Roark laughs as he holds onto his mate. "I wanted it to be a surprise, baby doll," said Roark.

I smile at the cute pet name Roark thought of for Neri. She is so cute and tiny, just like a doll. It seems like our mates have a thing for sweet pet names. Vulcan makes me feel like I am a precious treasure.

"Well it definitely was a surprise and a good one, " she said.

Neri giggles as she cuddles into her mates side. I hold onto Vulcan, and we start to walk.

"I thought you would like to see the territory with Neri," said Vulcan.

Roark nods, "The territory can be a little intimidating to outsiders. It took Ion about two weeks to learn the territory".

Huh that is a rather long time. If I recall Ion is a warrior and Yuna's mate. I was not able to meet them last night. Apparently, Yuna was not feeling well and Ion insisted that she rested. I hope that I will get to meet them when she feels better.

From the distance there is a lovely gazebo. It is made of a light wood with a red brick on top. Lush greenery and flowers surround it. A love seat, small table and two chairs are inside. It appears that white orchids are resting on the back railing.

A couple is sitting on the love seat. The woman cuddles to the man's side. Her silver hair cascades down her shoulders. She has a pale completion that compliments her brown eyes. The man is rubbing circles on her stomach over a blue sundress. The man is larger large, but not as big as Vulcan. He seems to be the tallest male in the clan. He has black hair that is fluffy on top, and buzz cut on the bottom. His eyes are a gray-blue and he has bronze colored skin.

"Good morning Yuna, and Ion, "greets Vulcan as we walk toward the gazebo.

Oh wow! This is the Yuna and Ion I have heard about. Yuna appears fragile and offers us a small smile. My eyes focus on her body as my magic courses through my body. It is clear that the child growing in her is causing her weakened state. Vulcan mentioned it took some time for them to conceive a child. I cannot blame Ion for being protective of his mate during the early stages of pregnancy. My gaze focuses on Neri, who whimpers softly while clinging onto Roark. She is most likely affected by Yuna's state and wants to help her.

"Good morning Master Vulcan and Mistress Avalon. I apologize that we left the festivities early last night," said Ion. His voice is an interesting combination of smooth and deep.

"It is lovely to meet you, and your apology is not necessary Ion. Yuna needs her rest, and I can see that she is rathr tiered," I said.

Yuna smiles as me as she waves hello, "Thank you Mistress Avalon, but I am doing rather well now. The fresh air and outdoors is doing me well".

Roark chuckles, "Given your preference to flowers and earth magic I am not surprised to find you outdoors".

Neri whimpers again which causes Roark to look down at his mate. He wears a worried expression on his face. It is clear that he does not like seeing his mate in pin. "Neri would you like to give Yuna a hug?" I ask.

Neri nods her head quickly while turning her attention to Yuna. "Um would it be alright if I give you a hug? I can sense the discomfort the little one is giving you," she said.

Yuna raises an eyebrow in surprise, and then looks Neri over. When she determines Neri is not a threat she nods in agreement. Neri giggles happily as she runs away from Roark's arms. She stops running once she is close to Yuna. Neri gently wraps her arms around Yuna. From my spot I can see Yuna instantly calm as she leans into Neri's touch. I am not surprised that Yuna is relaxed by Neri, since she appears rather submissive compared to her mate.

My gaze turns towards Ion whose gaze is focused on his mate. He appears to be conflicted on allowing Neri to hold onto his mate. He appears to be happy that her touch is bringing Yuna comfort. However, it is clear that he is upset that another being is touching his mate, and soothing her. While Roark may not be a dragon it is clear that he is a powerful being. My eyes focus on him as I attempt to discover what he is. His aura is rather dark and power, which causes me to jump.

It is then that I realize what specifies is, and it is rather fitting that he lives with a clan of dragons. Ion is indeed a hybrid, which in itself is not a rarity nowadays. However, it is a rarity that he is a hybrid between a vampire and tenge. From my knowledge there are few tengu that live outside of Japan.

Ion grins at me as he holds onto his mate. "It seems that you were able to determine my species. That is a rather rare considering Master Vulcan was the only person to do so," he said.

I roll my eyes yet I can somewhat understand. The scent of vampire is quite dominant. The tengu in him appears to be the lesser gene. With my own children I am certain that Vulcan's dragon gene will be dominant.

"I will take that as a compliment. If I did not have an encounter with a tengu it would have been difficult," I said.

Yuna raises an eyebrow in surprise, "You net a tengu? To my knowledge Ion is the only one in town"

I nod my head when I think back to a customer. She was a beautiful woman. She was visiting the city and decided to get her hair done. "She was a client and was visiting a few months ago," I said.

Ion hums as he looks over to his mate. "You must have met my mother. She had an argument with my father, and decided to visit," he said.

Yuna yawns and our attention focuses on her. She blushes softly while learning into her mate. "Oh my, for some reason I feel rather tiered," she said.

"Let us return to our room Yuna, and rest. We can speak with Master Vulcan and Mistress Avalon another time," said Ion.

Yuna nods in agreement, and moves away from her mate. Ion stands and helps Yuna stand. He wraps his arms around his mate, and carries her. We say goodbye, and wish them a good evening. Yuna tells me where their room is if I ever want to girl talk. I agree and let her know before I plan on visiting.

We continue with our walk, and go into the forest. The trees are large and lush grass covers the ground. Scrubs, twigs and wildflowers are scattered across the ground. The air feels fresh and I adore being outside.

"Yuna and Ion seem to be very nice. I am glad I was able to meet them," I said.

Vulcan smiles as we hold hands. His large hand squeezes onto my small one.

"I am glad to hear that you like Yuna. Growing up with Roark, Dion, and I meant Yuna had limited female friends," he said.

Roark bods,"Yeah and it got worse when we became adults. The females hated Yuna despite the fact we were not mates".

Neri pouts as she looks up at her mate. "That is ridiculous and women can be such vile creatures," she said.

I hum as I can sense a feeling of distress from her. I send Neri calming energy, since we are still bonded. She sighs out in relief and slowly begins to relax. Her body becomes less tense once Roark kisses her head. Our bond will not have the same power once she mates with Roark. His touch and essence will provide Neri with the life energy she needs.

"Thank you Avalon and Roark. I feel much better now," said Neri.

"You are welcome Neri and I am here if you want to talk," I said.

Neri smiles at me, "Thank you Ava. I am happy to have a friend like you".

I am happy to have a friend like Neri as well. Yes I adore Marina and Zaraya. However, Neri and I are two merpeople living among dragons. I will see her more than my childhood friends. Marina has been living with her mate before I moved in with Vulcan. They spend all of their time together. I snap out of my thoughts once we enter a clearing.

"I would like to show you the territory by the mountains. Would you like to ride on my back while I fly?"

I jump up and down in excitement. I finally get to see my mates dragon! Oh and I will get to ride it. That is definitely a bonus.

"I would love to ride on your dragons back!" I shout happily while hugging him.

Vulcan chuckles and then leans down to kiss my nose. I giggle softly at the feeling. Maybe I seem a little too excited, but I can't help it. I have wanted to see his dragon form for quite some time. I wonder how his scales will feel against my skin.

Vulcan and Roark step back from us. They are further out in the clearing while Neri and I remain close to the forest. The sound of my bones popping echoes through the forest.

Vulcan and Roark activate their magic begins my transformation. In a matter of seconds there are two dragons. They are flapping their wings flying in the sky.

Vulcan's body is much larger, and his tail swings . His  amber eyes looks down at me with an amused expression.  It is rather interesting that his eyes change color while in dragon form. His sleek scales that are black with a hue of midnight blue. His which are covered in amber scales.

Wings flap near me, and I look to the side. Roark is flying next to my mate. Roark's scales are as dark as the night. He has silver horns on his head, and sharp silver spikes along his back. Roark's silver eyes are looking down at Neri.

I run over towards my Vul without an once of fear. He growls lowly as his tail zooms past me. He gently wraps his tail around my waist. The scales feel cold yet soft against my skin. My body moves through the air. His tail moves me until I am on his back.

My hands wrap around his massive body. My body trembles while I hold onto his scale covered body.  My fingers gently pet his scales, which feel similar to my own. Vulcan lets out a sound that is in between a purr and growl. He must be enjoying the attention I am giving him.

"You are so handsome my Vulcan. I am happy that you let me see your dragon," I said.

"Thank you my treasure. I am glad to hear that my dragon pleases you," said Vulcan in my mind.

I look over at Neri, who is holding onto Roark. She appears to be quite happy. Vulcan's wings begin to flutter at a quicker speed. His body leans forward into the sky. My hands cling onto his body as the air. The pressure feels more intense as we fly higher into the sky.

The air feels rather cold, but Vulcan is keeping me warm. The sky is darker as we move through the fluffy clouds. We soar past the shark rough edges of the tall mountain. There appears to be a cave, but I cannot tell.

"We did pass by a cave, which is protected by magic. That is where we will spend your heat," said Vulcan.

"Okay. Um is that the only time we will go to the cave?" I ask in my mind.

"We can go to the cave when you wish to be alone. The clan leaders use it as an intimate place with their mate," said Vulcan.

"A private place sounds nice for when we need a break. Yet we are close to the clan in case of an emergency," I said.

Vulcan growls, and I wonder what the sound means. "Yes, that is the reason the first clan leader created the cave," he said.

We fly past a clearer area on top of the mountain. There are natural hot springs. Steam is moving upwards as we fly past it. A soft sigh escapes my lips as the steam hits my leg.

Vulcan increases his speed before leaning down. I cling onto his scales and shout loudly. I was not expecting him to fly down! His wings flutter quickly, and then his body moves up. Vulcan is flying on a more evenly. My eyes open and I see the den in the distance.

Vulcan fly's to a balcony that is connected to our bedroom. He uses his tail to gently set my down. Roark roars bid goodbye while Neri shouts "Bye Avalon and Vulcan!"

Strong arms wrap around my waist. The electric sparks that spread through my body relaxes me. He transformed back into his human form rather quickly. I melt into his arms, and he kisses my forehead. Vulcan holds onto me as we walk inside.

A smile spreads across my face as I stare at the pool. Oh my gosh! Their is a large indoor pool in a heated room. The curling is made of glass, and there are large windows. There are potted palm trees in the corner, and lounge chaos near the door.

"There is a pool! Oh I am so excited to be able to swim," I say happily.

"This is actually our private pool. You can come in here through the door next to the bookshelf," said Vulcan.

"This is amazing Vulcan! Has the pool always been here?" My eyes scan over the pool, and I am itching to go for a swim.

"Yes it has been here for quite some time. There is a larger pool for the entire clan on the main floor," said Vulcan.

I hum since that could be fun as well. I might be able to talk more to clan members, and form a bond. However, I am glad to have a private pool. I can come here to unwind, and let my tail out.

My hands move to the end of my dress. I take my dress off, and then throw it. I can feel Vulcan's hungry eyes stare at me. My head turns, and I blow him a kiss. Vulcan smirks at me as I run to the pool.

A loud splash is heard as I dive in. My body is submerged in the water, and I swim deeper. Tingles are felt through my legs. My legs quickly turn into my tail. I swim upward, and my tail hits the water.

My eyes focus on Vulcan, who is naked in the water. Oh wow, my naked mate is so sexy. He growls at me as I swim up to him. I wrap my arms around his shoulders. Vulcan's hands move down my naked back to my scale covered tail.

"You are as beautiful as always my treasure. The color of your scales are stunning, and your scales feel soft," he said.

"Thank you, and I thought your scales felt soft as well" I said as my cheeks feel hot.

I lean into his touch as we relax in the water. Today was a wonderful day with Vulcan. I was able to meet his friends, Yuna and Ion. They seem like rather nice people, and I want to get to know them. The territory is large, and very beautiful. I am glad that I was able to see it on Vulcan's back. Oh, and Vulcan's dragon is beyond beautiful. His dragon is the perfect combination of beautiful and deadly. Today has been a wonderful day, and I do not want it to end.

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