Warframe:lost cause(Finished)

By iohawa

9.1K 209 45

This story follows an ash and how everything changes in his world from his friends his surroundings and his d... More

Chapter 1 Ash's last mission
Chapter 2 reawakened to the new world
Chapter 3 enter arbiters of hexis
Chapter 4 the new world
Chapter 5 a raid?!
Chapter 6 abducted
Chapter 7 Crashed into the Syndicate
Chapter 8 heading to cephalon
Chapter 9 introducing the creators of destruction
Chapter 10 stranded on ceres
Chapter 11 alone and cold
Chapter 12 saving a friend
Chapter 13 waking up in an aftermath
Chapter 14 the upbringing on europa
Chapter 15 Plan to destroy snao
Chapter 16 war on Europa
Chapter 17 war on europa p2
Chapter 18 war on europa p3
Chapter 19 the uncharted planet
Chapter 20 Tough planet
Chapter 21 is he gone?
Chapter 22 on our way!
Chapter 23 the pit
chapter 24 Saryn
Chapter 25 these cages
Chapter 26 judgement
Chapter 27 Hell on earth
Chapter 28 Ghost tera
Chapter 29 the zephyr
Chapter 30 the simulacrum
Chapter 31 all gone to hell
Chapter 32 the simulacrum p2
Chapter 33 the war
Chapter 34 Ash the lost
Chapter 35 onlookers
Chapter 36 no more shells
Chapter 37 leave
Chapter 38 back into society
Chapter 39 Goals
Chapter 40 off to see nasd
Chapter 41 flushed out
Chapter 42 Revenge
Chapter 43 after report
Chapter 44 Lost in a dream
Chapter 45 the lost hero in the same era
Chapter 46 the arbiters bane
Chapter 47 aftershock
Chapter 48 odd ones
Chapter 49 Into the void
Chapter 50 Split mind
Chapter 51 seige
Chapter 52 the red veils rage
Chapter 53 Red veil miserys true intentions!
Chapter 54 unexpected alliance
Chapter 55 intrigued
Chapter 56 45 minutes of misery
Chapter 57 Ashs to ashs
Chapter 58 the trials ahead.
Chapter 59 weaponry!
Chapter 60 Basic steps.
Chapter 61 the orginal husk
Chapter 62 plans in motion
63 glitch in the system
Chapter 64 strike the heart
Chapter 65 Unspeakable terror/Chapter 66 Peace
Chapter 67 outpost
Chapter 68 Time to deal some vengence
Chapter 69 broken heart
Chapter 70 the strange man
Chapter 71 Marked
Chapyer 72 No lives are special
Chapter 73 Let me explain myself
Chapter 74 Reunions
Chapter 75 Beliefs
Chapter 76 Rathuum
chapter 77 the spoils
Chapter 78 Eternal
Chapter 79 the new world
Chapter 80 Operation Takeover
Chapter 81 Redemption
Chapter 82 the sattelite
Chapter 83 reawakened
Chapter 84 Hunters
Chapter 85 intial
Chapter 86 Drifter
Chapter 87 Apocalypse
Chapter 88 A warning
Chapter 89 A terror to all rogues
Chapter 90 The infested planet
Chapter 91 Father
Chapter 92 The shell janus
Chapter 93 rested up
Chapter 94 the mutants evolved
Chapter 95 The hybrid type
Chapter 96 the second raid
chapter 97 defection
chapter 98 awake again
Chapter 99 a fellow exile
Chapter 100 The genocide of a nation
Chapter 101 the neo
Chapter 102 rerisen
Chapter 103 Ctrl
Chapter 104 Lio virgo
Chapter 105 overlord
chapter 107 Where?
Chapter 108 The shaken universe p1
Chapter 109 The shaken universe p2
Chapter 109-2 imperfection
Chapter 110 the shaken universe p3
Chapter 111 the shaken universe p4
Chapter 112 there entitlement
chapter 113 Heirarchy.
Chapter 114 endebted
Chapter 115 end goal
Chapter 116 Nightime menace
a quick note
Chapter 117 death means no more betrayal
Chapter 118 a rescue mission for centuries
Chapter 119 another
chapter 120 fortress sent down
Chapter 121 The others
Chapter 112 Plan annhilation
123 the ashs of dera
Chapter 124 The army of many.
Chapter 125 the raid to come
Chapter 126 the means to and end
Chapter 127 the means to an end p2
Chapter 128 the means to an end p3
Chapter 129 the means to an end p4
the means to an end p5
Chapter 131 the time after.
Chapter 132 the time after p2.
Chapter 133 time after p3
Chapter 134 The new world we started
Chapter 135 the new world we started p2
Chapter 136 the new world we started p3
Chapter 137 the world we started p4
Chapter 138 Epilogue

Chapter 106 answers

20 1 0
By iohawa

I run to where I see the monster going and tackle it.


Lio:you do what you gotta do.

She goes the other way. And I follow the monster


Another mutant gets infront of me


I grab it by its flesh and throw it at the running mutant and it knocks them both on the floor. I blast the mutant I threw with the laser in the head instantly blowing his head off.


It starts eating the other one and it grows back its legs


It tries to resist but the mutant snaps the other ones back and it folds into its mouth.


Ash:So you can speak.

Mutant:Where am I..

It sounds female

Ash:What do you know about nasd.


Her eyes twich and turn yellow for a second


Ash:who is he to you...

Mutant:Im so hungry....


She flinches backwards.


She eats more of the mutant pieces that fell on the floor


I Aim the gauntlet at her.

Mutant:My...My husband.

Ash:.......where is he.

Mutant:Dont remember...he..we were on..able....leten GHHGHHH!!!

Her eyes change again and she launches herself at me


I launch at her and we end up on the ground


I punch her in the head 5 times


I blast her in the chest.


Ash:He took my friend away so I should make you disappear!

I shove a grenade in her throat and take a ripline and throw her back.


She seems to have swallowed it


She burps and a blast comes out.



She burps towards me and a blast knocks me backwards


She then sprawls out of the dust and grabs my leg


I kick her head so hard a foot mark is left in it.


I stomp her out and shoot her in the back and put her backwards


She rips some flesh off the wall and throws it at me and it sticks to my face.


I hear her footsteps get away from me


I rip it off and throw it on the floor.

Ash:Damnit...where did she go?!

I start trudging through the area seeing sludge and bodies everywhere.

Ash:ehg....no wonder he doesnt moniter this place its a wasteland.

Many dead warframes and corpus alike.

???:Im scaredd.....


I look to my right and left and see nobody


Suddenly there is a saryn behind me shes hunched over.

Saryn:Is there anything you could...spare...


Saryn:Like...A weapon?

Ash:No cant say I do.

I suspect this things a mutant and dont let it out my sight.

Saryn:Oh...Thats makes me sad...

She turns around and starts walking.

Ash:......is this place a breeding ground for mutants?


She tilts her head towards me and her face looks like a humans with a scary expression on her face as it looks melted.

Saryn:We prefer...outcasts...tehehe...

She walks into a wall and disappears.

Ash:Shouldnt stay here longer then I got too...doubt any hunters would try and kill me here thou.

Im cut off as the saryn flops out the ceiling.



I punch her in the face out of reflex with my non gauntlet hand

Saryn:Yeah...okay I deserved that...

She slumps out the ceiling and is standing infront of me.

Saryn:What are you here for....

Ash:That ravenous one that ran past.

Saryn:Ravenous one?... hell that could be all of us. You look delic...

Ash:Ill rip your fuckin head off if you stand in my way.

I grab her neck with my gauntlet hand

Ash:Think for a second ill hesitate? Test me.

Saryn:Ggh!?! Ghggh!?

I throw her to the side

Ash:Got shit to do. Excuse me.

I start following after the husk further and further finding more bodies and going around areas with many infested sounds.

Saryn:Hey...you were just gonna leave me?

Ash:Im sick of yo..

Saryn:Look im so...

Ash:DONT CUT ME THE FUCK OFF! Why are you following me?

Saryn:Your intrestin...you dont like our kind do you.


She seemed kind of stunned at how fast I answered

Saryn:.....okay uhm..

Ash:Who were you before you got infected?

Saryn:Uhn well...

Ash:maybe I should do the past you a favor.

Saryn:Wait man...I mean you no harm. Look!

She goes into the floor.


I start was walking foward and she appears again holding the mutant.


Saryn:See im helpful.

She drops the mutant

Ash:I see you wont just stay where I want you too.


Ash:Cant risk you breaking out on my planet though.


Saryn:Stick her in a glass.

Ash:Whats a glass gonna do to an infested.


It tries to jump at me I smack her back down


Saryn:What will you do.

Ash:Get outta here.

I punt the mutant out of the room we are in down the stairs.

Ash:She knows something. But I cant do anything with what I have now. She did mention leten though..

Saryn:You wouldn..

Ash:Im goin to pay him a visit.

She stands back shocked.

Saryn:Seriously?!....the father of all mutants?!

Ash:If you knew how long ive been looking for him. You would understand.

Saryn:....can I come?

Ash:your comin your own way. Im not taking you anywhere.


Ash:What your afraid of him?


Ash:Im tired of running around im tired of this bullshit. She mentioned nasd and leten if leten did what I think he did. I have no fear. He will die.


She fades into the floor.


I start walking to the nearest exit a mutant snarls at me

Mutant 3:GRAAGHH

It shoots a toungue out its mouth I grab it in air

Mutant 3:GWAGH?!

I pull it by its tounge towards me and punch it three times in the chest


I then smash him against the covered up window.

Ash:Get out of my way.

I blast his chest with a ton of force from the gauntlet it smashs all the infested gunk from the window and knocks him out into space.

Gauntlet:75 percent activated sixth gear opened.

Ash:Good. Ima need you for this...

I see lio on my way out.

LioThere you are lets head ba..


Lio:? But the raid is tomorrow.


Lio:what are you doing.

Ash:cutting loose ends.

Lio:.....if you come back dont expect us to be home we will probably be on earth.


I head out to the sky and start heading to jupiter.

Ash:....Im sick of this...all of this. This revenge for nasd. All of it.

I start flying around the planet and land onto a high building.

Ash:Where would he hide?

I look around and see some building with growths on it

Ash:Ill get answers there I bet.

I float down to the streets I see mutants crawling through the windows as a gara husk walks towards me.

Gara husk:Your in the wrong place shell.

Ash:Ill fuckin gut you.

The husks look at each other

Gara husk:You talking to me.

Ash:wheres leten.

Gara husk:Excuse m..

I aim my gauntlet at her and blast her head off she falls to the ground lifeless


The husks stare at me


Ash:Blade storm.

I use bladestorm but instead of using my blades I use my gauntlet. I punch through all of them.


They all fall down unable to regenrate the wounds I put on them. I grab an ash husk

Ash:Leten. Where?

Ash husk:GHHH!!

It tries to bite me

Ash:Dumb fuck.

I grab his head and twist it 360 degrees and rip my gauntlet through his chest.

Ash husk:Gh...Guh...

I drop his lifeless body on the ground.


I look up at the sky and see its red.

Ash:Like a worse earth.

I walk towards the building and stare at the outside

Ash:Always did like putrid things..weirdos...

I step inside and see a husk guarding.

Husk:a she...?

Ash:Eat a dick.

I grab his head and slam it into a wall and kick him to the side. The other husks inside stop what there doing and look at me.

Ash:Leten...where is he.

Husk2:Why....we...tell..meat anything...we eat meat...

Husk3:Codeman things he can get answers out of us...

About 10 husks charge at me the first one pounces at me and I blast him with the gauntlet and use his body like a shield as the others try to attack me I stick a blinding grenade into the dead ones chest and throw it up blinding almost all the infested in the room.

Ash:Hehe simple tricks.

I pull out my warp pistol and gauntlet and start blasting all of them in the room. Only one husk remains and he seems to have got his vision back.


I teleport behind him

Ash:Dont blink you might miss it.

I blast his head out with the gauntlet.

Ash:...they arent talkers are th..

???:Well done.

I here a male voice is it comes from the stairs I see a husk with a mostly eroded face clapping while leaning on the banister

Ash:Im assuming your the boss?

???:Names mason and yes you would be right.

Ash:So "mason" where is leten?

Mason:Fun fact his cordinates are on the computer upstairs

Ash:Your gonna make this difficult arent you

Mason:How about we make a deal?

Ash:How about I just kill you and walk up the stairs?

I blast where his feet were and the stairs collapse in on themselves


He gets up and has the same kind of build as the one I had to throw into space

Mason:How rude. Thought you shells would have some class.


I blast at him about three times the beams hit but they dont do much but his chest seemed to glow when they hit

Mason:Is that all?

He runs in to tackle me and he pins me on the wall and winds his fist back to punch


He swings and I move my face out the and jab him in the head about twice with my gauntlet


He flings me to the floor and on the way down I blast him again

Mason:Just stop trying. This is pathetic.

I point my gauntlet at him.

Ash:Doesnt mean I cant try does it?

I throw up a blinding grenade


I form a lex and shoot both his knees he falls

Mason:..cant see!

I then punch him about 10 times in the chest it glows even brighter now.


He slashs my face at the same time I punch him one more time. He then kicka me off of him

Mason:Nice tactic kid.

He stands up

Mason:What was the going to do to me?

Ash:Hehe you dont see it?


Ash:Your already dead.

I fire a strong blast out the gaunlet blowing him into a wall and his chest bursts open


Ash:*pant* pant*

Mason:Wel...Well played....

He puts his arm up and his whole chest explodes into guts and viscera some of which land on me.

Ash:Call it an educated quess.

I walk up the stairs and see a bunch of terminals


They all seem to speaking of this siege that happening but something caught my eye.

Ash:A cruiser? Leaving in..4 hours. Has it been that long...if I can crasg that cruiser..hes not going anywhere......this isnt about the shells anymore this is about me. Call me selfish...But I call it justice.

I look out the window and see a infected corpus command tower.

Ash:and im finally going to have redemption...

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