Dumb Luck•Sweet pea•

By -Burntskies-

156K 2.7K 508

"But I can't seem to settle down, cause' I'm waiting on you to come around" Callie Stevens. S... More

Part one
Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty Six
Twenty seven
Twenty eight
Twenty nine
Thirty one
Thirty two


8.6K 115 23
By -Burntskies-

"Sittin' at a table full of double dates"

Arriving at school I head towards my locker to meet Zoey, once I get there I notice she isn't here yet. Which honestly isn't surprising because she's never on time to meet me, but I'm sure she's just busy doing her hair or makeup.

"You know you should really invest in some better clothes, I mean all you ever wear Is neutral colours." I hear Zoey say as she approaches my locker.

"Say's the girl who always wears skirts and dresses even when it's the middle of winter." I say back

"Whatever, where's your brother? he hasn't been answering any of my texts." she asks kind of rudely

"He had practice this morning, I'm sure he'll answer you when he can." I answer

"He better. Let's start walking to class, if I'm late again Mr. Kelvine is gonna get me suspended." she says in annoyance.

"well maybe if you didn't spend so much time on your appearance then you wouldn't be late." I say

"Yeah and if you spent more time of yours then maybe you would be able to get a boyfriend." she fires back

"Who says I want one? I mean no offence to the guys at this school but they're all jerks, and the ones who aren't jerks are either gay, taken or my brother." I state as we approach the classroom.

"hey if you wanna die alone and loveless then that's on you." she says while sitting down at her assigned seat.

Just as I was about to answer I hear the teacher call me over to his desk. Walking past the students who had all started to pile in, I make my way up to the front of the classroom.

"Callie, I was wondering if you could go to the supply closet and get some more red paint and bring it to the art room, I told Mrs. Monaco that I would do it but I still need to do a few things before class starts." Mr. Kelvine asks me

"Sure." I answer back, not like I could say no anyways.

After handing me the key to the supply closet, I walk all the way to the other side of the school to get the paint. Luckily for me the art room is just in the hallway next to this one.

Walking into the room I start looking for the red paint only to find it on the top shelf, putting my foot on the second shelf from the bottom and start reaching up to grab it. As it slowly starts to tip towards me, I don't have any time to move out of the way as it falls over drenching my head in the crimson paint.

As I stand in the middle of the supply closet, drenched in paint and in complete shock all I could say was, "Only me."

Deciding I couldn't just stand in the closet for the rest of the day, I texted my brother asking him to grab my stuff from Mr. Kelvine's class as I had gone home early and that I would explain everything later.

I quickly rush down the hallway and out the school doors before anyone could see me.

On my way home I kept my head down the entire time, I didn't want anyone to know that the girl walking down the road covered in red paint was me. In doing so I didn't notice that I took a wrong turn and was now headed into southside serpent territory .

"Woah, looks like Picasso here is lost." Turning around I immediately notice two boys around my age, one of them being extremely tall and handsome. The second thing I notice is that they're both serpents, which means I'm lost and alone in an unfamiliar place.

"You're serpents." I say to them

"Yeah, so?" The one who called me Picasso earlier says back to me

"You wouldn't happen to know a girl with long brown hair and a very intimidating glare would you? I'm not sure what her name is because all she put in my phone was serpent queen, and before you just tell me to call her, I can't because my phone died a while back." I ramble on becoming out of breath

"Sounds like she's talking about Quinn." the shorter one says to the handsome tall one

"Yeah it does. Why would she give her number to a northsider of all people?" the tall one says back

"Hi, yeah the northsiders right here and would really like for someone to point her in the right direction so she can find Quinn and see if she'll walk me home." I say to them both starting to get annoyed with them talking about me like I'm not here.

"Sorry about that, I'm Fangs and this is Sweet pea." Fangs says while nodding towards who I now know as Sweet pea

"Yeah hi, how do you know Quinn?" Sweet pea asks roughly

"First of all, my names Callie. Second of all I met her at pops a few days ago, we exchanged numbers." I answer the cute but kind of mean serpent

It was getting late now and the paint had dried up, I really just need to get home and shower.

"Look as fun as this has been I'm covered in paint and I'm starting to smell like chemicals so I really wanna go home, could you just give me directions on how to get out of here please?" I ask them

"We're not really good at giving directions so Sweet pea can just walk you there instead." Fangs tells me

"What! no way, why can't you do it?" Sweet pea roughly complains

"I have to get to work, besides maybe spending time with someone other than me and Toni will do you some good. Besides if Quinn found out we left her new friend stranded out here alone she would have our heads." Fangs replies

"Fine, but I'm only doing this because Quinn would actually do it." Sweet pea says back grouchily

"Thanks, I guess. It was nice meeting you Fangs." I say with a smile

"You to" He says back before turning around and walking away from us

"Lets go." Sweet pea says before he starts walking in the opposite direction of the way Fangs was going

Following closely behind him I start wondering if should say something or just continue on in the awkward silence. Deciding that the awkward silence was to much for my hyperactive brain to handle, I chose to break the silence and ask him a question.

"So this is some nice weather were having." I blurt out. Seriously Cal, nice weather were having? I didn't think it was possible for someone to be this lame around someone as cool as him.

"Not really." is all he says back to me

"So um, why do you hate north siders so much?" I ask as politely as possible, not wanting to anger him

"Because all you guys ever do is bash on the south side and the serpents, calling us trash and thugs." he says angrily

Great he's starting to get mad, the very thing I wanted to avoid.

"Not all of us do, I know the coopers are kind of hostile towards you guys, but I don't think you guys are any of those things, I think you all have more sense of loyalty and respect towards each other than anyone on the northside could ever dream of having." I calmly say back to him

"I also know my brother feels the same way, speaking of my brother he's gonna be so upset when he finds out I got lost again." I say trying to change the subject

When I don't get an answer I look over and up at him to find him looking at me strangely, I would ask him why he's looking at me like that but I'm afraid he'll just deflect.

"You do seem like the type of girl to get lost a lot." he says after what seems like an eternity of silence.

As I'm about to answer I realize we've arrived at my house.

"Well this is me. Thanks for taking me home, even though I know you didn't want to." I say softly

"You're not to horrible to be around I guess. See you around Picasso." he says before turning around and walking away.

"See you." I say back softly, even though he's already gone

Turning around and walking into the house the first thing I see is my pacing brother in the kitchen with a worried look on his face. As soon as he sees me walk in he rushes over hugging me like he hasn't seen me in ten years.

"Never do that to me again, you texted me and said you were coming home but when I got here you weren't anywhere to be found and I tried calling and texting but you didn't answer me, I thought something happened to you." he says so quickly I barley catch what he's saying.

"Wait a second, why are you covered in red paint?" He asks immediately after pulling away from the hug

"I accidently drenched myself in red paint earlier today and on the walk home I took a wrong turn somewhere and ended up on the southside, but it's okay cause these two serpents found me and one of them walked me home." I say cautiously

"You need to be more careful next time, if you get lost again what happens if it's not a serpent who finds you but a ghoulie? You could get hurt." he says

"I know, I promise I'll be more careful next time. Can I go shower now? the paint is really uncomfortable." I ask desperately

"Probably a good idea, you stink." he says teasingly

I don't bother answering because I'm desperate to clean all this paint off me.

By the time I got out of the shower it was already dark out, I could hear my brother was in his room listening to music. I decided not to bother him and figured i would just go to bed early and hope tomorrow was better.

Even as I lay in bed, all I could to think about was the devilishly handsome serpent who walked me home and if I would ever see him again.

Here's some pictures of her house and what the inside looks like.

Don't forget to vote and comment! (:

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