Promised - The Pact book 2 (C...

By lostroses

45.1K 1.8K 1.7K

Wedding bells for Scömìche! Follow their adventures after The Pact in snapshots featuring Avi, Kevin and Kirs... More

After the party
Little things mean the most
Baby boy - pt. 1
Baby boy - pt. 2
Words and music - pt.1
Words and music - pt.2
Can't deny you - pt 1
Can't deny you - pt 2
Family time
Prepping for the big one
Reloaded - on the road
PTX Fanfic Awards 2018!!
Not just a pretty face
Every life I live, I'll always take your hand - pt 1
Every life I live, I'll always take your hand - pt 2
It was always you
Biggest, gayest wedding inspirations
It was always you - pt 2

Christmas Promises

1.6K 69 130
By lostroses

Hello loves, Happy Holidays! 🎄

Since there is so much negativity and sadness in the world, even at Christmas, let me offer you a gift you didn't ask for, but you'll love to get! (hopefully)

The Christmas Tour looked and sounded wonderful. Endless kudos to Kirstin, performing with a fractured ankle and still flawless of voice and beautiful of face. That's true strength and professionalism. 👏🏾💖

Really hoping for Europe and rest of the world dates in 2019 - I mean, between PTX and SF and Avriel, surely it's time to end the 4 year drought??

Yes, that's OG PTX up there, because they're my story and I like it. No disrespect to Matt. Look at Scotty's beautiful wave tho 🌊

Here we have Scott and Mitch reconnecting with Avi, Kevin and Kirstin. Thanks to my GC babes for fun discussions, and to BettyIsMoody and tiffanyskals who both contributed to visuals!

If you spot the Christmas song references you get a point and a 🍪

Although Scott never admitted it out loud, he missed the old Christmas routine. Pentatonix were at the top of their game when it came to the holidays. They'd kick off with the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade, and then it was TV specials and holiday songs and Christmas tour right up until Christmas Eve. It was busy and exciting and fun. December had been a lot quieter since they'd all gone off to do their own projects.

The coming year would be different, and he was looking forward to it immensely.

He sprawled on the couch with his phone and looked out at the ocean, deciding what to tweet. Mitch wasn't around to stop him, so why not?

@scotthoying: always so nostalgic this time of year #tbt (That's Christmas to Me video)

@hotsforhoying: always a fave! will you do another xmas song sometime? bc we neeeeeed it

@scotthoying: ;-)

@hotsforhoying: omg omg omg yes please!

@Scott_to_trot: pleASE DO

PTX had several albums climbing the Billboard holiday charts as usual, but this time they were going to do more. They were all keen to sing together again after the success of featuring on Scott's latest album. The biggest problem was timing.

Mitch's shoot was due to finish in time for him to join in with the holiday plans. Kirstie had a break between shows, but Kevin needed to take leave from his work. Avi was reluctant to leave Saskia to cope with their three lively children alone for too long.

In the end though, Esther managed to find a window for them all to rehearse and then record special appearances for daytime and evening television. Scott gave silent thanks that their unique alchemy still allowed them to find their groove almost from the first phrase. Scott and Avi devised challenging and intricate arrangements to show off the very best from each singer.

"I am very glad you took on that bass line," he said to Avi. "I sure couldn't manage it, I swear you get deeper every year."

"That's what she said!" Mitch winked and both Kevin and Avi laughed while Kirstie frowned instead.

"Come on, Kit, you can laugh, we won't judge."

She scoffed. "Really. Well someone has to be professional around here." She tossed her hair dramatically.

"Ouch, that was low." Kevin came over and gathered her into a big hug that lifted her off the ground.

"Put me down this instant."

"Not until you laugh, you know you want to." He started to spin with her secure in his arms, until she flailed and screamed.

"No - it wasn't even that funny - stop!"

Kevin put her down and shouted, "Group hug, pile in guys."

Soon Kirstie was in the middle of a crush of arms and bodies, swaying and singing All I want for Christmas is you with Kirstie instead of baby in the chorus. She added some whistle notes, and that led to a whistle note battle between her and Mitch.

Scott riffed wildly while slurring all his words together, Kevin sang in falsetto, and Avi dropped it an octave. They all ended up breathless, holding on to each other for support while Kirstie cry-laughed with Mitch.

Scott sprawled on a chair drinking water. He looked around at the happy faces and the years fell away. It was just the five of them together again, goofing off and working hard. They were five artists painting on one canvas and he loved each one; Kevin's wisdom, Kirstie's positive energy, Avi's loyalty. And of course there was Mitch, first among equals and first in his heart.

"Hello, earth to Scott."


The man himself was waving a hand in his face. Black and white diamonds glittered on his third finger. "Come on, we can manage another run-through before lunch."

Scott saw Avi and Kevin exchange a knowing look. Heart-eyes Hoying had been caught dreaming again, and he didn't care. At least Kevin didn't have to sneak around to get his Scömìche photo any more.

Scott stretched until his back popped and then exhaled. "Okay, let's get back to it because I'm starving."

Before their first performance Scott swallowed against the lump in his throat when Kevin said a prayer in their huddle. It always grounded him, taking him way back to a group of teenagers in a talent show, trying to control their nervous excitement and do their best.

Candice styled them perfectly in festive red and gold, the microphone balance was spot-on, and their voices were in sync from the first note to the last. Scott was more than happy.

After singing they squashed onto Tyler Oakley's couch while he recited their considerable accomplishments.

"I've followed your careers as PTX and solo artists from the very beginning. And now you're featured on Scott's new album as well as releasing a compilation of your biggest holiday hits called "That's the Very Best of Christmas To Me." How does it feel to be sharing the stage again?"

Kirstie answered, "It feels like coming home, doesn't it guys? After all the shows we've done together and separately, there's still something about Christmas music that is so special to us."

"We did argue over what to include," Avi said. 'We all had our own favourites."

"I bet the fans had a say too."

"Yeah, we ran a poll on Twitter just for fun."

"And did that help?"

Scott shook his head while they all laughed. "Not at all! Every track had its supporters, from the very first PTXmas EP onwards. But we had to narrow it down so if your fave didn't make it, we're sorry." He flashed a bright smile at the camera.

Tyler held up the CD and said, "You can stream or buy the older albums as well as this one, which has all my personal faves so I'm more than satisfied." He kissed the CD and grinned at the audience laughter. "Merry Christmas, happy holidays to me! Pentatonix, everyone."

After the taping was over they all retired to their hotel rooms. The next day was set to be a long one, starting with a breakfast radio show appearance followed by press. Rest was vital because the years only showed when they were tired. Scott snuggled his boy and kissed his shoulder until he fell asleep.

Two days later they appeared on The Tonight Show. Jimmy Fallon cracked jokes and sang with them before they took the stage. As they took a bow at the end of another faultless set, Scott paused to appreciate the perfection of this moment. Dressed in white and gold, hearing the roar of the crowd and Jimmy's applause, bathed in light; that was how he would remember PTX.

Even when he was old, he'd have these memories to bring him joy. And he hoped he'd still have Mitch by his side to reminisce about their glory days. He blinked and smiled, and as they walked off stage he reached for Mitch's hand and held on while their mikes were taken care of.

"Scott? What are you-"

"Shh." He squeezed Mitch's hand, hidden from sight with an ease borne of repetition. They navigated backstage and out to their waiting cars, and Scott never let go.

That evening was another one for the memory banks. Esther had secured a private room at one of their favourite restaurants. Champagne and cocktails flowed along with the conversation. Crew members, Scott's tour manager Neal, Candice and Nicole, friends such as Will, Austin, Mario and significant others occupied two long tables.

Even the waiting staff absorbed the joyful energy of the room, agreeing to pose for selfies and singing along with just a little persuasion. Mitch flirted with the male servers while Avi and Scott flirted with all the servers, sending them away blushing and smiling.

Scott was finishing his tiramisu when Kirstie stood up and Kevin banged on the table for quiet.

"I'm not usually one for speeches," she said, looking round at everyone. "Scott normally hogs the microphone."

"Hey, not true!" he protested, pushing his seat back.

"Take a seat, Scott. I'm talking now." Whoops and cheers rang out, and he sat down with a shrug and a smile.

"Thank you. This is a wonderful way to mark a successful Christmas season. I know it's much less than we used to do, but somehow it means more." She paused. "It means more because in the last two years we've reconnected and brought our PTX family closer. We've seen two members get particularly close-"

More cheering drowned out her words. Mitch blew Scott a kiss from his position seated on Avi's lap. Scott felt his cheeks grow hot but he couldn't help the grin that spread over his face, even when the shouting started.

"Get it Mitchy!"

"Hashtag Scömìche forever!"

"Heart-eyes strikes again!"

"Get a room!"

Kevin banged on the table again and shouted, "Settle down, let the lady give her speech."

"Thanks Kev. As I was saying, our PTX family is closer than ever. We're here because all of you supported us, kept us safe, called us out on bullshit and kept us working. I can't thank you enough." She wiped her eyes and raised a glass. "To everyone here, I love you and wish you every happiness."

She sat down to more applause, whistling and stamping of feet. Scott blew kisses and cheered loudest of all.

More champagne flowed as guests swapped seats to start new conversations. Their new Christmas album played and Scott circulated, talking to everyone. He made his way towards Mitch, who was somehow sitting on Avi's lap again whispering in his ear, one arm thrown around his neck.

Scott tapped Mitch on the shoulder and he looked up, eyes sparkling.

"Hi!" he said brightly. "Just chatting with my gorgeous number two here." He kissed Avi's cheek.

"He's very affectionate," Avi said. "I warmed him up for ya."

"Avriel, that's my husband you're talking about." Scott folded his arms and tried to look stern. He knew he'd failed when Avi's booming laugh filled the room.

"Ooh, I can feel that." Mitch raised a brow, then closed his eyes and smiled. "He vibrates," he said in a stage whisper.

Mitch burst into laughter that turned into hysterics, attracting amused looks from the whole table.

Avi wrapped an arm around him to stop him falling off his knee. "Told you he was warmed up."

"Okay kissy boy, my turn." Scott pulled Mitch to his feet and enclosed him in a tight embrace.

"Get a room, I said!"

He couldn't identify the voice, but Mitch calmed down and wiped his eyes.

"Is it time to take you home?"

Mitch shook his head. "I'm good, I swear. More people I need to speak to, bye." He pecked Scott's cheek and backed away. As soon as Mitch was free Nicole grabbed him, so Scott sat down next to Avi.

"D'you wanna sit on my lap as well?"

"In your dreams, Avriel."

Avi chuckled. "That too."

"What a great night though. I feel like I could burst from happiness."

"Please don't. Think of the cleaning bill."

"Always so practical, just like a real dad."

"That's what I am. I wish Sas was here though." Avi smiled. "She'd have loved to meet everyone tonight, though she's not a fan of LA generally."

"I'd love to see her again, and the kids too."

Avi leaned closer and lowered his voice. "And are you gonna be a real dad someday?"

Surprised by the question, Scott glanced around, spotting Mitch holding court on the far side of the room. He threw back his head and laughed, the musical tone easy to hear through the background noise.

There it was again; the bright image of Mitch stroking soft baby hair and rocking a child to sleep with a lullaby. Scott lingered at the edge of his dream, heart overflowing with love for his little family-



"I thought I broke you. I'll take that as a yes." Avi patted his arm and they smiled at the shared secret.

"I hope so. Soon."

Avi gasped. "We don't use that word. Remember when we put it on tee shirts?"

Scott did remember. "Don't tempt me. Maybe not soon, soon, but we'll start making enquiries next year. It all takes time so..." He shrugged, knowing that a long road lay ahead of them.

"Don't worry. You're a natural and you'll be great. Even princess over there who believes he's not cut out for it, he's gonna be fine."

"Thanks Av."

"You can always ask me for advice. Anyway, time for me to head out. Early flight tomorrow."

They both stood and Scott relaxed into Avi's arms. He wondered as always how the shorter man could give such a big embrace that Scott immediately felt safe.

"It's been fantastic singing together, being together with everyone."

Scott nodded. "Let's do it again."

Avi started making the goodbye rounds and hugging everyone in turn. That triggered a general exodus as people went home or on to bars, according to age and schedule.

"Open bar at our place," Scott shouted. "Be there or be square."

An hour later, about twenty close friends wandered around the penthouse living area or slouched on the couches. Music played and the half-moon hung low over the ocean. A tall Christmas tree twinkled in the corner, lending a magical air. Scott stood at the table with Mario, opening champagne.

"You should sing this," Candice called out. "Baby It's Cold Outside was meant for you two."

"Isn't that kinda problematic though?" Esther said, squinting at her white wine.

"Well, depends on your viewpoint," Kevin replied. "It was originally written for a husband and wife to sing at their Christmas party, so-"

"So it's perfect for us. I'll be wifey, of course." Mitch dragged Scott away from his conversation and over to the piano.

Scott muttered about being interrupted but he didn't really mind, and soon had the music cued up.

"Now we all know I'm with Scott, so no judgement about a song written like seventy years ago." Mitch flicked a dismissive wrist at the audience and winked at Esther.

"Actually it was 1944."

"Kevin always knows. Here goes."

Sitting on stools facing each other Scott and Mitch began their duet. Scott stumbled over some of the words despite the prompt on his phone. How could he not when faced with coy smiles and batted lashes. Somehow the little minx managed to bite his lip while singing perfectly. They bowed to the applause of their amused audience and Scott vowed to get his revenge later.

They sang more songs and opened more champagne, and the fun continued until one by one their guests said good night and left them alone. They collected glasses and bottles, sipped water, and fluffed pillows. It was all very domestic and sweet, and Scott let his mind wander into thoughts of streaming numbers and whether he should tweet or leave it because it was well past midnight.

Mitch's voice cut into Scott's thoughts. "Babe, we didn't hang any mistletoe."

"No, but we don't really need it do we?"

"I don't know." Mitch stood by a couch, examining his manicure. "Have I had any kisses lately, apart from the one Avi gave me? I don't think so. Now Avi, he was very nice to me. Gave me hugs and a little kiss right here." He pointed to the corner of his mouth and nodded.

Scott tilted his head. He shook a pillow and dropped it on the couch. "Did he now."

Mitch nodded again, eyes wide and innocent, then dragged his thumb along his lower lip. "He did. But I need more."

"Do you now."

"Yes Daddy, I do."

Scott didn't know where to look. From swaying hips to long fingers trailing over a thigh, a wicked smile framed by deep dimples and sparkling eyes, he was lost even before he adjusted his rapidly tightening pants. Mitch was his kryptonite.

He strolled over to Mitch and stood very close, sniffing his cologne. He leaned in so that their lips almost touched and dropped his voice.

"Well then angel, maybe you should get ready for your special present."

"Oh," Mitch sighed. "Oh I've been very good, Daddy."

Scott nuzzled into Mitch's neck until he sighed again, and murmured against his skin. "I was kinda hoping for naughty."

Mitch chuckled, deep and unexpected. He ran his hands over Scott's butt and pulled their hips together. "Me too."

Scott gave as good as he got, pressing forward and letting his hands wander everywhere. It felt so good to be bad.

He whispered, "Naughty boys get Santa squeezing into their chimney to empty his sack."

Mitch's eye roll was epic and Scott had to laugh. "Call me Daddy, get dad jokes."

"Let's hope you didn't just ruin the mood." He sashayed past with a deliberate sway to his hips that kept Scott's eyes glued to his ass. Safe to say he was still very much in the mood.

By the time Scott emerged from the bathroom, Mitch was lying in their bed with a sheet pulled up to his chin, and candles flickered around the room. Soft music played. He grinned when Mitch squinted at him before propping himself on his elbows.

"What the actual fuck Scott?"

Scott posed with hands on hips, biting his lip to keep from laughing out loud. "I thought it was appropriate, or was I wrong?"

Mitch shook his head slowly. "Maybe I should do it again, just to make sure—"

"All in good time." Scott adjusted himself inside the boxers, printed on the front with a candy cane and the words I licked it so it's mine.

"It seems I owe you some kisses."

Mitch hummed and his gaze roamed Scott's body before settling on his face, and the mood shifted. "You better find some mistletoe," he purred, one brow arched.

Scott looked around the bedroom, then at the ceiling, and finally the headboard. He dropped his tone. "Should I take a closer look?"

Instead of answering, Mitch shuffled lower on the bed and raised his arms. The sheet pooled around his waist. "I'm not telling you what to do, mio amore. I'd say it's not hard but..." He stretched and sighed. "That's not true."

Scott crawled over Mitch, appreciating the lean lines of his torso, until he was able to leave a kiss on parted lips. He scattered kisses on his neck, collarbones and chest. He toyed with a nipple, sucking lightly then harder until Mitch gasped.

"That's - that's not it."

"Then the search continues."

More kisses were placed on Mitch's inner arms and flat abs. Scott kept the pace deliberately slow, dipping his tongue into his navel and moving on to his V lines, pulling the sheet away as he went.

"Did you get enough kisses yet?"

"Did you find the mistletoe yet?" Mitch sounded almost amused, but the tilt of his hips gave him away.

"I think I'm getting close." He palmed Mitch then, drawing a moan that sparked in his balls and clouded his brain. He dragged off the sheet and sat up to enjoy the view. His breath caught.

"Baby boy. You're gorgeous."

The red lace band of Mitch's briefs sat very low on his hips. His arousal was barely covered by a silky green pouch embroidered with leaves and berries. Scott traced the words with his fingertip, feeling heated flesh and listening to Mitch sigh. His own briefs were well past tight to uncomfortable, and all he wanted was to strip them both bare and own every inch of skin displayed for him.

"Kiss me under the mistletoe." He licked his lips and glanced at Mitch, desire clear in his hooded eyes and parted lips. "I can do that." He dived right in, nuzzling, licking and sucking until the briefs were wet and Mitch writhed under his touch.

Pulling the briefs aside, Scott worked his boy expertly, bringing him up to the edge and backing off, his ears filled with pleas that sent fire racing in his veins.

Scott slipped his briefs off. He'd enjoy Mitch staking his claim as the motto suggested, but not tonight. By the time he was done, Mitch was ready on hands and knees and giving him a different view.

Scott meant to laugh, but it came out as a growl, dark and low. "You're kidding me."

The briefs were backless, and two tiny golden bells sat in the centre of the lace waistband. Mitch wiggled slowly, the bells tinkled, and Scott burned with wanting.

"Daddy, please." Mitch dipped his head low, presenting his butt. He looked over his shoulder and whispered, "Jingle my bells."

Scott didn't need telling twice. He used his mouth and hands, probed and teased until all he heard was begging and sweet desperation.

"Scopami ora, papi," Mitch gasped.

"Right now," he answered, and sank deep in a single thrust.

Giving Mitch only two snatched breaths to adjust, he drove forward. The soft ring of the little bells was soon drowned out by their own incoherent sounds. Mitch collapsed onto his forearms, and the change in angle had him wailing with pleasure at each thrust. Scott only stroked him three times and he exploded with a high-pitched cry that shattered the air as Scott powered on.

Then it was Scott's turn. He pulled Mitch's shuddering body against him and sped up to chase his release, coming in waves that rippled through his entire body. Shaking and light headed, stars bursting behind his eyelids, Scott eventually flopped down next to his baby, breathless and spent.

He searched around blindly for Mitch's hand and squeezed it. They lay on their backs, trying to regulate their breathing.

He couldn't resist saying the words that had played on his mind for days.

"And that's how you make the yuletide gay."

Mitch groaned but not in a good way. "Oh my God." He covered his face with his free hand. "Oh my God. I don't even know what to say to that."

Scott snickered. "You were the one who told me to jingle your bells."

"You know what? Just as soon as I regain the use of my legs, I'm gonna show you how I jingle that bell. But first, let's clean up. They're digging into my back."

Some time later Scott spooned his boy, legs tangled together. He kissed his neck and shoulder, rejoicing in the warmth of Mitch nestled against him. "Happy Christmas, angel. You're my favourite thing, like ever."

Mitch turned over so that they were face to face. He closed the tiny distance with little kisses to Scott's nose and cheeks, but Scott pouted when his lips went unkissed.

"What's that amore, want more kisses? But there's no mistletoe." Mitch shook his head with a sly smile.

Scott made a noise of displeasure. "Don't need it anyway." He wanted Christmas kisses from his baby; he could never get enough.

Mitch pushed back the pouty lip and stroked his cheek. "You're such a man-child, and I love that about you."


Scott's words were lost in a kiss that left him breathless and drowning in emotion.

"Ti amo per sempre tesoro." I love you always, darling.

"Ti amo, Mitchy."

Words were inadequate to explain how he felt. So Scott resorted to song, not for the first time, and sang It was always you softly while he held his precious boy close. In a few days they were heading back to Texas for a Grassi-Hoying family Christmas that promised to be special, and after that a vacation hidden away in Anguilla would allow them to unwind fully.

But just for now it was the two of them, trading bad Christmas puns and sharing the love of a lifetime. Scott really was the luckiest.


So how was that? 🎄✨

If the puns made you groan or smile, my job is done. The underwear mentioned actually exists - feel free to google - incognito, for science. 😏

Take a look at the things you wanted from 2018. You might want to persevere next year or you might want to move on to a new goal. Whatever you decide on, give it 100%.

Give yourself kind words and encouragement, you need and deserve them. You are here for a reason and if you keep an open heart, you will find out what that purpose is. Meantime try to let the bad stuff go and hold on to the good. It's there, even if it's hidden away.

FreyaOdin summed up my life philosophy in four words: don't be a d*ck. Be good to people, including you.

And - stay flawless, always! 💖✨

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