Chapter Twenty Seven

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The blonde man had held his breath after he had finally stepped into the place. He didn't know if Mark was still asleep, but he wished for it immensely. The bat in his sweaty hands suddenly felt too heavy for him, but at the same time, not heavy enough to knock down the other man, since fear had taken over Chester's body.

He gulped, and tried to see anything in the darkness, fearing opening the lights. He had to do this for Mike.

He waited for some time so his eyes could adjust to his surroundings, and he suddenly wished he could be a cat so he could see perfectly in darkness, this would surely appease him a bit. After a while, he finally understood that he was in a sort of club that seemed to have been closed for a while. There were spider webs everywhere, and most of the furniture was covered with blankets, giving the place an eerie feeling. It also smelled damp and there was dust almost everywhere...

Chester tried to make his way silently between the old furniture as he saw that there was a small stage up the front. He could only guess that Mark was sleeping somewhere backstage, but Mike... Mike could be kept anywhere. Still, he had said that his kidnaper was asleep, so surely they were locked up somewhere in the same room.

The blonde man could only hope that he was making his way in the right direction. He swiftly got up the stairs and walked on the stage to make his way toward the back, and finally saw three doors. Two were shut, and the other was wide open.

So he had two options. He took a deep breath. This was it, finally... He was going to do this, he was going to save his lover. He sure owed that to Mike.

He looked fixedly to one of the doors and something inside of him told him that that was the right one, so he stepped forward and prayed that it was unlocked when he turned the knob.

Fortunately for him, it was and he entered, squinting his eyes at the sudden light. The was a bulb attached to the ceiling by a single string. It was a weak light but it was enough to light up half of the tiny room.

When Chester got used to the brightness, he gasped and dropped the bat the moment he saw a chair under the light and the back of a person's head. He knew it was Mike. He could see his hands tied as well as he was facing his back and there were red marks due to the rough ropes that kept his lover's wrists together.

The noise of the bat hitting the ground made Mike flinch and whimper, and only then Chester noticed he was gagged. He was so scared and the blonde wanted to just cradle him in his arms and walk out with him. Keep him safe.

The blonde recomposed himself and grabbed the bat again, rushing as silently as he could to the half Asian's front.

That was when he saw Mike's state. He led one hand to his mouth to keep himself from sobbing as his eyes filled with water. He closed his eyes and shook his head as if it were going to erase Mike's bruises and cuts, and heal him. It was exactly like he had imagined. His white button-up shirt covered with his own blood, his right eye swollen and bruised as some blood fell over it and ran to his jaw until it dropped to his collar. He had a cut on his upper lip and his cheeks were heavily bruised, with tones of black and purple. He looked so fragile, so hurt, and Chester couldn't protect him from Mark.

"Mike... I'm so sorry." The blonde whispered as he dropped his backpack to the ground along with his bat and kneeled. He held Mike's face and saw as his lover cried as well, his tears wetting the already dried blood and dropping red to his shirt. The half Asian looked desperate as he tried to say something, shaking his head as his expression turned into one of pure fear. Chester sobbed but pulled the gag from his mouth, kissing him before he could say anything. He tasted the blood and the tears, but above all, he tasted Mike, and when they parted, the half Asian looked a little calmer.

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