Chapter Four

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Mike knocked on Chester's door as he bit on his lower lip. It had been a week since he had found the young man freaking out in his bathroom, and he was still worried about him. He had asked Talinda if what he had seen was something normal, and after she had checked his dossier, she had only nodded, not providing him with any more information. It was pretty stupid, he thought, he knew all about patient's confidentiality, but what if something even worst happened next time and Mike didn't know what to do because no one had told him about Chester's condition.

He shook his head before he knocked again. "Chester, it's me, open up, please."

Still no answer. Mike's heart accelerated as the worst case scenario began to form in his head, but the door suddenly opened and the half Asian let out a sigh of relief as he looked at Chester's appearances. The young man was wearing a white tank top with some black joggers, his hair was disheveled and he squinted at Mike with little eyes.

"Sorry to wake you up, but it's nearly 10..."

"It's okay." Chester rubbed his eyes and extended his hand, wanting to get this over with quickly. He didnt like Mikes worried look in his eyes. He wasnt worth anyone's worry, so why did his medication deliverer would?

Mike, on the other hand, couldnt help but be curious about why he was sleeping until now. He was always awake by 10 since he knew he had to take his meds, it made him wonder if something had happened. So he didnt hand Chester the little cup right away, instead, he asked,

"Why were you sleeping until now?" Maybe he had been too straight forward judging by the blonde's reaction. He flinched and started to breath harder. If Mike had provoked a panic attack in him, he'd never forgive himself.

"It's none of your business." Chester said, between his teeth as he extended his hand further, wondering if he shouldn't just pry the paper cup out of Mike's grip. "Give me my meds-"

"I'm just worried about you, Chester. I ... Well, you seem lonely and I wanted to tell you that if you ever needed to talk-"

The blonde man quickly grabbed the pill in the paper cup before he swallowed it dry, not choking on it this time. He opened his mouth for Mike to see, before he threw some money on him and closed the door in his face. Mike sighed as he leaned his head against the door, closing his eyes.

He knew he had perturbed the blonde man, but he only wanted to help him... Mike couldn't just go, now, could he? Maybe Chester's door was unlocked, he thought, as he wrapped his fingers against the door handle.

He took a deep breath and, telling himself that it was for the best, he opened the door harshly and stepped in, looking around and not seeing Chester anywhere.

The blonde man appeared from behind the door. He had been leaning against it and looked paler than usual. His breathing was erratic and irregular, he was looking around, probably looking for somewhere he could lock himself in.

"Chester-" he started, reaching his hand forward but was interrupted.

"What are you doing?! Get out!" Chester seemed desperate; his voice was high pitched as he ran as far as possible from the half Asian man.

"I... I'm... I just wanna help, I wont hurt you." Mike hastily said, not really knowing what to do to calm the other down.

Chester closed his fists and put his arms in front of his body, trying to defend himself. He was frightened. Never had someone invaded his house like this, he had no idea of what to do.

His legs were shaking and he felt like vomiting at any time now. He wanted Mike out! Why did he have to be so nosy and stubborn?

"Chester, I want to help." Mike said more firmly this time and took a few steps. The blonde took steps backwards until he was leaning against his bedroom door.

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