Chapter One

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It was the half Asian's first day at his new job and he couldn't say he wasn't anxious. In fact, he was very anxious. His boss was very comprehensive and she had given him all the instructions and even wrote it down in case he forgot any, still he couldn't help but feel nervous. First days were always like that. Plus, it was his first time dealing with medications in his life. If he fucked that up, the consequences could be fatal.

He shook his head, grabbed all he needed for his first delivery and read the address two times before taking off with the company's car.

Chester Bennington, he thought, that's an unusual name. I've never met any Chester before. He looked at the crumpled paper once more before entering the building and going up the stairs. He went to door #5 and knocked three times.

He stood there while no one came to the door and he frowned before trying to peak through the peephole to see if anyone was home. Of course, he couldn't see a thing since they weren't made to see into people's home.

"Strange." He was pretty sure Talinda, his boss, had told him that Chester took his medicine every day at 10 in the morning without any interruption.

Maybe Chester had forgotten... or maybe Mike had gotten the time wrong.

No, he hadn't. The half Asian had been listening very well to the instructions given to him to make sure he wouldn't fuck up on his first day. Just as he was about to go back to look for a payphone, the door finally opened. Mike turned around to see it was ajar, and through that space, he could see a young man that looked rather frail as two brown eyes settled unto him.

They looked ... startled.

Mike swallowed before taking a step forward and extending his hand, which caused the other man to step back and cover his face with his fists, closed so tightly that his knuckles turned white. Mike was surprised, he hadn't been warned about any of this and now he was just unsure of what to do or say. But once again, that was his first day and he couldn't possibly fuck up. It wasn't an option.

"Uhm... Chester Bennington?," He asked, trying to ignore the pair of scared eyes that examined him before the man nodded slightly, not once moving his gaze away from the half Asian.

"Who are you?" The blonde asked, his voice low and insecure. He wasn't warned that his previous deliverer got fired, now Mike would have to explain it all.

"I'm Mike, your new deliverer." He stretched his hand out for Chester to shake but the latter only looked at it and gulped, not daring to move an inch.

"Where's Samantha?"

"Oh, hm..." Mike retrieved his hand before he ran it into his hair, not looking at the blonde man anymore. He wasn't sure if he should tell him that she got fired or not. She had been stealing from the Pharmacy for months, but they had only figured it out now and they had fired her right away. Talinda had been quick to warn Mike that if he ever did try anything like that, they'd catch him before he could do too much damage. It wasn't Mike's plan though. He had never taken drugs and he had only been happy to find a steady job after noticing that selling his art wouldn't get him anywhere. And the pay was decent enough. "She... she quit."

"Quit?" Chester asked more to himself than to the man in front of him. "Now I won't have to take her shit..." he mumbled quietly, only realizing that he had said it out loud when Mike gave him an astonished smile.

The half Asian didn't hold back a chuckle when he noticed that Chester, too, didn't like Samantha. He guessed she just wasn't the kind of person that you liked to be around.

"Okay, it's almost ten o'clock, time to take your meds. I was instructed to come here everyday so you'll have to get used to my monkey-butt face," Mike chuckled to himself since Chester didn't even move, "I also have to check if you swallowed the pill." He concluded before handing the purple and white pill to the blonde.

Disjointed Heartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें