I set the die that day- bnha...

By KanaRika4

117K 3K 1.2K

If she was given everything she needed to succeed, to become the best hero in the world with everyone backing... More

character intro, prolouge and warnings
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Omake #1: What if they did the 2v2 battles?
Final Chapter

Chapter 25

1.8K 65 15
By KanaRika4

Chapter 25


She blinked before simply saying "because I thought it would be fun"


Everybody was shocked, the young girl had pretended that she was still injured for the first two rounds and still made it to the third stage and was advancing to the second round of the battle tournament after demonstrating her strong battle prowess.


Noriko walked over to the pile of her things picking up the jacket and throwing it around her shoulders, not bothering to put her arms through the sleeves and opting to wear it more like a cape. She then bent over to pick up the sets of crutches and braces before walking confidently out of the arena.

At the end of the tunnel, Shinsou stood waiting for her. He took her things ignoring her protests and then started walking to the changing rooms. Before coming down he had ensured that all of the ladies were up in the stands so he could confidently walk into the female changing room to drop of the supports near Noriko's things.

She had trailed behind his so once he had put them down he turned around and silently picked her up and placed her on one of his shoulders, keeping an arm up on her waist to make sure she didn't fall. He carried her to the stands and placed her back down on the railing that prevented spectators from falling. It wasn't doing a very job at it considering Noriko was sitting on it, effectively making it useless.

"Oooo~" Mina whispered teasingly, having just returned from recovery girls office to see the emotionless Shinsou carrying the classes most loved girl on his shoulder.

"I have to go" Shinsou stated simply "My competition is next" he resumed before smiling down at her faintly and turning back to the doorway.

Mina shimmied over to her small friend before asking a question "Are you and Shinsou-kun dating?" she said it innocently but everyone who heard knew that it was anything BUT innocent. Todoroki and Bakugou's heads whipped in the two girls direction listening for an answer to the absurd question.

Noriko's face flushed a deep scarlet as she started waving her hands in front of her embarrassedly "No NO NO!" she shouted, losing her balance on the thin metal pole. She lurched forward about to fall off of the railing. Everybody panicked terrified she would fall and die, but Mina shot out her hand at just the right time to catch her arm. Noriko was dangling over the side, but with her size, it wasn't difficult to just pull her right back up into the stands.

Once Noriko had regained her composure in the floor of the stands, her hands on her knees and breathing deeply she finished the answer to Mina's question, "Shinsou-kun was just helping me move my crutches and braces, and since I'm really small he decided to carry me here instead of matching my really small steps, just like the rest of you do" her cheeks puffed out in annoyance, hating the fact that everybody picks her up, it makes her feel like she is a kid and not an internationally wanted villain.

"SHINSOU HITOSHI ADVANCES TO THE THIRD ROUND!" everyone in the class 1A stands had been too distracted by Noriko's dilemma to watch Shinsou's match against Uraraka. Of course, there wasn't much to see as it had been the same as his first. It wasn't flashy like some of the future fights were likely to be it was just him commanding Uraraka out of bounds and her doing it because of his quirk which temporarily ruled her brain. "THE SECOND FIGHT OF THE THIRD FIGHT IS BOUND TO BE INTERESTING! IZUKU MIDORIYA FROM CLASS A VERSUS ITSUKA KENDO FROM CLASS B! WHO WILL WIN!? LET'S FIND OUT" Present Mic declares as the two competitors come out of their assigned opposite tunnels.

Izuku looked at Kendo with grim determination remembering her last fight and how she was able to simply throw Sero off of the platform. He didn't want that to happen to him, but he also hadn't yet come up with a countermeasure for her hand yet. He had quick thinking so he assumed that he could simply figure it out as he went along.

He was wrong. The second Midnight signaled to begin Kendo enlarged her hand and scooped him up. He thrashed around desperately in her grasp. He activated his quirk in his finger and flicked, air and dust kicked up all around them. Kendo winced at the sharp pain that bloomed in the palm of her large hand but she refused to let go. She wanted to make class B proud, and maybe just a little bit she wanted to prove Monoma's incessant ranting about class A being pretentious and overrated, to be true. She wanted to beat class A.

She reeled her arm back, the top of Izuku's head nearly touching the concrete below them, and then launched it forward, releasing Izuku from her grasp halfway through the motion so he went flying out of bounds and she stayed inside with minimal damage to both herself and the platform.

Class B stood and cheered loudly for their motherly classmate. The rest of the stands clapped and commended her for her efforts, a few commented on how she was predictable and repeated her performance but not enough did so to warrant any care for their comments. She looked at her companions and smiled widely glad to be one of them, even if they didn't make it very far in the tournament.

Class A, on the other hand, was grumbling quietly. While also having someone not quite so subtle...

"HA TAKE THAT YA FUCKIN DEKU" Bakugou shouted, "AND YOU" he yelled pointing at the still standing Kendo, "IM GONNA BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU LATER" he declared.

"Don't you think you're getting a little ahead of yourself? she's still gotta beat me before she could fight you" Shinsou remarked lethargically. "And anyways, you still have to beat, Todoroki, and then Kirishima or Noriko, before you can fight anybody in my half of the bracket"

"TODOROKI AND BAKUGOU PLEASE COME TO THE ARENA FOR YOUR BATTLE" Present Mic called over the loudspeakers, causing the two of them to jolt before turning towards the door for their fight.

Once they had both gotten to the platform they looked across at each other, both of them had a look of hatred, like they both mutually wanted to kill the other and make it seem like an accident.

"Battle, start!" Midnight shouted.

A.N. I know this is a really short chapter but I just kind of wanted to get it out for you guys today specifically because...ITS MY BIRTHDAY! IM FINALLY 16! And making everyone who reads this really happy is kind of like a birthday present to me so I wanted to make you happy with another chapter, the next one will probably come out soon though because it's kind of like the second half to this one so I know a lot of what I want to write and the details I just have to write it. We are going to watch howls moving castle later along with cake, have any of you seen it? we are also currently bingeing "servant x service"it's like the anime version of "the office" it's really entertaining so there's an anime recommendation for ya. we tried to make an AMV but failed miserably so anime was the emotional failure cushion. anyways, have a good day and I hope you liked the chapter!

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