Warframe:lost cause(Finished)

By iohawa

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This story follows an ash and how everything changes in his world from his friends his surroundings and his d... More

Chapter 1 Ash's last mission
Chapter 2 reawakened to the new world
Chapter 3 enter arbiters of hexis
Chapter 4 the new world
Chapter 5 a raid?!
Chapter 6 abducted
Chapter 7 Crashed into the Syndicate
Chapter 8 heading to cephalon
Chapter 9 introducing the creators of destruction
Chapter 10 stranded on ceres
Chapter 11 alone and cold
Chapter 12 saving a friend
Chapter 13 waking up in an aftermath
Chapter 14 the upbringing on europa
Chapter 15 Plan to destroy snao
Chapter 16 war on Europa
Chapter 17 war on europa p2
Chapter 18 war on europa p3
Chapter 19 the uncharted planet
Chapter 20 Tough planet
Chapter 21 is he gone?
Chapter 22 on our way!
Chapter 23 the pit
chapter 24 Saryn
Chapter 25 these cages
Chapter 26 judgement
Chapter 27 Hell on earth
Chapter 28 Ghost tera
Chapter 29 the zephyr
Chapter 30 the simulacrum
Chapter 31 all gone to hell
Chapter 32 the simulacrum p2
Chapter 33 the war
Chapter 34 Ash the lost
Chapter 35 onlookers
Chapter 36 no more shells
Chapter 37 leave
Chapter 38 back into society
Chapter 39 Goals
Chapter 40 off to see nasd
Chapter 41 flushed out
Chapter 42 Revenge
Chapter 43 after report
Chapter 44 Lost in a dream
Chapter 45 the lost hero in the same era
Chapter 46 the arbiters bane
Chapter 47 aftershock
Chapter 48 odd ones
Chapter 49 Into the void
Chapter 50 Split mind
Chapter 51 seige
Chapter 52 the red veils rage
Chapter 53 Red veil miserys true intentions!
Chapter 54 unexpected alliance
Chapter 55 intrigued
Chapter 56 45 minutes of misery
Chapter 57 Ashs to ashs
Chapter 58 the trials ahead.
Chapter 59 weaponry!
Chapter 60 Basic steps.
Chapter 61 the orginal husk
Chapter 62 plans in motion
63 glitch in the system
Chapter 64 strike the heart
Chapter 65 Unspeakable terror/Chapter 66 Peace
Chapter 67 outpost
Chapter 68 Time to deal some vengence
Chapter 69 broken heart
Chapter 70 the strange man
Chapter 71 Marked
Chapyer 72 No lives are special
Chapter 73 Let me explain myself
Chapter 74 Reunions
Chapter 75 Beliefs
Chapter 76 Rathuum
chapter 77 the spoils
Chapter 78 Eternal
Chapter 79 the new world
Chapter 80 Operation Takeover
Chapter 81 Redemption
Chapter 82 the sattelite
Chapter 83 reawakened
Chapter 84 Hunters
Chapter 85 intial
Chapter 86 Drifter
Chapter 87 Apocalypse
Chapter 88 A warning
Chapter 89 A terror to all rogues
Chapter 90 The infested planet
Chapter 91 Father
Chapter 92 The shell janus
Chapter 93 rested up
Chapter 94 the mutants evolved
Chapter 95 The hybrid type
Chapter 96 the second raid
chapter 97 defection
chapter 98 awake again
Chapter 99 a fellow exile
Chapter 100 The genocide of a nation
Chapter 101 the neo
Chapter 102 rerisen
Chapter 103 Ctrl
Chapter 104 Lio virgo
Chapter 106 answers
chapter 107 Where?
Chapter 108 The shaken universe p1
Chapter 109 The shaken universe p2
Chapter 109-2 imperfection
Chapter 110 the shaken universe p3
Chapter 111 the shaken universe p4
Chapter 112 there entitlement
chapter 113 Heirarchy.
Chapter 114 endebted
Chapter 115 end goal
Chapter 116 Nightime menace
a quick note
Chapter 117 death means no more betrayal
Chapter 118 a rescue mission for centuries
Chapter 119 another
chapter 120 fortress sent down
Chapter 121 The others
Chapter 112 Plan annhilation
123 the ashs of dera
Chapter 124 The army of many.
Chapter 125 the raid to come
Chapter 126 the means to and end
Chapter 127 the means to an end p2
Chapter 128 the means to an end p3
Chapter 129 the means to an end p4
the means to an end p5
Chapter 131 the time after.
Chapter 132 the time after p2.
Chapter 133 time after p3
Chapter 134 The new world we started
Chapter 135 the new world we started p2
Chapter 136 the new world we started p3
Chapter 137 the world we started p4
Chapter 138 Epilogue

Chapter 105 overlord

18 1 2
By iohawa


I see tyst fast asleep.

Ash:ghh I guess we made it.


Seoul is in the other corner and polishing his gear.

Ash:I seem all healed up.

Seoul:Same here. Musta done somethin to heal me you must have regenrated.

Ash:Wheres lio?

Seoul:Hell im still trying to figure out when we woke up.

I look at the terminal and see it doesnt have a clock.

Ash:Well thats a bit silly....

Seoul:A super shell huh...

Im assuming hes refering to ruckus

Ash:Yeah...a montser.

Seoul:I wonder if they killed him.

Ash:Wait you didnt seal the deal?!

Seoul:What the fuck im not some super soldier.

Ash:I mean we are warfram...

Seoul:Im not some kind of power freak smug ass. If we stayed any longer we would have been corpses.

Ash:....Wonder what hes going to report.

Seoul:Cant track us here due to that null right?

Ash:Howd you..?

Seoul:Im an engineer remember? Picked up on that trick a bit ago was gonna use it to escape.

Ash:......just sittin here...waiting...for or leader huh?

Seoul:What you got other plans?

Ash:I wanna wound these shells. More then just blowing up some facility. I wanna deal with them...I want to hurt them bad.

Seoul:Just wait. Someones gonna have something in store for them eventually.

We sit in silence for a bit. Hearing gun shots in the far distance.

Seoul:Thems those shadows?

Ash:Yeah..most likely. Probably just rampaging. Cant see how they would get off the planet dont seem too intelligent. And they arent Eveywhere im assuming the grineer are somewhat handling them. Actually random I know but I thought you had some people to tend to and you were leaving.

Seoul:...i really wanted too. But to accept reaility unless these shells are dealt with no matter what I do he wont be safe anyways. Even if hes with me whats to stop a shell from blasting off my door? Nothin...not a single god damned thing.

Ash:There actually is one thing I want to do..

I walk out the cave.

Seoul:Where you headed?

Ash:Just watch tyst. Ill be back some time.

I look around for one of the pods I know she left I find one and head off to space

Ash:Next stop the steel meridan.

I float around for a bit and see the entrance bay just as I remember it.

???:Identify yourself!

Ash:Hey guys!

???:It cant be...

They let me pull into the the station. I come out my pod and look around.

Ash:Well who was taking?

I see a female warframe walk out of a mount turrent to my right shes limping towards me as her left leg has prosetitcs on it so she can walk

???:Your....alive......oh my god your alive...

She hugs me.

Ash:Mag...never thought id see you again...

Mag:Its been a long time..surely thought they would have got your ass by now..

Ash:It surely isnt for the lack of trying.

Mag:Its been so long since the last time ive seen you.

Ash:What do you do now. Surely cant fight like that.

Mag:Im mostly posted up on that fuckin turrent..or doing maintence its not fuckin fun but someone has to do it.

She seems to look around confused.


Mag:Wheres frost?

Ash:Oh...im not sure. Havent seen him in awhile either.

She looks at me and seems to notice the exile symbol on my chest.

Mag:Your a..

Ash:Yeah...didnt choose this but its better to what happened to most of the others that were on that sattelite

Mag:Yeah...blown out the fuckin sky. Well either way im happy to have you here.

Ash:What happened to the other warframe that was here. Somethin with a g right?

Mag:Kia. Some infested got him on a mission.


???:Oh woah.

I turn and see the banshee.


Banshee:Still survivin huh? Did you ever choose a faction?

Ash:Hehe...I guess not.

Banshee:Strange. You must be pretty tough.

Ash:Can I see clem x actually.

Mag:What why?

Ash:I want him to now something. We heard rumors of some kind of raid happening tomorrow on earth.

???:Is that so?

I see him walking towards us.

Mag:What are you doing out your room?

Clem x:Wanted to see what all the comotion was about.

Ash:You heard me right.

Clem x:Yes.

Ash:The infested said they would be raiding the shells on earth.

Banshee:There both going to be there?

Ash:Yes My group is going in to destroy choice buildings. Im wondering if you would like to be involved.

Clem x:Boy. I wish we could.

Mag:Why not commander?

Clem x:If we dont finish them off here and they win. We would suffer a terrible fate. We should let the infested attack and deal with the then weakened cephalon. I do support what your doing ash but I cannot help you with this.

Ash:I see...understood.

Clem x:Give em hell.

Ash:Yeah. I sure will.

Clem x:Actually before you go. If your up for it I do have a task involving the shells.

Ash:Im listening.

Clem x:a pod that came off the sattelite crashed into eris.

Ash:A second pod?

Clem x:It left before the first it seemed the infested pods melded with it and smashed it into there planet.

Ash:why are you telling me this.

Clem x:Because something was on that ship. Some kind of energy or weapon. When that ship was melding with the other it started glowing. Something happened inside and I want to know what.

Ash:You dont think it hasnt been taken?

Clem x:leten rule over eris is weak. He left to other buisness they just shamble around and feast on the dead. If anything landed it would still be there.

He hands me two force spector pods and a map of the area.


Clem x:Dont do it alone.

Banshee:Can I go?


Clem x:?

Banshee:Ive never been to an infested planet. I want to study it.

Clem x:No. Your too uneducated to go. You would most surely die.

Banshee:Ive killed a she..

Clem x:You knocked out a shell yes. A single shell not a hoard of mutant infested.


Ash:Well...Ill see you guys when I get back then.

They all wave and I head back into space to go to eris

Ash:Im not going to lie I always wanted to go there atleast once.

I start flying towards the planet. I see growths and such coming off of it but I do see a tiny feint glow.

Ash:thats...not it?

I look at the map and see its not on this side of the planet.

Ash:So what the fuck is that?

It flickers a few more times and then disappears.


I float around to the side it says he crashed over here. I float my archwing down and land on one of the infested branchs.

Ash:Jesus...this place is gross.

It just slimey and there fetid corpus bodies everywhere


I look at the map and it says the crash isnt far from here.

Ash:Egh...I gotta walk in that.

I touch down to the floor and form a corinith



I see a warframe plastered to a wall

Ash:holy shit.

I touch the wrap with my gun and it starts melting.

Ash:corrisive. Oh my god your melting under that...

Its a gara only thing i can really see is her head and her face is kinda melty as well.


I can see the eye under her helmet.

Ash:Oh my god.....im sorry I dont think anyone can help you now.

I use silence.

Ash:But I can do this for you.

I look away and blast her in the head. I look back and see she isnt struggling anymore.

Ash:.....Rest in peace.

I keep walking around and see so many fetid corpses lying around.

Ash:It should be ar..




Ash:Why does that voice sound familiar!

I run into the room and see a 8 foot mutant holding up lio attempting to eat her it has two pairs of arm and she using the second pair to try to break lio in half


I jump on the creatures back and form a heat sword and lodge it into its neck.


It drops lio and goes to slam down on her I teleport twice to move her.

Lio:What the fuck are you doing here?!

Ash:I could ask you the same.


I look up at the mutant and see it still kinda looks like what im assuming is a corpus. Its jaw is unhinged and its body grew and it does have some growths on it but it still looks relatively..fresh.


It rushs at us and both dodge to the side and fire bullets into its sides.


It flaps its second pair of arms backwards


It slaps me backwards and I roll through a door.


I look up and see an infested mutant above me.



I touch its leg

Gauntlet:Infested enemy acknowledged adjusted.


I punch it it the stomach and it starts convulsing I grab its head and shove the gaunlet it its mouth

Ash:Your gonna feel this.

I fire the blast in its mouth and he starts vibrating and his head explodes

Ash:Im puttin you out of your misery.

I look back into the other room. With the big mutant lio has pulled its head down.


I run up and punch it in the side it flys into the window but the window doesnt break since its covered in infested stuff.

Mutant:Gh...Grh...nasd...honey help...


Out of instinct i jump ontop of the mutant and start punching it with the gauntlet




I punch a hole in her chest


It arms close around me.


Lio fires an opticor splitting the mutant in half it drops me


It hits the floor and I punt it into a wall.


Ash:Whats wrong?! Dont want to talk now?!


It suddenly springs up standing with its arms and starts running away


Lio grabs me with a ripline and outs me in a chokehold.



The mutant spews acid behind it and it crawls to a corpse and starts devouring it.


I form a ogris with my free hand and it hit blowing it into a wall and it starts crawling further away.


Lio:Just breathe.


She lets me go.

Lio:That name a triggerword?

Ash:Yeh..sort of. Anyways.....i came here to check on a second pod.

Lio:Same...did you follow me?

Ash:no came on my own accord. But came to see what was in that pod right?

Lio:Yes why?

Ash:You do that..

I see the monster crawling away in the distance.

Ash:Im gonna get answers.

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