12 Days of TBS

By NewtIsNotDead

818 20 0

12 stories about Christmas and holidays with the one and only Thomas Sangster. Self prompts. Please enjoy all... More

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12

Day 8

43 3 0
By NewtIsNotDead

A/N: Very late upload, I apologize :3. Enjoy! Happy 2019!!!

His Adorable Santa Hat

It was that time of the year again. Everyone was wrapped in sweaters and scarves, all smiles while drinking their hot chocolate drinks or a cup of coffee.

She smiled and looked at the windows watching the snow falling and people passing by. He's late again. She rolled her eyes then the bell ringed, a new customer entering the café.

It was a man, frantically looking around causing the girl to smile to herself. This continued for a couple of minutes, the man having a worried face causing the woman to giggle and wave her hand.

He caught sight of the movement, heaving a breath of relief and made her way to the smiling woman. She maintains her look at him, who was hastily making his way to her.

The man sits down wearing a nervous and sheepish smile, she smirks at his obvious discomfort, "Hey, you." He sighs and runs a hand through his hair, "Hey. Look, I—" A finger was gently placed to his lips by the woman wearing a bright smile.

"Don't. It's fine. I don't mind waiting for you." The man sighs and flashes her a smile, "Thank you. I'll try to change, I promise." She laughs and looks at him with her almond eyes with such emotions.

He laughs and smirks at her, "I might melt if you keep staring like that." She smiles wider, "You'll be fine. Being the fastest man alive, you sure do keep a streak of being late during our date."

The man gasps dramatically, feigning pain and hurt, "How dare you!" She rolled her eyes at him, "You know, being a frosty woman, you sure do the warmest things."

She laughs, "All because I'm hopelessly in love with you."

He grins, "And... that's a good thing, babe."

She giggles again then pulls him for a kiss, which he gladly returned.

You smiled as you finished reading the fanfiction in your laptop done by your friend. Fishing out your phone,

Even after ten years, you still write so good.

Thanks for the compliment, my avid fan.

You laugh at his reply and sipped your cup of coffee, grinning at the taste. Turning back your attention to your laptop, you started typing about the presentation you needed to report next week.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Here's your sticker card!" A blonde-haired woman greets you with a smile and hands you your promo card, filled with all the 12 stickers needed for a special prize.

You smiled at her, "Thank you!" She nods, "You can redeem your prize from our manager, ma'am." She goes back to her post while you continued working on the graphs and discussions.

After an hour of editing and revising, you stretched your arms and yawned a little. Oh, its really getting cold here. You thought while rubbing yourself with your hands, feeling chilly despite wearing a thick and warm red sweater.

You look at the cashier, a small line greeting you. Standing up, you walked towards the other line which was a special line for people wanting to redeem a special prize by completing the promo given by the café

This was a piece of cake honestly, specially for someone like me who's a coffee addict and probably has caffeine coursing through my veins. You thought while waiting for your turn and remembering the past few days you spent indulging yourself to the wonders of caffeine.

"Next!" You walk closer to the counter and smiled, "Hello, I would like to avail the special prize for the completed promo card." The barista nodded, "Oh. Of course, ma'am. Let me just call our manager." He walks away and goes to another room beside their counter.

You fished out your phone, browsing through your social media and checking some emails.

"Good afternoon, ma'am. Would you like to get your special prize for completing our special promo?" A heavy accented voice ringed in your ears, getting your attention away from your phone.

"Yes—" You stopped in mid-sentence, eyes widening at the man in front of you. He had a bright smile, nose scrunched up and hazel eyes shining with delight. He was wearing a red long-sleeved shirt topped with a blue sweater and had a badge, Thomas. It read.

God. He's gorgeous. You smiled sheepishly and cleared your throat, "Yes! I would like to get my prize!" Thomas nodded and grinned widely, "What would you like, ma'am? An exclusive tumbler or the 2019 exclusive planner?" You didn't hear him that well, busy staring at him.

"You." His eyes widened a bit but smirked quickly, "I'm sorry, ma'am. But I'm not included as a 'prize'." Thomas whispered with a teasing smile making you blink your eyes then gasp, "Oh! No! Sorry! I meant, you? What do you think should... I-I-I get!"

Thomas nods, a smirk still visible, "Oh, my apologies ma'am. I guess I would say the tumbler but from the looks of it, I think you'll want the planner more." You nod, Wow. He actually guessed that right. "Alright. The planner it is then."

He nods and walks to the glass shelf beside him, opening it and getting the green and brown covered planner. He hands it to you in exchange of your promo card, "Thank you, ma'am!" Thomas says with a smirk while you smiled back, face flushing red and walked back to your seat.

Shit! What am I thinking!?! You?! Ugh!! You groaned while wanting to be eaten by your chair. Looking at the planner in your hands, "All of that embarrassment just for you!" You grumbled at the innocent notebook while a blond-haired man with a Santa hat on was watching you, completely amused.

"Another cup for you, love." You looked up from your phone, seeing a cup of caramel latte being placed on your table. "Oh. I didn't or—" You looked at the waiter and eyes widened realizing it was Thomas, wearing a smirk.

"On the house, love." He winks at you, who blushes a bit. He sits on the chair across you, "Thank you, Thomas." He grins and looks at you, "So, enjoying your stay at my café?"

You nod and smiled, "Of course. Comfortable place and top-notch coffee. Friendly staff and manager, what else could I ask for." He grins, "That's great to hear. Thanks."

The two of you started talking with each other, telling stories and getting to know each other better. He is really adorable. You continued while staring at Thomas, who was telling about something.

"You know, staring is kinda rude." He says with a smug smirk making you blush and cough, "Sorry." He leans closer to you, "I don't mind." Your eyes widened and fanned yourself. Oh god. From being adorable to hot. Damn.

"Sir, as much as I would've love to not interrupt you and ma'am, the crew needs you." The two of you look at the source of the voice, a man with a grin wearing the café's employee outfit.

Thomas sighs and stands up, "Alright, I'll be there in a jiff." The man nods and goes back to his post. You look at Thomas, "Sorry, Y/N. Duty calls." You laugh and thought of an idea.

You stood up, carrying your things and coffee, "It's alright, Thomas. I was about to leave anyway. Thank you, again." He smiles at you, "The pleasure is mine. Come back, alright? Don't go to other cafés, I'll be wounded if you do."

Thomas grasps his heart dramatically making you giggle and smirk at him, "Don't worry, I won't. I'll come back here, especially if I get to see a handsome man with an adorable Santa hat on."

His eyes widened, a faint blush coating his cheeks. You giggle and waved goodbye at Thomas, who stood frozen in place. She called me... h-handsome and a-a-adorable!

Thomas sighs and grins widely, "Good thing though or it would be weird for her to see my number on her latte cup."

You were walking down the street and looked at your cup, smiling at the numbers you saw,

Cheeky, brit.    

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