Chapter Twenty Four

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To avoid drama, we changed Chester's mom's name to Margaret. :)


Chester had barely slept that night, as he was so anxious to meet his sister after nine whole years without seeing her face. He just wanted to apologize and he couldn’t stop crying after the call. He didn’t know if he was crying of sadness, anxiety, happiness or all the three together.

After Ryan had gone home, Mike and Chester cuddled in bed, Mike slowly singing calming song to the blonde as the latter cried softly into his chest.

The older man eventually fell asleep and Mike allowed himself to sleep as well, since he had another job interview the next day, agreeing that he wasn’t going to work at the store Mark found them in a few days ago.

Chester woke up at least four times in the middle of the night, scared that everything was a dream, but after seeing Mike with him, he calmed down. The half Asian woke up with him every time and calmed him back to sleep again, patiently speaking to him.

Finally, at 7 am, Chester decided it was time to wake up for good and take a shower. He thought everything up in his head as he slowly washed his hair and body, passing his fingers over his scars, no longer feeling that utter hate and disgust towards them, but instead, remembering each kiss that Mike has showered him with during their first time together. He shuddered. He definitely still didn’t like his scars one little bit, but he had learned, with the help of his boyfriend, to accept them.

The blonde man rehearsed what he would say to his sister and prepared himself mentally for every outcome he could think of - and those were many.

When he got out of the bathroom, without a shirt on, he saw Mike grabbing some fresh clothes from his bag and turning around with a smile as soon as he heard the door click open.

“Hey, baby. How are you feeling?” He threw his clothes onto the mattress and went to hug his lover immediately. “Better?” He asked again as he kissed his brows and his temple, making sure to shower him with affection.

“Yes, better. Even better now that you’re awake.” Chester said and blushed. He would probably never get used to making those comments, but he made them anyway. “Will you come with me today?” Chester asked as he scratched his neck.

Mike looked down and sighed softly, “I can’t, love... I have the job interview, remember?” He reminded his boyfriend in a soft-spoken tone, but seeing his sudden frown made him regret ever saying that. “But you know what? I can cancel it, I’ll try to reschedule-“

“Shh... it’s okay, Mike, really. I’ll be fine on my own and we can go together another day... I really want you to meet Amber.” The blonde shushed the other and kissed his lips. He wanted Mike to go so bad but he couldn’t be so selfish. His lover had been unemployed for too long now and he really needed a new job or things would start to get complicated. He wanted to be a supportive boyfriend and that was why he was putting Mike’s interests above his. “Go take a shower and you can drop me off before going to your interview, is that okay?” He asked, absentmindedly brushing his fingertips over the hair on Mike’s nape.

“Yeah, that’s perfect for me. I’ll be quick.” Mike kissed Chester’s lips one last time before grabbing his clothes again and going into the bathroom.

While his boyfriend was busy in the bathroom, Chester went to his drawer (he had one that Mike had cleared out for him, since he was mostly living at Mike's place right now, he needed to have some place for his clothes and his things, or that's what the half Asian had insisted on anyway) and took a random shirt. He put it on, as he began to get lost in his thoughts upon remembering all the amazing times he had spent with his sister before the disaster had occurred.

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