12 Days of TBS

By NewtIsNotDead

740 20 0

12 stories about Christmas and holidays with the one and only Thomas Sangster. Self prompts. Please enjoy all... More

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12

Day 7

46 2 0
By NewtIsNotDead

Under the damn Mistletoe II

"Thomas." You said in a whisper, staring at his emotionless face.

"Y/N." He replies, completely stoic.

You felt the universe stop as the two of you continued looking at each other. Feeling your heart break into pieces as you gaze at him with guilt and sorrow while he reflects it with blankness.

"Glad to see your back, after 8 years." Thomas said, attempting a small and fake smile.

He moves away from you and greets your other friends. You stared at his now blank spot, fighting back the tears attempting to be spilled. I deserve this. I hurt him. For 8 years, he was in pain of me disappearing in his life. No trace but the scars and bruises in his heart.

You shake your head, composing yourself and breathing slowly. Helena notices your reaction and pats your back, "Are you alright, Y/N?"

You look back at her, face filled with worry and concern. Mustering up a smile, "I'm fine." Helena slowly nods and pulls you to a hug, "Everything we'll be fine. He just needs time." You nod in her arms, "Thanks, Ele."

Thomas Sangster... my best friend since I was six years old. We did everything together, from bathing together, playing, eating, and enjoying the simple things in life.

As we grow up, I felt my feelings for him grow much more than just being friends with him. I know I should've confessed but... I was afraid of destroying the beautiful friendship we have and losing him.

I thought my feelings would fade away but it didn't, ironically it grew stronger and stronger. Every time he had his days of storm clouds and darkness, I would be by his side. Listening to his frustrations and being a shoulder for him to cry on.

Of course, he dated other girls but none of those relationships were successful. Guess, I'm just not lucky at love. He would always with a sad smile after the fair share of heartbreaks he had suffered.

I would pull him to a hug, Silly, you haven't just found the right one, yet. He laughs and look at me, Oh, how I wish she wouldn't hide herself that hard. I smile at him, And I wish, it wasn't so hard to just tell you my real feelings and probably make you happy but I can't.

Its silly, but my fear of rejection would always haunt and stop me. I'm sorry, Tommy. We stayed like that for a while, staring at each other then at the night sky; enjoying the breeze and quietness surrounding us.

Everyone was chatting and laughing while you remained quiet, staring at the floor. They were playing Uno and are having so much fun, "Uno!" Jake shouted excitedly while Helena and Marina groaned in frustration. Thomas was watching them with a grin but sometimes he would glance at you.

"Y/N!!" You look up and saw Marina coming over to you with a smile, "What's wrong, Mar?" She laughs, "Why are you so far away from us? Seat near us!!" She pulls you near your friends.

You were awkwardly sat on the couch near Thomas causing you to blink nervously. Helena glances at you, who smiles back and nods. The three continued playing Uno.

Some of the guests were leaving, saying good bye to Helena and greeting you welcome back. "I give up! You're cheating us!!" Marina said completely annoyed at Jake who managed to win three times in a row.

He smirks at Marina, "What a strong accusation, Engr. Ruze. I'll see you in court then, my attorney would be Y/N!" Marina gasps, "You! Y/N won't defend you! Y/N will defend me!! Right?"

Marina looks at you with puppy eyes causing you to laugh at their silly antics. I missed these moments. Helena smiled at the sight of you laughing at Jake and Marina who were bickering.

"How about... we play a round of Truth or Dare!!" Marina suggested as she finally beat Jake after his 9 streaks of win. Jake nods, "I'm up for it." Helena nods while leaning on her boyfriend, Harvey.

"How you, Y/N and Thomas? You guys fine with it?" Jake asks the two of you, who were completely quiet during their Uno session. You nod, "I'm okay with, I guess." Thomas sighs, "Fine by me."

The six of you formed a circle, Jake and Thomas were sat side by side while you were beside Thomas (awkward) then next to you was Helena then Marina and finally Harvey.

"Alright, time to spin the bottle!" But before Jake can spin the bottle, "Wait, I'll spin it. I won the last round of Uno." She says with a smug smile while Jake rolls his eyes chuckling.

"Harvey!" Marina clapped her hands when the bottle stopped pointing at Harvey who simply smiled. "Harvey, truth or dare?" She asks him with a smirk causing Helena to close her eyes and silently pray.

"Dare." He said making Marina laugh loudly, "Okay. I dare you to... be with Helena inside the closet for as long as you like!" Thomas, Jake, and you chuckled while Helena blushed various shades of red,

Harvey laughs and smirks at Helena, "That's not really a dare, Marina. We were planning to do something similar like that later anyway." Marina's eyes widened and laugh loudly.

Helena stands up and pulls her grinning boyfriend out of their circle and up to their room. "Oh my god. Those two are adorable." Marina says in between laughter while you simply chuckled. I'm glad she found someone like Harvey.

The game continued, Marina spinning it. Landing at Jake, who was dared to do one of the dances in Fortnite. When it landed on Thomas, who was dared to drink a special drink made by Marina.

He smirks at her, "That's the worst you can make? Cute." Jake laughs at Marina, whose mouth hanged open. "Thomas is used to that; this dude here has some tolerance in disgusting drinks and pain."

Jake pats him on the back while Thomas laughs, "I had to learn to tolerate anyway. Especially pain." He glances at you, who quickly looked away and coughed.

"Y/N, you spin it." Marina said with a grin. You reached out and spun the bottle which landed on Marina. "Dare!" She exclaims even before you could ask.

You laugh and smiled at her, "I dare you to... hug someone you like in this room." Her eyes widened, Y/N!! What?! You look at her, What? It's just a dare. Just hug Jake already. I know you like him.

Marina clears her throat and with a blush, she pulled Jake into a minute-long hug. His eyes widened in shock while Marina continued blushing, when they pull away the two couldn't look at each other.

Thomas also notices this and chuckles quietly while you looked at Marina with a teasing smile, "Should we continue?" She looks at you with a pout and spins the bottle.

"Yes!!" Marina grinned mischievously as the bottle finally points at you. A sigh escapes your mouth, "Dare." You said with a smile causing Marina to smile wickedly, "I dare you to... say the words that you are afraid to say to me, Jake, or Thomas or us."

You look at Marina, You had to, don't you? She giggles lightly. Clearing your throat, "I want to apologize to all of you. Sorry for leaving all of you eight years ago, it was bittersweet but I remained strong." You notice Thomas glancing at you.

"As I was studying there, all alone and adjusting to everything, I kept missing all of you. Your smiles, laugh, and words that help me get through life. I almost gave up and wanted to go back but I didn't. I thought that I would waste the opportunity of reaching my dreams. And fortunately, I've reached it and now, I'm here with all of you again. I missed all of you."

You end with a smile and tears around your eyes, Marina quickly pulls you to a hug and sniffling a little. Jake smiles at you while Thomas avoided looking at you.

"And I want to apologize to a special person, I want him to know that I would understand if he'll stay angry at me forever. I deserve it for hurting him and leaving him all alone." Thomas was staring at you intently but you continued speaking.

"My words won't be able to take back the pain he must've felt but I wanted to say sorry to him. I hope you can forgive me, even if we don't be friends again; I just want you to know I'm sorry. You deserve to be happy and I hope you do find happiness." You end with a smile while Marina hugs you tighter.

"It'll be alright, Y/N." She rubs your back while you hug her back, thankful for the comfort she was providing. Jake and Thomas remained quiet, letting you relax and compose yourself.

You walk to the balcony, gazing at the stars and enjoying the calmness that the night provided. Marina and Jake were playing Uno again but something changed, they were both wearing wide smiles and cheeks flushed red.

Finally, those two are starting to realize their feelings. You thought while leaning on the ledge, "Beautiful night, huh?" A familiar British voice asked causing you to turn around.

You felt your heart beat faster at the sight of Thomas walking towards you. He stands a few centimeters away from you. "Y-Y-Yeah." You replied nervously and avoiding looking at him.

"Aren't you going to tell me?" He asks while looking at the stars, "Tell you what?" Thomas faces you, a hurt look on his face which caused your heart to break.

"Stop stalling, Y/N! I knew that you were apologizing to me during your dare. And I can forgive you and be your friend but please, I want to know the bloody reason why you left me alone 8 years ago?!" He said completely exasperated.

You felt tears forming around your eyes, "It's nothing, Tommy. No need for you to know." You hear him groan in frustration, "Funny and here I thought you'll tell me the reason. But no, you're running away from it again!"

He was right. I'm avoiding again. But that's what I need to do. I'll avoid it as long as possible despite the fact that avoiding it is just a temporary solution. Thomas sighs and frustratedly runs his hand through his blond hair.

"Blood hell, Y/N! Tell me!! Please!!" He closes the gap between the two of you, grabbing your shoulders. He looks at you, eyes filled with frustration and despair while you were forced to stare back with tears around your worry filled eyes.

"Fine! I'll tell you why! I left you 8 years ago because I love you! Yes, Thomas Brodie Sangster, I love you. I don't remember the time I first felt it but as the years go by and we grew closer and closer, my feelings grew stronger and stronger." He stares at you, eyes completely wide.

"I didn't tell you because I was scared that I'll destroy our friendship and I'll lose you! And I can't bear that! I can bear the thought of you loving someone else while I silently love you but losing you from my life that I can't handle." You ended, tears flowing down from your face.

Thomas remained quiet. This is what I was afraid of. Shit. You shake off his grip and was about to run away. Suddenly, a hand grabs and pulls you causing you to squeak in surprise.

You looked up and saw Thomas staring at you with eyes filled with something new; Is he looking at me with love?

He smiles, "After confessing your feelings to me, you're going to run away? You're rude, Atty. Y/L/N."

Before you could speak, a pair of lips pressed onto yours. Your eyes widened and face got set on fire. He's kissing me. Thomas. He pulls away, "I love you, Y/N. You were always there for me but I thought I didn't deserve someone like you so I didn't tell you." You kept quiet, feeling the quick beat of your heart.

"But remember the Snow Ball during our 2nd year where I punched Jason for hitting on you? I did that because he didn't deserve you and I realized I was jealous because why can't I casually sweet talk you back then." Thomas said with a smile, "I love you, Y/N."

You felt tears flowing down your eyes, "Ohh, Thomas." You engulf him in a loving hug, happy that after all those years; the two of you are now together. Jake and Marina were looking at the two of you, "Finally, the two love birds made up."

~a year later~

Your whole face was set on fire as everyone cheered in the background. A warm hand was cupping your face, "Of all people, why am I stuck with you under the damn mistletoe?"

The man cupping your face smirks, "Hey, you're bloody lucky that your hot and handsome best friend and crush and boyfriend is about to give you the best kiss of your lifetime."

With your beet red face, Thomas slowly closes the gap while you close your eyes. And the moment your lips met, ignoring the cheers and whistles of your friends, the world stops moving again and a smile finds it way to your face.

Say your feelings. It's a brave thing to do. And whether you get rejected or not, you should be proud. At least, you tried to gamble and felt the pain that will help in shaping you to be better.

A/N: Votes and comments are well-appreciated!! Thank you!! :D

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