Disjointed Heart

By BennodasKittens

11.2K 970 662

Chester Bennington, 21, is finally out of the institution where he stayed most of his life. The outside world... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Sixteen

313 32 18
By BennodasKittens

Mike parked his motorbike far away from every other car that was there in a Wednesday morning, surprisingly, there were quite a few.

"Take of your shoes now. The sand under your feet is good." Mike said as he removed his sneakers and shoved them into the backpack that they had taken. Chester copied his acts and cautiously put his feet on the sand for the first time in years.

The morning sun wasn't the worst today, so the sand wasn't too hot. In fact, it was warm and welcoming and Chester giggled at the feeling of the little grains under his sole.

"It's weird." He commented as Mike took his hand and started walking to the deserted place he knew of.

"Do you wanna run?" Mike suddenly spoke and Chester looked at him confused, but before he could reply, he was being dragged by his hand, only being able to steady himself because of the half Asian's body close to his.

The two young men started to laugh as they ran, breathless.

"Are you crazy?" Chester laughed as they came to a stop.

"Crazy for you." He winked and stole a kiss from a smiling Chester.

They walked, still hand in hand, toward the beach shore as the blonde man smiled. The salty water being dragged by the air, as it mixed with the smell of summer still lingering even if fall would make its appearance soon. Mike couldn't help but stare at Chester as he did so, squeezing the other man's hand in his, and Chester looked back at him.

"Sorry, you just seemed... peaceful. That's great."

The blonde man looked at him for a moment before he nodded. It was true that he was feeling better right now than he had felt earlier. He looked around the beach before he squinted his eyes and a smile spread on his face.

"Is that what I think it is?" Chester said, as he pointed at a small kid shovel with a little bucket, it looked as if they had been forgotten there by some family. "Mike, let's build a castle!!"

The half Asian laughed before he nodded. "Let's get settled first, and then we will."

As an answer, Chester only kissed him quickly. "It's going to look awesome, you'll see."

They walked toward the two lost objects, before Mike got their beach towels out and laid them unto the ground. Chester walked toward the sea shore, as he poked his toes in, before he retrieved them, shuddering.

"It's cold." He said, as he came back near his boyfriend.

"It's gonna get hot later, you'll want to get in, you'll see."

Chester sat down on one towel beside Mike and looked at the two objects for a while. "How do we do it?" He asked as his lower lip was jutted in deep thought.

Mike laughed and kissed his lover's cheek before getting up and filling the bucket with the cold water and pouring it all in the sand in front of them.

"Wet sand, that's how we do it." Mike sat down again before he continued. "Now we just have to fill the bucket with the sand and make our castle."

The blonde nodded firmly and with the little shovel, started to gather the sand and put it in the bucket until it was filled and he turned it, forming a bump on the irregular surface.

After picking up water, gathering sand and making details with the little shovel and their hands, the castle was complete and Chester was proud.

Beaming, he hugged Mike and squeezed him tightly. "You're the best, thank you for this." He mumbled softly as he felt the breeze against his skin, messing up his hair.

"It's kinda hot right now, do you wanna get in the water?" The half Asian asked as he kissed his lover's neck softly.

Chester hesitated for a moment before shaking his head. "I'd rather stay here."

"Really? Why? Come on let's swim a little!" Mike tried to convince him as he poked his sides, earning a little giggle from the blonde.

Chester wanted to swim. He wanted so badly, he wanted to feel the water against him, he wanted to let the waves wash him and maybe take all his sorrow with them. But he was too scared. He didn't know how to swim and he wasn't about to admit that to Mike, he was scared of what could happen there, and ashamed of his body. He knew he would seem weird if he went in with a shirt on.

Mike bit his lower lip, knowing that the reason why Chester didn't want to go swimming was because of his scars on his body, and he understood why he was scared to go on the water, but he couldn't keep on living like this, this was unhealthy.

"Listen, Ches... when you told me you wanted to go to the beach, didn't you want to go swimming too?"

The blonde man felt himself blushed as he heard Mike's words, while he avoided his boyfriend's gaze. Of course he had wanted to go swimming, he had fantasized about him and the other man going into the water, splashing some around, kissing while swimming, as Chester's arms would be wrapped around Mike's neck so he would still float-

The tattooed man shook his head, he knew this couldn't happen. As soon as Mike would find out that he couldn't swim, he'd tell him that they needed to go home, or worst, he'd laugh at him, and-

"Ches, please, talk to me." When the blonde man stayed silent, Mike sighed, as he crawled near his lover, before he took his hand in his. "If it's because of your scars, you can keep your shirt on, that's totally alright, I understand."

"It's o-only p-part of it..." Chester finally mumbled under his breath and Mike nodded.

"Tell me what's wrong, then-"


Mike frowned before he put his fingers under the other man's chin, making him look into the his eyes.

"Ches, whatever is happening, you can trust me, okay? You can tell me, I won't judge you, nor laugh at you, nor... whatever it is you're thinking right now."

The older man lowered his head as he closed his eyes, trying to free his hand from Mike's clutch, but his boyfriend only held onto him tighter.

"I'm here for you, Ches..."

"I ... I can't swim." He finally whispered, feeling his face redden as shame overtook him.

"Is that the problem?" Mike asked with a frown, looking at the sea for a second and then back at the blonde man. He was saddened that Chester thought he'd make fun of him for not knowing how to swim. That was not a reason to feel ashamed and the half Asian smiled slightly and hugged the other close to him as he nodded, still blushing with shame.

"That's not a reason to feel ashamed, Ches. We won't go too deep, what do you say? Oh, and I'll hold you all the time!" He asked with a wink and the biggest smile he could muster.

"O-okay." Chester finally caved in with a small grin. 

The half Asian got up and took his shirt off, tossing it into the backpack before stretching his hand out to Chester and pulling his boyfriend to stand up.

The blonde gazed at his boyfriend's chest and gulped as he saw how beautiful and perfect he was. So different from himself. He sighed.

"You can go in with this shirt, I brought an extra one you can use later." Mike said and waited for a response from his lover.


With that, he took his boyfriend by the hand and started towards the sea. Chester slowed his steps until he came to a total stop right as they were about to step into the water.

"What is it, Ches?" Mike asked with a frown.

"I'm scared." He blurted out and gulped.

"Don't be. I'm here." Mike smiled softly and hugged his boyfriend. "Just look at me and it'll be fine. I won't let go of you." The blonde man nodded and hesitantly started to walk into the water with Mike. The two, hand in hand, feeling the salty waves crashing against their skin.

They walked until Chester stopped when the water was hitting right under his shoulders. "This is as deep as I can go." Chester said, a tinge of fear and curiosity in his voice, as if he wanted to go deeper but was too scared to do so. The half Asian nodded and held him close as the light waves hit their shoulders.

"Do you wanna dive?" Chester looked at his boyfriend as if he were insane and Mike only laughed, kissing the other's forehead. "Come on, it'll be only for a second."

"O-okay. Don't let me go." Chester pleaded.

"Of course I won't."

They dove and when the blonde came up again, he could feel the salt on his tongue as droplets of sea water fell into his mouth. He felt somewhat relieved. He had really done it.

He laughed out loud and Mike joined him, his heart swelling with love at the endearing sound.

"I can try to show you how to swim." the half Asian suggested, and Chester gripped himself stronger after his lover. "Without letting you go, don't worry."

The blonde man looked around him... after all, he was already in the water, and he could touch the ground, surely it wouldn't be that bad.

"Okay..." Mike looked at him a little longer and Chester frowned. "What is it?"

The delivery man blinked before he smirked. "Sorry, it's just... you look really sexy with your hair wet like that."

As an answer, Chester let one hand go as he splashed some water into Mike's face, laughing. The other man gasped before he shook his head to get rid of the excess of water before he smiled back at Chester. If the blonde man wasn't scared, Mike would sure get his revenge now... Instead, he slid his hands so they could grab Chester's, before he lowered himself on the water.

"Okay, so what you're going to try to do now, is float a bit on the water, alright? I'm still holding you, so don't worry."

Chester nodded before he took a deep breath, and slowly lifted his feet off of the ground. Panic soon overtook him and he placed them back again, closing his eyes.

"Hey, it's okay, Ches... take your time. I've got you."

The older man took another deep breath, as he repeated the motion of lifting his feet, before he began moving them fast like he had seen people do on TV before, as water splashed around him.

"Okay, great, keep moving your legs, but try to let them stay in the water now."

Chester bit his lower lip as he tried to do what Mike told him, but he felt his body began
to lowered into the water and he felt the water rose to his neck as fear overtook him. Luckily, Mike quickly took him back up, as Chester didn't stop kicking, and soon enough, he started going forward as the half Asian's face lit up with a smile as he took slow steps back so Chester could swim.

"You're doing it!!" Mike said, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by how proud he was of his boyfriend.

Chester gasped when he noticed that Mike was no longer holding him and a feeling of freedom overtook his being, but was soon replaced by panic as he started to splash more water, shaking his head desperately. In a swift motion, Mike caught him and hugged him close.

"Hey, it's okay. You did it!" Mike smiled widely as he looked into his boyfriend's scared eyes.

"I... I did?" The blonde asked unsure.

"Yes! I'm so proud!" Mike beamed and lifted Chester on the water as he widened his eyes and gripped the half Asian's shoulder. He put the blonde down again and kissed him, tasting the salty water on his lips, he couldn't hold back a moan.

Chester looked stunning as the white shirt he was wearing clung to his body, showing all his curves and his wet hair sticking to his forehead really didn't help as well.

"Fuck, you're so beautiful." Mike mumbled into the kiss as he deepened it. He wanted so badly to just feel Chester's body in his hands, but he stopped himself before he could think of that. He knew that the young man still wasn't ready, so he would respect that.

He broke the kiss with a sigh and looked at Chester. He was flustered and breathless as he looked a little shocked at his boyfriend. It was the first time they had kissed like that, so intensely.

"I'm sorry." Mike smiled a little embarrassed, scratching the back of his head with one hand as the other held his boyfriend's waist.

With a smirk and a wink, Chester said, "Don't be, I liked it."

Both men were totally flustered as they looked into one another's eyes.

"Do you want to get out of the water?" Mike asked, still mesmerized by his lover's eyes. When the blonde man nodded, Mike took his hand and when they were about to walk to the shore, Chester screamed and jumped on his boyfriend, clutching him tightly.

"What is it, Ches?" Mike asked desperately, holding his boyfriend protectively.

"Something... I felt something on my leg!" He said and gulped, utterly scared.

"Oh..." Mike thought for a second before laughing lightly. "It must be a fish, Ches. Don't worry." He laughed again and Chester frowned, going back to his original position and gazing at the water below him, now clearly seeing a fish.

"I see it!" He beamed and opened a wide smile. It was the first time he saw a fish in the sea, free from an aquarium.

"It's beautiful, look." Mike commented and they observed the little animal until it disappeared from view and they finally started walking towards the shore.

"When I was looking through Japanese books at the clinic, I came upon an image of a Koi fish... I was so stunned by their colors, I decided right then that I wanted one tattooed on me... It wouldn't have looked great on my calf, so that's why I didn't do one there... and well, for my back... it's not what I want. I'm sure some day, I'll find a perfect place to put it."

Mike smiled at him. "A Koi fish, hm? That's interesting. You know they represent good luck and perseverance?"

Chester snorted. "Right, as if I ever had any luck-"

"Well, I'm lucky to have met you." The half Asian answered while he placed his arm around Chester's back as their bodies bumped together. "And I think you are someone that persevere a lot. In Buddhism, the Koi fish symbolized courage, and Ches... you're the most courageous person I've ever met."

The blonde man blushed at that, even if he didn't think it was true, he still appreciated Mike telling him this. "I'm the lucky one to have met you... You've done so much for me so far, Mike."

The delivery man stopped walking as he looked Chester deep in the eyes.

"Chester... I love you."

We are sorry for not posting last week. Enjoy this chapter and thanks for reading!

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