The Moonlit Series

By GalacticTRex

107K 3.7K 507

Book One: Lord Nerd (Logan Anderson) Book Two: So This Is Why We Kissed (Shelby Anderson) Book 2.5: What You... More

Lord Nerd
Chapter One: Happy Birthday Nerd
Chapter Two: Run for the Hills
Chapter Three: What Did You Say?
Chapter Four: Rogue Conversation
Chapter Five: She is What?
Chapter Six: Running with the Wolves
Chapter Seven: Shuffling Papers
Chapter Eight: A Cheesy Smile
Chapter Nine: Dinner at My Place
Chapter Ten: Elvis Has Left the Building
Chapter Eleven: A Walk in the Park
Chapter Twelve: What Happened in the Hallway
Chapter Thirteen: The Thing About Friends
Chapter Fourteen: With the Help of King Henry VIII
Chapter Fifteen: The Forest
Chapter Sixteen: Sugar
Chapter Seventeen: My Milkshake
Chapter Eighteen: I'm Yelling "Timber!"
Chapter Nineteen: Facts Can't Always Help You
Chapter Twenty: Daric + Red Star = Running
Chapter Twenty-One: Charging into Battle
Chapter Twenty-Two: When Your Feet Take Control
Chapter Twenty-Three: Like Archimedes and the Bathtub
Ad: What's Next?
Chapter Twenty-Four: How to Get Out of the Closet
Chapter Twenty-Five: Black and White
Chapter Twenty-Six: It's an Alpha/Beta Conversation & I Gamma Do Whatever I Want
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Pack Meet Luna Luna Meet Pack
Bonus Chapter: Amanda's POV
FUN FACTS!!!! (4)
So This Is Why We Kissed
One: Shelby
Two: Carter
Three: Shelby
Four: Carter
Five: Shelby
Six: Carter
Seven: Shelby
Eight: Carter
Nine: Shelby
Ten: Carter+
Eleven: Shelby
Twelve: Carter
Thirteen: Shelby+
Fourteen: Carter
Fifteen: Shelby
Fun Facts!!! (2)
what you don't see
C H A P T E R | O N E
C H A P T E R | T W O
C H A P T E R | T H R E E
C H A P T E R | F O U R
C H A P T E R | F I V E
Dare You To Love Me
Prologue: The Wedding
Chpt. 1: Pine Needles and Lavender
Chpt. 2: Punched. Again.
Chpt. 3: Save It for the Morning After
Chpt. 4: Remember What Happened
Chpt. 5: What Do You Think?
Chpt. 6: Patrol With the Most
Chpt. 8: Ask Logan
Chpt. 9: Together
Chpt. 10: Sun Kissed Jealousy
Chpt. 11: Mi Casa es Su Casa
Chpt. 12: Dinner for Two
Chpt. 13: Journal Like a Pro
Chpt. 14: Bubble Baths Aren't Always Romantic
Chpt. 15: This is Dizzying
Chpt. 16: Everything Will Be Okay
FUN FACTS!!!! (1)

Chpt. 7: I Got Your Solution Right Here

68 4 1
By GalacticTRex

A/N: Sorry guys. It's been so long, but I don't know where my creativity went! Maybe will all my homework.

Comment on anything for any reason, good, bad, random!

~Pip Pip Da Doodly Doo~


Daric's POV:

I have decided that today is the day. I am going to win my mate back. I know she is friends with my sister and will be hanging out at the house a lot. So, last night I went to my apartment. I got it soon out of high school. I just... needed to be alone. But, a few weeks back, my parents go worried and asked me to move back in with them. They also made me join an art class hoping it would help me. I'm not sure how much that has really helped.

Okay, back on track. I stayed at my apartment last night and a lot of today to give her some room. I don't actually know if she's been over there, but... it's the thought that counts

That isn't how you use that saying. Maximilian comments. It doesn't make sense.

Why do you always have to interrupt me with you dumb, annoying comments? I growl back.

Why do you always have to say dumb, annoying things that don't make sense?

Okay, so I talked with Carter again for a little bit, and he mentioned that it would be a good idea to bring lavender and pine needles with me when I talk to Jo again. Yeah, it's kinda weird. I don't know why I should, but who am I to argue?

Tonight, I have a plan.That is why I pull up to Gretel's Floral Stop. Gretel is wolf in our pack. She went to college for business or something like that. When she came back she worked for a few years to save up for this shop. Now, at 28 she has the most popular flower shop in town. She has all types of flowers, almost anything you could be looking for.

I open the door and the bell jingles. Gretel is by a shelf arranging some flowers when she looks up at me with a smile.

"Hey Daric, how are the old parents?" She walk up to me. The scent of flowers floats around with her. I'm not sure how I can tell since you have to swim through the scent when walking in the shop.

I shrug. "Same as always. Since the rogues have been dealt with, everything has gone back to normal."

She nods. "Yeah, things were pretty hairy there for a while, hu?" I can tell she is uncomfortable mentioning rogues around me. Everyone is. I can't help but be annoyed. "So," She claps her hands. "What can I do you for?"

I scratch the back of my neck. "You don't happen to have any Lavender, do you?"

"Yep, sure do." She make and arch with her arm as she turns. "Follow me."

I walk behind her as we make it to the back corner of the store. There, she helps me pick out a dozen or so stems of blooms. I pay for them and leave.

When I leave, I quickly mindlink Shelby to find out if Jo is at the Alpha house. She isn't, so I head there. When I get home, I careful place the lavender on my bed not wanted anything to happen to them. I then head down stairs, into the kitchen, and out the back door. The forest out back has pine trees littering around it. I walk purposefully into the trees and keep my eyes open as I look around for a pine tree. I find one quickly and run to it. I then proceed to scrutinize it for 20 to 30 minutes for the perfectly foliaged branches.

With my arms full of branches, I race back home and into my bedroom. I then proceed to arrange the needles and flowers into a bouquet.

It's not working out too well.

I hear a knock on the door.

"Yes?" I shout.

Mom opens the door with a brow raised. "Is there something wrong?"

I smile sheepishly. "I'm just having trouble with something."

She looks at the plants in front of me. "Care to explain?"

I shrug. "Art Class?" I try.

She gives me the I'm-your-mother-so-no-BS face.

I sigh. "It's for my mate."

"So you found her?" She walks in and sits next to me on the bed.

I bite my lip. "Yeah?"

"And why didn't you tell me?" She narrows.

"Things are kinda complicated right now. That's why I'm doing this." I point to the pine and lavender.

She sighs. "I want to meet your mate soon, Daric." She gives me a pointed look.

I beam at her. "Of course." I don't want to get into the fact that already has met her. Many times. I turn back to my bouquet in the making with a puzzled look. How do I do this correctly?

"Would you like me to help?" Mom looks at me.

I nod my head. "Yes, please." I say relieved.

She chuckles as she puts everything in place. "Okay, can you get my some ribbon or twine? There is some in the kitchen."

I nod my head and rush down stairs. I don't find any ribbon, but I find the tan twine and scamper back up the stairs to give it to my mother. She takes it from me and wraps everything up.

I smile. "Thanks Mom." I gently take the bundle from her. I don't want any to happen to this. It looks almost as perfect as Jo.

She turns to look at me. "No problem. It's what a mom is for." She turns back to leave, but stops at the last second to look at me. "Oh, and dinner will be ready soon. If you didn't notice when you sprinted down stairs, there is spaghetti casserole in the oven."

"Okay, Mom, but I'll probably leave before then."

Mom gives me a knowing smile. "Okay."

I can't wait until I see Jo next.


Johanna's POV:

Today is it. It's the last day of my built-in take-back week. And, I don't know what I want to happen. Not that that will seem to matter soon. It seems like I already know. The day is almost over, and there has been no sign of him. As time ticks by, my heart pounds faster. What do I want?

I mean, he is my mate, so of course I want to be with him. It is built into my DNA -- or something like that. I want to love him. I want him to love me. My wolf wants to love his. She wants him to love her. His wolf wants to love her.

Does Daric want to love me?

If he doesn't, I don't want him to even try. It will just hurt to have hope only to have it ripped away. These past few days have been so confusing. I don't know what he wants, and that makes me want to rip out my hair!

Right now, to try to distract me, I am out with the gang -- Willow, Flynn, Shelby, and Carter -- at Willow's more a movie night. Half way through Sherlock Holmes -- I got to choose the movie so Robert Downey Jr. -- the doorbell rings.

"Hey, Anna," Shelby calls from Carter's side. "You can grab the door."

"What?" I gasp. "It's RDJ and Willow's humble abode."

"I gotta pee, so..." Willow stands and scurries to the hallway leading to the powder room.

They are acting a little suspicious, but I chuckle it off as I walk to the door. Willow can be a bit odd, but you gotta love her. I step up to the front door. After I throw open the lock and twist the doorknob, I feel little sparks and crackles.

It's him. It's Daric.

I swallow and close my eyes. It's okay Johanna, you can do this. But what does he want?

Just open the door and find out. Sophie grumbles.

I take a deep breath and let it out before swinging open the door. Daric stands there with a hand behind his back. His other is scratching the back of his neck... nervously? That's weird. Lavender and pine needles flood into my nasal cavity and into my lungs.

"Um, hey Johanna." he smirks. No, that's not right. It's not a smirk, but a small smile.

"Hey..." I respond stiffly.

"There um..." He clears his throat, and confidence seems to fill him. "There is something I want to talk to you about."

"Okay, what is it?"

He pulls his arm from around his back. In his hand is a bouquet of bright green pine branches and calm purple lavender buds. My breath stops as I stare at him flabbergasted. "I don't accept your rejection. I want you to take it back."

I am frozen for a second, then two, then three. As the seconds slip by, Daric's smile does, too. It is his now worried expression that wakes me up.

"But How- Why- Whe- What?" I look into his eyes.

"Jo, I want you to be my mate." I blush at his nickname for me, and it only deepens ass he went on. "And I want you to take back you rejection."

Should I? Can I trust him?

Yes! Now be with our mate! Sophie squeals at me.

Still in shock, all I can manage is a nod.

A million watt smile split his lips as he pulls me against his chest. His hands are secured behind my back. He nestles his head into my neck and kisses the side of my neck. Sparks fly through my body at all of the contact between us.

"Thank you." He mutters against my skin. I shiver as his lips graze my skin.

His words were filled with so much relief, hope and... love. I can't help but smile and hug him back. He pulls back a minute later to plant a kiss on my lips. Luckily, it is a modest one. I have never been into PDA and I don't want to be a part of it. However, I have a feeling my friends scurried into the kitchen knowing I would need a little privacy. I don't know if I should be mad at them or not. They knew he was coming.

"I have a few questions." I poke his chest. He looks back at me with his clear blue eyes. "But, I'll hold myself back to one for now. How did you know to get me pine needles and lavender?"


We ended up finishing the movie (yay!), and Daric had his arm wrapped around me the whole time (double yay!). It seems kind of weird to be so excited about it, and it seems weird that I didn't get hot or uncomfortable or anything, but, well, it was. When the film was over, Shelby and Carter decided to head out. There was an intention to watch another movie, but Daric showed up and defeated the purpose of the movie night.

Daric stands and stretches his arms. His shirt rises just above the top of his jean so a sliver of skin is shown. My eyes can't help but zone in on the band of skin. It's a hint of what lays underneath. He then reaches his hand out to me. I gently place mine in his larger one. He pulls me to my feet right in front of him.

"Will you come to my place?" Daric asks, not removing my hand from his.

"Um..." Does he expect us to do- to do that now? I can't! We've sorta only been together for like an hour! I know we're mates and all-

"I just want to talk." Daric rushes once he sees my face. "I want to be alone with you and get to know you more. We can stay there for five minutes or an hour. Whenever you want to leave, you can."

I bite my lip as I think about it.

What is there to think about? Sophie asks.

"Okay," my voice is soft unsure.

Daric's face lights up. "Great!" He leans forward and places a soft kiss to my cheek. He then leads me out the door, and to his car.


Daric's POV:

After talking in the living room for a while, we somehow end up sitting on my bed. Jo is in between my lags with her back resting against my chest. My back is against the headrest. Our legs are out in front of us and tangled together. She just fits perfectly against me, and I love it.

I am holding her hand playing with her fingers. My hand is twice the size of her tiny, cool, soft one. I drop my head to her shoulder and place my nose at the place where her neck and shoulder meet. I take a deep breath.

"You know, you smell amazing." I mutters as I plant a small kiss under her ear.

"Oh yeah?" I can her the smile in her voice. "And what do I smell like?" She whispers.

I don't even have to think about it. I have had her unique smell memorized since the first time I smelled it.

"Fresh water-" I start.

"Fresh water?" Jo laughs cutting me off.

"Shh, I wasn't done." My lips graze the soft exposed skin of her shoulder making my lips tingle. "You also smell like sweet apples." I take another deep breath. "I wonder if you taste like them, too."

I can't stop myself from running my tongue up the base of her neck to her delicate jaw. I'm not sure if she tastes like she smells, but her skin tastes amazing. I feel her shiver under my touch.

"Ew, don't do that." She pushes my head away.

I laugh deeply. "Okay, okay, so what do I smell like?" I want to know my unique smell is to her. I bet it is amazingly sexy.

"Well, pine needles and..." she trails off.

"And what?" I want to know.

I notice blush color her cream cheeks. What's this about? "Lavender," she whispers.

I pout. "A flower! You're lying." That's not true.

She laughs. Laughs! "I'm not, but don't worry. Lavender is naturally a very calming scent-"

"So." I cut her off. What does this have to do with anything? A mate's scent is supposed to be calming

"Let me finish." She turns around to poke my cheek with her index finger. "It may be a flower, but it is spicy and manly."

"Sure." I grumble. But it's still a flower.

"And..." What is she getting at now?. "... sexy."

A smirk plasters my face. I like that. I knew I had a sexy scent.

"Oh, it is?" I grip her small waist tightly and flip us on the bed.

Now, she is lying under me, and I lying over her holding my weight on my elbows. I lean down staring at her rosy lips. My eyes flutter close as my lips touch hers.

I pull back after a few seconds of pressing my lips to hers. "I guess that explains why I was told to bring pine needles and Lavender when I came to woo you wholly."

Jo's face splits into a beautiful smile, and her musical laugh fills the room. "What is with the syntax? Been reading up on those romance novels, have you?"

I narrow my eyes playfully at her. "I'll show you romance." I lean down looking at her lips. Her eyes zero back into my slightly parted lips. I begin to smirk as my hands shoot out and attack her sides.

Jo screams in surprise and soon drowns in laughter. Her arms and legs flail until her heel catches my chin.

"Ow, damn girl..." I groan as I roll away from her.

Jo gasps. "Oh gosh! I'm sorry." She scampers around the bed to look at me in the face. When she comes into my view, I see her biting her lip. "I guess karma really is a bitch." A smirk a appears.

I growl playfully and try to lunge at her. She dodges with a squeal. She runs out of the room and into the kitchen before I can wrap my arms around her waist.

"Caught'chya." I whisper into her ear.

She chuckles softly. "Oh, the hunt." She blinks rapidly for a second and her face scrunches. "Oo."

"What is it?" I ask worried.

She shakes her head. "Nothing, I just got tired. What time is it?"

I look to the stove's clock. The little red numbers blink the time. "It's like 1:40." I tell her.

"Holy Smokes!" He eyes bug. "It's late!"

I chuckle at her outburst. "Ready for me to take you home?" She nods her head. "Oh, but before we go, I have a question."

"Okay," she turns in my arms to look me in the eyes.

I scratch the back of my neck, a nervous habit. "Will you go on a date with me?"

She smirks at me. "And if I say no?"

I see the true answer in her eyes, but I play along. "I guess I'll just have to kidnap you."

"That won't be good." She shakes her head.


"You'll be arrested."

"Oh, we can't have that, now can we?" I tighten my hold on her and smile.

"Oo, no we can't." She wraps her arms around my neck. "I guess I'll have to take you up on that date then." She slowly smiles.



I bend down enough to peck her lips before we head out.


A/N: Okay, so I guess you guys don't like contests in comments (I know I'm wasting my br-... fingers? but how can I make them better?). I will try again though. Also, be happy I don't demand comments/votes for posts. You guys would never see the end of anything I write.

Chapter Quiz!! Choose A, B, or C. I'm not going to say what each is, but this VERY IMPORTANT if you want me to continue to write. Unless, well you like me not writing for months. I personally hate it when authors do that and I hate even more when I do it.

Vote if you like the chapter, story or if you just want to eat some chocolate cake ('cause I do!)

Leave your suggestion, too!

~Pip Pip Da Doodly Doo~

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