Abnormal / / Luke Hemmings

By poisoncalum

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"My life is just one big running depressing poem" "I like depressing poems" "I don't" "I know, love" More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Authors Note

Chapter ten

71 4 5
By poisoncalum

Every Monday at school we were supposed to have a meeting about our senior trip to Disney World where we can discuss how we can raise money for it and such. That meant we had to be at school half an hour earlier than usual and every senior dreaded it. Another thing they dreaded was having Remi Knocker, class president, tell us all what to do. She had to be the biggest loud mouth in the school. It was only the third Monday in and I was already over it.

"Okay, this weekend there will be a party at my house, it's five dollars to enter and all of that will go into the fundraiser." 

I was sitting inbetween Ashton and Luke and Ashton thought it was appropriate to laugh. 

"Something funny, Ashton?" Remi asked from the front of the room. I could tell she had an attraction to him which made me feel worse for her when Ashton made fun of her.

"Yeah, who do you think is gonna show? Pay five dollars to drink Mike's Hard and play twister, my ass."

"Well, no one asked you to show. The rest of us who don't spend our time doping out might enjoy a little gathering like this." All the cheerleaders and jocks clapped for her but Ashton just narrowed his eyes at her and she blushed. I swatted his arm so he would lose focus.

"Jesus Ashton, give the poor girl a break." 

"Alright Holland, you can go to the party and tell me it isn't lame."

"Deal. I'll have a great time."

Luke turned to me. "You aren't actually going to go though, right?" 

"Yes, I am."

"Holland, we can't have fun there!" 

"You don't have to come, I will have fun without you."

"Seems a tad impossible." 

"Oh Luke, it is very much possible."

He shrugged and turned back to the front. On his other side I could see Calum shooting glares at his ex-girlfriend Allie who was the treasurer. I swatted him next and raised my eyebrows. He just smiled at me reassuringly and looked anywhere but at her again. Michael was a row ahead right in front of us because he wanted to nap and he knew Ash would bother him. 

After another ten minutes of boredom, Maggie released us and we all dispursed into the courtyard. I lost Luke in the flood of seniors and the only boy who I managed to stay with was Calum. "What's happening with you and Allie?"

"Nothing, I think she is still hooking up with Matt." They had told Matt he was out of the band thing after he hooked up with her in the first place. He now hung around with the jocks. 

"Do you want her back?" 

He shrugged. "I just kind of wish she wanted me back." I wrapped my arm around Calums waist and pulled him in for a hug which he returned.

"It's her fucking mistake Cal, you're great."

"Thanks Holl, that actually helps."

"And fuck Matt." 

A voice behind us spoke. "Cheers to that." 

We turned and Matt was standing there with Veronica, Luke's ex.

"Can we help you?" Calum asks him, locking his jaw.

"So first you hook up with Luke and now Calum, working your way around the band." He accused, staring at me.

"Fuck off, dick, we're friends." Calum yelled stepping forward.

"Oh please, we all know what this little whore is up to." This came from Veronica. "I heard Luke only hangs with you because you blackmail him."

"Shut up." I whisper. I can feel tears forming in my eyes. I have always hated confrontation.

"You know me and Luke are just going to get back together right? He always comes around. You're just his inbetween. It happens all the time." She spit.

"Yeah well if we all don't remember your pathetic ass always beg him to come back." Calum shot back for me.

"Yeah well, he's already been texting me about it." Everyone went silent. Even Calum couldn't even fire back at that. 

"He has?" I mumble.

"Yeah, we've been getting pretty dirty through text too, if you'd like to see?" 

I shook my head. I felt sick. I gripped to Cal who pulled me away. He led me to find Ash who was against a wall. "Dude, lets go home." Ashton only nodded and they walked me to Ash's car. I sat in the front and Calum took the back. 

"She's fucking lying. Luke only talks about you."

"We're only friends, I'm okay. Just angry he lied to me." 

We pulled up to Ashton and Calums apartment. They live alone because they are both from bad families. Their apartment complex is a tad shitty but they both only work part time so its all they can afford. We went up the elevator to the eleventh floor and when we got off we went to the second door to the left and Ashton pushed it open. Inside there was a couch and a few chairs. An old television that I figured didn't work, and the kitchen which seemed close to empty. Three doors came off the room, one I assumed was a bathroom and the other two were their bedrooms. We all sat on the couch and they suprised me by turning on the tv.

"It may be ancient, but it works wonders." Ashton commented flipping channels. We settled on an all day Harry Potter marathon and that took us through the morning. Around one we all got hungry. 

"I can order pizza?" Calum offered and me and Ashton agreed. He took the phone and placed the order while Ashton went into his room to get cards. We played spit until there was a knock on the door and the pizza arrived. 

"This is good." I practically groan as I take my first bite. They all mumble agrees and we eat both pizza's completely. 

"Jesus Holland, for a small girl you can eat." Calum jokes.

"I don't mess around with Pizza." 

"Clearly." Ashton giggles and takes another bite. He looks at his phone and sighs. "Michael is coming." 

"Whats wrong with that?" I questioned.

"He's bringing Luke."

"Agh, Fuck." I groan. I was in no position to talk to Luke. I probably looked upset because the boys both turned to me concerned.

"Look, we can tell him to fuck off." Calum suggests.

"No, it's fine." I lie. I couldn't have them thinking I liked Luke or something, because that wasn't why I was upset. I was angry he lied to me and made him leaving Veronica so cute and sweet when they were fucking behind my back. I sat on the couch with a headache, covering myself up in a blanket. Damn, I could really use something to calm my nerves. 

The knock on the door came sooner than expected and Calum went to get it. I watched out of the corner of my eye as Michael came in and Luke straight behind him. I was expecting some sort of apology so you can imagine my shock when it didn't come. He sat on the recliner across from me and I could feel him staring at me. I glanced up and sure enough he was. When he caught my eye he just gave me a lazy smile and I looked at Ashton trying to concentrate on what he was saying. Mid-conversation Luke's phone rang and he excused himself into Calum's room to take the call. The boys turned to me expecting me to spill how I felt, but I only shrugged. 

"He's a wreck, honestly. He was scared of this the whole way here." Michael sighed.

"Scared of what?"

"That you'd ignore him." 

I breathe out heavily as he comes back in and takes his seat. He looked at the screen and smiled and jealousy poured through me. 

"How was school Luke? You get fucked in the band room again?" I spat. He looked up with wide eyes and the other boys snapped around to look at me.

"N-no, Holl, can we not talk about this here?" He stumbled over his words and it made me smirk.

"What's to talk about?" 

"Please don't do this now." 

My mind keeps telling me to shut up but my mouth won't. "Do what? Get this story straight? So after you got me to hook up with you did you go to hers' to finish the job?" 

The boys uncomfortable stood up and walked into Ashton's room. I had to apologize to them later. "You know it isn't like that."

"Then how the fuck is it Luke? You tell me you break up with her and I agree to this fucking deal so what? You can sleep with other girls? What if I fucked someone else? I could fuck Ashton, I'm sure he'd do the job." I yell, standing up. He follows my lead and I walk into the kitchen space trying to get away from him.

"Don't fucking say that! You better remember you belong to me." This was a side I had never seen before. I saw a bit of it at the party, but not how it was now. He was red, and in my face. I was extremely turned on. 

"Fuck you, Hemmings. You can sleep with whoever you want because I'm done." I pushed him back and he grabbed my wrists. 

"Done with what?" His voice was almost in a whisper now and he backed me into the fridge. 

"Done letting you touch me, done letting you kiss me, done letting you act like you own me." His face found its way to my neck, and he began to suck on my sweet spot. "Luke, stop." I tried to demanded but instead moaned. 

"You couldn't really get rid of me, not after how good I make you feel, could you baby?" He mumbled into my neck. His hands found the waist band of my pants and shoved them down and he immediately pushed his hand into my panties and his fingers into me. I cried out in pleasure and bucked my hips. He repeated his actions, speeding up occasionally, and whispering dirty things into my neck. 

"Luke, I-I'm gonna, I can't-" I cut myself off by moaning and releasing. He took his fingers back, and wiped them on his jeans. Then I hit him hard.

"What's wrong?" He asked, following me out of the kitchen.

"Fuck you Luke, this doesn't change anything." 

"You letting me fingerfuck you on the counter doesn't change anything?" 

"I'm still pissed at you."

He sighed and sat on the couch and motioned me to come sit with him. "I'm so sorry, Holland, I just, its a habit. I swear I haven't done it since we made our deal though, all I want is you now." He pulled me onto his lap. A door opened and I flushed because I forgot all the boys were here.

"Guys," Ash coughed. "Next time you fuck in our kitchen, can you atleast keep it down?" 

They all kept their hands infront of their crotchs and I flushed even more. 

"Sweet, just a couple of guys getting hard to their friends getting it on. Nice one boys." Luke joked and Mikey moved one hand to smack Luke in the head. 

"Well, I'm gonna go. My mom probably needs me home." I sigh and collect my things together.

"I can take you home." Luke stood up but I pushed him back down. 

"No, I'm alright."

"Holland, it's fine." 

I nodded and said goodbye to the boys. They all took a seat on the couch and flicked on the tv. We stepped out of the apartment and Luke attempted to grab my hand but I shook it off. We stood awkwardly waiting for the elevator and I could see Luke look at me out of the corner of his eye and it made me self-councious. When it did open, a man stepped out and allowed us on and the doors closed, leaving us in a small space. I backed into the corner and Luke pressed his body against mine. 

"Are you mad?" He whispered down at me. I looked him in the face and he seemed concerned.

"I just think we need to put the brakes on. Maybe take a break from, well this."


I placed my hand on his chest and pushed him back slightly. "I just think," I let out another sigh. "I think we, I mean I, we should figure out what we want."

"I thought we agreed, no feelings? Do you like me?" 

"No, of course not. We're friends. I think maybe you still have some feelings for Veronica if I'm being honest and I think you should sort them out." 

"I don't, Holl, I made up my mind with her."

The elevator openned, saving me from an answer. "I have to go, Luke." I push past him and quickly walked out of the building. I walk along the street and his footsteps continue to follow me. After a few minutes of walking, I stopped, and Luke slammed into me.

"Luke stop following me, go home."

"No, Holland don't do this." 

Tears were welling in my eyes. I turned away and he wrapped his arms around my waist but I squirmed away. "Stop, Luke please."

"Listen to me, just babe, please don't." He grabbed me in a hug and I accepted it. I hugged him for a long time and tears were running down my face and when we pulled apart, he took his thumbs and rubbed them away. 

"Luke, I don't want you ruining your relationships because of me." 

He pulled me in again. "Our friendship is important to me, Holland, I wish you could see that." 

"Luke, I really just need a break. I really need to just take a day or something." I turned around to walk away and his hand found my wrist and pulled me back. His hands cupped my face and his lips pressed to mine. He deepened it immediately and I allowed his tounge to enter my mouth. My hands found his chest and I gently pushed him off. He looked at me expectantly but I could only shake my head. 

"I'll see you later, Luke." I whispered, and turned away, leaving him behind. 

A/N: HIIII OMFG IM SO SORRY I MADE YOU WAIT SO LONG. I don't really like this chapter it is sort of a filler but I planned out the next chapters and I'm going to update again soon. I had writers block but I'm working on it. I might update again tomorrow. DONT HATE ME OMG I SHIP HUKE SO MUCH I HATE THAT THEY ARE FIGHTING. 


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